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Copyright Susan M. Whitlock

MATERIALS: White (001) - or color of your choice - size 10 - Knit-Cro-Sheen, #7

steel crochet hook.

RND 1: Work in continuous rnds, not joining, but marking each rnd as you work. Ch 2,

3 sc and 3 hdc in 2nd ch from hook.

RND 2: 1 sc in each of next 3 sc, 1 hdc in each of next 3 hdc.

RND 3: 2 sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 hdc in each of next 3 hdc.

RND 4: This will be a "Bump" rnd. "1 sc, {ch-2 and 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook [ch-2

bump]},1 sc in the same st as the first sc" in each of next 6 sc; then "1 hdc, {ch-2 and 1 sc

in 2nd ch from hook [ch-2 bump]}, 1 hdc in the same st as the first hdc" in each of next 6

RND 5: Keeping the bumps to the right side of the work and making sure not to put any

stitches into the bumps, work 1 sc in each sc and hdc around to the marker. (24 sc)

RND 6: 1 sc in each of next 2 sc, ch-2 sc in 2nd ch from hook {bump}, 1 sc in the same

sc as the last sc, around to the marker. (12 bumps)

RND 7: Keeping the bumps to the right side of the work and making sure not to any

stitches into the bumps, work 1 sc in each sc around to the marker. (36 sc)


in each of next 36 sc.

ROW 9: Repeat 8.

ROW 10: Repeat 8.

ROW 11: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each of next 35 sc, 2 sc in last sc.

ROW 12: Ch 1, turn, 2 sc in the first sc, 1 sc in each sc across.

ROW 13: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc and then 1 sc dec up to the last sc, 2 sc in the last sc.

ROW 14: Ch 1, turn, 2 sc in the first sc, 1 sc and then 1 sc dec up to the last sc, 2 sc in

the last sc.

ROW 15: Repeat 13

ROW 16: Ch 1, 2 sc in the first sc, 1 sc and then 1 sc dec across.

ROW 17: Repeat 14

ROW 18: Repeat 14

ROW 19: Repeat 13

ROW 20: Repeat 12

ROW 21: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc and then 1 sc dec across.

ROW 22: 2 sc dec's 1 sc.

ROW 23: 1 sc dec, 1 sc. Break off and turn the last row to the inside. Roll the end like

a shell would be and tack in place then weave any loose ends in so they don't show. Stuff

and shape.

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