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Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines attach ribosomes

2 hours ago

Kimberly Navas

1. cell wall

Catalysed by transpeptidase or penicillin binding protein

Or pbp

Beta lactam ring- active component

Glycopeptides- bind to the components of peptidoglycan preventing the cell wall synthesis

2 hours ago

Kimberly Navas

NAG, NAM, Short chain crosslinking chain

1 hour ago

Kimberly Navas

2. Folate inhibitions

- synthesis of folate for prodution of purines - a component of DNA

Sulfonamides Trimetophorim

-interfere with the enzymes needed for pathway

Sulfur metatoxol-- a sulfonamide compete with the substarte PABAin binding with the enzyme

Kimberly Navas

2. Folate inhibitions

- synthesis of folate for prodution of purines - a component of DNA

Sulfonamides Trimetophorim

-interfere with the enzymes needed for pathway

Sulfur metatoxol-- a sulfonamide compete with the substarte PABAin binding with the enzyme

59 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas


Trimetophorim - competes with dihydropteroate reductase

disrupting DNA synthesis

50 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

3. Agents interfere with DNA Replication for preparation of cell division

Quinolones ( gram positive - Topoisomerase 4, gram negative - topoisomerase 2 or DNA Gyrase

46 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

4. Agents interfere with DNA Transcription or synthesis of RNA with use of strand of DNA

as a template

as a template

46 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

Mediated by RNA Polymerase

Refampin - inhibitor, disabling the elongation of the RNA chain

45 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

5. Agents that inhibit protein synthesis

ANTIBIOTICS by binding to the subunits of ribosomes

Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines - attack the 30s ribosomal subunit resulting in misreading of mRNA

40 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

Macrolides and Chloramphenicol have affinity to 50 s resulting in inhibition of peptide chain

Aminoglycosides may cause deathness and lodd of balance

Chloramphenicol- may cause temporary or permanent depression of the bone marrow that may cause
aplasmic anemia and leukopenia

tetracyclines- damage in liver, kidney damage and yellowing if teeth in children

32 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

The negative charge of lipopolysaccharides of gram negative cell wall repel negative charged antibiotics

Porins- used by bacteria torrestrict the innflux of

Efflux - pumps out antibiotics and toxic substances outside of the bacterial cell

Bacteria FIGHTS antibiotics - enzymatic inactivation rendering them useless

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Beta Lactamase inhibitor -clavanic acid, sulbactam, tazobactamin conjuction with the beta lactam

19 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

- function as substrate of beta lactamase

-reducing their detrimental effect against the antibiotics

PENICILLIN - beta- lactam antibiotic to penicilloic acid by beta lactamase

- function as substrate of beta lactamase

-reducing their detrimental effect against the antibiotics

PENICILLIN - beta- lactam antibiotic to penicilloic acid by beta lactamase

17 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

PENICILLIOIC ACID - does not have any microbial activity

BACTERIA - can also modify the target site of the antibiotic to render them useless as the modified
target has reduced affinity to the antibiotic in question on the target site modification occurs primarily

13 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas



Mutation in the gene that code for those enzymes may result in modified topoisomerase enzyme which
has reduced affinity to the quinolones

10 minutes ago

Kimberly Navas

TRANSPEPDTIDASE ENZYME- reduced affinity with Beta Lactam antibiotics

9 minutes ago

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