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1. If you could change one of your physical characteristics which one would it be and why?

There is nothing I would change about my physical characteristics. Although, I am not
perfect, I am perfectly happy with my body, and this is God-given hence it is the Lord’s will
that I embrace the body I am in.

2. In your own little way, what will be your contribution in mitigating climate change?

There are many things we can do to contribute in mitigating climate change, as for me
these are the three things I do: first, conserve paper in order to save trees; second, reduce
the waste we produce by not using single-use wares, lastly, reduce the pollution coming
from cars by walking as long as you can. These little things are just small beginnings that
could eventually lead to big impacts.

3. Which is more important, life experience or education? Why?

I believe that education is more important than life experience, because through
education we can gain more life experience. Education opens doors to infinite
possibilities, and through education we can turn the impossible to possible.
Remember a thousand years ago, who would have thought that we could build
bridges as long and sturdy as the ones we have today? But we achieved that and
more through education.

4. What color best describes your outlook in life?

The color that best describes my outlook in life is yellow. Yellow is the color of the sun, the
light, and the stars. These three things serve as our light amidst the darkness, and I want
to emanate the same bright light to my peers, my family, my colleagues and everyone I

5. What is the most important lesson you have learned in participating in this contest?

The most important lesson I have learned in participating in this contest is to overcome my
fear and to see the silver lining in every situation I may face. For today, as I stand here in
front of you, win or lose, I am a different woman than I was before this contest. I am
stronger, more empowered, and more confident, and all these I will carry as I move
forward in life.

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