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NO.ID : 1801060

CLASS : 2017A


My name is Mira Kesuma, age 20, I completed my studies at SMAN 1 Bungo, Jambi
in 2018 with a major in Science. During high school, I was active in organizations as
Head of the field of academic achievement in arts and sports. Activeness in this
organization sharpens my skills in leadership and builds initiatives to take concrete
actions in response to social and health problems at the local, provincial and national

I continued my education to a higher level, namely at STIFARM Padang, majoring in

pharmacy in 2018 until now I am still carrying out knowledge on that campus. The
achievement that I managed to achieve was that during my studies, I received a PPA
scholarship and was selected as the regional coordinator of the ISMAFARSI
(Indonesian Pharmacy Student Senate Association) for the Sumatran region. This
organization focuses on activities of pharmacy student activities throughout
Indonesian such as solving problems in space the scope of pharmacy, conduct
community service and establish relationships with pharmacy students abroad. At
ISMAFARSI itself there is a program called SEP, this program is to conduct student
exchanges between countries, such as Indonesian and Malaysia. We also organized
several activities such as fundraising events for flood victims in Kalimantan and the
earthquake in Sulawesi.

Currently, until 2022, I am still the regional coordinator for the ISMAFARSI. In this
organization, I created a useful program for pharmacy students and the community.
One of my programs was holding regional scientific weekends. This program aims to
be a forum for pharmacy students to channel their talents and expertise in the
scientific field, and also make my community service program encourage pharmacy
students to raise awareness to care more about the community, I also collaborate
with other health majors such as medicine to carry out programs that benefit all of
If I have the opportunity to get this scholarship, I would like to take a role as a
specialist in the health sector. I also want to be a researcher and specialist in
government institutions so that I can be a part of formulating health policies in
Indonesia and solving issues and problems that occur in the health sector.

With the experience and motivation that I have, I feel that I deserve to get the
opportunity for further study with the scholarships provided. I hope that I can be part
of the government to take part in formulating and making policies to advance the
health system in Indonesian.

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