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Umbrella is a new short non-dialogue animated film created by Stratostorm Production based
on Brazil. It was published on 7th of January 2021. The two creative directors who take a part on
creating this animation are Helena Hilario and Mario Pece. This short film has reached fame when it was
qualified for an Oscar in this year.

The story tells us about a little boy named Joseph who was dreaming of having a yellow
umbrella. A little while later, there was a little girl and her mother that bought the yellow umbrella
coming to the orphanage where the boy lived. For that reason, he stole the umbrella and kept it in the
wood cupboard upstairs. However, the little girl realized if her umbrella has gone. She checked all
around the room and saw many raindrops near the stairs, so that she directly followed the trace.
Surprisingly, she saw the little boy was keeping her umbrella in the cupboard. She got really mad and
told the boy to give it back. After the girl forcibly pulling the umbrella from his hands, the boy started

Seeing the umbrella from up close, made him remembered his memory from past days. Before
he entered an orphanage, he became a vagrant with some middle aged man who always took care of
him and treated him nicely. But then, they were separated when the man brought him into the front
door of the orphanage. Nevertheless, the little girl showed an empathy towards him, so she was letting
go her yellow umbrella and gave it to him. She has comforted him with her belongings. They grew old
together and become a soul mate.


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