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Language use

What is Legal Language

 Legal Language is a standardized language which is

based on logic rules and is distinct from our ordinary
natural language in vocabulary,
morphology(formation), semantics, syntax and other
 It aims to achieve consistency and validity while
retaining the features of a common language such as
intuitive execution, completeness and lucidity.
 Basically, legal language is the language used by the
people associated with the legal profession. It is the
language used by lawyers, jurists, and legislative
drafters in their professional capacities.
 Legal language cuts across different segments of
society. Some may have knowledge of the law and
some may not. The communication between men of
law and lawgiver is also, per se, communication. The
formal communication between the judge and the
jury, judge and advocate, and the client and the
counsel also involves the use of legal language. The
interaction of common people through contracts,
testaments, by-laws, notice is also replete with the
usage of legal language.
 So, not only the people associated with the law
profession but also the common people encounter
the use of legal language.

Importance of legal language

 Legal Language is quite different from common
languages. So it holds its own importance.
 Words are one of the most significant tools of the
law. Cases turn on the meaning that judges ascribe
to words and lawyers must use the right words to
represent their clients in the court of law fairly.
 The legal language is used to draft law related
documents like contracts, licenses, indictments or
subpoenas, briefs, judgments, laws of Parliament,
case reports and legal correspondence, etc. It holds
high importance in the country as its main provisions
are written in such languages. So, it holds
significance when applied to legal writing and
drafting of written material.
 It’s not that only the legal professionals or
lawmakers use this language. When one interacts
with another through some legal documents like
contracts, will, by-laws, etc., the language used in
them is the legal language. So it is quite important
to have a general understanding of legal language.
 It also holds importance because it is that
formalized language which is used in courts of law.
In courts, one can’t simply advocate in his or her
mother tongue or other common languages. 
 Legal Language become a global phenomenon,
especially for legal professionals. Proficiency in legal
terms and terminologies is very essential in the
profession of law notwithstanding the fact that you
are a native-English speaking citizen or not, due to
the multi-fold increase in internationalization and
globalization. On the lookout for successful careers,
it is highly necessary for legal professionals to be
acquainted with legal terminologies which are
universally applicable while interacting with
prospective clients.

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