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The History Channel: Andrew Jackson

Answer the following questions on the life and presidency of Andrew Jackson, hero of the
“Common Man” and seventh President of the United States.

1. How old was Jackson when the British Army arrested him?

14 years old

2. Which disease did Jackson contract while he was a prison of War?

Small pox

3. What job did Jackson begin training for in South Carolina?


4. Why was Jackson unable to marry his true love, Rachel Donelson Robards?

She was already married

5. How did the duel end between Jackson and Dickinson in 1806?

Jackson had a bullet logged in his ribs but he killed Dickinson

6. To which city did Jackson and his army march during the War of 1812?


7. Which Native American tribe split apart over relations with the Whites?


8. What happened to the young Creek boy adopted by Jackson and Rachel?

He died at 15 of tuberculosis

9. What percent of Jackson’s troops at New Orleans were actual American Army soldiers?

Less than 10 percent

10. Why did Americans consider Jackson the hero of the War of 1812?

Because he won the war and confirmed American Independence

11. What was Jackson’s solution to the Seminole Indian problem in Florida?

He decided to take Florida and make it a part of the United States

12. Why was the election of 1824 different than earlier presidential elections?

Because for the first time a substantial number of commoners could vote for


13. Who won the most votes in the 1824 elections? Who became president?

Andrew Jackson won the most votes but John Quincy Adams became president

14. What types of things were said about Jackson and his family in the 1828 election?

They called his mom a prostitute and Rachel Jackson was called a bigamous and a


15. What happened to Rachel shortly before Jackson was sworn in as president?

She had a heart attack and died

16. Which state threatened to leave the union over import taxes (tariffs?)

South Carolina

17. What happened to the Bank of the United States as a result of the Bank War?

The bank expired in 1836

18. How did Jackson deal with the remaining Indians in Georgia?

He used the law and pushed the Indian removal act through Georgia

19. How did Jackson deal with the man who attempted to assassinate him?

He tried to hit him with his cane

20. How do many Native Americans view Andrew Jackson today?

They view him as someone who led Americans down a shameful and grossly

wrong path.

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