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29/10/2020 pref_6_Reading 2.

6: Revisión del intento



Comenzado el lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020, 18:02

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Finalizado en lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020, 18:04
Tiempo empleado 1 minutos 46 segundos
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29/10/2020 pref_6_Reading 2.6: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1

How to Avoid Getting a Divorce
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Your marriage looks like its over and your spouse has told you s/he wants a
divorce. Perhaps s/he's even moved out. Maybe s/he's even having an affair.
How do you stop ghting? How do you get him/her to change his/her mind and

Step 1: 
Act con dent. Your spouse fell in love with a happy and balanced person whose world lit up every time s/he walked into
the room. It's understandable you're unhappy that s/he's pulling away from you, but the more you cling, need, and
desperately try to hang on, the more unhappy you are (since it's obvious by now that s/he's leaving you), and the less
and less you are the person s/he once fell in love with. Be honest with yourself: Would you want to spend the rest of
your life with someone who's been acting the way you have been acting lately? If you're friendly,attentive, and fun to be
around, s/he will want to be around you. S/he will start to gravitate (slowly but surely) back to you. Try to be con dent,
but not arrogant, even if it is di cult for you.

Step 2: 
Empathize with your partner. Cater to their emotional needs rst, then the material ones. Does you partner want to
empty the bank account and buy a sports car? Say "I agree, it would be great fun to buy a ashy car. Let's go to the auto
show this weekend, pretend we're lthy rich, and go for some test drives." Notice how you bypassed (for the time being)
emptying the bank account and instead focused on his(her) feelings. This brings you closer together. Does your partner
say you don't do enough chores around the house? Say "Yes, I agree, I don't do anywhere near as much work around the
house as you do. I understand how upset that must make you feel at times." Notice how you bypassed (for the time
being) actually doing the chores, and instead focused on her(his) feelings.

Step 3: 
Address the physical and material needs and desires after establishing a common ground. If you've gone to the car
show and had a great time, speak to each other if your partner wants to spend money you don't have. If you begin to
argue and your partner says "You never care about what I want!", turn away from the spending issue and speak with
them about how you want them to be happy, and that's why you married them in the rst place, but that in the long run,
neither of you will pro t from being in debt. Let them know that you would like to make them feel loved and appreciated
in a different, more sensible way.

Step 4:

Talk to your partner about your future. It does not help to pretend there is no problem. That will not make it disappear.
Make time to speak with your partner openly. Prepare yourself for being emotionally vulnerable and lay it all on the
table.Communicate your feelings and your willingness to acknowledge theirs. If you love them and want them to give
you a chance and stay with you, tell them that. Offer to have counseling sessions or anything else you (or they) think
might help you.
Step 5:

Be honest and ask for honesty in return. Tell your partner that even if they are not in love with you at the moment, the
least you owe each other is respect. Respect means being honest to each other. If you want to know and you think you
can handle it emotionally, ask them whether they are having an affair. Before you ask, think about how you will respond
to the possible answers. If they are having an affair, tell them how much that hurts you, even if it feels counterintuitive.
Tell them that you care about delity and that you vowed to be faithful to each other. Ask them to end their affair if you
want to rebuild a strong bond with each other.

Step 6:
Be open to change. Agree to make changes in your routines or interaction if you feel it will help. Make clear that you will
try your best, but it might take you some time to get used to them. Then really try your best and show that you are
sincere. Ask the same in return.

Step 7:
Make up your mind to let it go if none of the above helps. If your partner is having an affair and unwilling to give it up,
don't stay. You can only save your marriage together. If your partner simply does not want to, there is not much you can
do, but you owe it to them and your relationship to genuinely try before throwing in the towel. 2/3
29/10/2020 pref_6_Reading 2.6: Revisión del intento

Now, answer the questions:

1. What do you have to do to make that person want to be around you?   you have to be fun, friendly and attentive

2. What is more important?   The emotional needs 

3. According to the text, is money an issue to discuss when you're thinking in getting a divorce?  
No, it is more important to talk about feelings 

4. What do we do when we ask for honesty?   Think about possible answer your partner might give you 

5. What happens when all this steps don't x the situation?   It's better to let go 

Decide if each statement is true or false:

6. To ght with your partner is a good way to avoid divorce.   false 

7. If people change is possible to x a relationship.   true 

8. An affair is a reason to leave the marriage.  true 

9. Communicate your feelings is wrong.  false 

10. The focus on money is wrong.  true 

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