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Name: Rayyan hashmi

Section: 9-C

Bsu id: Syed hashmi

Mention names and write briefly about the 4 personalities who looked after the Prophet
in his childhood.

Ans1) Amna bint Wahb was the member of the Banu Zuhrah clan in the tribe of
the Quraysh. Amna was married to Abdullah but unfortunately Abdullah died of a
disease before his son birth. 6 months after Abdullah death. Muhammad (PBUH)
was born at 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal, 570 A.D. Once Muhammad(PBUH) was born
Aminah sent Muhammad(PBUH) as a baby to the desert as it was a tradition and
a belief that one would learn self-discipline, nobility, and freedom. After 5 years
he was reunited with his mother. Once they were reunited they went to see their
relative named Yathrib (later Medina).  Upon their return to Mecca a month later
Amna fell ill accompanied by her slave Umm Ayman and Amna died around the
year 577 or 578 AD and was buried in the village of Abwa. Now
Muhammad(PBUH) was an orphan as his both parent died.

Muhammad grandfather than raised him up his grandfather name was Hazart
Abdul Muttalib and took care of Muhammad(PBUH) as he loved him very much.
When Muttalib died, Shaybah succeeded him as the chief of the hashim clan.
Shaybah mean the ancient one or white-haired. Shaybah was Abd al-Muttalib. Al-
Muttalib followed his uncle and took on the duties of providing the pilgrims with
food and water, and carried on the practices of his forefathers with his people.
His people loved him and his reputation was great among them.

Abdul-Muttalib while sleeping dreamed that he was ordered to dig at the

slaughter-place of the Quraysh between the two idols Isad and Na’ila. There he
would find the Zamzam Well, which the Jurhum tribe had filled in when they left
Mecca. The Quraysh tried to stop him digging in that spot, but his son Al-
Ḥārith stood guard until they gave up their protests. After three days of digging,
'Abdul-Muṭṭalib found traces of an old well and exclaimed, "Allahuakbar!" Some
of the Quraysh disputed his claim to sole rights over water, but in the end they
allowed him to keep it. Thereafter he supplied pilgrims to the Kaaba with Zamzam
water, which soon eclipsed all the other wells in Mecca because it was
considered sacred.

The years of the elephant battle was fought and the Muslim won with Allah help
which is described in surah Al-Fil. Surah Ad-Dhuha is basically a summary of life
of Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Abdul-Muttalib also made restoration of Zam Zam possible sadly when
Muhammad(PBUH) was eight year old, Abd al-Muttalib died at the age of 81 when
he was very sick. Abdul-Muttalib loved Muhammad(PBUH) very much.

Hazart abu Talib was instructed by his father (al-Muttalib) to take care of
Muhammad(PBUH) and Hazart Abu Talib and his wife Fatimah bint Asad raised
Muhammad(PBUH) as their own child. They both loved him very much.

After Muhammad(PBUH) began preaching the message of Islam, members of the

other Qurayshite clans increasingly came to feel threatened by
Muḥammad(PBUH). They wanted to quiet Muhammad(PBUH) to do this they
pressured Abu Talib to control his nephew or control him. They even tried to
bribe Abu Talib by offering the two most handsome son for them to get them hold
of Muhammad(PBUH) but still Abu Talib supported Muhammad(PBUH) Even
when the other clan removed or cutted off food supply with them but it was in
control as people were smuggling food in their camp. Abu Talib supported
Muhammad(PBUH) in any way he could. They both loved each other very much.

At the age of 9 years old the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was showing sign of intelligent
and inquisition mind by helping elders in a battlefield.

At the age of 12 years, Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬proved himself as an

honest, truthful and righteous person in a mercantile journey to Syria

with his uncle Hazrat Abu Talib. Because of his honesty at the age of 23
Muhammad (PBUH) was titled al Sadiq and Al amen. Abu Talib ibn Abd al-
Muttalib was the leader of Banu Hashim, a clan of the Qurayshi tribe of Mecca.
Abu Talib was well respected.

Abu Talib protected Muhammad (PBUH) in many ways but he died around 619AD
more than 80 years of age

Abu Lahab a brother of Abu Talib didn’t protect Muhammad(PBUH) when Abu
Talib died as he considered him as an enemy. On the same month the wife of Abu
Talib died.

Halimah al-Sa'diyah was the foster mother of Muhammad (PBUH) Halimah and her
husband were from the tribe of Sa'd b. Bakr. They adopted an orphan named
Muhammad(PBUH) and once they accepted Muhammad their family was getting
blessed Her husband's flock during a time of great famine was healthy and
producing milk while the rest of the people's flocks were dying. When
Muhammad(PBUH) was two years old, Halimah took him to Aminah and insisted
That she let him remain with her, to which she relented. A mysterious event
occurred which went like this Muhammad's foster brother was playing with him,
then suddenly Halimah and her husband saw their son (Muhammad's foster
brother) who came running back and shouted: "two men dressed in white
grabbed my brother and cut his chest." So then Halimah and Al-Harith ran to
Muhammad and found him pale-faced. When they asked him what happened, he
said: "Two men came and opened my chest and took a portion of it". After this
event, she gave up fostering him and informed his mother about what had
happened. Halimah died at 9 Ah.

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