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Video 3 Expert School Online Elen Fernandes

Video Class 03 – Periféricos de entrada

Video class 03 -



How much you understand??? – Quanto você entende???? ___________

Hi. My name is Tina. I'm from the United States and the question is did you enjoy student life?
Yes. Yes, I did enjoy student life. It was my first opportunity to be out of my parent's house and I had way too
much fun. I lived with great people. I had a lot of excellent experiences. I was involved in a couple things in
school. I worked. I went to the gym. I went to sporting events and it was a fantastic time for me.

Click in the link and Listen to the text Beginner



How much you understand??? – Quanto você entende???? ___________


Dai: So, Naomi, so you're from Wales and you're eleven. So what does an eleven-year-old girl do for fun in
Naomi: I do music. I play the piano and and the violin.
Dai: How long have you played the piano for?
Naomi: Since I was about eight.
Dai: Eight. And what about the violin?
Naomi: About the same?
Dai: OK, and what kind of level are you at now, then, at the piano?
Naomi: I just passed my grade three.
Dai: Oh, congratulations. So that's grade three of ... what is that?
Naomi: Of ... you have different levels.
Dai: OK. And it starts at grade ...?
Naomi: One. And it gets harder.
Dai: Up till ... what's the highest grade you can get?
Naomi: Eight.
Dai: Oh, grade eight. So, you're a grade three now. So I guess the next one you're gonna do is grade four?
Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: OK, and so what do you have to do? What kind of testis it?
Naomi: You learn three pieces.
Dai: Three pieces of music.
Naomi: Yeah. And you have to play them and you have do some singing.
Dai: Oh, really?
Naomi: Yeah. And some ...
Dai: Is that like sight reading? You look at the script and you have to sing the notes or ... ?
Naomi: No, somebody plays a tune for you and you have to sing it, exactly the same tune that they played,
and there'ssight reading where you have to look at the page and then play it on the piano.
Video 3 Expert School Online Elen Fernandes

Dai: Oh, wow. Is that hard?

Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: Yeah. I can imagine. So often ... how much to you practice the piano then?
Naomi: It probably should be once a day, but I normally do it three times a week - about that.
Dai: OK. And you enjoy it then?
Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: OK. Great. And, you play the violin too?
Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: Yeah, is that fun?
Naomi: Sort of. It's not as fun as the piano.
Dai: OK. And do you do any other things in your spare time?
Naomi: I do Guides and swimming.
Dai: Guides?
Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: What's Guides?
Naomi: It's like a group of girls and they do activities and everything and they meet each week to do
Dai: Like what kind of activities do you do?
Naomi: Well, you can go camping sometimes, and you just do activities like sometimes you do sports and
outside activities and lots of things.
Dai: Oh, is it like, kind of like the Cub Scouts for the boys?
Naomi: Yes.
Dai: OK, so you have to wear a uniform?
Naomi: Yes.
Dai: OK, can you explain the uniform for me?
Naomi: It's sort of this dark blue and you can either wear jeans or joggers or these trousers.
Dai: Joggers? What are joggers?
Naomi: Trousers that you wear for sports.
Dai: Oh, for like jogging. Oh, OK. well, sounds like you have ... you do a lot of fun things in your spare time.
Naomi: Yeah.
Dai: OK, well, it was very nice to talk to you and good luck with your piano and your violin.
Naomi: Thank you.


WRITE DOWN ALL THE NEW VOCABULARY YOU LEARNT - Escreva aqui todos os vocabulários novos

Video 3 Expert School Online Elen Fernandes






Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the words in the box

hello - no – stop - yes – goodbye

You say _______, I say _______

You say _______ and I say go go go, oh no
You say _______ and I say _______
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello!
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello!

why – hello – goodbye – low – high

I say _______,
you say _______
You say _______ and I say I don't know, oh no
You say _______ and I say _______
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello!

yes – stop – no – hello – goodbye

You say _______, I say _______

You say _______ and I say go go go

Oh no, you say _______ and I say _______

Hello hello
Video 3 Expert School Online Elen Fernandes

I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello

Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello!





Someone Like You Adele

1) Complete with the words in the box:

Friend – face - now – me -

but – nothing - hurts

I heard that you're settled down

That you found a girl and you're married ...........................................
I heard that your dreams came true
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you

Old ..............................., why are you so shy?

Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
............................ I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it

I had hoped you'd see my .........................

And that you'd be reminded
That for ................... it isn't over
Video 3 Expert School Online Elen Fernandes

Never mind, I'll find someone like you

I wish .................................... but the best for you two
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said:
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it .............................. instead"

2) Choose the right word:

Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah

You'd know/now how the time flies

Only yesterday was the time/line of our lives
We were born and raised in a summer haze/maze
Bound by the surprise of our/your glory days

I hate/late to turn up out of the blue uninvited

But I couldn't stay/say away, I couldn't fight
I had hoped you'd see/me my face
And that you'd be/he reminded
That for me it isn't over

3) Number according you listen to:

( ) I remember you said:
(1 ) Nevermind, I'll find someone like you
( ) I wish nothing but the best for you two
( ) "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"
( ) Don't forget me, I beg

( ) This would taste

( )Nothing compares, no worries or cares
( ) Who would have known how bitter-sweet
( ) Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made

4) Match:

a) Nevermind, I'll find someone

b) I wish nothing but
c) Don't forget me,
d) I remember
e) "Sometimes it lasts in love, but

( ) the best for you

( ) like you
( ) you said:
( ) I beg
( ) sometimes it hurts instead"
Video 3 Expert School Online Elen Fernandes


Find a nice song you like.

Listen and write all the new vocabularies here.

Watch Video 03 AGAIN link -

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