Values On Planting

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Starting from the months of November up to April, various challenges were encountered during the

implementation until the termination of project. Although it was a difficult task, it provided a great
learning experience enhancing knowledge and skills in agriculture. Values were developed wherein the
planting of bell peppers. In which, time, patience, perseverance, continued effort and sense of
responsibility were applied because the plant would not grow overnight. In the packaging and
marketing, honesty was also observed.

Varietal Selection

Selection of variety were observed carefully in the different aspects of planting such as, if the seeds
were vain (eppes) then it will be thrown away or the seeds meet correctly the amount of yield expected
of it upon planting.

Land Preparation

Smart selection and preparation of land suitable for abundant growth bell peppers.


Meticulous transplanting of seedlings in the soil to avoid injuring its roots thereby decreasing its
mortality and observing the correct measurement of distance between each seedling.

Application of Humus

Patience and integrity were observed in the application of 25 ppm of GA3 as indicated.


Irrigation of the crop carefully especially during its reproductive stage.


Patiently done hilling-up in order to minimize the growth of weeds.

Weed Management

Continuous monitoring and patient removal of weeds at the right stage to make sure that the soil is
receiving the proper nutrients and moisture thus eliminating the chance of the weed eating away
nutrients for the soil.
Insect pest and disease management

Careful application of dosage of pesticide indicated on the label of its container.

Harvesting and Marketing

Patiently sold out the products of bell peppers to the public around the marketplace, neighborhood,
friends and food establishments.

Record Keeping

Observe integrity in the recording of all details about the project for easier accessibility.

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