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A. Listening Section
Total soal pada sesi listening adalah 50 soal dengan 3 kategori.

- Part A Short Conversation 30 Soal

Di bagian ini kamu akan mendengarkan percakapan pendek 2 orang yang diakhiri dengan satu

Yang kalian dengar:
(man) Shall I lock up the computer lab now before I go home?
(woman) Don’t bother. I’m not leaving for a while. I can check it on my way out.
(narrator) What will the woman probably do?

Pilihan Jawaban pada lembar soal

(A) Lock the computer lab later.
(B) Leave with the man.
(C) Buy a new lock for the computer lab.
(D) Show the man where the lab is.

Pada bagian ini anda diminta untuk memilih salah satu pilihan dari 4 pilihan yang ada.

- Part B Long Conversation (8-10 Soal)

Di bagian ini kamu akan mendengarkan percakapan Panjang antara 2 orang yang diakhiri dengan
beberapa pertanyaan.

(narrator) Questions 31 through 34. Listen to a conversation about a trip.

(man) Are you ready for "The Big Apple"?
(woman) Excuse me?
(man) You know, New York City. You are going to New York with us, aren't you? I
wanted to show everybody around my old neighborhood.
(woman) Oh.. -sure! I wouldn't miss it especially when the tour guide is a native New Yorker.
(man) I thought we could start at the Museum of Modern Art. Right now there's an exhibit
on twentieth- century American painters.
(woman) Fine with me... but what were you saying about... a big apple?
(man) 'The Big Apple. " It's a nickname for New York. I think I heard once that it started
with jazz musicians in the
(woman) Oh.
(man) Whenever they played a concert in a city, they called that city an "apple. " In those
days, New York was the biggest city in the country, so they called it "the Big Apple."
(woman) Hey, I have an idea! Let's go to a jazz club while we're there.
(man) Sounds good.


31. You will hear:

(narrator) What is the man planning to see?
You will read:

(A) An art exhibit.

(B) A Broadway play.
(C) A modern dance production.
(D) An opera.

5. You will hear:

(narrator) What can be inferred about the man?
You will read:
(A) He is a jazz musician.
(B) He wants to join the woman's club.
(C) He is in his twenties.
(D) He was born in New York.

- Part C Long Talks (8 – 10 Pertanyaan)

Pada bagian ini, hanya ada 1 monolog / seperti sebuah presentasi yang akan di akhiri dengan
bebarapa pertanyaan.
Pada bagian C ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan bagian B, yang berbeda hanya, jika di bagian B ada
percakapan oleh 2 orang dan diakhiri beberapa soal, sementara pada bagian C hanya ada 1
monolong dengan beberpa pertanyaa.
B. Structure & Written Expression
Pada sesi ini, kamu akan mendapatkan 40 soal yang terdiri dari 2 bagian.

Bagian 1: Structure (No 1-15)

Nah di bagian ini kamu diminta untuk melengkapi soal yang tidak lengkap. Disini kamu harus
mencari pilihan yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal / kalimat sehingga kalimat tersebut menjadi benar.

1. In 1793, Charles Newbold designed a cast iron plow that _____ than the wooden plows then in
(A) was more efficient
(B) was of more efficiency
(C) had more efficiency
(D) it was more efficient

Pada contoh soal tersebut kamu haru memilih satu jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat
pada soal no 1, dan jik kita perthatikan jawaban yang benar dari soal tersebut adalah pilihan A.

Bagian 2: Written Expression/ Error Analysis (No 16 – 40)

Nah di bagian ini kamu diminta untuk mencari satu pilihan jawaban yang SALAH. Disini kamu
harus menganalisa kalimat tersebut sehingga kamu bisa menentukan mana pilihan jawaban yang


16. Much superstitions and symbols are connected with Halloween.


Pada contoh soal diatas, kamu harus menentukan pilihan mana yang salah. Nah jika kita Analisa,
maka pilihan yang salah adalah pilihan A (much). Mengapa salah, karena much adalah modifier
(penjeles) yang berupa adverb of quantity yang hanya digunakan untuk menerangkan benda yang
tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable), sementara superstitions merupakan benda yang dapat dihitung
(countable noun) yang ditandai dengan adanya (s) pada akhir kata tersebut. Kata much harus dirubah
menjadi Many agar kalimat tersebut menjadi benar.

Ok, tugas kamu hanyalah mencari jawaban yang salah bukan jawaban yang benar.
C. Reading Section
Pada sesi ini terdapat 50 soal reading.
Terdapat 5 bacaan pada sesi ini, setiap bacaan mempunyai subject yang berbeda-beda, dan setiap
bacaan terdiri dari kurang lebih 8-11 soal.

Contoh bacaaan:
The reasons for the extinction of a 1. Which of the following is the main topic of
species and for the rapid rates of change in the passage?
our environment are currently the focus of
Line much scientific research. An individual (A) assessment of the work of specialists
(5) species' susceptibility to extinction depends concerned with ecology
on at least two things: the taxon (the (B) a discussion of possible causes of
biological group—kingdom, phylum, class, extinction, and of ways to make
order, family, or genus) to which a species predictions about environmental change
belongs, and the overall rate of (C) the changing aspects of our environment
(10) environmental change. Fossil evidence (D) a comparison of the extinction rates of
shows that more mammals and birds different taxa
become extinct than do mollusks or insects.
Studies of the extinction of the dinosaurs 2. The word susceptibility in line 5 is closest in
and other reptiles during the Cretaceous meaning to
(15) Period show that a changing environment
affects different tаха in different ways. (A) insensitivity
Some may be dramatically affected, others (B) receptiveness
less so. (C) immunity
The best way to answer the question of (D) vulnerability
(20) what causes an extinction is to combine
fields of inquiry and a variety of viewpoints. 3. An example of a taxon would be
Using the fossil record and historical
documentation, the different rates of the (A) a phylum
extinction of various taxa and different (B) the rate of environmental change
(25) responses to environmental change can be (C) a fossil
detected. Then the evolutionary (D) studies of extinction
development of the different species can be
compared, and traits that may be 4. The author compares mammals and birds to
disadvantageous can be singled out. Finally,
(30) researchers can use mathematical formulae (A) mollusks and insects
to determine whether a population is likely (B) phylum and class
to adapt itself to the changing environment (C) dinosaurs and reptiles
or disappear. Hopefully, as more of this (D) ecologists and biologists
information is collected, specialists in
(35) different fields— e.g. physiological and 5. It can be inferred from the passage that a
behavioral ecology, population ecology, significant event of the Cretaceous Period
community ecology, evolutionary biology was
and systematics, biogeography, and
paleobiology — will work together to make (A) the appearance of many taxa
(40) predictions about the broader changes that (B) the dramatic effect of the dinosaur on
might occur in the ecosystem. the environment
(C) the extinction of birds
(D) the extinction of dinosaurs

Kamu harus memilih 1 jawaban yang benar dari setiap soal yang ada.

1. Semoga apa yang sudah disampaikan diatas bisa dipahami dengan baik dan benar.
2. Jika ada penjelasan yang belum bisa dipahami, silahkan hubungi saya, Mr. Sam di no
3. WA 0857 3212 7361

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