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Good communication is just as stimulating as good coffee and just as hard to sleep after.

I agree with this quotation because it shows us that a good conversation with a deep meaning can keep
us energic and grounded with reality, and just as the caffeine in coffee, that good conversation will make
us want more, and think about it so much that it keeps us awake at night.

First of all, I agree with this statement because talking about a subject or a concept you are familiar
with, or you want to learn can stimulate us in a way compared to what coffee does to us, make us feel
awake, on touch with reality, always ready for something to say. This also depends a lot on the person
we are having a conversation with, because just as the caffeinated drink acts sometimes, we’ll just have
that conversation but we won`t feel like anything has changed, this can be named “talking for talking`s

Second of all, its very hard to stay awake after a good conversation, both in the literal term and also in
the figurative way. A conversation can leave a lot of things in our minds, sometimes good and impactful
things, that take a lot of time to process, some conversation being so deep that we start to analyse
them, they appearing like dreams sometimes.

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