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Wilmoth 1

Jerid Wilmoth

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp Pd.7

18 September 2020

Setback No More

A problem that I have is being the shortest person on each sports team I am on. I might be

the shortest athlete, but I feel like I have the best work ethic and most motivation, which is what

makes up for my size. I do not like when people assume I am not skilled or cannot play with

everyone else due of my smaller build. I solve my problems by continuing to put in work during

the off-season and push even harder during the preseason. Football is a game of outsmarting the

opponent. Due to my size, many tactics must be utilized to stop a bigger player. For example, if a

bigger player is to throw a longer pass, I start deeper into coverage, so I can cut the pass off and

prevent the offense from scoring.

When it comes to basketball, I use my size as a weapon because I know that height is not

everything. The taller they are, the harder it is for them to keep up. Another example of using my

height to an advantage is shooting from the three-point line so I do not get blocked. During

basketball season when I drive to the hoop, I use more pump fakes when I get into the paint so

the defenders are off the ground and I can score around them. When teams assume I am just

going to shoot, I have the advantage of being smaller so I can pump fake and drive to the basket.

This opens options for me by passing to my teammates and getting them open shots. When I get

by my defender the first couple times, he thinks I will pass, and this opens more scoring options

for me and my team. These are all the ways I use my size as a weapon during basketball season.
Wilmoth 2

During the spring when track comes around, I am still the shortest runner on the team.

This does not affect me as much as other sports, but it does keep me motivated. My height

disadvantage makes me train harder because I have shorter strides, so I must make up for the

distance I lose by working on my speed. I have always trained harder because I have always told

myself if I push harder, I will make up for what I lose size-wise. If I continue to put forth as

much effort as I can, I will progress, and my size will not be a problem anymore. I keep solving

this problem because I want to become an athlete that everyone knows and respects. That is why

I work twice as hard as others because I know my size can be a set-back. Being the shortest

person on all the sports teams has taught be how to look at everything differently. I am a stronger

person because of all these setbacks, and each one has led me to become a better person and


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