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Solar Fire Synastry Interpretations

(c) 2004, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd

Some Interpretations are from:

Roderick Kidston, Aquarius Communications, 2003-10

This report has been written to introduce you to the concepts of astrology and how to get
started in relationship astrology. Astrology is a complex and meaningful science which takes
years to study and apply successfully; however, we would like to whet your appetite with this
report, and encourage you to deepen your understanding through other means.

Astrology is a study of the connection between planets and life on Earth. It is based on a
concept that energy patterns form between other planets and Earth and that these energies
affect our lives as individuals and communities.

An astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart, or birth chart, records the
relationship between the planets and the signs of the Zodiac. Charts can be calculated for the
birth of a person, a community, an event or anything that seems momentous. The horoscope
is as individual and unique as a fingerprint.

When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will
contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different
items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. However, this may still be an
accurate reflection your chart, as it is likely that you do experience conflicting desires, events
and circumstances in your life. Usually it is the responsibility of an astrologer to synthesise
these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the
dilemmas of the chart.

Please also be aware of the fact that each person has positive and negative influences in the
chart, and therefore in their lives. The challenge is to accept and overcome the negative
influences, so that we can successfully focus on the positive traits. This report outlines the
influence of both people's charts on each other. This is called relationship synastry meaning
the comparison of two horoscopes and the correlations discovered. It is likely that the report
will show both the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship synastry. Any advice given is
meant to be an aid to a person taking responsibility for their own lives and their own choices
within a relationship. The ultimate decision rests with each individual. The author and
publisher accept no liability for any adverse affects of this report.

Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson has written the text in this report. Stephanie holds a
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the USA for 15
years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is currently a consulting astrologer, is
Company Director of Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia and Editor of the
Australian Data Collection. She holds the FAA Practitioners' qualification and was a former
editor of the Journal of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Stephanie has also
completed the Robert Zoller Certificate in Medieval Astrology. In 2000 she was awarded an
FAA Diploma for her share in the development of the Solar Fire range of astrological
software products.

nico's Moon Square Jess's Mars

Orb 1°22' Applying
In astrology Mars is the planet of drive and determination whereas the Moon is the planet of
feelings. When these two planets form certain patterns the combination can be volatile. In this
case there is a lot of friction in the relationship. nico is likely to feel overpowered by Jess.
nico often wonders why he is so easily upset by Jess. No matter how hard he tries to calm his
emotions Jess just seems to trigger heated feelings. nico feels a strong attraction to Jess, but
he is also aware that this is a troubled association. It is likely that nico believes that Jess lacks
sensitivity to his feelings. Jess also senses the friction, but is perhaps not so bothered by it.
Jess is more concerned because at times nico seems like a wet blanket. Jess's patience is
tested because she feels that she has to console nico's feelings before she can achieve her
goals in life. Jess also feels a certain excitement in this association, but is aware that the
tension can be an obstacle to fulfilment. If both nico and Jess are aware of the problems and
face them with honesty then an understanding can be reached and a rewarding relationship
result. When this occurs both nico and Jess begin to feel that their lives have become more
effervescent with the advent of this relationship. This combination is most difficult for a
deeply personal relationship such as marriage or a close personal friendship. It can be
advantageous for a working relationship that requires a lot of hard work and energy. For
instance, building a house together may be a good way of using the energy of this

nico's Moon Conjunction Jess's Uranus

Orb 0°26' Separating
The saying 'expect the unexpected' could be applied to this combination of nico and Jess's
planets. There is an element of excitement and adventure when nico and Jess get together.
They both enjoy the thrill of being in each other's company exploring new territories together.
Many relationships start with the thrill and ardour of romance only to have it fade with the
routine of daily life. However, nico and Jess know how to keep the exhilaration for the long
term. In particular nico is very attracted to Jess, acknowledging that Jess adds a lot of spice to
his life. He feels life is more joyful since he has met Jess. nico may be the one to nurture
some of Jess's more adventurous plans or he may simply enjoy going along for the ride. Jess
feels that nico gives her companionship and comfort prompting her to new heights of
innovative ideas and activities. It's possible that both nico and Jess enjoy an unusual and
innovative hobby or work project. This is a fun combination for a personal union, but will
need other connections between two people's planets to cement a long-term intimate
relationship. This combination is also ideal for less personal relationships such as friendships
or a working project that requires creative and innovative ideas.

nico's Sun Quincunx Jess's Jupiter

Orb 0°21' Separating
The Sun and the favourable planet Jupiter are combining, suggesting that this relationship is
blessed with good fortune and a happiness in the short term; however, a long-term
relationship may be fraught with insecurities. Initially nico and Jess feel a strong sense of
togetherness, sharing many new and varied activities. Both nico and Jess feel that the other
person is contributing positively to their lives. They feel more alive within this union.
Gradually the excitement wears off and they become aware that they have very different
philosophies on life. Whereas once nico felt that her life purpose was expanded by the
forward moving energy of Jess, now he feels that Jess doesn't know when to stop. He
becomes aware that Jess's values are very different and that this is hindering his ability to
express his full potential. Jess was once excited by the strength of nico's purpose in life.
However, now Jess feels that her path is being blocked by nico's stubborn personality. This
combination brings benefits to the couple in the first throes of the relationship, but it is going
to take work to maintain the relationship. The long-term success of this association depends
on other connections between nico and Jess.

nico's Sun Quincunx Jess's Chiron

Orb 0°01' Separating
This combination of the Sun and the asteroid Chiron is a difficult one, presenting both nico
and Jess with the challenge of reassessing their life goals in order that they may head in new
directions. This relationship is a significant one enabling both nico and Jess to grow and
change, but only after some soul searching. As a result of this union nico may discover new
talents and a new sense of self and Jess may find a new role as a teacher or healer. However,
initially they have to overcome old hurts which stand in the way of honest communication.
The path to greater self-understanding is not always smooth and this relationship is one of the
lessons on the journey. Through delving into past hurts, this union can be a healing one and
through each other nico and Jess can learn valuable lessons. It is important that nico and Jess
develop compassion and understanding for each other. Otherwise they may unwittingly
contribute to further emotional pain.

nico's Mercury Square Jess's Moon

Orb 0°22' Applying
Arguments can cause upset feelings in a relationship with this combination of planets. All
types of associations can suffer some setbacks under this influence, but personal relationships
are particularly fraught with difficulties. Friction seems to result no matter how Jess and nico
try to approach each other on intimate matters. Jess and nico's relationship suffers because of
unspoken problems, or perhaps either Jess or nico speaks their mind too often. Either way the
problem is communication. No matter how hard both Jess and nico try they cannot seem to
understand each other's way of seeing things and how each other feels. Jess communicates on
an intuitive or feeling level whereas nico is the more rational thinker. As a result Jess and
nico alternate between passion and rationality, having difficulty understanding the other
person. Jess and nico's behaviour seems at odds with their needs, and they do not seem to be
able to comfortably settle down in the relationship. On a more positive note Jess and nico
may not mind a little friction in their intimate relationship. However, it's more likely that Jess
and nico would both do well to work on their communication skills. As a result Jess and nico
can develop skills which help to overcome the problems enabling them to better understand
each other.
nico's Venus Opposition Jess's Venus
Orb 0°36' Applying
A love relationship can both benefit and be adversely affected by this combination of the
planets Venus. Ancient astrologers considered the planet Venus to have most beneficial
effects and this can be seen clearly in relationship astrology. Both nico and Jess are attracted
to each other, seeing the very best of themselves reflected in the other person. On the whole
they enjoy each other's company, making the most of their joint interests. nico and Jess are
likely to enjoy various pleasurable outings ranging from alfresco meals to visits to the theatre.
However problems arise once the initial attraction wears off and they start to disagree on how
their relationship should be approached e.g. the blend of freedom and closeness, intellect and
emotion, personal time and social activities to name a few. Then it is more difficult for nico
and Jess to make the most of their relationship. Their success in overcoming these difficulties
depends on other aspects of their relationship. This combination is more common in love
relationship, but can also indicate a friendship.

nico's Venus Trine Jess's Jupiter

Orb 0°56' Separating
This is an ideal combination for a rewarding relationship, particularly a love union or close
personal bond. Both nico and Jess feel at ease in each other's company, sharing a common
sense of adventure and joy. The old hit song "You Light Up My Life" could be a good theme
song for this relationship. Together nico and Jess enjoy good fortune, exploring the realms of
higher learning, culture, religion or metaphysics. They may delight in travelling to foreign
lands, meeting new people and discovering different ways of life. Alternatively they may take
delight in joining a study group closer to home. Either way their horizons are expanded by
this union and the attraction is strong. nico is enchanted by Jess's wisdom, experiencing a
sense of being led into new and exciting territory. He loves the way that Jess contributes a
sense of joy and fulfilment to his life. In return Jess enjoys the fact that nico is always willing
to support her ventures.

nico's Venus Conjunction Jess's Pluto

Orb 1°06' Separating
Intense emotions are central to this relationship. nico and Jess feel a passionate attraction to
each other, a compelling need to be together. Sexual magnetism plays an important role in the
initial stages of the union and continues, even through times of emotional difficulties. It is
also possible that nico and Jess share an artistic or creative pursuit about which they are both
ardent. Whatever the outlet for the emotions, the key is intensity. On the whole this
combination of the planets Venus and Pluto has a positive influence on any association, but it
can be overpowering in some instances. If both nico and Jess enjoy intensity then this
relationship positively transforms both their lives. Together they embrace the changes that
challenge any relationship. If one of them dislikes emotional upheaval, then there are likely to
be problems. In particular nico may feel overwhelmed at times by the force of his own
emotions or the power of Jess's personality. At other times nico enjoys learning about how to
be more influential in his life. Jess feels more powerful as a result of this union with nico,
more able to achieve her ambitions.

nico's Venus Trine Jess's Chiron

Orb 0°36' Separating
Together nico and Jess have opportunities to heal the painful experiences of previous
relationships and forge a strong and loving bond. This is an important union. When an
intimate bond is formed, the love can soothe emotional pain and bring a sense of freedom and
joy. On the other hand it can also reinforce a person's wounds, sending them into emotional
turmoil and forming negative relationship patterns. In this case nico and Jess have a chance to
overcome their old relationing habits through their love for each other. They may even help
each other view their childhood experiences in a different light. This is true whether they are
lovers or friends. nico's love is particularly soothing for Jess, encouraging her to discover
new talents. In return Jess teaches nico the benefits of a warm and loving relationship.

nico's Mars Opposition Jess's Venus

Orb 2°29' Applying
This is a strong combination for a love union because it creates an intense sexual attraction.
The durability and nature of the relationship depends on other connections between Jess and
nico. Desire is strong, perhaps too strong at times in this relationship. Jess and nico are likely
to fall in love at first sight enjoying a passionate union, the type of love affair featured in
romance novels. At first both Jess and nico enjoy the intense physical nature of the union, but
as time goes on the flames seem to burn too strongly. nico begins to feel possessive and
perhaps somewhat obsessive, eager to maintain the force of passion. Jess feels overwhelmed
by the passion of the romance and the force of nico's nature, and is in danger of becoming
repulsed rather than attracted to nico. As a result the relationship becomes a combat zone.
Jess and nico start to compete rather than co-operate. The positive side of the relationship is
the strong attraction felt by both Jess and nico. However, it is important for both Jess and
nico to learn to temper their desires in this union. They need to remain focused on co-
operation and communication in order to keep an appropriate balance in the partnership.
While this combination is often found between marriage or sexual partners, it can also be
encountered in friendships or work associations which involve working on an artistic project.
However, it is important that both individuals remain focused on the creative project at hand
because a sexual flirtation could easily get out of control.

nico's Mars Trine Jess's Jupiter

Orb 0°56' Applying
nico and Jess are able to combine their talents well under the positive influence of the planets
Mars and Jupiter. Their association provides them both with a zest for life. nico has the drive
necessary for any joint projects, and Jess has the know-how and planning capabilities. nico
and Jess set goals, work towards them while overcoming obstacles along the way. Together
they successfully achieve their ambitions. They enjoy collaborating, gaining the respect of
each other in the process. nico admires Jess's inspirational ideas. In turn Jess appreciates
nico's initiative and energy. As well as working together nico and Jess also delight in playing
together. It's possible that they enjoy sharing travel and sporting activities. Whatever joint
project they undertake nico and Jess enjoy good fortune.

nico's Mars Sextile Jess's Neptune

Orb 0°54' Separating
The glue that holds nico and Jess together is a focus on a joint artistic, spiritual or
philanthropic cause, a shared idyll of how to make the world a better place. Together they
share many dreams of how to improve their lives, their environment and the world at large.
They are a creative duo, never short of ideas and with the ability to inspire. Depending on
other aspects of their personalities they may or may not have the stability and endurance to
create something concrete. nico is likely to be the leader, the person with the drive which
enables them to achieve these dreams. Jess is the creative ideas person who inspires nico. If
nico and Jess fail to share a common dream, then this relationship is likely to lack direction
and nico and Jess slowly drift apart. They have difficulty maintaining a momentum necessary
for a long-term bond. For this reason this combination of planets may indicate a relationship
based on a shared project or past-time rather than an intimate lovers' bond. For instance nico
and Jess may share a friendship, enjoying martial arts as a shared activity.

nico's Mars Conjunction Jess's Pluto

Orb 0°46' Applying
This combination of the stormy planets Mars and Pluto indicates a passionate and compelling
union. The atmosphere is explosive when nico and Jess get together. Sexual energy seems to
simmer barely under control. Both nico and Jess need to be wary of letting the force of their
heated emotions build up. They need a positive outlet for all of their pent-up energy whether
this be a challenging home renovation project or a regular work-out at the gym. Together nico
and Jess feel able to conquer the world and are certainly a power to be reckoned with. The
initial stages of the relationship are fraught with sexual tension, but the union may not be an
intimate one. Rather it may be a partnership committed to hard work and a challenging
project. Either way as the relationship develops, the strong and creative force of both nico
and Jess takes over and can be directed into a mutually-satisfying project. In other words nico
and Jess can be passionate about each other or they can direct their passion into an external
activity. Either way this is a dynamic and explosive relationship.

nico's Mars Trine Jess's Chiron

Orb 1°16' Applying
A common goal is needed in order the make the best of this combination of the planet Mars
and Chiron. If nico and Jess share the same drive and ambition then they can successfully
overcome past failures and progress in their lives together. Together they bring an element of
play and laughter into areas of their lives that were previously weighed down with pain and
angst. Together their activities take on a new glow. They may share an interest in the healing
arts or in teaching. Jess feels that nico offers the energy and drive needed to support her
ventures. Whereas nico appreciates Jess's insights and wisdom, which enable him to better
achieve his goals.

nico's Jupiter Semisquare Jess's Moon

Orb 0°18' Separating
Although there can be some difficulties with this combination, on the whole this is a positive
combination. Jess and nico enjoy each other's company and feel a certain zest for life when
together. Jess and nico share a need for fun-filled adventures and the capability of achieving
their goals. They both feel that the world is their oyster which is ready to explore together.
This can include holidays in far-away places, adventure travel and also encompasses any
activity which expands their minds and views of life. This is a meeting of higher-minds. Jess
feels that nico expands her horizons. Jess feels safe and appreciated in this relationship. nico
knows that Jess is a comrade in arms when it comes to fun and adventure. nico knows that he
is truly appreciated for his generosity and optimism. Together Jess and nico can conquer the
world. Nothing seems too far-fetched. And this is where problems can lie. It is possible that
neither Jess nor nico know when enough is enough. There is a saying that 'you can have too
much of a good thing'. This is one of the underlying problems of this association. Jess and
nico need to make sure that they do not become too grandiose in their dreams. Overinflated
ideas of their capabilities are not helpful and can lead both Jess and nico into troubled waters.
Another complication can arise if Jess and nico do not share the same values, because morals
and beliefs play an important role in this relationship. However, if Jess and nico share the
same beliefs and can exercise some restraint this can be a positive combination for a long-
term relationship.

nico's Jupiter Square Jess's Mars

Orb 2°18' Separating
Jess and nico have difficulty maintaining equilibrium in this relationship. They both eagerly
approach joint tasks. There is no lack of enthusiasm, only a lack of harmony. Problems arise
at the start of any joint project because Jess and nico fail to agree on common goals. Once
they have managed to agree on the goals, then they both have their own ideas about what is
the best process of achieving those goals. They often seem to be heading in opposite
directions. In fact they put their own independent desires first, rather than considering what is
best for the bigger picture. Jess has a tendency to force nico to do things her way. At times
Jess can be quite aggressive in her communication. nico believes that he knows best. The
result is tension and arguments. The challenge is for both Jess and nico to learn to co-operate,
each using their own talents while respecting the skills of the other person.

nico's Jupiter Opposition Jess's Jupiter

Orb 3°14' Applying
This association can bring joy to both nico and Jess, depending on the nature of other aspects
of their relationship. If other aspects are positive then nico and Jess are likely to enjoy each
other's company, giving and taking. Although they may hold opposite beliefs or find pleasure
in different ways, they are tolerant of each other's differences. In fact they enjoy the
stimulation of each other's differences. Ancient astrologers consider the planet Jupiter to be
of beneficial affect in each person's life. Hence the mostly positive influence of this
combination on nico and Jess's relationship. There is a chance that other tensions in their
union adversely affect this beneficial influence. If this is the case then nico and Jess are more
likely to have differences of opinion over values, beliefs and pastimes. These differences can
be a source of tension rather than a source of joy.

nico's Jupiter Conjunction Jess's Neptune

Orb 1°24' Applying
This is a union of empathy and understanding, particularly in the areas of spiritual and
religious beliefs. Both nico and Jess understand and share each other's aspirations and
dreams. At times their intuitive understanding of each other is so keen that they almost seem
telepathically linked. It is possible that both nico and Jess share a spiritual or religious
conviction and belong to the same group or church. This may be a central force in their
association. It is also possible that they take part in a philanthropic pursuit such as mission
work in a foreign country or working for the same charitable organisation. Whatever the
outlet for their beliefs, both nico and Jess appreciate and enjoy each other's values, thus
enabling them to better pursue a more altruistic path in life. nico and Jess brighten each
other's lives through their shared beliefs.

nico's Jupiter Opposition Jess's Chiron

Orb 3°34' Applying
With this combination it is difficult for nico and Jess to maintain a long-term relationship
because they have conflicting ethics. Their past experiences have taught each of them certain
values and nico and Jess find it hard to reconcile their differences. This could be particularly
true when it comes to religious values. The challenge is to respect each other and learn from
their differences. Jess is more likely to have difficulty in this association because she is more
sensitive to the conflicts. Whereas nico is more likely to take a philosophical and optimistic
approach to the problems. A beneficial and joyful relationship can result if nico and Jess are
able to close the door on problems and hurts from previous relationship and enter into this
liaison with a sense of joy. Together they can heal each other's emotional pain, gaining
understanding and insights into relating.

Saturn has no aspects to subsequent chart points.

nico's Uranus Trine Jess's Sun

Orb 0°52' Applying
This is a relationship full of verve and romance. Jess and nico are attracted to each other from
the moment that they first meet and continue to experience excitement and joy in each other's
company. The relationship brings something new and original into Jess's and nico's lives and
they both feel enlivened as a result. Life becomes more of an adventure when Jess and nico
are together. Their relationship may run a somewhat erratic or unorthodox course, but Jess
and nico are both happy in the knowledge that theirs is a unique union. Jess is excited by
nico's creativity, which somehow enhances her personal goals. nico helps Jess to see life in a
new and different manner, freeing Jess from past inhibitions. nico knows that he has
encountered someone who truly appreciates him as an individual. nico can better express his
original thoughts and ideas as a result of his relationship with Jess. Together Jess and nico
may explore an unusual hobby or pastime such as new technology, metaphysics, science,
electronics, humanitarian or environmental concerns.

nico's Uranus Square Jess's Saturn

Orb 2°11' Applying
This is a difficult combination of planets in relationship astrology indicating an imbalance
between commitment and freedom. On the one hand Jess and nico feel drawn to each other,
seeing qualities in each other that they feel they lack themselves. Jess and nico believe that
they will learn from being together. On the other hand; however, tension soon results as they
fail to reconcile their differences. Jess is likely to take a more serious approach to this union,
feeling the need for a strong bond. However, nico is hard to pin down, preferring the freedom
of non-commitment. nico wants to initiate change and growth even though Jess is likely to
resist. It is possible that Jess becomes frustrated and tries to control nico's behaviour. Jess
may even resort to criticism which ultimately only undermines nico's creative impulses and
self-confidence. If this happens nico is likely to rebel and leave the relationship. Both Jess
and nico need to strive for a balance between commitment to each other and independence.

nico's Neptune Opposition Jess's Mercury

Orb 2°02' Separating
This is an inspirational relationship whether it be a romance, friendship or a creative working
partnership. Both Jess and nico feel excited by this union. Their imaginations are enlivened.
However, it is also a difficult combination of the planets Mercury and Neptune. Jess and nico
need to ensure that they face this relationship honestly. Otherwise they may both be caught in
a web of deceit. This could mean viewing each other with rose-coloured glasses, failing to
realistically assess the merits of their association. However, it could also be possible that the
relationship has an element of deceit or abuse, in particular drug abuse. Both Jess and nico
could feel disillusioned by their association. It is important that they ensure that the creative,
rather than the destructive, elements of their union are emphasised. Perhaps working on an
artistic, spiritual or philanthropic project would be beneficial. However, they need to ensure
that this project is a positive and appropriate one.

nico's Pluto Trine Jess's Mercury

Orb 0°50' Separating
An intense relationship is the result of this combination of the planets Mercury and Pluto,
with communication playing a key role. Consequently it is vital that both Jess and nico
communicate honestly, keeping all emotions and thoughts out in the open. This helps them to
keep the relationship dynamic rather than volcanic. If Jess and nico enjoy penetrating
discussions and passionate pastimes then all is well. If they don't then their union could
become overwhelming, particularly for Jess. Together they experience a change of perception
which is ultimately rewarding, although initially could be disruptive. Notably nico challenges
Jess's way of viewing the world. This can be an excellent combination for personal and
spiritual growth. Consequently it is an ideal combination for a therapist and client
relationship. It can also be beneficial for an intimate relationship or friendship, if both
partners enjoy intensity, and a demanding working association.

nico's Chiron Semisquare Jess's Moon

Orb 0°56' Applying
Compassion is needed if this union is to overcome the difficulties presented by this
combination of the Moon and the asteroid Chiron. Ultimately this can be a healing
relationship, one that presents both Jess and nico with opportunities to heal past emotional
wounds and head in new directions. However, initially they have to overcome old hurts that
stand in the way of honest communication. Unwittingly, nico is likely to spark Jess's painful
memories. This could be by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or by his actions.
Jess's memories may have been forgotten, only surfacing in fragments. Jess may have
difficulty connecting the current day events with the past associations. Either way the force of
Jess's reactions may surprise both Jess and nico. The onus is on Jess to find a way to
understand her emotional reactions, to heal the past and move on in life with renewed self-
confidence and understanding. nico also needs to become more aware of the effects of his
behaviour on other people. A gentle and loving approach is often needed. Perhaps nico is
preparing to become a teacher or healer and needs these valuable lessons.

nico's Chiron Conjunction Jess's Mars

Orb 2°56' Applying
A common goal is needed in order the make the best of this combination of the planet Mars
and Chiron. If Jess and nico share the same drive and ambition then they can successfully
overcome past failures and progress in their lives together. Together they bring an element of
play and laughter into areas of their lives that were previously weighed down with pain and
angst. Together their activities take on a new glow. They may share an interest in the healing
arts or in teaching. nico feels that Jess offers the energy and drive needed to support his
ventures. Whereas Jess appreciates nico's insights and wisdom, which enable her to better
achieve her goals.

nico's Chiron Square Jess's Jupiter

Orb 2°36' Separating
With this combination it is difficult for Jess and nico to maintain a long-term relationship
because they have conflicting ethics. Their past experiences have taught each of them certain
values and Jess and nico find it hard to reconcile their differences. This could be particularly
true when it comes to religious values. The challenge is to respect each other and learn from
their differences. nico is more likely to have difficulty in this association because he is more
sensitive to the conflicts. Whereas Jess is more likely to take a philosophical and optimistic
approach to the problems. A beneficial and joyful relationship can result if Jess and nico are
able to close the door on problems and hurts from previous relationship and enter into this
liaison with a sense of joy. Together they can heal each other's emotional pain, gaining
understanding and insights into relating.

nico's Chiron Square Jess's Neptune

Orb 0°46' Separating
Jess and nico cannot fully enjoy this relationship because of fears and insecurities. They both
have difficulty letting go of past hurts, which adversely affect this current union. As a result
Jess and nico are both pre-occupied nursing their own hurts and cannot see the other person's
point of view. Any joint projects in the arts, spiritual matters or medicine are particularly
prone to misunderstandings and difficulties. Jess often feels confused, wondering why nico
reacts so negatively to her actions. In turn nico believes that Jess fails to fully understand and
appreciate his talents. Together they need to take time to listen to each other and gently
discuss areas of contention.

nico's Chiron Square Jess's Chiron

Orb 2°56' Separating
The asteroid Chiron is not a major influence on this relationship. However, it could indicate a
difference in values. These values could stem from nico and Jess growing up in contrasting
social backgrounds, or having different childhood experiences that hinder their understanding
of each other. Whatever the cause of the differences, nico and Jess need to develop
compassion and understanding for each other.

The South Node has no text available for aspects to subsequent chart points.

nico's Ascendant Sextile Jess's Mars

Orb 1°04' Separating
It is significant in relationship astrology when one person's planet makes contact with the
Ascendant in another person's chart. In this case Jess's Mars is combining with nico's
Ascendant making for a lively and energetic union. While it is most likely that this
relationship is an intimate one, it can also indicate a friendship, family or work association. In
most cases this combination is a positive one, but it can also denote a union in which conflict
is difficult to resolve and as a result battles abound. On a positive note Jess provides the
initiative to help nico achieve his goals. nico appreciates the drive and direction provided by
Jess. Problems may arise when Jess turns her attention away from the relationship
disappointing nico with her lack of support. The challenge is for both Jess and nico to keep
this relationship moving in a positive direction through understanding and patience.

The Black Moon has no text available for aspects to subsequent chart points.

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