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Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets using the

Past Tense Simple or Continuous:
1. While I (take) a course in finance and accounting, I (find) a suitable
2. He (start) to apply for a job while he (study) marketing abroad.
3. Last week a lot of customers (complain) about the poor services.
4. We (attend) a meeting at six o‘clock yesterday.
5. 5.While she was (draw) up a report, her boss (call)
6. I (deal) with the clients when you (send) me the fax.
7. I (pay) by credit card for all the goods I (buy) yesterday.
8. He (get) involved in a new project while he (work) for his
friend‘s company.
9. She (graduate) in 1999 and then (became) a travel agent.
10. The company (sell) only high quality products until it (go)
bankrupt two years ago.

1.4.2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Tense.
1. I knew that he (study) languages at Bucharest University.
2. I wanted to meet her that is why I (arrange) this meeting the day
3. The last member of the group was Peter, whom John (know) for some
4. Angela was more than two hours late and she asked what we (eat),
because she wanted to order the same.
5. When he (find) the photo, I took the album back in my mother‘s
6. He read what I (write) in the album two days before.
7. My father (arrive) home when my mother woke up.
8. I (know) what kind of person he was.
9. He (send) me the letter when I called on him.
10. They (speak) with the teacher about the written paper when I arrived

1.4.3. Translation Practice

Programul Erasmus a fost întemeiat în anul 1987 şi reprezintă o parte
importantă a Programului de pregătire continuă al Uniunii europene pentru
perioada 2007-2013. Programul este numit astfel după cunoscutul filizof
Erasmus din Rotterdam care a trăit şi a lucrat în mai multe părţi ale Europei şi a
lăsat o avere considerabilă Universităţii din Basel. Scopul acestui program
este de a încuraja mobilitatea academică, atât în rândul studenţilor cât şi al
profesorilor din ţările Uniunii europene, din ţările zonei economice europene
– Islanda, Lichtenstein şi Norvegia, ca şi din ţările candidate, cum ar fi
Turcia, dându-le posibilitatea de a se adapta unui alt stil de viaţă şi mediu
cultural. Elveţia devine din nou eligibilă ca membră începând cu 2007, după o
perioadă de absenţă ca urmare a respingerii unor legături mai strâse cu
Uniunea Europeană la sfârşitul anilor 1990.


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