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Impact of the Treaties after the First World War, particularly Versailles- including
changing attitudes about this outside Germany

One of the important consequences of the treaties is that many powers were
left dissatisfied
 Japan was dissatisfied because its idea for radical equality clause was rejected at
the Paris peace conference and it had expected to receive a greater share of
Germanys former trading rights in china
 Italy had hoped for the Adriatic Port and a greater share of Germany and turkeys
former colonies
 Germany objected to about every aspect of the treaty of Versailles

The treaties impact of Germany:

 The treaty of Versailles dissatisfied Germany
 However, it failed to disable and prevent it from growing into a powerful state
 Even though Germany had lost a significant amount of territory and colonies, it was
still left with considerable resources
 It was the considerable dissatisfaction of Germany together with its ability to bring
about a revision of the settlement that made Germany dangerous

Hitler’s foreign policy:

 Virtually every foreign policy action and demand that Hitler made between 1933 and
September 1939 involved a violation of the treaty of Versailles or the treaty of St.
Germaine on Austria
These included:
 German rearmament and remilitarization of the Rhineland
 The Anschluss with Austria
 The transfer of the Sudetenland from Czechoslovkia
 The occupation of Prague
 The seizure of Memel
 Claims made over Danzig and the polish corridor
Impact on British and French opinion
o In the beginning the British people were happy with the punishment of the treaty but
o Howver people soon sarted to disagree with the treaty
o By the end of the 1930’s a lot of British parliament thought that the treat was too harsh
o The formation of hitlers power and the Nazis was seen as an understandable response
to the harsh treaty of 1919
o This followed the thought that many aspect of the treaty of Versailles were too harsh
o So the British thought that it was their duty to work with Germany to revise a peaceful

o The French on the other hand did not think that the treaty was harsh enough
o They had wanted the treaty to completely disable Germany
o By the mid 30’s howver it was clear that Germany was intending on overturning the
o However France was not willing or strong enough to act alone so they acted with Britian
The inconsistencies of the Treaty of Versailles
 The separation of East Prussia from the main bulk of German territory by the Polish
 The placing of Danzig, overwhelmingly populated by Germans under control of the
 The placing of three and half million Germans under Czech rule in the Sudetenland

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