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chapter 1 comidities section 1 The Two Factors of a Commodity: Use-Value and Value

wealth in capitalism is the accumulation / comidities

a comidity is a non human entity that satisfys a want
things have two 'stats' pertanent to exchange value: quantity & quality
it may have many properties/uses but those are examined by history,
as are the exaimination of standard units of mesure
things have utility, but there is no utility particle, instead utility is an emergant property
utility is independent of the time reqired to make it
use values only have value while being consumed, they also 'store' exchange value
exchange value seems like, the proportion where values of one sort are exchanged with others therefore exchange value s
being propotinal to comodities seems no
a given comodity a can be traded for x d's, y e's, or z f's thus they all must have replacable values
therefore exchange values express something equal
exhange values are not 'real' but abstract like good truth beauty ect. Thoe would affect the use value but not [value, trade
if we ignore use value the only common property left is they are prooducts of labour, but the form of them and thus the la
each of thes products is but a mass of human labour, all they say is that they were made by humans, these are Values, wha
exchange values are independet on their use value thus, when tradin it is based on values, and the only way to see values
value is mesured in its quantity thus, time but time as it would take the average worker on average, if you are slower in do
context changes how much labour is nesesary, with good times 1 hour might get you 8 corn but in bad times you might on
The value of a commodity, therefore, varies directly as the quantity, and inversely as the productiveness, of the labour inco
A thing can be a use value, without having value (labour) e.g. air dirt rainbows
A thing can be useful, and the product of human labour, without being a commodity, if you are self suficent but not exporti
comidities, you must crystalise labour for others for it to be a comidity
The mediaeval peasant produced tithe-corn for his parson. But it isn't a commodity because it had been produced for othe
To become
useless, so isa the
commodity a productinmust
labour contained belabour
it; the transferred to another,
does not count aswhom it and
labour, will serve as a creates
therefore use value, by means of an exch
no value.

chapter 1 comidities section 2 The Two-fold Character of the Labour Embodied in Commodities
herefore exchange value seems to be relitive, thus it

value but not [value, trade value, else?]

rm of them and thus the labour that formed them

ans, these are Values, what this society is based on

he only way to see values is via evchange values
age, if you are slower in doesn't cost more
in bad times you might only get 2
tiveness, of the labour incorporated in it

elf suficent but not exporting you don't use

ad been produced for others

alue, by means of an exchange
1 our riches
I we have come far and nowdays could create a thausandfold how much we used to if we 'wanted' to
II people poor 'cos capitalism, we are were we are todaay by standing on our forfathers sholders,
III now if people try to use what they made but is owned by the few they would be shot, those in control d
barons tax is now same just relabeled, lots is spent on army, education is for the few, sosiety becomes p
there is no freedom, capitalisim stops sentiment, no has right to own, everyone ha

2 well being for all

used to if we 'wanted' to
r forfathers sholders,
ould be shot, those in control don't understand the scource of their wealth,
or the few, sosiety becomes polarised between wrkers and profiters where
has right to own, everyone has the right to well being

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