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2. If l* ˆ 1 (cantilever beam with lumped mass at the free end), then the frequency
equation is

1 ‡ cos l cosh l nl…sin l cosh l cos l sinh l† ˆ 0

(see Sections 7.2 and 7.5.3; Table 7.6).

7.5.3 Elastic cantilever beam with a lumped mass at the free end
Figure 7.22(a) shows a pinned±free beam carrying the lumped mass at the free end. A
rotational spring is attached at the pinned support of the beam. The restoring moment,
which arises in this spring, is M ˆ kr .
The natural frequency of vibration is
l2 EI
oˆ 2 ; m ˆ rA
l m
Frequency parameters l are the roots of a frequency equation, which may be presented in
terms of Hohenemser±Prager functions (Anan'ev, 1946; Filippov, 1970)

M E…l† B…l†
ˆ l …7:18†
ml lS1 …l† ‡ k*B…l†
where the dimensionless parameters are

M kr l
nˆ k* ˆ
ml EI
For a fundamental mode of vibration frequency, parameters l, as a function of mass ratio
and stiffness ratio, are shown in Fig. 7.22(b) (Anan'ev, 1946). For k* ˆ 0, frequency
parameter l ˆ 0. This case is presented by a horizontal line, which coincides with the a-
axis. It means that the beam rotates around pinned support as a solid body without any
bending deformation.

Frequency equations for special cases

1. Pinned±free beam with a lumped mass at the free end (krot ˆ 0)

M B…l† M cosh l sin l sinh l cos l

ˆ ! ˆ …see Table 7:6†
ml lS1 …l† ml 2l sin l sinh l
2. Elastic cantilever beam (M ˆ 0)

cosh l sin l sinh l cos l

k*E…l† lB…l† ˆ 0 ! k* l ˆ 0 …see Table 6:11†
1 ‡ cosh l sin l
3. Clamped±free beam (krot ˆ 1, and M ˆ 0)

E…l† ˆ 0 ! 1 ‡ cosh l sin l ˆ 0 …see Table 5:3†

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