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Artificial Intelligence

Computers are everywhere. Today almost every car, television, mobile phone and ATM

machine has a computer of some sort in it. Computers have made our lives easier, and it has only

been made possible through years of continuous development in computer and computer

intelligence software. With the development of human civilization and its standard of living, we

need more intelligent, faster and smarter computers to fulfill our needs. Today’s machines and

electronic devices are way more sophisticated and smarter than they were just 50 years ago.

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machines to use logic, creativity, self-awareness

and understanding of their surroundings, to find solutions to different problems. It’s the idea that,

just as animals and humans uses their senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hear, to perform

different functions, computer use its ability to understand and apply logic, after learning from its

surroundings, to perform different functions and solve different problems.

Human intelligence has its limits, but the artificial intelligence has no boundaries and

each next computer or computer software is designed to be smarter and better than the previous

ones. Scientists believe that with the continuous advancements in the technology, we will soon

reach a point where we would be able to develop a super-intelligent computer. This computer

would then have the capability to build computers which are more intelligent, these intelligent

computers would then make computers smarter than them, and this cycle will continue.
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At that point of advancement, computers would have become more intelligent than

humans. They would no longer require instructions to complete their tasks or goals, instead they

would have the ability to identify the problems and find solutions to them on their own. They

would understand human language and human sentiments, and would easily be able to find

answers to the most anticipated questions of humanity, such as the meaning of life and death.

These computers would also be able to eliminate hunger, aging, disease and death. These

computers would help us develop advanced weaponry, capable of disarming a nuclear power.

This is where many scientists and philosophers believe, that an artificial intelligence of

such stature, if built, would overthrow the rule of humans in this world. As it does not need to

share the human ethical and moral values, it might use its entire intelligence to liberate itself

from the human control, and enslave the less intelligent beings. Irrespective of the growing

hardware performance and increased ability to implement algorithms and architectures, an

artificial intelligent being of such power still requires decades of development and work. Once

we have crossed that threshold, humanity will experience ultra-fast development and progress,

but at the price of its freedom.

Artificial intelligence is now a part of our lives, and whether we accept it or not, we have

already become a slave to it. The wheel of our everyday routine revolves around our computers

and machines working properly as per our instructions. It is still debatable, whether our future

generation of scientists would create a being which is smarter and better than the humans, but

there is no doubt in the fact that no one from the current generation of humans would be alive to

witness that marvel.

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Works Cited

Nick Bostrom. “How Long Before SuperIntelligence?” 5 Dec. 2017,


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