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1. which channel shows a movie starring Clint Eastwood?

Answer : The channel that shows a movie starring Clint Eastwood is TBS

2. What hours are included in the listing?

Answer : From 06:00 to 11:00

3. What movie listed is given four stars?

Answer : In Cold Blood movie

4. What time can we watch a baseball game?

Answer : at 07:30 to 10:00

5. How many news program are shown at 11:00 p.m?

Answer : There are six news program shown at 11:00 p.m

6. What is the title of the movie to be shown on TNT at 08:00?

Answer : The title is True Confessions

7. What is the title of the oldest movie to be shown?

Answer : The title is Copacabana (1947)

8. How many channels have numbers? Names?

Answer : There are fifteen channels with numbers and sixteen channels with names

9. Which channels show more movies,the numbered or the named?

Answer : The named channels shows more movies than the numbered channels.

10. Which channel has spanish languange program?

Answer : The channel is Channel 27

 Write three more question about this tv listing.

1. What time can we watch National Geographic?

2. How many movie listed are given three stars?

3. Which channel shows a movie called Superman?

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