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Leidy Mejia Orozco

Drake Martinez
Reading and writing I
Modern languages

Nowadays, for many people physical image is very important in

general for young people that are always looking for a way to stick out
or have a way of identifying themselves and one of these is the body
modifications. People are always sending information through of as
they look like sometimes in a good way and sometimes not; we often
look to physical appearance to give us clues about a person's sanity,
morality, culture, intelligence, and abilities. People have adopted new
style or trend of body modification to look different, be part of the lasted
fad or simply because it is an act with cultural and social significance.
As was previously stated, Body modification is the major reflection of
auto identity and culture.

In this manner, tattooing and piercing are one of the many ways
through which youth may express their identity, for they are symbolic
representations of how they are and what are their likes. In addition,
when it comes to tattoos in particular, progressively more young people
are drawn to them simply for love of the art. If you like getting piercings
so you can wear stylish, fashionable jewelry, want to be emblazoned
with a beautiful portrait, landscape or other artistic tattoo; because of
the reputation young people always want to look good and stick out to

Furthermore, getting a tattoo, piercing or body modification; might be

their way of they already have a new medium of communication. many
people to express their ideas, their likes, habits ; make changes in
their bodies that show their freedom and the way to communicate it to
the world without saying a Word, just showing it through clothing, hair,
teeth, face, and of course body. Likewise, people can tell a book by its
cover, because appearance can be a fairly reliable indicator of person's
Leidy Mejia Orozco
Drake Martinez
Reading and writing I
Modern languages

behavior. Most of these changes are powerful medium of


It could also be said that, there are so many ways people have used
body modifications throughout history to show their cultural meaning,
their affiliation with a group, or a commitment to a person or goal.
Tattoos and body modifications has become in a youth culture that is
growing every day. Today, 36 percent of Americans aged 18-25 have
at least one tattoo, according to a report done by the Pew Research
Center. That's more than one third of America's young adults. This
show that body modifications for many people more than an ornament
is a history is a culture.

To sum up, body modification and adornment is a universal culture. All

civilizations have attempted to change their body in order to fulfill their
cultural construct of beauty, religious and social obligations. Also, body
adornment has become an excellent form to communicate to express
your beliefs , likes, habits even your dreams. This modification has
been a part of human societies since their inception, as parts of rituals
and cultures throughout history and across the globe.

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