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My name is Muscalagiu Mihaela Mariana. I have been working as a teacher since 2009. I
teach civic culture and English for secondary and highschool, too. Bucovăț Gymnasium
School was first mentioned in 1901 by the time there were few children that came to school
and the population had a pooor level of education. By the end of 1990 a few schools were
built in the villages Cârligei, Palilula, Leamna and Sărbătoarea and the centre school, in
Bucovăț got improved. Nowadays are are only the school in Palilula, Sărbătoarea and Bucovăț
that form the Gymnasium school and they are populated with 310 pupils, both secondary
pupils and kidergarden children. The hole school has 18 classrooms and 4 classrooms for
kindergarden, dinning spaces, library and laboratories: foreign languges, social studies,
computers and science. The school provides education access to all the children in the area
and for the neighbourhood villages and its purposed is the create an even more modern space
and a bigger space, were both pupils and teachers can improve. The main interest is to
compete with bigger school from the area and to have our pupils competitive and well
educated. It has become a modern rural school with law posibilities of improving the very
much wanted health equippment and children's safety and security.


The Package with health


Period 1 May – 15th June 2020

My initiative fulfills all the criteria listed. It is a not-for-profit as it is a selfless initiative, it
has already been implemented and it was directly linked to the crisis generated by the
pandemic spread, it was a project whose purposed was to fight against the spread of Covid-
19. The initiatives proposed for the prize is linked to health and health equipment and medical
devices, assistance and care. The School needs a first aid room, a medical pratice with the
latest medical equipment. Bucovăț Gymnasium School has no medical room nor medical
equipment and considering the pandemic era in which we live in it is extremely difficult to
assure the hygene and proper care. It is also hard to treat the pupils in need for medical
treatment and to identify in time which one develps symptoms. The school needs the first aid

room in order to provide facilities to enable health support, but to obtain that medical
equipment became very difficult for small school, like mine.


First Aid Room

Medical School Practice

Bucovăț Gymnasium/Secondary School is a small rural school, were 310 pupils attend the
classes, both gymnasium/secondary, primary and kindergadern, also. The school provides
education access to all the children in the area and for the neighbourhood villages and its
purposed is the create an even more modern space and a bigger space, were both pupils and
teachers can improve their level of education and study.

Context. The school has no medical room, no first aid room and this is not something we can
accept considering the pandemic crisis. The school and the community need to feel that the
children are safe even when they are in school. The school needs that well equipped medical
room with a full time doctor and nurses to provide necessary first aid to the students in time of
emergency. A fist aid room to assure the medical treatment the students need, to verify any
develping symptoms, along with maintaining medical record of each ad every child. The
school has to provide facilities to enable health support. Bucovăț Gymnasium School must
have facilities to allow provision of basic first aid care as well as first aid treatment.

Content. The school First Aid Room is a facility that come hand in hand with the educational
system and the health condition should be mentained by creating the following facilities:
precautions against infections, reassurance and comfort, with a safe level of privacy and
comfort, record keeping in accordance with privacy and confidenciality. The First Aid Room
should allow a permanent supervision.

Objectives. In these difficult times, schools have a legal responsibility to help manage
infectious diseases in their facilities. Schools also have an important role to play in supporting
the prevention and control of transmission of infectious diseases through: abiding by
legislated requirements for school exclusion and immunisation status recording, supporting
the personal hygiene routines of students, for example, provision of hand hygiene facilities,
ensuring procedures are in place to safely manage the handling of spills of blood and other
body fluids or substances. We must have that medical care room in order to provide direct
nursing services to maximize health and wellness in the school community. The school

infirmary must be equipped with the basic materials and facilities to address the health needs
while in school. The worldwide policy outlines the strategies that schools are required to take
to prevent the transmission of an infectious disease. My school does not have the means to do
so as the school is not medically prepared to face a new explosion of symptoms and
infections. Bucovăț Gymnasium School wishes to provide a fully safe education system and
to do this we need to ensure the correct medical and nursing procedure and protocols to
enable any studnets with a long-term medical condition to be able to attend school with
minimum disruption to their education.

6. a.

My project,"The Package with Health" was a short-term one, it was implemented and
developed between 1st May - 15th June 2020, during the pandemic lockdown. Me and my
collegues, who have been doing only volunteer work, came to the conclusion that we have to
do something for our students, make them hope for a better world, to give them an exemple of
good practice, even when the world has stopped. My purpose was to share to them hygene
products, as I knew the need of the community and the needs of my students. "The Package
with Health" project aimed to share to all the pupils a small package with personal hygene
products. It contains soap, wet handkerchief, dry handkerchief, tooth paste, tooth brush, a
towel. I have also bought hygene products for the school, for every classroom. The package
contains: cleaning gel, windows cleaning spray, floor cleaning gel, sanitizers, cleaning towel.
I have planned and prepared a lesson and an online lesson about the pandemic situation, about
washing hands, the viruses and how to fight against their spread. My aim was to create a
safety space and a healthy environment by constant use of the hygene products both in the
school space and at home. We have also aimed to inform the pupils and the community about
the danger that we are facing and how important is to use all the hygene products. My project
can be considered an exemple of good practice as it has proved its utility in a pandemic
period, in the period of lockdown when all the people needed to feel safe. The purpose of the
action was to help the children in need and they received a bag full of hygene products and an
info brochure about washing hands, the pandemic situation, about the viruses and how to fight
against their spread. It could easily became an inspiration for all the small communities from
all over the world. Theachers can work hand in hand to create a safety space for their students,
to create a safety school by providing it with all the cleaning products it needs.


"The Package with Health" project received financing from an nongovernmental organization
and had almost 2000 euro budget. The money were used only for buying hygene products and
for printing general information about washing hands and how to stop the Covid-19 virus. Me
and my collegues, helping me with the project work, received no money, it was all just
volunteer work.

No public funding was received.

None of the people involved were paid, no one received money for their job. To created the
project and to develop the idea I started with a small team formed by only 3 collegues and the

school principal By the end of the project I have received helped from all of my
collegues, from all the teachers working in school. They helped with the distribution of the
310 packages with hygene products.


"The Package with Health" was developed between 1st May - 15th June 2020, during the
pandemic lockdown. People needed a helping hand as it was a difficult period for those
wihout financial posibilities. The target group for the project were 310 pupils that attend the
classes of Bucovăț Gymnasium School, a small rural school. Almost 70% of those pupils
became from one-parent families, or have both parents working abroad, without financial
help, handicapped kids. I did not seen, at that moment, that my project was unique. I simply
considered it the very best thing that I can do for them and I did what it was in my power to
help my students. As I look backwards I came to the conclusion that they remained under the
impression that the school helped them, the teachers were there for them and for their families
and they felt safe. The school were closed, the world was close, they friends were no longer
near them and their parents were far away or maybe were dismissed from their jobs and all
these problems created an avalanche of emotions and fears that were beyond their power of
understanding. In that black period, I did a small thing that the community perceived as
something big, something important and the students and their families realised thet teacher
are near them. The team come up with new ideas for the future, for others project, we found
out that there are new ways to help the community not only by being in classroom, but also by
being near them with the heart and finding out what are the students' needs. "The Package

with Health" was unique as it was being held during lockdown, when nobody thought that
people were not actually stopped. Althought the school were closed, theacher found new ways
of being near students. I found a way to fulfill their needs, to show them that the school is
helping them constantly. That is what I consider being innovative and it might be an exemple
for others, for any small school in Europe, for every small community.

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