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Struggling with writing a thesis statement for the Treaty of Versailles? You're not alone.

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On the contrary, Mark Mazower, in “Two Cheers for Versailles,” History Today (July 1997), does not
support the idea that the Treaty of Versailles was responsible for the outbreak of World War II. An
enlarged Poland also received some of this land. His significant role in this post-war treaty was
pivotal in understanding the alignment in perspective and sentiment shared by the French leader and
the public - a shared resolve for a future safeguarded against similar destruction at the hands of the
Germans. Woodrow Wilson wanted to ensure that the benefit of future trading opportunities were
secured on the European debt and hoped to avoid future wars. This is for a number of reasons,
mainly because France had the most aims out of all the three. These, also known as the Dawes Plan
of 1923, would give Germany money to help repay France and Britain. The overall negative impact
of the Treaty of Versailles greatly outweighs the benefits. Some people felt that it was too harsh and
others felt that it was not harsh enough. But possibly the worst thing of all, was the decleration of
the German empire, at the palace of Versailles. Thereby, the Treaty of Versailles became one of the
most controversial international agreements. Germany had to sign a “war guilt” clause saying that
they were responsible for the war. In 1923, the French, assisted by the Belgians, occupied the Ruhr
district, thus hoping to speed up the German reparations. Many in Germany did not want the Treaty
signed, but the representatives there knew that they had no choice as Germany was incapable of
restarting the war again. When regarding Germany however, the Treaty retains even more
significance. By forcing Germany to sign the Treaty was clearly when the line was crossed. For
instance they were only allowed 6 battle or naval ships, which for a country bigger than England
seem to be a very small amount. Germany couldn’t afford to pay for all the damages. As already
mentioned Keynes opinion on the treaty is more validated due to the first hand experience of the
events surrounding the treaty, however due to this Keynes maybe biased towards the opinion that the
treaty was harsh on Germany. The terms of the treaty required Germany to make territorial sacrifices,
to restrict its military forces and installations, and to pay reparations. Join our team of reviewers and
help other students learn. This happened. Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria. Countries
involved in the battle bore witness to a staggering number of casualties, levels never seen before in
their histories. Germany had been greatly weakened so in the occasion of war she would not be able
to defend herself. Since France had suffered the most during the war, France wanted to make
Germany pay and beg for mercy. He feared that an all too weak Germany might inspire France to
strive for domination on the European continent. This treaty formally ended World War I, created the
League of Nations andlaid the foundations forWorld War II. Germany was also divided to be
controlled by certain ally forces. Britain was completely satisfied with the treatment of the German
colonies as they benefited from their confiscation. German representatives were strictly not allowed
to participate in the treaty discussions and the terms were non-negotiable. The Treaty of Versailles
signed was expected to bring lasting peace around the world.
They were also quite pleased with Germany’s armed forces and the League of Nations as these
controlled and contained Germany’s power. The treaty was justified in some conditions such as
Germany knew what the consequences of war are and she willingly entered war but in some cases it
is not justified for example it was many innocent people who had to suffer the consequences. Why
did war break out in Europe in 1939?The Treaty of Versailles, signed be. Alongside these statistics,
was the fact that vast areas of north-eastern Europe had been reduced to rubble. From this we can
infer that the signing of the Treaty and the acceptance of its terms was treated as a betrayal,
especially to German troops. For France, it appeared as if Germany had been smashed; for Britain,
Lloyd George was satisfied that enough of Germany’s power had been left to act as a buffer to
communist expansion from Russia; Wilson was simply happy that the proceedings had finished so
that he could return home. This did not affect the country like the reparations did, but it was more to
do with the pride of the country. For example Germany was for the time being not allowed to join
the newly founded League of Nations. With the Allies power Sanctions defeated, the entitled to over
more compensation. Although they really have sat on the same long chair at different times and have
obviously kissed a lovely kid, they have never met each other. This league consisted of many of the
world nations, who met to solve world issues nonviolently. He feared that an all too weak Germany
might inspire France to strive for domination on the European continent. Secondly, the Treaty of
Versailles did not provide a stable basis of world peace. Essay writing ideas what ways did the treaty
of versailles addressed the. Catholic. Was the treaty of based on american psychology essays other of
the treaty of versailles essay and use the treaty of versailles available totally free essay on. This grim
tableau profoundly shaped his resolve that Germany must never be permitted to orchestrate such
destruction again. Lloyd George did not want Germany treated with lenience but he knew that
Germany would be the only country in central Europe that could stop the spread of communism if it
burst over the frontiers of Russia. Therefore they should not had been treated so harshly or been
treated as a loosing state. The allies exploited their victory by inflicting territorial losses, military
restrictions and the confiscation of economic and industrial resources. Any “Germans” living there
will lose all German identity and will not be Czecho-Slovak. Germany was left in sorrow as a result
of the harsh result of the Treaty of Versailles as well as the greediness of the Allies. Again, the
British were not amused, and this would definitely taint the Belgian’s international reputation. What
stopped the treaty from approaching everlasting peace was the reluctance to enforce the terms by the
allies. Russia gain difficulty convincing the treaty of versailles available totally free of versailles essay
thus, developing a high quality. In 1934, he increased the size of the army to half a million, began
building war ships and created an air force. Although the signed on, put an end to the actual fighting,
it took six months of negotiations at the to conclude a peace treaty. The treaty had turned out to be
very different than they had expected it to be. An in-depth exploration of this shared sentiment
exemplifies the public's faith in Clemenceau's stringent anti-German policies. Clemenceau thought
that Germany was getting off lightly with the treaty, but Wilson thought that the treaty was too hard.
Therefore the Weimar government mass printed bank notes, buying foreign currency to pay the
reparations. France was the most pleased with the treaty as since they suffered the greatest casualties
and damage they sought revenge and received in the vindictiveness of the treaty.
An in-depth exploration of this shared sentiment exemplifies the public's faith in Clemenceau's
stringent anti-German policies. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. At times, the author's ideas get lost compared to those of historians. Furthermore, a
significant reason for why the Treaty of Versailles must be considered as a tragedy is due to the fact
that it led to the overall crash of the German economy which was in fact aggravated by the Great
Depression. The German government was summoned to Versailles and was presented with a non-
negotiable treaty. For example Germany was for the time being not allowed to join the newly
founded League of Nations. Under the rules of the treaty this was perfectly legal. German troops
invaded Austria in March 1938 demanding a union with Germany. They did not know anything
about the peace conference so did not know anything that had been said at the conferences and
didn’t know that the Treaty was not to be based on the fourteen-point plan. France wanted back
areas of Germany, which caused a lot of anger amongst German people, and it built up a lot of hate
between the two countries. Germany signed the Versailles Treaty under protest. Instead of admitting
the new democratic Germany into the community of democratic nations, the Allies ostracized the
vanquished nation. However, once the negotiation of the Treaty, the Allies found they had
conflicting ideas. When Serbia failed to take any actions, Austria-Hungary decided to attack Serbia
for revenge on July 28 1914. The Treaty was preceded by the conference of 27 states, opened in Paris
on January 18, 1919, which destined the fate of Germany without its participation.The German
government of the Weimar Republic hoped for a peace treaty with some territorial losses and
reasonable war indemnity. In failing health, Wilson wanted America to concentrate on itself and,
despite developing the idea of a League of Nations, he wanted an American input into Europe to be
kept to a minimum. In 1931 the reparations payments were suspended and in 1935 Chancellor Adolf
Hitler cancelled the military clauses of the treaty and in 1936 began the remilitarization of the
Rhineland. The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment After 75 Years. Second, the Treaty of Versailles
too harsh for Germany, all what lead to intensified Germany’s motivation for future revenge. Britain
was completely satisfied with the treatment of the German colonies as they benefited from their
confiscation. Firstly, there were three victorious powers who negotiated the peace treaties; David
Lloyd George, for Britain, Woodrow Wilson, for America, and George Clemenceau, for France.
However this was compromised and ended up at 6.6million, which was substantially lower than
Clemenceau’s original proposal. This includes the men who were prisoners or listed as missing.
France saw this victory as an opportunity to cripple Germany so it couldn’t attack again. Roads, coal
mines, telegraph poles had all been destroyed and such a loss greatly hindered the area’s ability to
function normally. There is also a pro-Hitler piece of graffiti on the wall behind the queue. Because
their army was reduced to 100 000, the Germans felt that there protection was at stake against other
countries. The treaty had turned out to be very different than they had expected it to be. Clemenceau
thought that Germany was getting off lightly with the treaty, but Wilson thought that the treaty was
too hard. The USA was not satisfied with the war guilt clause and German colonies as these went
against the fourteen points and they were also not satisfied with the treaty as a whole and thought it
to be vindictive, unfair, unwise and a disgrace.
When Germany was faced with two options, whether to sign the Treaty of Versailles which they had
no control over or even had the chance to participate in the discussion of the terms or to face
immediate invasion and defeat. Unsurprisingly, the Netherlands refused, and this refusal was
supported by the other allies. It also may explain Germany’s course of action before the outbreak of
war in 1939. In ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied countries. Germany did not
cause the war by themselves, which the Germans knew, but they still had to take sole responsibility
for the war. This figure was agreed upon by the Allies after the signing of the treaty. The
worthlessness of the paper mark currency is shown in source 1 in which a man is using bank notes as
wallpaper. He stated that the east of Europe would have Self-Determination. Therefore they should
not had been treated so harshly or been treated as a loosing state. They simply took what was owed
to them in the form of raw materials and goods. This money had to be raised by increasing the taxes,
which made the whole of the country angry not just those who had lost their jobs. In the end Hitler
won the Sudetenland Region of Czechoslovakia promising that he will not invade the rest of
Czechoslovakia. Belgium, for example, took Ruanda-Urundi under mandate. The treaty imposed
harsh terms on an ultimately helpless German nation. Therefore, Germany thought that the armament
reductions were unfair, and humiliated them. The Treaty of Versailles is a fair treaty “To the victor go
the spoils” is a quote once said by Alexander the Great. Wilson was one of the allied leaders, that
thought the punishments should not be too hard on Germany. He also achieved freedom of the seas
because this meant. France wanted to break down Germany into smaller states to keep them
powerless. He wanted Germany to be punished but not too harshly. Share to Twitter Share to
Facebook Share to Pinterest. Since France had suffered the most during the war, France wanted to
make Germany pay and beg for mercy. The treaty was justified in some conditions such as Germany
knew what the consequences of war are and she willingly entered war but in some cases it is not
justified for example it was many innocent people who had to suffer the consequences. However, the
figures involved were nowhere near as high as the figure imposed on Germany. Also the fact that
there were a number of Germans living in these parts of the new formed land meant that one
Woodrow Wilson’s request in his fourteen points was almost impossible to carry out. Other of
versailles essay type of versailles essay your essay writing service and the punishments were.
Therefore I feel the Treaty of Versailles was as harsh as it could be given the circumstances of
disharmony between the powers, but Germany could have faced much worse. Firstly, Germany
suffered a terrible economic disaster in 1923-24 that was in partially fueled by their own reparations,
but Germany still need to compensate the huge indomnity. This is because the German people were
not prepared for a German defeat. Keynes was a British economist present at the peace conference in
1919 and would therefore have firsthand knowledge of the negotiations.

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