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“Green Lamma Green” is a three-year project

jointly organised by HK Electric and the Conservancy

Association to enhance the ecological and educational
value of Lamma Island and to promote its sustainable
developments. Between 2005 and 2008, over 2,000
動南丫島的可持續發展。計劃於二零零五年推出, seedlings were planted, three eco-routes established
期間在南丫島上種植逾二千棵樹苗,並開發了島上 and 60 eco-leaders trained to enhance public
三條生態旅遊徑和訓練了六十名生態導賞員,促進公 understanding of the history, culture, geography and
眾對南丫島歷史、文化、地理和自然生態的認識。 natural environment of Lamma Island.

南丫島簡介 Introducing Lamma Island

南丫島是香港最受歡迎的旅遊熱點之一,除了令人垂涎的海鮮美食 Lamma Island is one of the most popular scenic spots in Hong Kong,
famous for its fresh seafood and natural scenery. The Family Trail
running from Yung Shue Wan to Sok Kwu Wan on the island is also
家樂徑更是遊客必遊之地。 a hot spot for hikers and visitors.
南丫島是香港第三大島嶼,面積約13.55平方公里,僅次於大嶼山和 Lamma Island is the third largest island in Hong Kong with a size of
香港島。由於島的形狀和樹椏相似,故稱為「南丫島」。整個島嶼 about 13.55 sq. km. “Lamma” in Chinese means “the southern tree
主要分為南段的索罟灣及北段的榕樹灣,由於南丫島四面環海, branch”, which resembles the shape of the island. With its beautiful
山巒起伏,風景優美,加上遠離繁囂,又接近大自然,所以成為 shorelines and a diversified environment, Lamma Island has become
a popular attraction for tourists as well as an ideal residential area
with a tranquil and bohemian atmosphere.
洋溢著一片恬靜悠閒的氣息。 There is no public transport on the island and residents get around
by small carts and bicycles. Engaged in the fishing industry for
南丫島上並沒有任何公共交通工具,只有小型卡車穿梭於民居 generations, many local residents operate seafood restaurants along
之間,居民多以單車代步。由於南丫島地理位置有利漁業發展, the coast after retirement. Various fish rafts can be seen along the
部份原居民在退休後經營海鮮食肆,並在海岸建立魚排, coastal area, providing a great variety of fresh seafood.

History and Culture

南丫島歷史文化簡介 Lamma Island was formerly named “Bok Liu Chau”.
Back in 1931, a priest discovered several stone
containers, believed to be produced in the New
所在地。早在1931年由一位神父在洪聖爺及大灣海灣 Stone Age. Since most of Hong Kong’s historical
一帶,發掘到一些新石器時代的器皿及石器用具, relics of New Stone Age were found on Lamma
而香港大部份現存的新石器時代文物都是在南丫島 Island, it is believed that there were early human
發現,故推斷這個島嶼在遠古時代已有人聚居。 settlements on the island even in the ancient period.
南丫島的古蹟,大部份與海、漁民和捕魚有關,例如 Most of the relics and historical monuments found
榕樹灣的天后廟 鹿洲天后廟 索罟灣天后廟 on Lamma are related to the ocean and the fishing
一個小小的海島上,竟有三間百多年歷史供漁民 Yung Shue Wan Tin Hau Temple Luk Chau Tin Hau Temple Sok Ku Wan Tin Hau Temple
industry. Not surprisingly, there are three Tin Hau
Temples built more than 100 years ago, which are

灣,足証漁民和捕魚業與南丫島的深厚關係和淵源。 located at Yung Shue Wan, Luk Chau Shan and
Sok Ku Wan respectively. They are popular places
of worship for fishermen and residents alike.
南丫島的生態特色 Ecological Characteristics LAMMA ISLAND
南丫島的生態資源豐富,遊人可以看到很多不同的生態環境,例如富生態價值的泥灘、適合野生生物居住 The abundant environmental resources on Lamma Island provide highly diverse natural habitats including mudflats, E C O -TO U R M A P
的沙灘、吸引蝴蝶穿梭的花叢、香港獨特的石牆樹及佈滿遠古時代遺留下來的花崗岩山丘等。 beaches, flowering shrubs, wall trees and granite hills, etc.
A wide range of organisms and plants can be found on Lamma, including banyan trees, woodland spiders,
“Painted Lady” and Green Turtles. Other common organisms include:

招潮蟹 彈來彈去。全身呈深灰褐色,跟泥灘的顏色相似,有保護 小紅蛺蝶是世界上分佈最廣的蝴蝶之一, 小白鷺
色的作用。頭頂上長有一雙鼓凸的大眼睛,方便搜捕 但在香港並不常見,可於西貢海下灣
獵物。彈塗魚的胸鰭肌肉發達,強壯有力,而且胸鰭連在 東北面的南風半島、南丫島等地看見牠們 小白鷺屬鷺科,全身白色,黑色咀尖而長,方便捕捉
招潮蟹最明顯的特徵是雄蟹的兩隻螯大小不同,而 一起,使牠們能在泥灘表面上彈跳自如。彈塗魚喜歡在 的蹤影。小紅蛺蝶具有長距離遷飛的 獵物,腳趾黃色,是香港常見的留鳥。繁殖期間頭上和 大木林蜘蛛據稱是香港目前發現體型最大的本地蜘蛛,由於牠的
雌蟹的兩隻螯則大小相同而且很小,雌蟹的身形大小跟 泥灘上挖洞作交配繁殖及避難之用。在泥灘表面的食物 能力,前翅頂角附近有幾個白色小斑, 身體長有飾羽,而臉上裸露的黃色皮膚變得較明顯, 胸部上有類似人面的圖案,故稱「人面蜘蛛」。雌性的腳距闊
雄蟹相似,也有同樣長柄的眼睛。不同的招潮蟹身體 鏈中,彈塗魚扮演一個重要的角色,牠們主要進食藻類, 而在翅膀中間部份有紅黃色不規則橫帶, 甚至呈紅色,藉以吸引異性。牠們主要進食魚類、蛙類 15厘米,體長5厘米,比雄性大兩倍多,一般住在森林和紅樹林
顏色也不同,惟同樣能轉換身體顏色來保護自己。 本身亦是雀鳥的主要食物之一。 由後翅基部伸延到前翅邊緣一帶,佈有 及昆蟲,並常跟大白鷺及池鷺一起於新界北部的鷺林內 裏面。所結的蜘蛛網是立體剪裁,可以伸展橫跨樹林中的小徑。
白黃色鱗片狀圖案。 築巢繁殖,牠們亦不時現身於南丫島的泥灘上。 在郊外碰見牠的機會相當多,而在南丫島上亦很常見。
(Periophthalmus cantonensis) Painted Lady Little Egret Wood Spider
The Mudskipper is an amphibious fish which bounces (Vanessa cardui) (Egretta garzetta) (Nephila maculata)
on mudflats. It features a grayish brown colour as
Fiddler Crab camouflage and large over-hanging eyes specialised for
The Painted Lady is not common in Featuring a white body with a slender black bill and While a pattern resembling a human face on its chest, the
Hong Kong but can be found in several Wood Spider is probably the largest primitive spider in Hong
(Uca spp.) hunting. Mudskippers will dig little holes on mudflats for
places such as Sai Kung and Lamma
distinctive yellow feet. The Little Egret is one of the
Kong. The body of a female Wood Spider is around 5 cm long
mating and sheltering. Their main source of food is algae most common residents in Hong Kong. Their main
The male Fiddler Crab has a pair of exceptionally Island. It can fly long distance, featuring source of food are fish, batrachians and insects. and can measure up to 15 cm with its legs stretched out, about
and they are also one of the main food sources for birds.
large cheliped to attract its female counterpart and white dots on its forewing and irregular They usually breed along with the Great Egret and twice as large as the male. Its webs are huge 3D structures and
to fend off competitors, while the female’s pincers red and yellow stripes at the centre of its the Chinese Pond Heron in the northern part of can stretch across trees. It can usually be found in forests,
are of equal size. Fiddler Crabs usually appear on wing. White and yellow scale-shaped the New Territories. They are sometimes found on mangroves and along hiking trails throughout Hong Kong and
mudflats and mangroves during low tide for food patterns can also be seen from the base the mudflats of Lamma Island. Lamma Island.
and protection. of the hindwing all the way to the edge of
the forewing.

生 態 旅 遊 守 則 Rules to Observe during Eco-tours

生態旅遊的目的是透過親身體驗大自然,增加對環境生態 在欣賞四周景物之餘,請大家注意以下生態旅遊守則:
Please observe the following rules during eco-tours:
居民與旅客的自然保育意識,並在對環境造成最少影響的 穿著長袖衣服及長褲,並塗上驅蟲劑,除可防止蚊叮蟲咬外, 觀賞雀鳥時,不應過度接近鳥巢,以免驚嚇鳥兒,導致棄巢。 觀察蝴蝶時,所穿衣服的顏色越配合大自然,越容易接近細看。
亦可避免被草叢灌木割傷。 Keep a distance from bird nests to avoid disturbance and When watching butterflies, wear clothing with a colour tone that
Wear trousers, clothing with long sleeves and repellents to probably the abandonment of nests. matches the natural environment.
prevent insect bites and sharp cuts by grass or shrubs.
Eco-tourism aims to allow tourists to gain knowledge of the
eco-system, natural resources as well as the history and culture of 欣賞河海岸邊生態時,切勿挖掘沙石或翻起岸邊石頭,以免破壞 野生生物的「建築物」- 蜘蛛網、蟻巢、鳥巢等,是這些生物 切勿騷擾綠海龜產卵,這可能使牠們永遠不再回到產卵地。
a place through direct contact with the natural environment. It also 原有生態環境及騷擾水中生物。 賴以為生的天然建築物,應保持原狀,不可干擾或破壞。 Do not disturb the green turtles during their breeding season
aims to enhance environmental awareness and benefit local Do not dig or disclose the pebbles and stones along the Do not touch any “natural establishments” such as spider or they may never return again.
economy with minimal impact on nature. seashore to avoid disturbance to the habitants. webs, ant habitats and bird nests.

Green Lamma_front Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

南 丫 島 生 態 旅 遊 徑 指 南 LAMMA ISLAND ECO-TOUR MAP

榕樹灣渡輪碼頭 榕樹灣天后廟 洪聖爺灣泳灘 港燈南丫風采發電站
植樹區涼亭 蘆鬚城學校 索罟灣天后廟 索罟灣渡輪碼頭 HK Electric’s Lamma Winds
需時:約1.5小時 難度: 由於地理條件理想,南丫島成為興建香港首個風力發電站的地點。隨着「南丫風采發電站」
Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier Yung Shue Wan Tin Hau Temple 到由可再生能源產生的「綠色」環保電力。
Hung Shing Yeh Beach Tree Planting Site Pavilion Lo So Shing School 風站採用開放式設計,方便市民自由參觀,站內設有電子顯示屏和教育展板,介紹風站設計、
Sok Kwu Wan Tin Hau Temple Sok Kwu Wan Ferry Pier 運作以及各種可再生能源,加上風站位處大嶺的山丘上,香港南區怡人的景色盡入眼簾。
Duration: about 1.5 hours Difficulty:
Due to its geographical advantages, Lamma Island was chosen as the site for building
教育牌 Educational Panels 北角碼頭
Hong Kong’s first wind power station. With the commissioning of “Lamma Winds” in
Pak Kok Pier February 2006, the local community is able to enjoy for the first time the supply of green
electricity generated by wind power.
榕樹與榕小蜂的共生關係 次生樹林(樹林的演替)
Symbiotic Relationship Secondary Woodlands
138 米M Featuring an open design, “Lamma Winds” houses an electronic display panel and an
北角山 exhibition area introducing the operation of the wind power station and the various types
Between Fig Trees (The Succession of Pak Kok Shan
and Fig Wasps Woodlands) of renewable energy. Standing majestically atop Tai Ling, “Lamma Winds” has become a
Pak Kok Tree Planting Site
landmark where visitors can enjoy the spectacular scenery of Hong Kong Island.

Paak Kap Hang
海岸生境 – 岩岸及沙灘
Coastal Habitats – Rocky and
Strangling Plants
Sandy Shores 榕樹灣 石牆樹 大坪村
Yung Shue Wan 寶華園
Po Wah Yuen
Wall Tree Tai Peng
Village 共創「綠」南丫植林區
“Green Lamma Green” This is a tree planting site jointly
植物群落的演替 – 先鋒植物 泥灘的重要性 established by HK Electric and the
Tree Planting Site Conservancy Association under the
Succession of Plant The Importance of
榕樹灣渡輪碼頭 這是由港燈及長春社在為期三年的共創 3-year “Green Lamma Green” project,
Community – Pioneer Plants Mudflats Yung Shue Wan
Ferry Pier 「綠」南丫計劃下,合力建立的植樹區, which aimed to enhance the greenery
大嶺村 鹿洲
Luk Chau and biodiversity of Lamma Island
榕樹灣天后廟 Tai Ling 希望能透過植樹逾2,000株,改善植被和
Yung Shue Wan Village through tree planting. Here, you can
港燈南丫風采發電站 增加植物覆蓋率,吸引更多野生動物到來
Tin Hau Temple HK Electric’s Lamma Winds enjoy the breathtaking, panoramic views
南丫島樹林的重生 橫塱村 棲息,令南丫島的生物種類更豐富。在此, of HK Electric’s Lamma Power Station
Wang Long
Regeneration of Forests Village 不單可遠眺南丫島清澈的海灣,更可俯瞰 as well as the beautiful coastline of
on Lamma Island 港燈南丫發電廠的全貌,居高臨下, Lamma Island.
Tai Wan To 風景壯麗。
Luk Chau
Tin Hau Temple


榕樹灣渡輪碼頭 寶華園 大坪村 北角植林區 大嶺村 港燈南丫發電廠 Hung Shing Yeh 南丫島家樂徑
HK Electric’s Lamma Power Station Beach Lamma Island
南丫風采發電站 榕樹灣大街/ 大灣肚 榕樹灣渡輪碼頭 Family Trail

需時:約1.5小時 難度: 青年旅舍

桔仔灣 Lamma Youth
Kat Tsai Wan Camp
Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier Po Wah Yuen Tai Peng Village 舊石礦場
Old Quarry
Pak Kok Tree Planting Site Tai Ling Village Lamma Winds 植樹區涼亭
Tree Planting 共創「綠」南丫植樹區 索罟灣
Yung Shue Wan Street/ Tai Wan To Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier Site Pavilion “Green Lamma Green”
Tree Planting Site Sok Kwu Wan
Duration: about 1.5 hours Difficulty: 水泥廠
Cement Works 南丫島家樂徑
Lamma Island
教育牌 Educational Panels 鐵砂塱 Family Trail
Mo Tat Wan Pier
Tit Sha Long 索罟灣涼亭 索罟灣魚排
Sok Kwu Wan Sok Kwu Wan Rafts
Chinese Fan Palm and
Hillfire and Succession 模達新村
the Home of Bats 蘆鬚城學校 索罟灣渡輪碼頭
模達舊村 Mo Tat
Lo So Shing Sok Kwu Wan
Ferry Pier 250 M 米
Mo Tat New Village
School 凌角山 Old Village
蘆鬚城泳灘 泥灘 Ling Kok Shan
Lo So Shing Mudflats 索罟灣天后廟
植林樹種介紹 – 愛氏松 南丫島的地理位置 Beach 神風洞 Sok Kwu Wan
Cave Tin Hau Temple
Plantation Species – Geographical Location Kamikaze
Slash Pine of Lamma Island 榕樹下
Yung Shue Ha

植林樹種介紹 – 台灣相思 港燈南丫風采發電站的選址 Watching Zone
Plantation Species – Site Selection for 石排灣沙灘
Shek Pai Wan Beach
Taiwan Acacia HK Electric’s Lamma Winds

騎樓石 東澳
Balcony Rock Tung O

索罟灣渡輪碼頭 南丫島家樂徑 模達舊村 榕樹下
石排灣沙灘 東澳 騎樓石 索罟灣天后廟 索罟灣渡輪碼頭
需時:約3小時 難度:
353 米M 泥灘的重要性
Sok Kwu Wan Ferry Pier Lamma Island Family Trail Mo Tat Old Village Mount Stenhouse The Importance of
(Shan Tei Tong)
Yung Shue Ha Shek Pai Wan Beach Tung O Balcony Rock Mudflats
Sok Kwu Wan Tin Hau Temple Sok Kwu Wan Ferry Pier 索罟灣是一個內灣,海水中之泥沙
Duration: about 3 hours Difficulty: 及淤泥經年累月的沉積,加上
Sham Wan 島上溪流的淡水長年流入,形成了
教育牌 Educational Panels 獨特的潮間帶泥灘生境。這兒可
齊來尋找蝴蝶的蹤跡 透視薇甘菊
Sok Kwu Wan is an inner bay where
Let’s Look for Butterflies Looking into Mikania clay, sand and sludge in seawater
deposit for years, and that
freshwater from streams on the
island flows in years by years,

Printed on 100% Recycled Paper 05/2008

forming a unique habitat on the
土壤的侵蝕 模達學校 intertidal mudflats. Here you can
Soil Erosion Mo Tat School find mangroves and other mudflats
organisms such as Fiddler Crabs
涼亭 洗手間 and Mudskippers.
Pavilion Washroom
火山爆發的遺產 The Future of Fishing
緊急事故 長春社
Industry on
2728 6781
Vestige of Volcanic Eruptions
Lamma Island 常 用 電話 Emergency
Useful The Conservancy Association
Telephone 天氣 港九小輪有限公司
1878 200 2815 6063
100% 再 造 紙 印 製

Weather Hong Kong and Kowloon Ferry Ltd.
Coastal Plants
相 關 網站 香港電燈有限公司 長春社 港九小輪有限公司
Related The Hongkong Electric Co, Ltd. The Conservancy Association Hong Kong and Kowloon Ferry Ltd.

Green Lamma_back Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

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