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ACTIVITY 1. Directions: Read and analyze the following expressions. Tick (/) the sentence that Activity 3.

tivity 3. Identify which Type of Media or Technique is being described in each item. Write
expresses what is TRUE about promotion. Otherwise, write X. the correct term at the blank box at the right. (refer to Textbook, pages 86 to 88)

____1. One of the objectives of advertising is to persuade the consumers to buy a product.
____2. Promotion is the communication aspect of the marketing mix. 1. A type of advertising appearing within the
____3. A good public image has nothing to do with promotion. showing of movie films and TV programs
____4. Personal selling is necessary for products that are simple, inexpensive, and highly
sought out by customers. 2. Putting signages on the side or back of public
____5. Television is an example of an alternative Media used in promotion. transport vehicles.
____6. Social networking sites are used as traditional media in promotion.
____7. In the marketing communications model, the receiver is usually the advertiser.
____8. With various media vehicles available, the company may utilize all these vehicles to 3. Advertising on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram
deliver one unified message to its target market. This refers to Return on Marketing
Investment. 4. Presenting the products on a telephone
____9. When advertisements are placed on the side of buses and jeepneys, this refers to directory book known as yellow pages
product placement technique.
____10. When consumers are familiar with a distinctive quality of a product, it increases the
likelihood that the product brand will not be included in the consumer’s
5. Advertising through the electronic mail system
consideration set.

6. Using shelf talkers that and floor signs are close

Activity 2. Tick (/) the appropriate box that corresponds to the characteristics of
to the products within the physical store to
the promotional mix given on the first column. persuade customers
Sales Personal Public Direct
Characteristics Advertising
Promotion Selling Relations Marketing 7. Advertisement using direct message or
1. Creating and maintaining good will conversation to solicit immediate action or early
to various public sectors response from a customer using words like “click
2. Uses trade and consumer here to get started” or “order now”
3. Necessary for selling products not 8. A type of outdoor advertising usually intended
actively sought by consumers for exposure to heavy traffic and major
4. Builds awareness, informs and thoroughfares.
persuades consumers about a
product through various media
9. Advertisement using station broadcasts in either
5. Takes the form of video news
releases about an organization AM or FM bands.
6. Efforts include charitable causes,
sporting events, etc.
7. Used in selling very expensive 10. Using newspapers and magazines as vehicle for
products advertising products or services.
8. Intended to boost sales of a product
9. Uses signs, posters and leaflets to
promote a product
10. Distributed to newspapers and
magazines 2 3
Total shirts produced in a month 4,000 units
Activity 4. Reflection: Answer the following questions: (refer to Textbook, page 84 & 85)

1. Why do you think business companies usually use the so-called Integrated
Marketing Communication (IMC)? Answer as briefly as possible.

Learning Activity Sheet

Week # 5 Inclusive Dates: Feb. 8-12, 2021 Quarter: Quarter 2 Score: _______
Competencies: 1. Explain the relationship between market analysis, planning,
implementation, and control (ABM_PM11-IIf-20)
2. What are the reasons that business firms want to achieve a high level of
awareness for their product or service brands?
BACKGROUND FOR THE LEARNERS (Textbook pp. 91 -100)

 The marketing process is the process of discovering unfulfilled customer needs. It

involves identifying opportunities, targeting markets, designing and planning
marketing strategies and programs, and organizing, implementing, monitoring,
and controlling the results.
 Managing the marketing process includes the folowing efforts: Market Analysis,
Marketing Planning, Marketing Implementation, and Marketing Control
 Marketing Analysis is assessing the internal and external environment which are
called the micro-environment and the macro-environment.
 Marketing Planning is developing strategies and implementing action plans or
tactics based on those strategies.
 Marketing Control involves organization, implementation and control of the
marketing effort.



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