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(Critical notes about certain aspects of the doctrine of Rene Guenon)

1. Preliminary observations: the need for amendments to the traditionalism

The question "kontrinitsiatsii" is the dark and ambiguous in all traditionalist thought. Perhaps this is a
consequence of the very reality that traditionalists after Guenon usually termed "kontrinitsiatsiya".
Meaning kontrinitsiatsii Rene Guenon is presented in the book "The Kingdom and a number of signs
of the times". In short we can say that under kontrinitsiatsiey Rene Guenon understands the totality
of secret organizations that own initiatory and esoteric data, which, however, directed its activities
and its efforts to the goal, the opposite purpose of normal initiation - not to achieve "the Supreme
Identity," but fatal and dissolution in the "realm of the number of" external twilight. Hierarchs
kontrinitsiatsii Guenon following the Islamic esotericism called "avliyya al-Shaitan", ie "Holy Satan."
In his view, the representatives kontrinitsiatsii behind all the negative tendencies of modern
civilization, secretly directed the course of events on the path of degradation, the materialization of
spiritual degeneration.

Since the logic of the cyclic process, according to tradition, will inevitably follow the path of
degradation, from the Golden Age of the Iron, then there must be some kind of conscious forces that
contribute to this process, while the forces of this initiation and the genuine esotericism, on the
contrary, in every way interfere with it. This historical dualism Guenon or in any way affect the
metaphysical principle of unity, because this dualism relates to the field of manifestations, which is
the fundamental law of duality. This duality, which lies at the basis of manifestation, is overcome
only when departing from the scope of manifestation, in the sphere of purely transcendental
principles, but remaining within the world duality irremovable. Thus, the role of kontrinitsiatsii partly
justified, because it is not rooted in the tyranny, but the most providential necessity, associated with
the laws of the universe.

This purely theoretical part of the doctrine of kontrinitsiatsii completely flawless from a logical point
of view, is confirmed by the various doctrines of the sacred traditions related to the theme of
"demons", "devil", "evil spirits", "Antichrist", etc. But everything becomes much more complicated
when an attempt is made to move from theory to practice, and called as kontrinitsiatsii any specific
organization or a secret society. But the problem is not just that. Before we find out this delicate
question, you must carefully consider what Rene Guenon understands by "initiation" and

According to Guénon, the historical distinction of sacred forms - religions, traditions, etc. - It is the
result of different quality of the human and historical environment in which projected rays of the
Single Truth him inhuman. In other words, for him all the traditions as they approach the center of its
own overcome sectarian differences and almost merge into a single entity. Guenon called it
"Primordial Tradition", "Primordial Tradition". This tradition, according to Guénon is the secret
essence of all religions. In a sense, this is true. A careful study of the symbolism of Tradition, its
rituals and doctrines leads to the fact that all the sacred teachings have a common element, some
general paradigm, which is somewhat lost sight of when it comes to more narrowly dogmatic and
more detailed aspects. Especially it looks convincingly the thesis of "the unity of Tradition" in the
current conditions, when the modern world has created a civilization that is based on the stark
contrast to everything that can be called a tradition. In other words, traditionalism and appeals to
the United Traditions are convincing to the extent that are opposed to each other and the world of
contemporary world of Tradition, which embraces all collectively under this understanding. Indeed,
between traditions and religions against the general contrast with modern fully desacralized
civilization far more similarities than differences. This statement of the obvious. The only question is
to what extent is cyclical convergence in the face of a common enemy, is a consequence of the
esoteric unity?

In other words, is there a difference between sacred tradition by merely the result of errors of the
Environment? Do not stand for it some deeper reasons?

A good example of the relevance of such a question may be fluctuations Guénon as to reckon
whether to authentic traditions of Buddhism or not. First Guenon attributed to the category of
Buddhism antinomistskih heresies, later admitted his true tradition. It is not a Buddhist, but that such
uncertainty of Guenon shows some conditionality his method whenever it comes to the specific
historical traditions and dogmatic constructions. If even Guenon could err in the matter of Buddhism
(which remained for him is largely an abstraction, and it relied in this regard on the opinion of its
Hindu informants differed, all the Hindu traditionalists, sharp antibuddistskoy oriented), it is possible
that similar errors can take place in the case of other religions.

Our own research has led us to the conclusion that at least in two cases Guenon evaluated things are
not quite right.

Firstly, when Guenon denied Christianity in initiatory dimension - he dated the loss of this dimension
(prisutstvovashego in the original Christianity) the era of the First Ecumenical Council, - he clearly
was based on the history and philosophy of history exclusively Catholic branch (with the later
Protestant deviation). Guenon clearly ignored the metaphysical and initiatic reality of Orthodoxy,
which dramatically and the most fundamental positions vary with Western Christianity. Guenon
identified Christianity with Catholicism and incompetent suffered proportions Catholic organizations
- including the mystical nature ritaulov and specificity of theology - to the whole of Christianity as a
whole, making its approval on this issue quite nekorrektnymi.1

Secondly, Guenon hastened to recognize the Jewish Kabbalah quality genuine esotericism, which
according to his opinion, should in this case be different universalism and beyond any particularism.
In fact, Kabbalah, not less (if not more) degree than the Talmud and the exoteric Judaism insists on
ethnic singularity of the Jews, on the uniqueness of their fate and metaphysical its opposition of all
the other peoples religions. And it is at the level of esotericism, where, according to Guénon, should
dominate the principles of unity and fusion of the spiritual and religious forms in a single point.
Kabbalah is the decisive moment, ie, at the moment of its climax esoteric doctrines, not the unity of
the claims, but the true metaphysical and ethnic dualism.

Moreover, in more general terms, evaluation Guenon some nations - Greeks, Japanese, Germans,
Anglo-Saxons, Slavs often so subjective and arbitrary (and in these estimates Guenon tends
sometimes to base their conclusions on the orthodoxy or heterodoxy of traditional forms), which
pose a questioned all aspects of traditionalism, which deals with the application of theoretical
considerations to the practical sphere.

2. The lack of a universal kontrinitsiatsii

Differences religious forms may be a factor, it is much deeper than the conventions exotericism and
rooted in the very metaphysics. If unification synthesis is carried out quite easily (though the rest of
the tradition interpreted in the perspective peculiar only to them) for Hinduism and Islamic
esotericism because of the specificity of these traditions, the different forms of religious situation is
somewhat different. Hinduism and Islam Guénon allowed to build a logical and consistent picture,
but it becomes much less obvious if we try to apply it to other religions and their particular approach
to metaphysics.

For Guenon (traditionalists and following him) the situation is - Unified metaphysical tradition, is the
essence of the universal esoteric is inner grain of orthodox traditions. Dogmatic religion and other
forms of exoteric traditions are the outer shells, hiding behind the visible unity of the diversity of
content (esotericism and initiation). At the opposite pole from the universal esotericism is
"kontrinitsiatsiya" as the negation of universalism, rather than simply as a rejection of a particular
religious or exoteric form. Thus, the concept of "kontrinitsiatsii" is inseparable from the positing the
unity of all esoteric traditions.

But as we have shown, is the esoteric Hindu and Islamic context, this logic can not be unambiguously
accepted as metaphysics does not recognize other esoteric traditions of solidarity with other
religious shapes. In fact, the universality of Sufism and Hinduism are not as obvious as it seems at
first glance. The cost of the recognition of other religious orthodoxy forms is the adoption of
"distortion" and the interpretation of their dogmas in the spirit and letter of the specific, peculiar
only to Hinduism and Sufism esotericism. So, for example, the Hindu approach to Christology actually
equates to an avatar of Christ, in the framework of a purely Christian doctrine amounts to
"Monophysite" look. Islam as the basis of its strict monotheism, on the other hand, adhere to the
"Nestorian" Christological scheme. In both cases, it is denied by orthodox Christological formula that
in the limit results in a completely different metaphysical perspektive2. Thus, the universalism
proclaimed traditionalists, is in fact not as a total and unequivocal as we would like.

Further, Hinduism founds its tradition on the formula, the inverse of the Iranian tradition, coming
from the same source. It is known that even in the names of gods and demons there is an inverse
analogy between Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. Buddhism is regarded Hinduism as a heterodoxy (this
view and held for a long time he Guenon). Therefore, these three eastern Indo-European tradition of
respect to each other can not come to an agreement, and seamlessly adopt its esoteric unity. I agree
that it is quite difficult to recognize the "esoteric truth of" who calls the name of their gods
"demons", and vice versa (Hinduism and Zoroastrianism), or radically deny the authority of the chief
source of the sacred (as the Buddhists deny the "Vedas" all the doctrines of Hinduism).

In the context of the Abrahamic things are even tougher. If Islam recognizes certain eligibility
traditions "people of the Book" (Judaism and Christianity), assuming the mission of Muhammad the
last word "avraamizma", correct all the previous errors, neither Christians nor Jews did not recognize
for other versions avraamizma3 slightest authenticity, believing their lies and evil. For example,
"Zohar", the supreme authority of Kabbalah is easy to see that hostility to Islam and Christianity on
the metaphysical and esoteric level, not only removed, but, on the other hand, reaches a higher
metaphysical glow. And, accordingly, finished Orthodox esotericism as tough refers to Judaism (and
exoteric and esoteric) considered not just as a religious otherness outer form, but as the
embodiment of evil and the metaphysical tradition of the Antichrist.

So, outside of Sufism and Hinduism (whose universalism is also somewhat questionable), no general
not esotericism is present, and therefore under the most kontrinitsiatsiey tradition understands the
sacred forms that are in frank contradiction to their metaphysics. If exoteric evil in this case are the
negative aspects that stem from ethical and doctrinal specificity of the religion, the esoteric evil
(kontrinitsiatsiey) is rather a metaphysical tradition, contrary to this.

All of this is incredibly complicated question of kontrinitsiatsii who ceases to be a clear and
transparent reality and becomes extremely confusing.

From the standpoint of orthodox esotericism kontrinitsiatsiey is undoubtedly Judaism kabbala4.

From the point of view, "Zohar" esotericism "goyim", especially the descendants of Ishmael and Esau
(Muslims and Christians), is a "false doctrine demon Samael", "riding a snake Lilith." From the
perspective of the Hindu esoteric Iranian dualism is rooted in the fact that the Zoroastrians worship
"demons", "asuras" (Iranian "Ahura"), calling them "gods". Buddhist esoteric believe that the
initiatory doctrines of Hinduism are the ultimate evil, because only reinforce attachment beings to
Nirvana, after all the higher, divine worlds, with the Buddhist point of view, are even more illusory
than human worlds (that there is no suffering, only distances term "release"). Even within Islamic
civilization the most prominent representatives of esotericism - Al-Hallaj, Suhrawardi, etc. -
Periodically executed as the worst of heretics.

As in this situation to allocate universal kontrinitsiatsiyu, traced its origins, to recognize those forces
and organizations that serve it cover? If the universality of esotericism (at least in our cyclical
situation) is not obvious and proven, then how can we speak of the universality of "kontrinitsiatsii",
which is its rear-projection?

3. Interreligious and contradictions intrareligious

Between the traditional forms, there are deep contradictions, leaving the higher metaphysics.
On the one hand. On the other hand, these traditional forms are not something the same, they are
subject to cyclic laws. Traditions are difficult periods of its historical incarnations, including the
addition of natural phases of prosperity and decline, there are still more paradoxical moments - for
example, change the inner nature, alienation, turning into something essentially different, while
maintaining the external paraphernalia.

And very often these troubled times can not be reduced to the "triumph of the negative trends," as
they are considering the exoteric tradition and morality of sacred forms of data. For example, the
degeneracy of the Islamic tradition can take place without the authorities began to publicly deny the
"principle of monotheism" or "Muhammad's mission," as Christians to break away from the source
and spirit of his Church does not necessarily worship instead of Christ in some other gods (or, for
example, Satan). If everyone would situation was so easy, the story would be elementary mechanical
devices, with predictable operation and is easy to foresee the future. By the way, and they see a lot
of things people other than naive (not to say idiotic) view of the world, no matter whether we are
talking about "conservatives" and "progressives". Only a deep understanding of domestic grain
traditions, the actual implementation of its higher levels, allows you to select and grasp that it is the
main and most significant, and therefore accurately separate the true orthodoxy axis of alienation,
deviance, simulations and degeneration. In this matter of purely external criteria do not exist, and in
this sense, should not be underestimated "the devil" (if it was so simple, it seems to moralists, it is
unlikely he would have such a long and active, and most importantly, not recognizable, participated
in human history ).

For example, the division of Christendom into Eastern and Western Church was far from a purely
exoteric event, behind it the deepest metaphysical prichiny5. The same is true for the Islamic world
and the division between Shiites and Sunnis. Sunni tradition holds high prestige Sultan Yazid, who
killed Ali, cousin of Muhammad and the spiritual pole (Qutb) Shiites. But this contradiction hides a
much deeper differences purely metaphysical nature. In some ways, not so smooth things in the
Hinduism, Vaishnavism and Shaivism which is not so in tune with each other, as it seems at first
glance. So, for example, traces of the duality can be seen in the "Mahabharata", the editors of which,
of course, carried out in the Vaishnava community. We see there that the Kauravas, and inveterate
enemies pandavav villains inspired by Shiva and his entourage, to the point that Shiva is considered
as a "slender nature" in contrast to the purely metaphysical and spiritual nature of Krishna, an avatar
of Vishnu. In this case, the parallels with the "devil" suggest themselves, especially when Guenon
indication that the "devil" belongs exclusively to "the subtle plan." 6

So, if a traditionalist approach applied to other sacred forms than to Hinduism and Sufism, then we
get into a situation where an kontrinitsiatsii as something universal and opposite universal
esotericism, it will be impossible to say, without falling into mythomania or moralistic dualism
(which, theoretically, would have to be overcome, as long as we consider the scope of esotericism).
Or else - each sacred form, having a special metaphysical characteristics, formulates in its theory of
what it is for (and only for it) kontrinitsiatsiey. Thus in certain aspects, the different positions may
coincide traditions, and in others - vary. Thus, we arrive at the assertion of the absence of any one
kontrinitsiaticheskoy doctrine or organization, but have to say that this reality is not universal, but
plural, multi-polar. Determination of the quality and format of kontrinitsiaticheskoy doctrine derives
from the metaphysical singularity of each particular tradition.

You can not deny the fact that in the last centuries of history on the face of a general process that
certainly is a pronounced tendency to build a non-traditional, but the anti-traditional society based
on principles radically opposite the total population that is the basis of any tradition. But there is one
exception. We are talking about Judaism, religious and metaphysical perspective that the last
century, since 1240 and especially since 1300 are considered, on the contrary, as a prelude to the
messianic triumph and fall of Christian civilization and political liberation of the Jews (not to mention
the modern success of political Zionism and the establishment of Israel) is regarded as the greatest
metaphysical progress. Thus, even in this aspect, in which the majority of traditions fully agree with
each other, there is a significant exception - Judaism.

External revival of confessional religions in recent years, after several centuries, during which, on the
contrary, actively developing a process of desacralization and secularization, and do not fit well in the
traditionalist logic - after all this interest in religion, on the one hand, there is a direct parody of a
neospiritualizm or new age, but on the other hand, clearly does not constitute a genuine spiritual

In short, the problem of deviation of esotericism or kontrinitsiatsii complicated not only inter-
confessional contradictions, whose origins go back to metaphysics, but also internal transformation
within the same traditions.

To top it off, there is abnormal cases (Judaism, a new interest in religion in the West), which are
contrary to the seemingly very obvious trend of progressive secularization, on the basis of which
Guenon tried to substantiate his theory kontrinitsiatsii and its planetary preparedness plans, "the
kingdom of the Antichrist."
4. Kontrinitsiatsiya initiation and solidarity with each other up to a certain point

kontrinitsiatsii concept in Guenon is based on the general scheme, which he held in relation to more
general questions. For Guenon constantly had in mind the following three-pronged model. [Principle-
Peripherals] in the center of the circle (or on top of the anthropological and cosmic hierarchy, on the
vertical) is initiation, authentic esotericism, the Primordial Tradition, unified metaphysics. This inner
sphere, the sphere dedicated to the other side of the confessional differences that are beyond the
threshold of a truly esoteric organizations.

At the periphery (or horizontal) staying profane uninitiated. For them, the unity of truth concealed
variety of forms and a maze of moral and ethical standards. These are ordinary people, both innocent
of the true nature of things and events.

Finally, a kind of "anticentre" lying beyond the periphery, or the lowest point of the vertical axis. This
is kontrinitsiatsiya, place "holy Satan". Kontrinitsiatsiya combines different tendencies, but not in the
synthesis of light and in the dark confusion of infernal parody.

This scheme is apparently clear and convincing. But the first difficulty begin where we are trying to
find out the historical and geographical localization kontrinitsiaticheskih centers. And here it turns
out that they are quite difficult to distinguish from the actual initiatory societies and orders. Those.
determining on which side of the periphery - inside or outside, above or below - is this or that
initiatory organization is extremely difficult (if not impossible), and all external criteria can be easily
simulated. Guenon said that true esotericism is always oriented metaphysically, while
kontrinitsiatsiya remains at the level of cosmology (or "the world of subtle"). However, between the
profane world and the metaphysical principles it is such a huge distance that initially it is absolutely
impossible to predict for sure - there comes along this path dedicated to the actual metaphysical
levels, or get stuck in the intermediate areas. And if the "stuck", that will be different than it is in this
case representative of kontrinitsiatsii?

In other words, up to a certain point (and quite far removed from the sphere of the profane), the
path of initiation and kontrinitsiatsii not only parallel, but in fact there is one. And in relation to the
orientation "up" or "down" that it might seem from the outside convincing criterion, it should be
noted that the orientation of the forward initiatory experience quite revealing, as in the border
sphere between the ordinary and the beyond time and again ascent through descent, and take off
leads directly to bezdnu7. If this route to reach the end - it acquires adeptat and effective
implementation of the metaphysical. If you stray from the path - there is all kontrinitsiatsii attributes.

In other words, from a simple tripartite scheme is a more complex and less edifying picture,
where the emphasis is not transferred to the orientation of the movement, but in reality the
result achieved. Thus, the problem boils down to kontrinitsiatsii incomplete and imperfect
realization of the esoteric, and not to some original and strictly oriented secret society, which aims at
the establishment and strengthening antisakralnoy civilization. This antisakralnaya civilization, which
is actually built to date and continues to build, rather should be seen as the result of imposing on
each other unfinished implementations - in the first place, esoteric, and solidarity in this matter is
clear for all those within its own sacred form content with half-hearted, incomplete trends.
Profanizma dominance that accompanies the general degeneration is a consequence of the
degeneracy of the initiatory organizations themselves, which, contrary to its original orientation
rather than the heroic and non-stop movement to the center of metaphysics satisfied intermediate
surrogates and nedorealizovannymi potencies. This is hardly in this whole process involved is the
"demonized" force, which is called "the devil", "satanic". In fact, the most terrible and serious results
in the perversion and desecration are achieved by people with the best intentions, convinced that
they are orthodox and carriers the most obvious kind. Each dedicated, cool relating to the spiritual
path, each cleric, considering its tradition and its dogma as an ethical or moral convention, each
traditionalist who settles on the fact that repeats for masters apparently correct, but the sense out
due to mental laziness phrases students - here they and build gradually building kontrinitsiatsii,
cutting off from the pyramid initiatory realization of its metaphysical summit.

In those easiest to enroll in "kontriinitsiatsii representatives", ie "Lyutsiferitov," "satanists" based on

purely external criteria, there is a tragedy, pain, sufficient non-conformism, the ability to look at the
terrible truth. And so they can not act as a "scapegoat" for the traditionalists. Of course, some of
them may be in solidarity with the processes of desacralization, although most often it is a question,
on the other hand, just about rebellion against desecration and conformity with the degenerate
world, to which many representatives of the "orthodox" tradition - as it may seem! - Adaptable and
which easily and comfortably arranged.

Most often, religious nonconformists ( "heretics," "satanists", etc.) are looking for the totality of the
experience of the sacred, which can not offer them the representatives of orthodoxy. But this is not
their fault but their misfortune, and true fault lies with those who are allowed to turn into an
authentic tradition flat facade, behind which there is simply nothing. And perhaps it is these
"doubtful" forces and a group of desperate and bewildered, but still stubbornly, heroically going to
esotericism and initiation deeper reality, while remaining on the periphery of the profane or
moralizing conformists from the initiation, on the contrary, in every way interfere with it.

If distinguish initiation from kontrinitsiatsii possible only through the concrete experience of spiritual
realization, then any external criteria will not help in this matter.

This conclusion suggests itself, even if we recognize the universality of esotericism, which insists
Guenon. However, it remains valid when we apply it to a sacred esoteric form, taken separately.
When we take into account the metaphysical contradictions that exist between the different forms,
the case is even more complicated.

5. From the "Red Ass" to the Pope

Guenon as the main centers kontrinitsiatsii pointed preserved relic from ancient times the cult
of the Egyptian god Seth, as well as some of the snake cults of the Middle East. In his view, the
mysterious brotherhood "Red Ass" (or dragon) exist to this day, implicitly directing the basic
processes of civilization in the infernal way. If we ignore the "detective" taste of such a concept, and
even throws a different consideration in the eye. As an esoteric group of people biased in sacred
even snake and possibly fragmented aspect, could provoke a complete disregard for the sacred
primacy of quantitative and antiinitsiaticheskogo radical approach? In comparison with the global
system of manic lies, which we see in the modern media, zmeepoklonniki appear exotic and quite
nice group of romantics fringe. For antisakralnoy aggression of the modern world must be the reality
is far more serious and more thorough. Hardly scraps of ancient cults, even the most evil, may be
responsible for antisakralny collapse of the modern world. Hardly the dark and clearly smallest sect
possesses such versatility, at least in theory, to be able to effectively influence the most important
events in world history and, most importantly, the general intellectual climate. If something similar
actually occurred, such an organization could not remain not noticed, and let it circulate distorted,
rough and unfaithful, but still a wealth of information.
Another thing, if we take as a candidate for the role of media kontrinitsiatsii some metaphysical
tradition radically opposite to the dominant religious culture. So, for example, is quite respectable
and devout pars8 (Zoroastrian), appeared in India and received one way or another access to the
impact on the most important areas would be carried out in the context of Hinduism frankly
kontrinitsiaticheskuyu function as Zoroastrian metaphysics is based on the principle of "Dvaita" then
Hinduism as a metaphysical axis - "advaita". Moreover, such a metaphysical subversion would have
been much more devastating than, say, antinomies shivaistskih radical sects that would not put as
ethically questionable (ritual devouring people, ominous unromantic practice on vacant lots and
cemeteries, tantric orgies, etc.) at the same time questioned the basic metaphysical line Advaita

Equally kontrinitsiaticheskim character would possess activity Kabbalist Jew-bosom traditsii9 Islamic
or Christian country, with its (negative) Efficiency would be the higher, deeper and thinner Kabbalist
understand the metaphysics of his own tradition. Strictly speaking, the Orthodox metaphysician, well
aware of all the metaphysical implications of the dogma of the Trinity and understanding the full
depth of the contradictions of the Christian Gospel with estranged creationism Judaism and Islam,
and as fate would become involved in the most important cultural and religious issues of the
countries with the Abrahamic tradition, could cause a whole the official ideology (and the limit of
culture and politics) irreparable damage. In practice, the presence of such overt or covert religious
(and esoteric) groups in different countries - an obvious fact, while "zmeepoklonniki" either do not
know or are extravagant eccentrics.

We now turn to Western civilization, which is the cradle of antisakralnyh trends. There
kontrinitsiaticheskie trends that gave in the end the result is monstrous that we see today have
evolved in several stages. And the first stage connected with the Orthodox eschatology, remained
out of the spotlight Guenon, who had a relatively Christian tradition clearly improper opinion. This
first step was to backsliding Rome from Orthodoxy, changing Creed Charlemagne, the transition from
the Orthodox Church and the eschatological concept of the "symphony of powers" (associated with
the metaphysics of "holding", "Katechon") to the papist (Guelph) model (against whom, and acted as
cute Guénon (and us) Ghibelline emperors Hohenstaufen. Thus, the main sources of kontrinitsiatsii in
the West to be found in Catholic scholasticism willows Vatican. Catholic unlike Orthodoxy lost its
esoteric component and an absence gave rise to a whole range of initiatory organizations of different
(hermetic, protomasonskogo) sense. since these initiatory organization stemmed from the non-
Christian context (pre-Christian cults, Islamic or Jewish tradition), the alliance with the exoteric
church was not based on the synthesis and organic unity, but conformism and conventions. this
Catholic civilization, thus, neorganichno was so unstable and that even in the best (medieval) period,
it carried a lot of dubious and sometimes frankly kontrinitsiaticheskih elements.

Gradually, this fragile compromise was shaken, and the two components of the Western tradition
came to outright contradiction. Catholicism rejected non-Christian esotericism and finally descends
to the level of a controversial secularized Judeo-Christian morality. Autonomized esotericism in the
form of Freemasonry became a destructive device rationalist and anti-Christian and
antiezoterichesky indeed. In this case, both the broken half of the ensemble were awarded
kontrinitsiatichsekimi features - at least spiritual path in the direction of a metaphysical realization in
most cases stuck in the first stages, simulated, fake, alienated and transformed into its opposite. And
the very first chord and meaningful this degeneration was a rejection of the fullness of the Orthodox
metaphysics, which was a manifestation of pure kontrinitsiaticheskoy shares. Now when a long time
as part of a full-fledged single simultaneous Orthodox and Catholic Christianity, metaphysics, and the
initiation of the peoples and nations of the West in one catastrophic moment broke off the
relationship, which was enshrined in the introduction of the dogma of the "Filioque" Pressure Karl
Velikogo10. Catholic (later already quite secularized Protestant) moralism, plus anti-clerical,
bureaucratic, philanthropic-demagogic rationalism Masonry - all this much more kontrinitsiatichno
(judging from the position of a full-fledged Orthodox metaphysics) than bursts of anti-clerical, pagan
or "Luciferic" cults in the West, is, perhaps, a paroxysm of nostalgia for the complete and total
Tradition, even a hint of that in the West did not have since time immemorial.

It is this combination of Western anti-metaphysical Christianity (Catholicism and especially the Anglo-
Saxon Protestant) with a rationalist Masonry (with the active participation of the Jewish factor plays
an important conceptual role in the West's degradation - after the fall of Edom, "Christian world", is a
condition for the triumph iudaistichsekogo messianstva11) and formed the basis of that is poisonous
paradigm of the modern world. The role itself "Satanists" or "the representatives of the Order of
Seth" in all of this is not just negligible, but generally no, even more so, that the mere existence of
such orders is presumptive and based on highly questionable evidence. In particular, it refers to
Guenon picture Cairo artist depicted a strange monster, a statue which he allegedly seen in a secret
svyatilische12! To Guenon said, looking the picture of Dali, Ernst and thousands of other avant-garde
artists depicted on his canvases legions of monstrous creatures and claim thousands
gallyutsinativnyh or narcotic fables.

Very indicative in this sense, the story of Leo Taxil, the author of the late XIX century, the creator of
the fake revelations machinations of "Satanists". For Catholics Leo Taxil described secret "satanic
masonerii" for Freemasons - denounced the perversion and black magic of the Catholic clergy. On the
very same fact, it is quite wittily shown in addition to its clearly opportunistic personal goals that
both Western organizations (one embodying the Esoterism, other - esotericism), are not so much
"devil-worshipers" as incurable idiots, and this grotesque gullible stupidity (and by the conservatives
and by skeptics) there may be the most expressive feature of parody, which he considers Guenon
easily recognized "seal of the devil." By the way, the traditionalists, the followers of Guenon, could
not avoid the same fate, as the uncritical repetition of the various (often openly disputed) maxims of
the master, he came to a true parody, signs which clearly noticed already much more witty and
nonconformist (though no less - if not more - controversial) Julius Evola.

6. No kontrinitsiaticheskoy symbolism in the Primordial Tradition

Now a few words about the Primordial Tradition (Primordial Tradition). From our point of view, the
contours of this tradition, with astonishing clarity outlined in the writings of a German professor
Herman Wirth, a review of which Guenon book published in "Etudes Traditionnelles" 13. According
to Wirth, all existing mythological subjects, all characters, all religious dogmas and rituals, in fact all
human languages and alphabets have evolved from a single calendar protoforms, "Sacred Circle"
with placed on it protorunicheskimi znakami14. This was protoform description of natural
phenomena observed primordial humanity at the North Pole, on the ancient continent of
Hyperborea disappeared (or Arctogaia). Thus, the Primordial Tradition from a rather abstract concept
becomes quite tangible and concrete reality, that paradigm is extremely convincing and volume
reveals German Virt15.

In this Hyperborean protoforms calendar we are interested in an area, which is associated with dark,
night sector, an area which corresponds to the polar night and the associated symbolism. This - the
winter solstice or Yule Great, the greatest holiday, the symbolic and ceremonial center of the whole
structure of the Primordial Tradition. Kontrinitsiatsiya, Guenon, by definition, has to do with the
negative aspects of a universal symbolism, and hence, in the Hyperborean complex it with reality,
describing the state of the polar night, sunset and symbolic analogues of this. These characters often
act snake and a wolf, as if to swallow the sun of the polar winter. This darkness is also identified with
Mother Earth, from which come all living beings, and where they go to be reborn again.

This original painting, purely cyclical and harmonious, is preceded by a symbolic separation of the
complex on the positive and negative elements. No snake, no wolf, no darkness, no underground of
the country (where the sun leaves), neither death nor night do not have a strictly negative value. All
aspects of the cycle are equally important and necessary - as sacred as the sunset and sunrise
without dying sun no poslenovogodnego its spring revival. Therefore, the same symbols denote the
positive and negative and. This is a very important point - it is not an artificial theological concepts,
seeking to consciously identify the positive and negative to negative to positive (like the famous
Chinese symbol of yin-yang), but of a special state of consciousness, which in principle does not know
negativa16 ideas. That is why the tradition is actually originally Integral preceding any private
interpretation. The possibility of different interpretations of the original symbolism inherent in the
overall picture, and such interpretations constitute the outline of the historical religions and
mythologies have developed in a stable symbolic and doctrinal complex due to the metaphysical and
ethical accents of some aspects of the Single Hyperborean protoforms contrary to others. It can be
said that Hyperborean tradition is both dual and non-dual at the same time, and the Trinitarian and
unitary, and monotheistic and polytheistic, and matriarchal and patriarchal, and sedentary and
nomadic. Only later it splits into several branches, are isolated and opposing the other branches. But
the fact is that Primordial Tradition does not eliminate the metaphysical differences between
traditions, as is strictly neutral in this respect. It indicates the overall context, deploys
correspondences and symbolic series system, which help to explain the most mysterious and dark
aspects of the symbolism, mythology. Religious doctrines and sacred subjects. But in relation to
metaphysics is the Primordial Tradition is limited to ascertaining. Real filament reaches metaphysical
problems in completely different conditions as far away from the golden age of the Polar Civilization.
And that is why, by the way, it is impossible to agree with Guenon relatively esoteric unity of
traditions, because they are united in a metaphysical level, but in terms of the origin of a single
sacred cult-symbolic complex, which is a universal language, a basic element of all the varieties of
human culture and human religion . But the use of this language can serve as expressions of a wide
variety of theological and metaphysical constructs. They all deal with the same archetypal structure,
but they all interpret it differently, put a completely different metaphysical accents.

Therefore, the symbolic complex, which may be associated with kontrinitsiatsiey, in its most
universal aspect should refer to the Hyperborean mystery Yule. But strictly negative assessment of
this complex can lead to such a grotesque distortion of the most important and sacred aspects will be
treated as something "kontrinitsiaticheskoe". The same, according to Hermann Wirth, happened to
the Christian tradition, which had identified some solntsestoyancheskie Hyperborean subjects with
demonic reality, although they dealt with the symbolism, surprisingly reminiscent of calendar history
of the birth of the Son of God (the winter solstice).

Since the tail of the devils was a vestige solntsestoyancheskoy rune, meaning the lower part of the
Polar Year and the roots of the world tree. Boilers, in which devils brew sinners, developed on the
basis of the plot of the winter boiler (or cup) of the gods - the boiler Celtic god Dagda, which empties
and fills again by itself. This is a typical winter solntsestoyanchesky motive (and indeed the Christmas
Fleece even in times of the Normans was called "Dagda" and portrayed a cup or pot). Horns "devil" -
a symbol of the resurrection of the spring sun, so they are symbolic of two analogue raised hands -
spring rune "Single" 17, etc. These considerations suggest that on kontrinitsiaticheskom nature of a
symbol, or a symbolic complex can not be judged by purely formal grounds - in the Hyperborean
symbolism that underlies all of the sacred symbolism of these characters do not exist.

7. Conclusion

To sum up our brief analysis, it should be noted that it is necessary to radically revise the
theory kontrinitsiatsii Guenon and carefully reconsider some positions on this issue. This
issue is closely linked with other theses Guenon that a careful study of his ideas and their
application to the concrete historical religions and initiatory schools, are too approximate,
inaccurate or plainly wrong. Furthermore, this revision in no way affect the high authority of
Rene Guenon, because without his work and its major indications and models the entire
picture of metaphysics and esotericism would now be hopelessly chaotic. It is not about how
to debunk the master (as some would like it careless, ungrateful and very unpleasant disciples,
such as Frithjof Schuon and Marco Pallis). On the contrary, it is necessary to refine and hone
the great intuition of this brilliant man to clear his teachings on what was wrong, and cause
with renewed vigor and freshness to shine those aspects which, indeed, are an expression of
the purest truth. Guenon has given us an important model invaluable methodology. Thanks to
her, we can bring to a common denominator the enormous amount of material on theology,
history of religions, initiation, etc., with which we are dealing with, and which otherwise
would be a hopelessly contradictory fragments that resist any kind was to systematize (
neospiritualisticheskih of reconstructions or theories of profane historians and anthropologists
in general is not worth mentioning). Guenon remains a major and a key author. But if we,
after serious reflection and the result of thorough research concludes not agree with his views,
correcting them is pointless to try to hide them and pretend that everything remains

Question kontrinitsiatsii is extremely important and relevant. As well as the question of the
existence of (or nonexistence) of real unity metaphysical traditions. This article is only an
introduction to this perspective, outline the further research of importance. Continuing, we
hope to implement in subsequent papers.

In the meantime, we note that adequate representation of kontrinitsiatsii, clarification of its

nature, its essence and "localization" will take us close to a terrible secret hidden behind
dubious myths of the modern world, but ready to find before the hopelessly slumbering
humanity, wandering to the slaughterhouse, a horrible icy face . Contrary to the naive stories
about the "Order of the Red Ass," and exoteric and completely harmless "lyutsiferitam" true
mission kontrinitsiatsii dizzyingly large-scale, efficient and ubiquitous. It prepares people and
civilizations terrible fate. But to recognize this right up close look at the disaster need to be
realistic and is closely romantic haze residual occult and "detective" story cheap horror novel.

Nothing so do not rejoice "enemy of mankind" as the deafening stupidity of those who hastily
decided to embark on the fate of the struggle against it without having to seriously consider
all the circumstances and assess the full scope of the affected issues.


1 This topic is disclosed in detail in the book by A. Dugin "Metaphysics of the Good News", Moscow,
1996. In the same paper provides a detailed analysis of the Christological views Guenon, arising from
his religious affiliation to Islam, instead of matching their "unambiguous esoteric truth" . Generally
speaking, despite the fact that Guenon wrote about the proper Islamic tradition is extremely small,
the majority of his theses concerning the esoteric problems arise because of the Islamic view of
things, though in his esoteric slice. Guénon were close to the Hindu Advaita Vedanta and Islamic
Sufism. Specific approaches esotericism these two traditions is largely formed Guenon preferences
and evaluation of the historical religions and dogma. No matter how logical and orderly as these two
systems, they are still far from exhausting all the possible versions of an esoteric and initiatory

2 See ibid..

3 Christianity is ranked among the Abrahamic tradition only in the Islamic perspective, and in some
Judeo-Christian currents. Orthodoxy can not accept such a name as is clearly aware of his inner
spiritual nature as the tradition of Melchizedek, and doavraamicheskoy sverhavraamicheskoy. See

4 For details, see. A. Dugin "Metaphysics of the Good News", Ch. 41.

5 See ibid..

6 Is it really? The logic of our analysis shows that the situation is somewhat more complicated.

7 Recall the case of the initiatory journey of Dante, who in the bottom of the infernal funnel went
down the body of Satan is even lower, but it was so not in the center of the bottomless pit, and the
earth's surface near Purgatory Hill and earthly paradise. This category applies to a number of
characters, places a paradise under the earth, and demons - in the tops of the mountains, etc.

8 For example, the husband of Indira Gandhi, who was a Parsi.

9 This - case dönmeh, followers of the Jewish psevdomessii Sabbatai Zevi (XVII century), who looks
after their leader had converted to Islam, and in the XX century led by the Turkish government, which
immediately abolished Islam as the state religion, and announced the establishment in Turkey
"civilization of Western type. " We note here that being quite conventional in respect of its esoteric
Kabbalistic community and loyal to the general context of the Jewish Diaspora, while Denman
performed purely antisakralnuyu and anti-Islamic, profane mission, when viewed in a purely Islamic

10 See. "The Metaphysics of the Good News." Op. Cit.

11 See. Article "Messianism Kabbalah (the metaphysics of the nation, the Messiah and the end times
in the" Zohar ")" in this issue.

12 Here is an extract from a letter Guenon certain Hillel in 1930 with the description of the story:
"Here for the Al-Azhar University (Cairo University) there is an old gentleman who looks strikingly
similar to those portraits that depict the ancient Greek philosopher who makes strange paintings He
once. showed us a dragon figure with the head of a bearded man in a hat of the XVI century and with
six small heads of different animals, protruding from the beard. a particularly interesting that this
figure exactly resembles the image of the magazine "International Review of secret societies,"
presented there as an illustration of the famous book "Chosen Dragon." this is an image as if taken
from some ancient book. <...> But the salt is that this gentleman argues as if he had seen the head
and painted it exactly like the original! "

13 See. "Sweet Angel" N1, 1990.

14 See. Text G. Wirth "Holy Year" and Alexander Dugin "Cosmic Savior" in this issue.

15 See. As Alexander Dugin "Hyperborean Theory", Moscow, 1993

16 In modern linguistics there is a division of the types of thinking in two main varieties - on "digital"
thinking and "analog" way of thinking. "Digital" thinking. Similarly, the corresponding profanizmu
materialism and operates with abstract categories - "is" - "no" and operates under the laws of formal
logic (the law of the excluded middle, law of identity, etc.). It philosophers call "classical rationality."
"Analog" thinking has become a scientific category in the study of archaic primitive peoples, their
culture, and their mythology. "Analog" way of thinking, the corresponding world tradition and
keeping in touch with traces of Hyperborean tradition does not know "pure negation". "No" means it
"nothing but" pure absence is not represented, but the concept of "no" immediately evokes the
image of "the other's presence." "Analog" thinking first asserts the whole image, and only then lays it
on the category of "availability", "absence", "positive" - "negative", and even "man" - "woman", "big"
- "little". The "analog" thinking there is no strict distinction between subject and object of the action
steps between substantives and attribute between the action and the substantive. Therefore, in this
case the sun, and his disappearance, his absence as something unified and whole, in a statement -
the sun - has found its negation (the setting in the winter), and in denial - winter darkness - approval
(no sun shows its value). Based on this logic, the primordial symbolism in principle not subject to
moral interpretation - in it there is a system of interconnected whole sacred elements, none of which
are endowed with value priorities. Everything is an expression of a single sacred Being, the Light of
the World in different stages of its cyclical pulse.

17 See. Article A. Dugin "Cosmic Savior" in this issue.

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