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Exercises: General Education – Social Sciences


Direction: Choose the letter that represents the best answer.

1. The name “Felipinas” was given to the territory that Spain later colonized by:
A. Magellan C. Urdaneta
B. Legaspi D. Villalobos
2. The Spaniards established a centralized government in the Philippines. The head of the
government was called:
A. Encomendero C. Gobernadorcillo
B. Alcalde Mayor D. Governor – General
3. When Rizal returned to the Philippines after his second travel abroad, he decided to organize a
socio-civic organization. This was the:
A. Propaganda Movement C. Katipunan
B. La Liga Filipina D. Assosacion Hispano-Filipino
4. The event that implicated the 3 priest Burgos, Gomez, and Zamora which resulted to their
execution was the:
A. Cavite Mutiny C. Ilocos Rebellion
B. Cry of Pugadlawin D. Bacoor Massacre
5. The incident that led to the outbreak of the Filipino-American war was:
A. Pres. McKinley’s proclamation of the “Benevolent Assimilation” policy
B. The San Juan Bridge incident where a Filipino soldier was shot by an American sentry
C. The Battle of Manila Bay
D. Aguinaldo’s declaration of Independence
6. Which of the following were the famous triumvirate of the Propaganda Movement?
A. Jose Rizal, Juan Luna, Marcelo delPilar
B. Jose Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Gregorio delPilar
C. Jose Rizal, Marcelo delPilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena
D. Jose Rizal, Juan Luna, Graciano Lopez Jaena
7. As per the agreement in the Pact of Biac-na-Bato. Emilio Aguinaldo was to go into exile in:
A. Guam C. Singapore
B. Hongkong D. Dapitan
8. The Thomasites who taught in schools in the early part of American colonization were:
A. Trained American teachers C. American Protestant Ministers
B. American Soldiers D. American officials
9. When the Japanese came, Manila was declared an “Open City” by McArthur. Open City means:
A. Manila was open for trade
B. Manila was open for negotiation
C. Manila was open for Japanese occupation
D. Manila was open for both Japanese and American to stay
10. The combined Filipino and American forces during the Japanese invasion was:
A. Hukbalahap Movement C. USAFFE
B. Allied Powers D. Philippine Constabulary
11. The first Filipino appointed by the Americans as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:
A. Jose Abad Santos C. Gregorio Araneta
B. Cayetano Arellano D. Sergio Osmeña
12. The Japanese Military Police was called
A. Kalibapi C. Imperial Diet
B. Hukbalahap D. Kempetai
13. The agrarian reform program instituted by President DiosdadoMacapagal which intended to give
land to the landless tenants was:
A. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
B. Agricultural Land Reform Code (ALRC)
C. Philippine Tenancy Act
D. Presedential Decree 21
14. The greatest contribution of the Americans to the Philippines was:
A. Freedom of worship C. Scientific health programs
B. The public school syste D. Parity rights
15. Which of the following best described the Katipunan?
A. It was a movement which aimed for the Philippines’ separation from Spain
through force
B. It was a movement that wanted reforms from Spain
C. It was working to make the Philippines a province of Spain
D. It was a movement meant to strengthen the colonial government
16. The earliest form of government of the Filipinos was?
A. Pueblo C. Encomienda
B. Barangay D. Alcaldia
17. The Americans came to the Philippines in 1989 in order to?
A. Liberate the Filipinos from the Spaniards
B. Fight the Spaniards because of the outbreak of the Spanish American War
C. Invade the Philippines and colonized it
D. Establish trade relations
18. The one who colonized the Philippines for the Spaniards was?
A. Columbus C. Legazpi
B. Magellan D. Pigafetta
19. The greatest contribution of Spain to Filipino culture was?
A. Education C. Construction of roads and other infrastructures
B. Development of Traded D. Christianization of the Filipinos
20. Ferdinand Magellan was killed by Lapu-Lapu’s men in the?
A. Battle of Manila Bay C. Battle of Cebu
B. Battle of Mactan D. Battle of Limasawa
21. World War II in the Philippines ended when the Japanese surrended after the bombing of?
A. Bataan and Corregidor C. Tokyo and Kyoto
B. Hiroshima and Nagasaki D. Pearl harbor
22. The founder of Katipunan was?
A. Andres Bonifacio C. Emilio Aguinaldo
B. Jose Rizal D. Emilio Jacinto
23. Emilio Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Philippines in Kawit, Cavite on?
A. July 4, 1946 C. July 4, 1898
B. June 12, 1898 D. August 25, 1896
24. Jose Rizal was considered the National Hero because of his efforts to bring about reforms in the
lives of Filipinos through his works in the?
A. Katipunan C. La Liga Filipina
B. Propaganda Movement D. 1896 Revolution
25. The early Filipino revolts were considered a failure. Which among the following is considered the
most important explanation for such failure?
A. The Spaniards had the support of the clergy to whom Filipinos obeyed because of fear
B. The Spaniards had superior weapon and a well-trained military
C. The revolts were limited in scope
D. The lack of unity and leadership which failed to sensitize the people to a
common identity and purpose
26. Which statement does not characterize American policy towards the Philippines?
A. It emphasized more secular rather than spiritual matters
B. Americans immediately impressed upon Filipinos regard for individual rights
C. There was more flexibility as a result of changing times and conditions
D. American rule had not challenged Filipino nationalism
27. The transfer of troops from Bataan to Capas, Tarlac is called “Death March”. Which among the
following phrases best describe such event?
A. The prisoners were treated like animals
B. The prisoners marched to their death
C. The march was so inhuman resulting to many death
D. Prisoners were like living dead
28. What title was given to the head of the centralized government established by the Spaniards in
the Philippines?
A. Corregidor C. Gobernadocillo
B. Encomendero D. Governor General
29. Colonization of the Philippines by Spain is best described as done through:
A. The “cross” because of the conversion by the clergy of pagan Filipinos to Christianity
B. The “cross” because Magellan planted the first cross on Philippine soil
C. The “sword” because the soldiers forcibly made Filipinos accept the Spanish rule
D. The “sword and cross” because they had to make sure that colonization was
30. The Katipunan was the movement founded by Bonifacio. It’s major objective was:
A. Seek reforms from Spain
B. Demand for equal rights and priveleges for Filipinos
C. Separation of Philippines from Spain
D. Assimilation of Philippines by Spain
31. The Americans acquired the Philippines as their colony because
A. They invaded the Philippines
B. They helped Filipinos fight the Spaniards
C. Spain ceded the Philippines by virtue of the treaty of Paris of 1898
D. They defeated the Spaniards
32. During World War II, the Filipino-American forces last defense against the Japanese took place
A. Bataan C. Manila
B. Corregidor D. Tarlac
33. The Americans promised to train Filipinos for self-government. This was realized with the
establishment of this government where all the officials both elected and appointed were
Filipinos and they were supervised for a ten-year period by an American High Commissioner.
A. Republican Government C. Commonwealth Government
B. Civil Government D. Federal Government
34. When the combined Filipino-American forces were defeated by the Japanese, the Filipinos
formed a guerilla movement called Hukabalahap. Which of the following was the main objective
of such movement?
A. To successfully defeat the Japanese
B. To harass the Japanese
C. To prove that Filipinos can fight without American support
D. To train a military force to strengthen Filipinos defense


1. Humanism of Ancient period was associated with this group of people who valued so much
man’s capacity for excellence.
A. Russians C. Romans
B. Asians D. Greeks
2. Each country had a particular title given to its ruler. Which country used Czar to its ruler?
A. Persia C. Russia
B. Romans D. Prussia
3. Wars are fought as a means settle conflicts. After the bloody encounters a war is officially ended
A. Armistice C. Treaty
B. Alliance D. Ceasefire
4. Which among the following is not a feature of feudalism?
A. Homage C. Mercantilism
B. Chivalry D. Fiefs
5. “The face that launched a thousand ships” was the famous saying in reference to the cause of
war in ancient times in Greece. Which war referred to in this saying?
A. Persian War C. Peloponnesian War
B. Trojan War D. Crimean War
6. In the 21st century, which region in the world is expected to assert its superiority or will take
center stage in world affairs?
A. USA C. Asia
B. Europe D. Africa
7. Globalization is being advocated in this century. Which among the following areas is not given
priority in this movement?
A. Economy C. Religion
B. Culture D. Commmunication
8. The following are means of imperialistic control except?
A. Sphere of influence C. Settlement
B. Concession D. Colonization
9. Which language was considered the universal language by the Christian church in the Middle
A. French C. Latin
B. German D. Spanish
10. When Berlin was being disputed between East and West Germany, in which part of Germany
was it located?
A. East Germany C. Boundary of East and West Germany
B. Boundary of Austria and Germany D. West Germany
11. Which is the best description for the so-called “Renaissance Man”?
A. He is talented C. He is liberal minded and versatile
B. He is Graeco – Roman D. He is a great thinker and artistic
12. When we say that “all people have culture but not all people are civilized”, we mean that?
A. All people have developed their way of life
B. Not all people have advanced in their way of life
C. All people have their distinct way of life
D. Not all people have their distinct way of life
13. Russia advocated communism under Lenin. Which among the following is not advocated by
A. Rule of proletariat C. Rule of workers group
B. Private ownership of propertyD. Collectivism
14. Spain was referred to as the “Mistress of the Sea” during the period of discovery and
explanation. This description meant that?
A. Spain was superior in navigation C. Spain was good in exploration
B. Spain was a naval power D. Spain was discovering territories
15. Which region was referred to as the “seat of civilization”?
A. Europe C. Asia
B. Africa D. America
16. Zionism is the term in reference to?
A. Conflict between Jews and Arabs C. Struggle of Jews to be free
B. Return of Jews to Israel D. War between Arabs and Israeli
17. The famous philosopher known for his statement “do not do unto others what you do not want
other to be done unto you”.
A. Aristotle C. Socrates
B. Mencius D. Confucius
18. When we consider the famous Fall of Rome in 476 A.D., we refer to the destruction of
A. The entire Roman Empire C. The fall of the Roman City
B. The fall of Eastern Roman Empire D. The fall of the Western Roman
19. Reformation was the movement which worked for changes or reform in the Christian Church.
This movement was initiated by?
A. Wycliff C. Christian Church
B. Protestants D. Martin Luther
20. Which countries were referred to as the Allied Powers in World War II?
A. USA, Russia, France, England C. England, France, China, Russia
B. France, England, USSR, USA D. Russia, England, USA, France
21. Julius Ceasar faced a critical decision in his career when he said “the die is cast”. The decision
had to do with.
A. Invasion of Gaul C. Conquest of Egypt
B. Crossing the Rubicon D. Assume the consulship
22. A very rigid social system in India where belonging to a certain class were not allowed to
mingled or intermarry with another class level
A. Brahmanistic System C. Hinduistic System
B. Caste System D. Reincarnation
23. Some European rulers advocated Divine Rights of Kings. This meant that:
A. King was God himself C. King was given by God the authority to rule
B. King was born to rule D. King was God’s representative
24. After World War II, USA and USSR rivaled for world supremacy. A cold war existed between
these two superpowers. Cold War is characterized by the following except:
A. Fierce fighting C. Constant maneuvering
B. War of nerves D. Arms race
25. While colonization developed the cultural and physical aspects of the colonized nation, its
greatest disadvantage was.
A. Colonial subjects were exploited
B. Colonial mentality developed
C. Colonies were drawn into war
D. Colonies were made markets for surplus products


1. It is that definite portion of the earth’s surface which is the subject of sovereignty rights and
interests. From the political standpoint, it is referred to as:
A. State C. Sovereignty
B. Government D. Territory
2. The City Mayor ordered the arrest and deportation of all prostitutes to their respective provinces
for promoting live shows and immoral sexual activities in the city. The order was assailed to be
illegal because:
A. The City Mayor has infringed on the constitutional rights of the prostitutes to travel
and abode
B. The City Mayor violated the due process of law since there was no notice and hearing
before judgment was rendered
C. The Mayor’s order was arbitrary and capricious
D. Only the Courts are empowered to issue the order of arrest and deportation
3. Despite strong protestations from Mang Jose, the government took away from his private
property for public use upon payment to him or just compensation. What power of the State was
involved in the particular case?
A. Police Power C. Power of Taxation
B. Power of Eminent Domain D. Absolute Power of the State
4. The United States is the only known country in the world that follows the “Jus Soli” doctrine
which means Place of Birth, while the rest of the countries follow the “Jus Sanguinie” principle
which means blood relationship. What then is the citizenship of a child born to Filipino parents in
the United States?
A. Natural Born Citizen C. Stateless Citizen
B. Naturalized Citizen D. Dual Citizen
5. Every time Jose’s parents leave the house, They claim him to a post of their padlock the door of
his room without food, water and sunlight. He was untidy and emaciated. What rights were
1. The natural and primary right of parents to rear their children in the manner
convenient to both parents and children.
2. The rights to healthful well-being and ecology
3. The right to travel and abode
4. The right of the child to protection, care and support of his parents.
A. 1,2 C. 2,3
B. 1,3 D. 2,4
6. It is the department which has the authority to make laws, alter or repeal them.
A. Administrative department C. Judicial department
B. Executive department D. Legislative Department
7. It advantage is that it serves as the training ground for the national leaders
A. Bicameralism C. Primary Jurisdiction
B. Constitutionalism D. Parents partriae
8. It is prerogative inherent in the state where it is called upon to protect those with less than full
capacity to take adequate care of their own interests
A. Eminent Domain C. Police
B. Parents partriae D. Taxation
9. The term of office of the senator
A. One year C. Six years
B. Three years D. Twelve years
10. The power to declare the existence of a state of war belongs to:
A. Congress C. Sandigang Bayan
B. President D. Supreme Court
11. Amendment or revision of the Constitution may be proposed through any of the following except
A. Constitutional Convention C. People’s Initiative
B. Congress as Constituent Assembly D. People’s Power
12. The regular election of the Members of Congress shall be held on the second Monday of
A. April C. June
B. May D. July
13. The members of the Commission on Appointment shall be composed of
A. 24 C. 25
B. 26 D. 27
14. All appropriation, revenue or traffic bills etc. shall originate exclusively in the
A. House of Representatives C. Senate
B. SangguniangPanalalawiagan D. Supreme Court
15. An enrolled bill may become a law after a lapse of
A. 30 days C. 40 days
B. 60 days D. 90 days
16. The canvassing of the votes of the President shall be done by congress and presided by:
A. Chief Justice C. Ombudsman
B. Secretary of National Defense D. Vice president
17. The Constitution empowers the President to declare Martial for
A. 30 days C. 45 days
B. 60 days D. 90 days
18. It refers to the act of the President of staying the execution of a convict:
A. Amnesty C. Commutation
B. Pardon D. Reprieve
19. It is also called as Tanodbayan.
A. Court of Appeals C. Sandiganbayan
B. Ombudsman D. Supreme Court
20. The change of venue or place of trial can be ordered for this reason
A. Lack of jurisdiction C. Convenience
B. Humanitarian reason D. Avoid miscarriage of justice
21. It is designed to prevent any person or class from being singled out as special of hostile or
discriminating legislation
A. Due process C. Right Speech
B. Equal protection D. Writ of Habeas Corpus
22. The 1987 Constitution was framed by
A. People’s initiative C. Constitutional Commission
B. Constitutional Assembly D. Constitutional Convention
23. The government under President Corazon C. Aquino was
A. De facto C. Both A and B
B. De jure D. None of the above
24. Amendments in the 1987 Constitution can be made through a constitutional commission
A. Yes C. Maybe
B. No D. None of the above
25. The president declared martial law on the ground or rebellion. What if any is the effect of such
A. The declaration of martial law will not automatically suspend the privilege of the writ
of habeas corpus
B. The operation of the constitution is not in any manner suspended
C. A state of Martial Law does not suppliant the functioning of the civil courts
D. All of the above


1. What does the maxim “There is no such thing as free lunch” mean?
A. You have to pay every time you have lunch
B. All good and service has a price
C. Nobody can have a free lunch anywhere
D. All our actions and decisions has a price that we need to pay
2. Suppose while walking, you found a P100. If you choose to use the P100 to watch a movie, what
is your opportunity cost for watching the movie?
A. Nothing, you just found the money anyway.
B. P100, because you could have used the P100 to buy other things.
C. P100 plus the value of the time you spent watching the movie.
D. Nothing if you really like the movie that you watched.
3. What is the foremost effect of scarcity on how people live?
A. It makes people very prudent in the spending.
B. Greed and selfishness are values that some people adhere to.
C. People faces tradeoffs in everything they do and decide.
D. Environmental protection has becoming one of the leading issue today.
4. Economics is a science because
A. Its studies material objects only.
B. It’s discipline under the Social Sciences
C. It applies and uses scientific methodology
D. There is a Nobel Prize in Economics
5. What does the assumption “ceteris paribus” mean?
A. All other variable are kept constant except the one being measured
B. Some variables are not included in the study
C. We assume a perfectly competitive market
6. The loss of potential gain when one alternative is chosen.
A. Trade-off C. profit
B. Opportunity cost D. Interest

7. What is market?
A. A place where people buy and sell
B. A group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service
C. A mechanism by which exchanges takes place
D. Both B and C
8. What is demand?
A. It is a market expression of the cumulative willingness of all household to buy different
amount of goods and service at different prices.
B. It is the market expression of the cumulative ability of all household to buy different
amount of goods and service at different prices.
C. It is a market expression of the cumulative willingness and ability of all household to
buy different amount of goods and service at different prices.
D. It is a market expression of the cumulative willingness and ability of all
household to buy different amount of goods and service at different prices
on a given point in time.
9. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Price is variable while qty. demanded and qty. supplied are constant
B. Price is constant while qty. demanded and qty. supplied are constant
C. Price in a dependent variable and qty. demand and supply are independent variables
D. Price is an independent variable and qty demand and supply are dependent
10. What best describes the demand curve
A. It is downward sloping indicating a positive relationship between price and qty.
B. It is downward sloping indicating a negative relationship between price and
qty. demand
C. It is upward sloping indicating a positive relationship between price and qty demand
D. It is upward sloping indicating a negative relationship between price and qty. demand
11. Which of the following are complementary goods?
A. Coffee and tea C. Pencil and ball pen
B. Cellphone and sim card D. Jeepneys and buses
12. What is the relationship between price and quantity supplied?
A. Proportional C. Parallel
B. Negative D. Positive
13. A new tax on imported milk was imposed by the government which resulted in the decrease of
the supply of this product. What factor od supply is described in this situation?
A. Cost of production C. Seasonality
B. Expectation of future price D. Price of related product
14. If the price of the banana is below the equilibrium price, then which of the following will likely
A. There will be a surplus of banana, and the price will decrease.
B. There will be a surplus in banana, and the price will increase.
C. There will be shortage in banana, and the price will decrease.
D. There will be a shortage in banana, and the price will increase.
15. A change in quantity demanded implies that:
A. There is a shift in the demand curve.
B. There is a change in the slope of the demand curve.
C. There is movement along the existing demand curve.
D. There will be an upward sloping demand curve.
16. Most people dislike inflation because it:
A. Reduces the nominal rate of interest.
B. Reduces the capital gains earned when an asset is sold.
C. Reduces the purchasing power of money.
D. Increases the cost of making decisions.
17. Is a survey done by the government, which enables us to know what goods and services Filipino
consumers consume?
A. Population Survey
B. Family Income and Expenditure Survey
C. SWS Survey
D. Product Survey
18. Who is considered the Father of Macroeconomics?
A. Adam Smith C. John Maynard Keynes
B. Simon Kuznets D. Thomas Robert Malthus
19. What is the name of the global financial services that went bankrupt on September 15, 2008 and
is considered the biggest bankruptcy filling in U.S history?
A. Lehman Brothers C. J.P Morgan and Chase
B. American Investment Group D. Bank of America
20. A period of general economic decline; typically defined as a decline in GDP for two or more
consecutive quarters:
A. Depression C. Inflation
B. Recession D. Stagnation
21. A public market for the trading of company shares and derivatives at an agreed price:
A. Money market C. Stock market
B. Portfolio market D. Foreign exchange market


1. The following statements refer to the characteristics of the Philippines as one of the important
territories of Asia, EXCEPT
A. It is a tropical country and geographically located in the Northeastern part
of the world
B. Philippines has one of the highest literacy rates in Asia with existing policy of free and
compulsory six years in elementary.
C. The establishments of the first Philippine Republic gave birth to the first constitutional
democracy in Asia.
D. The free port of Manila is one of the world’s busiest ports compared with other
Southeast Asian nations.
2. Globes are essentially important tool in the study of Geography. A map is more convenient to
use but all map projections have some errors in presentation of distance and shapes. Given
these conditions, which among the known mapping projections will we use to give the true size
and shape of the earth’s land masses?
A. Azimuthal Mapping C. Equal Area Mapping
B. Conformal Mapping D. Equidistant Mapping
3. Most scientists believe that El Niño phenomenon which was greatly experience in 1982, 1983
occurred when trade winds that normally blow from east to west slow down and actually change
direction. The winds blow warm water toward South America where the normal weather patterns
are changed for a time. Given this global change, which of the following conditions in NOT
considered as direct effect of the El Niño phenomenon?
A. Occurrences of hurricanes and heavy rainfall in the mid-Pacific region in a
normal condition.
B. Some Species of fish like cold-water loving salmon disappeared along the west coast
of the United States but tuna and shrimp were attracted to the warm waters.
C. The gradual warming of the earth is known as the Greenhouse effect could
dramatically change climates worldwide.
D. Water temperature in some parts of the Pacific Ocean rose to as much as 14 degrees
higher than a normal condition.
4. China has over one fifth of the world’s population and its leaders believe that its large population
hinders the economic progress of the country and to address this problem they want to achieve
equal death rate and birth rate in population. This government action to limit the population is
known as the:
A. Baby Boom C. Population Pyramid
B. population distribution D. Zero population growth
5. Given the current condition of Africa, it is still considered as the most rural and least urbanized
continent in the world. With these characteristics, which among the following sentences is the LEAST
contributory factor to the current socio-political and economic problems of Africa?
A. Few states are ethnically homogenous and infancy of a strong sense of national unity
among tribal leaders
B. Insufficient capital technology, political instability and poorly trained workforce to push
development among the African nations.
C. The increasing percentage of school-age children who did not attend school low
literacy rate and a great number of World’s AIDS deaths
D. The replacement of Christianity among the Islamized society in Africa along
the continuous practice of animism among few villages.
6. The biggest and most populated island in the Philippine Archipelago
A. Cebu C. Luzon
B. Leyte D. Negros
E. Negros
7. As of 1996, what sector of Philippine economy shows an increase near to 50%?
A. Agricultural Sector D. Service Sector
B. Energy Sector E. Tourism Sector
C. Mining Sector
8. Which of the following is NOT included in the main geographical and political-cultural
subdivisions of Asia?
A. North Asia D. Southeast Asia
B. Northwest Asia E. Southwest Asia
C. South Asia
9. This continent is the largest and it covers almost 33% of the earth’s surface. It is considered as
the most diverse continent and home for earliest civilization and major religions of the world.
A. Africa C. Austria and Oceania
B. Asia D. Europe
E. North America
10. Which area of the world has been described as the “symbol of worldwide demographic,
environmental and societal stress / problems”?
A. Africa C. Austria / Oceania
B. Asia D. North America
E. South America
11. Which of the following continent is considered as the world’s most productive in agriculture?
A. Africa D. North America
B. Australia and Oceania E. South America
E. Europe
12. If the Caribbean Islands may be combined with Mexico and Central America, it could be
collectively and properly described as:
A. Latin America D. South America
B. Middle America E. The Americans
C. North America
13. The name “Oceania” is widely used to refer to the scattered group of islands
A. Central and Southern Pacific Ocean D. Micronesia (Little Islands)
B. Central and Western Pacific Ocean E. Polynesia (Many Islands)
C. Melanesia (Black Islands)
14. What country is considered as largest producer of Diamond, although few of its diamonds are of
gem quality?
A. Australia D. New Zealand
B. Canada E. South Africa
C. Mexico
15. The world’s largest island is:
A. Australia D. Green land
B. China E. Madagascar
C. Iceland
16. What sea is often included in the physical definition of North America?
A. Baltic Sea D. Red Sea
B. Caribbean Sea E. South China Sea
C. Mediterranean Sea
17. It is the longest mountain chain in the world
A. Andes D. Kunlun
B. Himalayas E. Pamir
C. Karakoram
18. What religious suffered heavily in Europe during the Nazi Holocaust?
A. Atheist C. Christian
B. Buddhist D. Jewish
E. Muslim
19. Most of the people in Latin American during the colonial period came from what known place in
the world?
A. Amazon Rainforest C. Iberian Peninsula
B. Andes Mountain D. Oceania
E. Scandinavian
20. It is considered as one of the worst eruption of the century that almost affects the earth’s
atmosphere due to its ash falls
A. Mt. Hibuk-Hibok D. Mt. Pinatubo
B. Mt. Kanlaon E. Tall Volcano
C. Mt. Mayon
21. Which part of the earth where we can experience six (6) months of continuous dalylight and six
(6) months continuous darkness each year?

A. Greenland D. North Pole

B. Greenwich, England E. Pacific Ocean
C. Iceland
22. In what part of the world can you approximately find the International Date Line (IDL)?
A. Atlantic Ocean D. Pacific Ocean
B. Greenwich, England E. South Pole
C. North Pole
23. In what part of the world can you find the longest and largest coral reef which is also known as
the “Great Barrier Reef”?
A. Africa C. Europe
B. Australia D. North America
E. South America
24. It is a common knowledge that all bodies of water are interconnected with one another but this
ocean covers 1/3 of the world from Arctic to America
A. Arctic Ocean D. Pacific Ocean
B. Indian Ocean E. South Atlantic Ocean
C. North Atlantic Ocean
25. Which of the following countries is not part of the Association of the South East Asian Nations
A. Malaysia C. Singapore
B. Philippines D. Taiwan
E. Thailand
26. Among the South American nations, this country is the only Portuguese speaking country
A. Argentina D. Mexico
B. Brazil E. Peru
C. Chile
27. The first African nation that tried to establish industrialization to lessen the worsening
unemployment rate of the country
A. Bostwana D. South Africa
B. Egypt E. Zaire
C. Kenya
28. It is known to the ancient and modern world that this is the home of rich and key cities of the
world. It is also of the major tourist destination and it provides a well-designed airports and
railways across the continent
A. Africa C. Australia
B. Asia D. Europe
E. South America
29. The opening of the Suez Canal connects the trading route between these two bodies of water
A. Atlantic Ocean and pacific Ocean
B. Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
C. Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal
D. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
E. South China Sea and Philippine Sea
30. This is the known Peninsula in Europe that occupied by Norway, Sweden, Denmark also included
is Iceland and Finland
A. Apennines D. Jutland
B. Balkan E. Scandinavian
C. Iberia


1. Four days after the founding of the La Liga Filipina, Rizal was arrested and imprisoned at Fort
Santiago without due process of law. Who was then the Governor-General of the country who
ordered the arrest and banishment of Rizal in Dapitan?
A. Ramon Blanco C. Camilo Polavieja
B. EulogioDespujol D. Emilio Terrero
2. Friends and fellow nationalists defended Nole Me Tangere. A brilliant defense came from Rev.
Vicente Garcia who claimed that Rizal did not attack the Church and Spain.
A. Rizal’ Noli Me Tangere was simply a fiction, no harm to anyone.
B. Rizal focused on the ignorance of Filipinos
C. Rizal would want to enlighten or open the minds of his fellowmen
D. Rizal attacked the bad Spanish officials and priests
3. According to Rizal himself he took the term Noli Me Tangere, which means “Touch Me Not” from
the Bible. From what Gospel was Noli Me Tangere taken?
A. St. Luke (24:12) C. St. John (20:17)
B. St. Luke (24:44) D. St. John (20:15)
4. The character in the novel Noli was described by Rizal as a laundry woman before her marriage
to the officer of the Guardia Civil. She was known as the “Muse of the Guardia Civil”. She
pretended to have forgotten Tagalog already but her use of Spanish was awful. Who was the
A. Doña Consolacion C. Sisa
B. Doña Victorina de los Reyes de Espadana D. Paulita Gomez
5. Sometime in 1807, Rizal’s close friend Ferdinand Blumentritt asked him to define the term for he
could not find the word in European-Spanish or Spanish-American sources. Rizal replied that in
Filipino, the word meant “a dangerous patriot who someday will be hanged”. What was the word
requested Rizal to define?
A. Filibuster C. Militarist
B. Revolutionist D. Patriot
6. In his poem, “The Intimate Alliance between Religion and Good Educaton”, Rizal showed the
importance of religion in education. Which of these is a valid main topic for the poem?
A. Education without God is not true education
B. Religion without education is not a true religion
C. Education without God is allowable
D. Religion without education is allowable
7. The winning of “La Juventud Filipina” in a literary contest was controversial and exceptional.
A. There were better entries but Rizal’s charming abilities won the judges.
B. Rizal should not be a contestant because the contest was exclusively for the elite.
C. It was a Spanish poem written by a Filipino, whose merit was recognized by
the Spaniards.
D. It was the first poem advocating the youth to stand for the truth and for their country.
8. Rizal met a kind Protestant German pastor in Germany who befriended him. He stayed at his
vicarage and learned German language. This is where he finished his first novel. Where was
“Noli Village” located in honor of the novel Noli Me Tangere?
A. Wilhemfeld C. Heidelberg
B. Berlin D. Leipzig
9. What famous literary work did Rizal voice out the conviction that women should think for
themselves, should be educated, and should be more active in public office?
A. To the Virgin Mary C. My First inspiration
B. Letter to the Young women of Malolos D. To the Flowers of
10. Rizal had a best friend whom he would always confide with through letters. His best friend is a
principal of a secondary school in Leitmeritz, Austria. Who is he?
A. Ferdinand Blumentritt C. Pedro Paterno
B. Maximo Viola D. jose M. Cecilio
11. On time that Rizal returned in the Philippines, his novel, Noli Me Tangere had already caused
disputes especially among the friars. Who is the Augustinian frfiar who published an eight-series
handout to attack Noli Me Tangere?
A. Padre Jose Rodfriguez C. Padre Jose Bech
B. Padre Antonio Obach D. Padre Federico Faura
12. El Filibusterismo is the sequel of Noli Me Tangere and like the first book it was written in
Spanish. To whom did he dedicate this second novel?
A. To his beloved parents C. To the executed Filipino priests
B. To the suffering Filipino people D. To his love, Leonor Rivera
13. Where is the setting of the first chapter of El Filibusterismo?
A. At the University of Santo Tomas C. At the house of the lead charcterSimoun
B. At the old, circular ship called Tabo D. At the old house of KapitanTiyago
14. In El Filibusterismo, who was the character who’s like Rizal’s father who owned a land which was
confiscated by the Spanish friars?
A. Kapitan Tiago C. Kabesang Tales
B. Padre Irene D. PlacidoPenitente
15. When the Spaniards found out Simoun’s plan against the Spanish government, they went after
him Simoun fled carrying with him, his wealth to the house of a Filipino priest near the sea. Who
was this priest?
A. Padre Florentino C. Padre Camorra
B. Padre Irene D. Padre Millon
16. Rizal based the characters in Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo on the people in his life. To
whom did he patterened the character of Paulita Gomez, Isagani’s true love, who later married
A. To his mother, Teodora Alonzo C. To his love, Leonor Rivera
B. To his eldest sister, Saturnina D. Padre Millon
17. Who was the former teacher and friend of Rizal in Ateneo to whom the following statements
were made relative to the writings of his Noli. “I wished to hit the friars, for they utilize religion
not only as a shield, but also as weapon, a protection, castle, fortless, an armor, etc.?”
ngMAlolos / To the Women of Malolos
A. Fr. Salvi C. Fr. Pablo Pastells
B. Fr. Salvadorcito Font D. Fr. Federico Faura

18. What was the title of Rizal’s poem from which the following lines were taken? “Whoever knows
not how to love his native tongue is worse than any beast or evil smelling fish. To make our
language richer ought to be our wish the same as any mother loves to feel the young.”
A. HulingPaalam
B. SamgaKabataang Pilipino / To the Filipino Youth / A La Juventud Filipina
C. SaAkingmgaKabata / Our Mother Tounge
D. SamgaKababaihan
19. In the novel Noli Me Tangere, he was described by Rizal as the nephew of Doña Victorina and a
grandson of a relative of Padre Damaso, a private secretry of all the ministers and later to
become the fiancé to Maria Clara. Who was he?
A. Alfonso Linares de Espadana C. Chino Quiroga
B. PlacidoPenitente D. Don Felipe
20. Knowing Ferdinand Blumentritt’s great interest on the cultural aspect of the Philippines, Rizal
gave him a book entitled Aritmetika written by RufinoBaltazar Hernandez in 1868. In what
language was this book written?
A. Latin C. English
B. Spanish D. Tagalog
21. Who was the Portugese friend of Rizal whom he wrote on the following lines March 5, 1895?
“Some have proposed to me to escape, but I refuse to do do that I have nothing to reproach
myself for I do not want to be called runaway . . . . . .
A. Dr. Laurencio Marquez C. Dr. Adolf B. Meyer
B. Johann Henderich Caspar Kern D. Manuel Becerra
22. This was the setting of the novel Noli Me Tangere.
A. Sto. Domingo C. Sto. Cristo
B. San Diego D. Sta. Barbara
23. On June 11, 1901, the Second Philippine Commission approved Act No. 137, which organized
“The politico-military district of Morong into the “Province of Rizal”. This was done due to which
of the following reasons?
A. Creating a province that lead the people of Morong to be united after the freedom
from Spain.
B. Creating a province that will lead to the proclamation of Jose Rizal to be the National
C. Creating a province to provide equal rights to people living near Morong and Manila.
D. Creating a province to be named after Jose Rizal in Honor of his martyrdom.
24. Born in Sta. Cruz, Manila on August 2, 1799; he was the parish priest of Bacoor, Cavite at the
time he was involved in the Cavite Mutiny of 1872.
A. Andres Urdanete C. Vicente Garcia
B. Jacinto Zamora D. Mariano Gomez
25. Governor General Emilio Terrero had ordered the commission coming from University of Santo
Tomas to review the content of Noli Me Tangere as suggested by Archibishop Pedro Payo. What
was the suggestion of this commission regarding the novel?
A. Strictly advised the friars to analyze the content of the novel for further discussions on
Sunday mass.
B. Create another commission review the contents of the novel.
C. Called a conference with the Governor-General and let the author explain the contents
of the novel.
D. Strictly prohibit the production, circulation and as well as reading of the

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