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Makita, Hiroyuki C.


Reflection Paper

Science/AP 9

Performance Task #3

Coronavirus Disease 2019 also known as COVID 19 outbreak is a pandemic. A rise in the number
of confirmed cases around the world declare its spread a global pandemic. This coronavirus is originated
on Wuhan, China and a fast-moving infection that is already spread to more than 140 countries and
claimed more than 5,700 lives. This is when the infectious disease is passing easily from person to
person in many parts of the world at the same time. This virus is affecting every single person including
the different sectors of the economy agricultural, industrial, service and informal sector and also the
population of the world also affected. Mr Phelan says that the coronavirus impacts will be very severe
on all sectors and farming is no different. Many farmers are extremely concerned about what the impact
will be on trade since some country is banning the domestic, sea, and air flights. Many farmers is facing
into cash flow difficulties and wondering about the impacts on being able to sell stock in the market and
also how they produce more if they have man power only. And since some countries is not affected yet I
think as long you not buying product to the other country it safe but we need to be careful. And some
countries already affecting and lost 41 million dollars. The coronavirus has resulted in mass production
shutdowns and supply chain disruptions due to port closures in China, it will be felt in the manufacturing
sectors. Because china is a part of the global supply chain, factories closure, raw materials shortage,
increased costs and reduced orders already affecting manufacturing. And the international industry has
been particularly hit. Many business was forced close service sector are likely to be hardest hit. Less
developed countries would suffer more than the advanced economies. And not all sectors are equally
affected. For most other sectors, the impact is a function primarily of the drop in national and global
GDP, rather than a direct impact of changed behaviour. And for the informal sectors who is
independently working their own business will be having a hard time to function especially if the
business is related to food and crowded customer because the government was strictly suggesting social
distancing so that every individual has a low chance for local transmission. Industrial and Service Sector
has the high risk on this and others not. For vulnerable families lost income due to an outbreak translate
to spikes in poverty, missed meals for children, and reduced access to healthcare far beyond COVID-19.
They are already trying to formulate a vaccine for this virus many scientist are trying their best and off
course the government also doing their part to minimize the number of positive patience. The
Government of the Philippines already making their way to stop the transmission they put the Metro
Manila into quarantine putting checkpoints in the entrance and exit points of infected areas. Checking
the temperature of every individual. They also implemented the class suspension for student’s safety.
We can kill this virus or if not to kill we can stop spreading it fast if we will follow the instructions of the
professionals and our president very simple but this is the safeties way to do. As a student the only thing
I can suggest to the crowd is to follow rules, respect everyone and do proper hygiene.

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