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An idiom is a group of words in current usage having a
meaning that is not deducible from those of the
individual words. For example, "to rain cats and dogs"
- which means "to rain very heavily" - is an idiom; and
"over the moon" - which means "extremely happy" - is
another idiom. In both cases, you would have a hard
time understanding the real meaning if you did not
already know these idioms!

1. rule of thumb 11. can't put my finger on sth

2. out of the blue 12. not my cup of tea
3. once in a blue moon 13. take my word for it
4. a blessing in disguise 14. have bigger fish to fry
5. beat around the bush 15. in the nick of time
6. hang in there 16. keep your eyes peeled
7. speak of the devil 17. have a butterfly in a stomach
8. to get caught red-handed 18. head over heels
9. be in seventh heaven 19. happy camper
10. pain in a neck 20. cry wolf

hunting idioms
designed by plank_kuk




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