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‫‪2/20/2021‬‬ ‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‪،‬روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‪ -‬اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬

‫آ‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫ّ‬

‫‪/‬‬ ‫آ‬

‫ہ‬ ‫آزادى‪ -‬ا‬ ‫ن‪،‬روم اورا م‬

‫‪April 16, 2019 /‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫۔‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬

‫‪:‬‬ ‫٭‬
‫۔‬ ‫)‪(Holiness‬‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪1/13‬‬
2/20/2021 ‫ اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬-‫روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‬،‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‬

ً ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫ء‬
‫۔آ‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔آ‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ (Superstition) ‫۔‬
‫آ‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ، ‫۔‬

‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
Aristarchus of) ‫۔‬
‫آ‬ ً ‫۔‬ 270 ‫۔‬ (Samos
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ (Heliocentric)
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ (Ptolemy) ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ (Geocentric)

(Nicaea) ‫ء‬325 ‫آ‬ ‫آ‬

(337-280) ‫۔‬
17 ‫۔‬ (1984) ‫۔‬
: ً ‫آ‬
There was no further scope for cosmology in the model, which continued to be taught and
.(used almost everywhere until the 17th century (18/1013

‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬

‫آ‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ 2/13
2/20/2021 ‫ اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬-‫روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‬،‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‬

‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬

‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬

‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ۱۴۵۰ ۲۶۰
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫آ‬ ‫۔‬
ٗ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ٗ
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬
ٰ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
( ۸ ۴۰۵ ۴۰۶) ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬
، ،
The) (Baron Carra de Vaux) ‫آ۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ Legacy of Islam) 1931
‫۔‬ (Pupils of the Greeks)
(Transmitter) ‫آ‬ “
‫آ‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬

‫آ‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫آ ۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
616 (Archimedes)
‫ ۔‬J.M.Roberts, History of the World, p. 238 ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ، 3/13
‫‪2/20/2021‬‬ ‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‪،‬روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‪ -‬اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬

‫آ‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬

‫‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫)‪(Eleusinian Mysteries‬‬ ‫)‪(Aeschylas‬‬
‫)‪EB-‬‬ ‫۔‬ ‫“ ”‬
‫ٔ‬ ‫)‪(Socrates‬‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫آ۔‬ ‫‪399‬‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬

‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬
‫)‪( ۱۹۸۴‬‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫ٗ‬ ‫۔‬
‫آ‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫؟‬
‫۔‬ ‫ء‬ ‫۔ ء‬
‫)‪(Pope Sylvester II‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬
‫۔‬ ‫‪1003 ،‬ء‬ ‫۔ ‪945‬ء‬
‫)‪(Barcelona‬‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔ )‪EB-‬‬ ‫‪1003 12‬ء‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫آ‬ ‫‪70‬‬ ‫“‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫ء‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬
‫آ‬ ‫۔‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪4/13‬‬
‫‪2/20/2021‬‬ ‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‪،‬روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‪ -‬اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬

‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫ء‬ ‫۔‬
‫ء‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫ء‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫آ‬
‫)‪(۱۹۸۴‬‬ ‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫آ‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫ٗ‬
‫آ۔‬ ‫آ‬
‫آ‬ ‫۔‬ ‫آ‬
‫۔‬ ‫آ‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬ ‫”‬ ‫“‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬

‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫آ‬
‫ً‬ ‫۔‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬
‫(‬ ‫۔”)‬
‫۔‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫۔‬
‫۔‬ ‫ً‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪5/13‬‬
2/20/2021 ‫ اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬-‫روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‬،‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‬

‫آ‬ ‫۔‬

   


‫؟‬ ‫ﷺ‬ ؒ - ‫ء‬

March 24, 2016 April 11, 2019
" " In " " In December 16, 2017
" " In

, ‫آ‬ : . April 16, 2019 in

‫؟‬ ‫آ‬
‫؟‬ ‫؟‬ ‫؟‬

‫؟‬ ← → ‫آ‬ 6/13
2/20/2021 ‫ اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬-‫روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‬،‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‬

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2/20/2021 ‫ اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬-‫روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‬،‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‬

[epistemology] ِ





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(11) ‫آ‬ 8/13
‫‪2/20/2021‬‬ ‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‪،‬روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‪ -‬اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬

‫)‪(103‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫)‪(25‬‬ ‫آ‬

‫)‪(8‬‬ ‫آ‬




‫)‪(14‬‬ ‫ء‪/‬‬








‫)‪(8‬‬ ‫ِ‬



‫)‪(8‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫)‪(15‬‬ ‫ِ‬




‫‪‬‬ ‫‪9/13‬‬
‫‪2/20/2021‬‬ ‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‪،‬روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‪ -‬اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬




‫)‪(21‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫)‪(8‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬

‫)‪(29‬‬ ‫ِ‬

‫)‪(8‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬

‫)‪(14‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫)‪(29‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫)‪(22‬‬ ‫ِ‬

‫)‪(20‬‬ ‫ِ‬

‫)‪(29‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫)‪(48‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫)‪(25‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫( )‪(16‬‬ ‫)‬



‫)‪(29‬‬ ‫ِ‬




‫‪‬‬ ‫‪10/13‬‬
‫‪2/20/2021‬‬ ‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‪،‬روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‪ -‬اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬



‫)‪(29‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫)‪(18‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫)‪(3‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫)‪(8‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬

‫آ )‪(90‬‬
‫آ )‪(14‬‬

‫آ )‪(9‬‬

‫)‪(12‬‬ ‫آ‬

‫)‪(17‬‬ ‫آ‬

‫)‪(2‬‬ ‫آ ‪-‬‬

‫آ )‪(17‬‬ ‫ٔ‬
‫)‪(3‬‬ ‫ء‬

‫)‪(2‬‬ ‫ء‬

‫آ )‪(8‬‬


‫)‪(11‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬






‫‪‬‬ ‫‪11/13‬‬
2/20/2021 ‫ اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬-‫روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‬،‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‬







‫۔‬ ؓ 9 ‫ﷺ‬


ِ ،

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Tags 12/13
2/20/2021 ‫ اﯾﮏ ﺟﺎﺋزه | اﻟﺣﺎد ﺟدﯾد ﮐﺎ ﻋﻠﻣﯽ ﻣﺣﺎﮐﻣہ‬-‫روم اوراﺳﻼم ﻣﯾں ﺳﺎﺋﻧﺳﯽ ﺗﺣﻘﯾﻖ ﮐﯽ آزادی‬،‫ﻗدﯾم ﯾوﻧﺎن‬

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Hadith rejector AnsweringtothemithoforiginalsourcesofQuran Atheism Authority of Hadith

Capitalism Everythingforsale HistoryofIslam Historyofphilosphy Ilhad islamandscience Islamic
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‫آ‬ ‫آ‬ ‫ء‬


‫۔‬ 13/13

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