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 She left the Philippines for US as a domestic helper. For over five years of working and
learning the American dream.
 Non-American workers like Dora were forced to be repatriated.
 US economy declined due to threats of terrorist attacks.
 After being married with Diego, eventually was offered a green card.
 American laws then considered Dora a citizen of US.
 She started building partnerships from the other city states, and then eventually had her
products imported and exported in and out of America.
 Diego was sent back to the Philippines to be the US Navy’s representative for the Visiting
Forces Agreement as he was trusted to handle the agreement with the Philippine
 American-owned companies established in the Philippines were obliged by their own
government to impose stricter production of coals in the country.
 Dora filed the divorce, the law provides that no privileges will be given to the wife and the


 Which makes her part of the leading remittance payers of the Philippines, the Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFWs).
 Through tinder, an online dating app, she met Diego, an army of the US Navy for 15 years.
 Diego has visited Bohol and have started learning the Bisaya dialect.
 She brought the art in US and started her own clothing line highlighting Filipino designs.
 As the Dutwenty administration has been very inept to accept the agreement, arguing that it
will only create tyranny and abuse if Americans would have a space in the country.
 Her products imported and exported in and out of America. Among her clients are European
countries like Italy, Greece and Finland.
 Discrimination of Filipino workers in the US has become rampant, many OFWs lost their
 With this, the Philippines, as a member of the United Nations sought help to the international
organization to make necessary actions to aid them seek for justice to stop a superior
country like the US to undermine their situations.
 Dora has been a victim of domestic violence from her own husband.

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