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Mega Review

Period 1- 1491:

 Pre-Columbus era
 Native American tribes
 Maize
 Nomads—once cultivation became a thing, these people settled down
 Matriarchy/Matriarchal
 Communal
 Settled mostly near water—permanent tribes
 Had advanced complex society before European arrival

Columbian Exchange:

 Trade
 New World—maize, llamas, alpacas, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, tobacco, syphilis
 Old World- small pox, horses, rice, wheat

Effects of Columbian Exchange:

 Population growth in the old world

 Feudalism changes to capitalism—land to be acquired in the world (they can trade
 Population decline in the New World amongst Native Americans
 Bartolome de las casas- friendlier relations to natives, wanted to Christianize them—
shows white superiority
 Juan Gines de Sepulveda- less friendlier relationship with natives, savages
 Encomienda System


 Jamestown: founded in 1607, first permanent settlement in America, founded for

economic reasons, John Rolfe cultivated tobacco, “starving time” saved by tobacco, John
Smith “work or die” policy, Pocahontas married John Rolfe, founded by the Virginia
Company (stock company).
 Southern Colonies:
- Slaves (1619)—came to new world bc natives rebelled and they were dying
- Plantations
- Agriculture
- Staple crops: rice, indigo, tobacco, and cotton
- Single Men; primarily settling for economic reasons
- Political institutions: Virginia House of Burgesses; most influential was rich plantation
owners; self-governed
- Catholic Refuge for people of Maryland
 Middle Colonies
- Breadbasket
- Diversity of ethnicities and religion
- Quakers—gave women more rights
- Few Jews in the middle colonies
 New England
- Shipbuilding; whaling; merchants; shipping
- Small Farming
- Squanto teaches them
- Families
- Puritans religious freedoms/escape persecution
- Mayflower Compact—self governing document
- Strict religious theocracy
- Towns were closer together due to the lack of plantations
- Like minded homogenous communities
 Benign/Salutary Neglect—describes the relationship between British and colonists
 Mercantilism—All trading benefits the home country
 Navigation Acts- spell out the rules for beneficiary trade for the British

Period 3: 1754

 French & Indian War (British v. French Indian)

- Territory= Ohio river valley
- Albany Plan- produces first political cartoon “join or die”; Ben Franklin
- Result of War: French kicked mostly out of North America, Increase amount of taxation
against the American colonies
 1760s
- Proclamation of 1763 Colonist could not move Ohio River Valley
- Pontiac Rebellion occurred in Ohio area Natives started attacking Americans
- Stamp Act
- Quartering Act
- Sugar Act
- Acts were used to increase taxation without representation
- Colonists did not pay that much taxes, but the problem was that they were not
represented British responded by saying that they were virtually represented
 1770s
- Boston Tea Party—dumped tea into the Boston harbor
- Tea Act- lowered the price of tea, stopped smuggling
- Intolerable Acts- punished the colonist for the Boston tea party, only act designed to
punish colonists
- Townshend Acts—Tax imported goods like glass and lead
- Boston Massacre- British Soldiers killed 5 Americans (Crispus Attucks black man that
died) colonists used this as a form of propaganda
- Declaration of Independence- Written by Thomas Jefferson; Grievances; Based on
enlightenment ideas of John Locke (changed from property because not everyone
owned land)
- Olive Branch Petition—last ditch effort for the colonists to reconcile with the British king
- Lexington and Concord Battles—Happens before the declaration of independence,
- Common Sense—Thomas Paine
- Saratoga- Turning point of the Revolutionary War (French joined the side of the
- Second Continental Congress organized war preparations
- First Continental Congress met in response to the Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts
 1780s
- Yorktown—Last battle of the Revolutionary War
- Treaty of Paris--- GB recognized the independence of America
- Articles of Confederation: Northwest Territory (established how a territory would
become a state; public education; outlawed slavery in these areas; kept American
together), most power given to states, weak central gov., no raising of military, no tax
on interstate commerce, causes Shay’s rebellion, need to revise the articles of
- Constitutional Convention: Scraps the articles of confederation, strong federal
government, popular sovereignty, checks & balances, separation of powers,
republicanism, main author of constitution is James Madison, Great Compromise (New
Jersey and Virginia Plans- Senate has equal representation and House based on Virginia
Plan; 3/5 compromise for slaves; outlaw the slave trade in 20 years)
- Bill of Rights (Anti-federalists)- Madison and Jefferson; protects individual liberties of
 1790s
- George Washington
- Farwell Address Warns against parties and entangling alliances
- Whiskey Rebellion
- Created the cabinet
- Isolationist
- Proclamation of Neutrality
- Development of Political Parties: Democratic Republicans (Thomas Jefferson; strict
interpretation of the constitution, famers/lower classes), Federalists (Alexander
Hamilton- wanted national bank, tariffs, repay off national debt by accumulating all
state debts, loose interpretation of constitution- elastic clause; wealthy elites)
- John Adams
- XYZ Affair- Quasi War with France and heightened tensions
- Alien and Seditions Act (harder to become citizen- target Jefferson supporters; and
could not openly challenge the government)
- Abigail Adams—“Remember the Ladies”
- Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions- written by Thomas Jefferson; states could nullify laws
if they want to)
- Pinckney’s Treaty—get control of the Mississippi River
- Jay’s Treaty- avoided war between America and Britain; they were supposed to move
out of American land

1800- Period 4

 Election of Thomas Jefferson (Revolution of 1800 because it is the first political party
switch); he was a democratic republican; Midnight appointees—Jefferson removes them
all except for John Marshall
 Louisiana Purchase—Double the size of the United States
 Lewis and Clark
 Marshall Court
- Marbury v Madison—established policies of judicial review
 Jefferson places an embargo on foreign countries (due to British impressment) causes a
large economic decline in America (Turtle with embargo spelled backwards)
 Non-intercourse Act—could not trade with Britain and France
 Macon’s Bill no. 2—targets British specifically
 Increases tension with foreign powers


 Madison Presidency
 War of 1812- Burning of the White House, ended with the treaty of Ghent, Battle of
New Orleans after the war of 1812, Star Spangled Banner was written, increased
nationalism is the biggest result of the war (star spangled banner, end of republican
motherhood, Hudson River School- national pride for art)
 Hartford Convention- end of the federalist party

Era of Good Feelings:

 James Monroe
 Good Will Tour
 One party (Democratic Republican)
 Monroe Doctrine
 Increased Nationalism/Pride
 Negatives- sectionalism on the rise, panic of 1819
 Adams Onis Treaty—U.S. got Florida
 Mccoluch v. Maryland


 Monroe Doctrine- stern warning for the Europeans to stay out of the Western
Hemisphere; non-interventionist; non-colonization; John Quincy Adams
 Missouri Compromise: 36/30 parallel outlawed slavery north of that—written by Henry
 Compromise of 1824—Jackson, JQA, Clay
 American System written by Henry Clay—Internal Improvement; bank; tariff (south side
alienated by this- increases sectionalism)
 Eerie Canal

Market Revolution ():

 Shifting from the putting out system to factories (new international markets)
 Lowell Factory system
 Steamboats
 Textiles coming to America
 Creating goods to sell overseas
 Agricultural inventions (cotton gin, steel plow, mechanical reaper)
 Canal system
 1828: Jackson and JQA (very unpopular)
 Dirty campaign (insulted Jacksons wife)
 Tariff of Abominations (increase tariff of goods- John C. Calhoun- South Carolina)
 Nullification crisis (Henry Clay made the compromise 1833—decreased the tariff
gradually and avoids the nullification crisis)
 Bank War- hated the bank; gave too much power to the elites; vetoed the recharter of
the bank; president of the bank is Nicholas Biddle; took out money from the banks and
put them in wild/state/pet banks
 Common Man
 Jacksonian Democracy
 Universal Suffrage white men
 Spoils System- gave political power and position to loyal supporters and his friends
 Native American policy—Indian Removal Act (protecting their culture and protecting
them from further encroachment on their land)
 Worchester v. Georgia
 Trail of Tears
 Seminole Indian Wars
 Whigs form (causes the second political party system—wealthier/elite people); Whigs
were anti-monarchy in Britain so they stole that name
 Martin Van Buren-- Causes Panic of 1837; caused by the bank wars under Jackson
 Failed Slave Revolt- Nat Turner Rebellion led to black codes


 William Henry Harrison died from pneumonia 40 days into his presidency—campaigned
with log cabin and cider—appeals to Jackson voters—“Tippecanoe and Tyler too”
 Tyler- arranged for the annexation of texas
 Manifest Destiny—Polk elected in 1844
 James K Polk—tries to buy California but fails; Mexican American War (Rio Grande,
Texas annexed, Robert E. Lee gets experience, U.S. gets lots of land from California to
Texas from the Mexican cession, allowed for Manifest Destiny, caused increased tension
between natives and sectional tensions)
 Wilmot Proviso—No slavery in all land gotten from Mexico—fails because the South
does not like it
 Oregon Dispute (“54 40 or fight” w/ British)- shows increased American aggression

Antebellum Reforms (1830-1850s)

 Abolition- Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison (Liberator), Harriet Tubman

 Temperance- Increased with woman’s right- Neal Dow
 Prison Reform- Dorthea Dix
 Education Reform- Horace Mann
 Women (2nd Great Awakening- caused reforms but the 1st Great Awakening did not)
 Religious Freedom- Mormons
 1st Great Awakening—Religious Revival, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards “sinner in
the hands of angry god”, response to the enlightenment ideas
 2nd Great Awakening- Kinder view of God, more revival of God, Charles Finney,
Feminization of women; growth in Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian; camp meetings
 Cult of Domesticity- women got to stay in the home (Separate spheres for women and
men) Seneca Falls Convention (Declaration of Sentiments—Susan B. Anthony,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton= want equal rights and primarily wants suffrage)
 Increased rise in Irish immigrants—rise in the know nothing party


 Compromise of 1850: California admitted as free state, stricter fugitive slave act,
popular sovereignty, D.C. ended slave trade
 Kansas Nebraska Act (1854)- Stephen Douglass; popular sovereignty
 Bleeding Kansas
 John Browns Raid @ Harper’s Ferry- tries to arm slaves and gets hung, becomes a
 Brooks/Sumner Conflict
 Ostend Manifesto
 Dred Scott v Sanford
 Free Soil Party- free slaves for economic reasons to help stimulate the economy
 Underground Railroad—Harriet Tubman
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin—Harriet Beacher Stowe
 Lincoln Douglass Debates- Put Lincoln on the map and allowed him to gain presidency
 President’s: Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Millard Fillmore
 Republicans v. Democrats
 Whigs die out because they cannot decide about the question of slavery


 Lincoln (initially does not want to abolish slavery, but wants to stop the spread of it)
 Free Soil Platform
 South Carolina secedes
 No southern electoral votes for Lincoln
 Form the confederate states of America with Jefferson Davis as their president (not very
well liked even in the South)
 Civil War 1861-1865
 Battle of Gettysburg (bloodiest battle and Lincoln gives morale boost for the battle of
 Battle of Antietam (bloodiest day of war)—Lincoln gives emancipation proclamation—
free slaves in the southern states
 Vicksburg and Sherman’s March to the Sea—North had better strategy
 Lincoln assassinated- riperonis
 Homestead act passed in 1862—incentive to move west (150 acres)
 Transcontinental Railroad of 1869
 Andrew Johnson—war democrat, Lincoln wanted to get border state votes (did not
agree with a lot of his policies)
 Sectionalism
- Southerners were agriculture and slaves
- Northerners were industry and manufacturing
- Westerners were a mix of both
 Reconstruction:
- 13, 14, 15 amendments (free, citizens, vote)
- Radical Reconstruction v Johnson (did not get along)
- 10 percent plan for Johnson and Radical Republicans wanted to punish the south
- Military reconstruction; split the south into 5 districts; each district controlled by the
army; during this time the South had much better rights for African Americans
- When the union army leaves- Africans lose a lot of rights
- Freedman’s Bureau- Some education, clothing, jobs for African Americans (in the South)
- Most southern black people are sharecroppers
- Johnson impeached (violated the tenure of office act)
- Carpetbaggers (moved from the North to the South to profit of the Reconstruction-
white dudes)
- Scalawags (White southerners that opposed reconstruction or opposed the civil war
outcomes so they went to the north- were not racist people)
 Grant elected in 1868 “waving the bloody shirt”—got his margin of victory from black
people that could vote—corrupt presidency


 Reconstruction ends (caused by the election of 1866 (Tilden won presidency; Hayes wins
the senate vote of 8/15 republicans so he becomes president—Tilden agrees because
Hayes says he will end reconstruction)
 Compromise of 1877—ends reconstruction
 Jim Crow laws start in the 1890s
 Black Codes precursor to the Jim Crow Laws

 Chinese Exclusion Act—Laborers got banned from the United States

 Pendleton Act—Civil Service Reform based on merit for hiring (ended the spoils system)
 Monopolies- Horizontal and Vertical Integrations
 John D. Rockefeller (horizontal integration)—standard oil (95% of American’s oil)
 Andrew Carnegie (vertical integration)—steel monopoly—Bessemer process
 Vanderbilt- Railroads (earlier than the others)
 J.P. Morgan- Banks
 These 4 people are called robber barrons (portrayed as fat men)
 Labor Unions (Knights of Labor and American Federation of Labor)
 Knights of Labor let everybody into their union Haymarket square riot/bombing,
replaced when on strike
 AFL- skilled white men; harder to replace; bread and butter issues; 8 hour workdays;
higher pay
 Goals: 8 hour workdays; better working conditions; higher wages; stopping child labor
 Completed: 6/5 day work week, slight increase in wages, some better working
conditions, 8 hour workday
 Gilded= gold on the outside but not on the inside
 Problems of the time period: Political Corruption (Boss Twee/Tammany Hall- helped
immigrants, but they took large sums of money from the taxpayers)
 Andrew Carnegie writes Gospel of Wealth- —wrote in 1889- the wealthy should help the
poor by giving it to institutions that would help them
 Social Gospel is the one associated with the church; different groups should help them
 Social Darwinism
 Tenements are overcrowded, horrible conditions, disease infested caused because of
 Battle of Little Big Horn- Native Americans beat the white men
 Presidents: Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland (re-elected)
 Sherman Anti-trust act (1890s)
 Clayton Anti-trust act (1893)
 Dawes Act- assimilation, “helping natives become more white”
 Helen Hunt Jackson- A century of dishonor


 Battle of Wounded Knee—massacre of native Americans of Sioux Indians

 Buffalo died
 Jim Crow Laws
 Plessy v. Ferguson “separate but equal”
 Poll tax laws, literacy tests, grandfather clause
 Most other minorities living in California and west
 Segregation starts in the 1890
 Frontier Thesis
 Women had increased rights in the west in Wyoming
 Sherman Anti-trust act “broke up monopolies- not trusts but labor unions 
 Clayton Anti-trust act
 Populist Party (1892)- Mary Elizabeth Lease, Ocala Platform
 Goals: Graduated income tax, direct election of senators, one term of president,
railroads, free coinage of silver (16:1 to gold) inflation
 Good for farmers because they get more money
 William Jennings Bryan “Cross of gold”—anti-gold standard (any money has to backed
by silver)—he is a democrat
 Hawaii
- Queen Lilli
- Sugar plantations
- Annexing Hawaii reduces the import tax problem
- Hawaiians did not like it 
 Spanish American War
- Yellow Journalism—making the Spanish look worse than they actually are
- Cuba
- McKinley
- USS Maine explodes—engine failure
- More men die of tropical diseases than actual war
- Treaty of Paris of 1898 where the Americans get the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam,
- Pilipino insurrection
- America becomes a more respected global power
- Imperialism- spreading democracy, white man’s burden, Alfred Thayer Mahan
- Anti-imperialists (Mark Twaine, William Jennings Brian normal ground); impurity is other

Pullman Strike


 Teddy Roosevelt
 Progressive Era= reform
 Square Deal: 3 C’s: Consumer protection (muckraker- Jacob Riis- pictures and stories of
the other half), control of corporations (trust busting), and conservation (conservationist
wanted parks and preservationist did not want to touch the land)
 Upton Sinclair—The Jungle- Meat Inspection and Pure Food and Drug Act
 Panama Canal; Roosevelt corollary- noninterventionist and re-affirmed the Monroe
 Great White Fleet- navy paraded around
 Big Stick
 Open door policy
 1902: strike for coal industry; Teddy Roosevelt helps the people
 1908: Taft elected (trustbuster)- dollar diplomacy
 Taft did not follow along with Teddy Roosevelt


 Election between Taft, Wilson, and Teddy Roosevelt—causes split vote and then
Woodrow Wilson wins
 Wilsons—clayton anti-trust act (only break up of monopolies/bad trusts), advocate for
child labor laws, created the federal reserve Act
 WWI:
- War to end all wars
- Fighting to make it safe for democracy
- Causes for American involvement: unrestricted sub-marine warfare, Zimmerman
telegraph, sinking of Lusitania
- Committee of Public Information led by George Creel- propaganda organization
- Voluntary Rationing (Hoover)
- Victory Gardens
- American Expeditionary Force—led by John Pershing; hastily trained- prospect of
unlimited troops from America where British has been fighting for a while
- 14 point plan Self-determination (the right of a country to choose their own destiny
and borders); Wilson is influential for treaty of Versailles; Treaty of Versailles has to
accept the War guilt cause and pay reparations and League of Nations.
- Henry Cabot Lodge (republican) dislikes the treaty of Versailles because he is an


 Roaring 20s
 Harlem Renaissance
 Langston Hughes
 Great Migration
 Increased roles for African Americans
 Flappers; women are increasing their rights—19th amendment
 16th-19th amendment (gradual income tax, direct election of senators, prohibition of
alcohol, and woman’s suffrage)
 National Americans Woman Suffrage Movement
 Alice Paul
 Red Scare (anti-immigrant sentiment; Sacco and Venzetti)
 Scopes Monkey Trial (religion v. science)
 Harding and Coolidge are laizze faire presidents
 Tea pot dome scandal- secretary of interior caught for taking bribes for oil
 Films/Movies
 Radio
 New KKK (hated blacks and any other non-traditional whites)
 Lost generation (Hemmingway, fitzgerald)
 Kellogg Brand Pact- no use of war (international law)
 Schnek v u.s. could not criticize government

Great Depression:

 Hoover blamed
 Hoovervilles
 Causes: Circular loans, speculation, stock market problems, overproduction, buying
things on credit in the 1920s
 Bank Runs after Black Tuesday
 Dust Bowl


3 R’s: Recovery, Reform, and Relief

 Civilian Conservation Core

 SS
 Popular from the new deal
 FDR causes party switch for African Americans
 Court Packing—wants to put new judges in SCOTUS that would support him—congress
does not support this—but he ends up getting this
 Critic of Huey Long—the government is not doing enough (Communist)
 Lend Lease—After ww2 broke out (give you guns if you keep them and take care of
 Cash and Carry- we will give you money and they have to pay the united states after the
 Quarantine speech—does not work bc bad powers grown
 Europe is trying to appease the aggressor nation—United States does not support
entering the war


 America enters the war after Pearl Harbor

 Homefront: Mandatory Rationing (different from WWI), Japanese American internment
(Kormatsu v U.S.?)
 Rosie the Riveter
 African Americans taking jobs
 Tuskegee Airmen
 Island hoping- establishing base on smaller islands
 Manhattan Project
 Dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
 Truman dropped the atomic bomb

Berlin airlift

Marshall Plan

Truman Doctrine


 Korean War
 Cold War begins
 Arms Race
 Containment
 Space Race (sputnik)
 Eisenhower
 Military Industrial complex
Civil Rights:

 Montgommery Bus Boycott

 Little Rock 9
 60s is Black Panter
 Rosa Parks
 Malcolm X
 Black Power


 Tonkin Resolution
 More troops (escalation policy)
 Great society
 War of attrition
 Protests domestically
 Hurts love for LBJ
 JFK dies
 Credibility Gap
 Living Room War
 Counter culture
 Gay rights


 Nixon Vietnamization- leave with honor

 Invades Cambodia
 1975 north Vietnam takes over south Vietnam
 Water Gate Scandal
 Nixon made EPA
 Iranian Hostage Crisis
 Jimmy Carter
 Gerald Ford pardons Nixon
 Stagflation—economy is doing bad; OPEC embargo;
 Camp David Accords- Israel and Egypt disputes

 Reagan elected in 80s

 Trickle down economics
 Evangelical Movement
 Reagonomics
 Conservative
 Iran Contra Affair—Nicaragua weapons funding
 Space Lazers
 Glastnost and Perstroika
 Berlin Wall Falls


 Cold War ends

 H.W. bush increases tax- contradicts his policy
 Persian Gulf War
 Clinton elected—moderate; cuts taxes; cuts welfare; budget surplus; gun control bill
 Impeachment Scandal- does not effect popularity at all
 “Don’t ask don’t tell”


 George Washington election “scandal;”- did not win the popular vote
 9/11
 Patriot act
 Guantanamo Bay
 Islamaphobia

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