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Wikipedia index

Here's how you could use Wikipedia to find keyword ideas. First, go to Wikipedia and enter a
general keyword such as marketing. This will take you to a Wikipedia article on this broad topic. Then find the
"content" section on the page. This section contains the subtopics on this page.

Search keywords on Reddit

Pro tip: "Keyworddit" It is a free SEO tool that searches Reddit for words and phrases that people
are using ... and ranks those phrases based on monthly search volume.

Find popular topics on forums

Forums are like active focus groups live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The easiest way to find forums where your target audience is together is to use these Google search

"Keyword Forum"

"Keyword" + "forum"

"Keyword" + "forum"

"Keyword" + "character"

Keywords everywhere

Keywords everywhere could be my favorite keyword research tool. Why?

Because it shows you keyword ideas from various places on the web (including Bing, YouTube and
Google Analytics).

All you need to do is install the Chrome extension. The next time you visit one of the sites that
integrate keywords everywhere, you'll see a list of keyword suggestions ... and information about each

Ubersuggest was the first Google suggestion scraper I used. Last year, the tool was heavily updated and

Ubersuggest still generates keyword suggestions based on Google search suggestions. It also provides
information about each keyword (such as search volume, CPC, keyword difficulty, and more


Most people think of Ahrefs as a tool for making links. But few people know that Ahrefs also has a
REALLY good keyword tool.

The great thing about Ahref’s “Keyword Researcher” is that you get a huge amount of useful
information about each keyword.

This can help you decide if it is a useful keyword.

The only complaint about the Keyword Researcher is that it's not okay to come up with new keyword
ideas. It usually generates keywords that are just simple versions of the keyword I typed.

However, enlarging a single term cannot do much better than the functions of the Ahrefs keyword

Search Keyword GSC

The Google Search Console is the gold mine of keywords. Here's how it works:

First, sign in to your GSC account and go to the "Performance Report", here you can see the terms that
get the most clicks in Google Search. You can then sort your list by "Impressions" to see keywords that
generate many impressions ... but not necessarily clicks. Finally, create optimized content around the
same keyword.

Why is this a strong strategy? These are the keywords you know people are looking for. You also know
that Google sees your site as a good match in search results. For that particular keyword, you need to
post super targeted content (or optimize existing content around that keyword) and that’s it.

Accessibility, crawl, and UX

So what I want you to do here, is ask yourself:

I. "Is the content of my website accessible to search engines?"

There are some great ways to view them. You can use tools like Google Search Console or Screaming
Frog. You can use something like to crawl your site virtually and make sure that crawlers
can reach all pages, that you don't have duplicate content, that you don't have skinny content, or that
pages you think have no content, no broken links, no broken pages, all kinds of good stuff.
5 Best website builders for SEO ideal for those who want a practical SEO experience.

Weebly: It has dozens of useful and quality SEO applications.

Squarespace: A great choice for those who are more confident in SEO.

Wix: Perfect for complete SEO beginners.

GoDaddy: It is the right choice for those who prefer outside help with SEO.

For a more complete view of each website builder's offers in terms of SEO, see the table below.

1. Wix: Perfect for absolute SEO beginners (from $ 13.00 / month)

2. Weebly: Contains dozens of useful and quality SEO applications (from $ 5.00 / month)

3. Squarespace: It’s the perfect choice for those more expert about SEO (starting at $12.00/month)

4. GoDaddy: Great for those who want outside help with SEO (starting at $10.00/month)

5. Great for those who want a hands-on experience (starting at $4.00/month)

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