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Анализ эссе

Проверяющий: Мовилэ Кэтэлина

Автор эссе: Мамедли Асмар

The pros and cons of the social lifts mechanism.

For many years, scientists have been studying the impact of

social roles on people's quality of life. Based on these studies,
social lifts can change people’s life in negative and positive side.
(Short orientation). Despite the advantages the mechanism of
social lift has a negative impact on life of the lower strata of the
population(thesis statement). There are many reasons why social
lifts can ruin a person's life with their disadvantages and cons.
Basically, the disadvantages are manifested in two aspects:
social and economic (short orientation).
The desire to constantly grow and improve the standards
of life makes each person change and move in society, trying on
new roles and changing the environment. But this phenomenon,
like any other, has negative aspects. It is impossible to develop
and go up without making mistakes or facing difficulties. If you
are a strong person, you can handle everything. But very often
difficulties break people and force them to return to the starting
point. And after that, it becomes more difficult to try to change
social role in society (ANSWER THE QUESTION BY

The first barrier is fear. Many people are afraid to take risks and
start something new. Because people are used to stability and
are afraid of losing what they already have. Not everyone can
refuse the comforts that they have or, on the contrary, load
themselves with a lot of work that will take up all their free
Besides of the fear, people are stopped by the problem of
instability. Social mobility can completely destroy the formed
life. Many people do not understand what the outcome of
development will be, what they will eventually do and whether
it will become popular in society. And when people face this
problem, they have to give up everything and go down to the
initial stage. Especially when a person has a small income, then
to be in an even worse situation is equal to the collapse of the
whole life (shows your knowledge).
The important problem is the disparity of resources. Some
segments of the population can afford any standard of living,
profession, and place of residence. Others are forced to make do
with the minimum and cannot change the situation due to the
initial lack of resources. But there are situations in which even
resources do not help in development. Let's look at any caste in
India. Is there a possibility of vertical social mobility in
professions? Of course, not. These are their traditions that
cannot be destroyed in any way. If a person lives with their
community and family, he will never know what social mobility
is in the profession. When someone from the caste tries to
change his social level, he rejects by everyone and banished
from his home. This shows that the desire of changing the social
level can leave a person with nothing (RELEVANT
Итог: в данном эссе (в BODY) я не нашла EXPOSITION
Social lifts are necessary for any society as one of the
conditions for its development. They should be of different types
and scales, but they invariably change people to social levels
and lower them. These lifts imply the mobility of the individual
seeking to raise his social level. He needs a lot of effort to
achieve positive changes in life. Those who intend to use them
remain in the lower strata of society.

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