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Angel Deck (2005)

Publicado por: Pen & Sword Ltd
Autor: Marvin Lawson
Oráculo de: 53 Cards
This deck is free to use to all registered users of the Orphalese Tarot program.
It is also allowed that they can print out one or two physical decks.

Ace of Clubs : Time Period: 1st week of spring This is a time of initiative,
courage and leadership. You have an opportunity to take some action that
may be risky but it will certainly be adventurous. Having the energy and
enthusiasm to achieve your goals. The start of a business venture. A period
of restlessness and passion

1- Two of Clubs: Time Period: 2nd week of Spring You have been vacillating
and are considering a matter either indecisively or indifferently. On the
one hand, you have a desire to take action but on the other hand you are
unsure of the future. A period of waiting and reflecting over past
accomplishments. Feeling walled in by past accomplishments but afraid to
venture out into unknown territory. A need to make a choice between
acting and waiting. The sense that life is passing you by.
2- Three of Clubs: Time Period: 3rd week of spring You are reaching a
milestone in your development. You have the sense of expansion in some
area of life and may be leaving a secure position for unknown territory.
Embarking on a journey. Envisioning your possibilities and future.
Exploring and traveling, at least through books if not actual travel. Thanks
to your previous efforts, you have attained a supportive foundation and
your goal is becoming visible

3- Four of Clubs: Time Period: 4th week of spring You are experiencing the
welcome combination of freedom and security, possibly in a job or
relationship. However, there may be little support or structure in your
environment which may be an obstacle in terms of generating long-range
security. A time of celebration, to rest from your hard work and past
efforts. Establishing roots: a new home or property; commitment to a
project or goal

4- Five of Clubs: Time Period: 5th week of spring You are asserting yourself
and your freedom. A desire for independence and exploration. A
comparison of strength. Seeing things differently from others and
embarking in a battle of wills or competition. Sports or exercise and the
need to release physical energy. Facing new challenges that make you
aware of new abilities.

5- Six of Clubs: Time Period: 6th week of spring You are experiencing victory
and success and hard-won satisfaction in some endeavor. Your efforts will
be rewarded and applauded. You are in a leadership role with the
responsibility of motivating and inspiring others. You are transitioning
from a phase of conflict to one of peace and harmony. Obstacles have been
removed from your path. You have the confidence and self-esteem you
need to reach your goals.
6- Seven of Clubs: Time Period: 7th week of spring You are facing obstacles
and opponents but you are in a good position to defend yourself. You may
be defending your principles or your right to be different. An unfair attack
but winning in the end. An encroachment on your private life or threat to
what you have accomplished or want to achieve.

7- Eight of Clubs: Time Period: 8th week of spring You are moving through an
active, hectic phase, where events are reaching their natural conclusion.
Things are in motion, in the air, and will probably happen more quickly
than expected. There is no time to rest on your laurels. Good news can be
expected and success may be on its way. A sudden change of direction.
Focused and controlled movement.

8- Nine of Clubs: Time Period: 9th week of spring You are reaching the end of a
long struggle. Feeling wary and cautious, fearful that something will come
back from the past to haunt you. One last hurdle to overcome, but you
have the strength to succeed with ease. Protecting what you have
attained. Defensive posturing. Opposing anything new.

9- Ten of Clubs: Time Period: 10th week of spring You are taking on too many
responsibilities and burdens. Perhaps this is out of a desire to help others
but it is causing you strain and tension. You may have skipped a few steps
in your development and now feel overwhelmed in new surroundings. You
may be bothered by worries and misgivings without trying to find a way
out of them. Feeling exhausted, oppressed and burned out.

10- Jack of Clubs: Time Period: 11th week of spring As a person, this card
represents a close friend or someone with whom you can exchange
conversation and ideas. A supportive person and someone who is linked to
your goals and ambitions. This card describes a heroic person with a fiery
disposition who is enterprising, adventurous, spontaneous and
enthusiastic. As a situation, this card signifies news, travel, and a
departure, moving residence or changing jobs.

11- Queen of Clubs: Time Period: 12th week of spring As a person, this card
represents a woman who is connected to your goals or ambitions, or a
person who is passionate, self-determined and sometimes bossy. This is a
woman with considerable personal power, a woman in charge or in a
leadership position. As a situation, this card represents seeking social
contacts or recognition and admiration. It also suggests seduction and

12- King of Clubs: Time Period: 13th week of spring As a person, this card
represents a man in charge or in a position of leadership and
responsibility. This may also suggest a man who is connected to your goals
and ambitions. This person is usually mature, strong-willed, assertive and
has good leadership skills. As a situation, this card relates to examining
your leadership or management potential and ability and reflects business
or career concerns.

13- Ace of Hearts: Time Period: 1st week of summer You are in love or feel very
passionately about a subject or person. You are able to consummate a
relationship or passion, express your feelings, or be emotionally fulfilled.
You feel a sense of joy, thankfulness, comfort and deep happiness. The
start of a new romance. Feeling altruistic and helpful.
14- Two of Hearts: Time Period: 2nd week of summer You are cooperating and
sharing with another person. A new romance or instant attraction. An
equal partnership. A desire to connect with someone. Compatibility. You
are occupied with thoughts of love and harmony. Altruism.

15- Three of Hearts: Time Period: 3rd week of summer You are celebrating the
beginning of an important endeavor. You feel a sense of shared joy and
camaraderie with others in a small, close-knit group. Shared interests and
compatibility with a group of people. An expresion of thankfulness. Taking
pleasure in the simple things.

16- Four of Hearts: Time Period: 4th week of summer You feel such a sense of
emotional stability and routine that it has become boring to you. Feeling
dissatisfied and unfulfilled. Something that you once yearned for is
suffocating you. Sulking and brooding over an issue. Emotional withdrawal
from others leaves you unwilling to accept new opportunities, offers or
cries for attention. Rejection and apathy.

17- Five of Hearts: Time Period: 5th week of summer You feel a deep sense of
regret and disappointment usually regarding a relationship. A time of
separation from something or someone you really wanted in your life. Grief
and sorrow and the need to release the past. Recklessnes may have led to
losing this valuable object.

18- Six of Hearts: Time Period: 6th week of summer You are demonstrating
affection and generosity. You are taking care of the needs of others. You
are thinking about the past or returning to the past in some way.
Memories, nostalgia, homesickness. A desire to return to a safer and more
predictable environment. Holding on or clinging to the past and its
memories. Childhood or early childhood impressions.

19- Seven of Hearts: Time Period: 7th week of summer You are full of hopes,
wishes and dreams and may be faced with many options. It may be
difficult to make a choice and you may be living in a world of fantasies,
unable to see reality clearly. A period of imagination and creativity.
Wishful thinking and wearing rose-colored glasses. Letting yourself be
deceived by what you want. Deception and illusion.

20- Eight of Hearts: Time Period: 8th week of summer You are outgrowing a
situation and finding that something important in missing in your life. You
desire to leave, move away or get some distance between yourself and
your current environment. You are seeking greater spiritual meaning.
Moving on to bigger and better things. Giving up something that is
valuable in hopes of finding something of greater value.

21- Nine of Hearts: Time Period: 9th week of summer You are getting what you
wished for. A time of satiety and happiness, but perhaps also
overindulgence. Enjoying the good life and the sensual pleasures that
come with it. Living in a carefree way; taking a vacation or relaxing. Being
comfortable being by yourself. Becoming addicted to pleasure.

22- Ten of Hearts: Time Period: 10th week of summer You are experiencing joy
and camaraderie in a family or supportive network. Feeling safe and secure
in a community. A friendly mood, good neighborly contacts, and love and
joy in dealing with others. Commitment to others. Inner peace and light-
heartedness. An expansive love of humanity.
23- Jack of Hearts: Time Period: 11th week of summer As a person, this card
represents a dear friend or a lover; it is always someone close to your
heart and connected to your wishes and dreams. This card can also
suggest someone who uses your emotions to manipulate you. (Check the
facing card or surrounding cards to be sure). This card represents a
sensitive, warm, tender person who is charismatic. As a situation, this card
relates to romance and following your heart wherever it leads you. You
may be head over heels in love with someone, or you may have just been
asked out on a date. This card also signifies social engagements of every

24- Queen of Hearts: Time Period: 12th week of summer As a person, this card
represents a mother, wife, or someone with an emotional connection to
the questioner. This woman could be a healer, artist or medium. She is
someone who breaks open the feeling hidden in your depths. As a
situation, this card represents helping or healing or being drawn to the

25- King of Hearts: Time Period: 13th week of summer As a person, this card
represents a father, husband or someone with whom the questioner has an
emotional connection. This card may also suggest a doctor, therapist or
someone in the healing professions. This person is kind and sensitive, but
keeps his or her own wounds hidden while helping others. As a situation,
this card relates to expression through the arts or the need for mediation
in some situation.

26- Ace of Spades: Time Period: 1st week of winter You are experiencing a new
and challenging phase where you must overcome obstacles using great
inner strength and determination. This is a time of elimination where
things that you no longer need may be leaving your life. A time of clarity
and enlightenment if you are willing to open your eyes and see things
clearly. Being truthful and honest. Making a necessary but painful decision.

27- Two of Spades: Time Period: 2nd week of winter You are refusing to see a
situation clearly or to see the whole picture. There is a decision that needs
to be made but you are sitting on the fence. Stubborn, gnawing doubts. An
attempt to think purely logically about a situation that requires emotional
input. Struggling for clarity but refusing to listen to your inner voice.
Feeling paralyzed by indecision.

28- Three of Spades: Time Period: 3rd week of winter You are in a self-
destructive pattern and feeling a sense of disappointment and heartbreak.
A three-sided conflict. A painful but necessary separation. A decision that
is made in opposition to what you feel. Working toward freeing yourself of
dependencies and bad habits. Recognizing that your plans bring painful
experiences and bitter disappointment.

29- Four of Spades: Time Period: 4th week of winter You are experiencing
stagnation in some area of life. Retreat and withdrawal as a way of
protecting yourself. Running away from problems leads to a only a
temporary truce or temporary end to difficulties. A forced retreat or rest
such as in the case of illness or incarceration that causes you to reflect on
your past actions.
30- Five of Spades: Time Period: 5th week of winter You are in a state of
conflict with others or your environment. A sense of humiliation and
defeat. Striking out at others out of anger and revenge. Acting solely in
your own self-interest. Thinking that you can do things all by yourself.
Telling yourself that you don't need anyone to lean on. Unfairness,
altercations, arguments.

31- Six of Spades: Time Period: 6th week of winter You are transitioning from a
negative period or difficult time in your life to one with greater stability
and peace, however, you are leaving regretfully. Departing with a heavy
heart. Insecurities, fears and worries about the future and what it holds.
Slowly and carefully approaching new ideas and opinions and relinquishing
old viewpoints and habits.

32- Seven of Spades: Time Period: 7th week of winter You are acting in a
cunning, possibly manipulative manner. You are being indirect to get what
you want. You are acting in a self-defeating manner where you are putting
yourself in positions of failure. Sneaking away or running away from
problems. Evading the truth or not wanting to believe something about
yourself or others.

33- Eight of Spades: Time Period: 8th week of winter You are feeling trapped,
restricted and confined by your environment. You may feel like you are
unable to leave a situation or that you cannot make the changes you want
to make in your life. Your limitations are not really external but internal;
you are hampered by fears of taking the first step and not knowing what to
expect. Repressing something valuable inside yourself. Relenquishing your

34- Nine of Spades: Time Period: 9th week of winter You are full of worry and
anxiety due to regret, self-pity or guilt. Reaching the end of a long-
standing problem but being unable to release it. Possbility of illness,
perhaps mental illness or sleep disorders. Deep depression and feelings of
helplessness due to inner discouragement and an inability to see the "light
at the end of the tunnel.

35- Ten of Spades: Time Period: 10th week of winter You are starting to realize
you are in an unhealthy situation and there is only a painful way through
it. Hitting rock bottom and the realization that it is time to make significant
changes. A very difficult time but one where unwelcome situations, bad
habits, and harmful phases can finally come to an end. A painful parting or
loss. Putting an end to something, abandoning ideas and convictions, and
rejecting a previous way of life.

36- Jack of Spades: Time Period: 11th week of winter As a person, this card
suggests someone who is deceitful or spiteful or in some manner operating
against your best interest. This person may be connected to a bad habit
you are trying to quit. This card also represents a person with a clear,
sharp mind who is argumentative and ready to engage others in conflict.
As a situation, this card relates to your worries and concerns and suggests
you may be deceiving yourself or you may be deceived by someone else.
This card advises you to take great care when dealing with others and it
asks you to look carefully at your own motivations.

37- Queen of Spades: Time Period: 12th week of winter As a person, this card
represents a woman who is connected to your worries or problems. She is
usually independent, has very high standards and a cool, distant and
dignified air. As a situation, this card represents putting a painful past
behind you, overcoming a difficult situation with rationality and
objectivity, and being comfortable alone. This card may also suggest doing
things your way even if it means going against the group.

38- King of Spades: Time Period: 13th week of winter As a person, this card
represents a man connected to your worries or problems, or an authority
figure who is responsible for making a judgement or decision on your
behalf. This card also reflects a serious person who can provide wise
advice but rarely shows any emotions. As a situation, this card represents
legal issues or situations where a decision is necessary. The card can
simply show a need to make an important decision.

39- Ace of Diamonds: Time Period: 1st week of fall Receiving an opportunity for
greater security. You are planting a seed that will bring tangible results
down the road if you are patient and persevering. A comfortable and
satisfyingly simple environment. Concerns regarding your home or family.
A small financial increase may be coming your way.

40- Two of Diamonds: Time Period: 2nd week of fall You are in a phase of
change and transition and would do well to adopt the traits of flexibility
and adaptability. A playful, carefree attitude toward life and security
issues. Fickleness, compromise, and compliance. Experiencing financial
fluctuations but they are minor. Juggling two situations that relate to your
financial or emotional security.

41- Three of Diamonds: Time Period: 3rd week of fall You have successfully
passed a stage of education and are entering new realms of experience.
Getting a promotion. Finishing school. Achieving recognition and reward
for your efforts and diligence. Teamwork. Expansion of your financial
horizons. Receiving a small increase for your work.

42- Four of Diamonds: Time Period: 4th week of fall You are in a secure
financial position, but you may be having trouble letting go of something.
Having what you need. Self-control and control over your environment. A
fear of change and a desire to maintain the status quo at all costs. Clinging
to possessions or people. Possibility of greed and possessiveness.

43- Five of Diamonds: Time Period: 5th week of fall You are in a state of
financial flux and may feel isolated from others. A time of crisis,
deprivation, and insecurity. You may feel separated from a group or feel
left out in the cold. A period where you feel a deep sense of lack, as if
something major is missing in your life. Spiritual poverty and a sense of
rootlessness. Standing on shaky ground. A crisis brought on by growth and
leaving what is familiar and safe behind.

44- Six of Diamonds: Time Period: 6th week of fall You are receiving help and
assistance and/or expressing qualities of generosity, tolerance and
helpfulness. Receiving gifts and unexpected tokens of appreciation. Taking
care of the responsibilities of family and home. Increases in money or
possessions not because of your efforts but due to good fortune or the
generosity of another.

45- Seven of Diamonds: Time Period: 7th week of fall You are going through a
period of reevaluation. You are examining your progress and development
to determine how much you have gained. You are wondering how far you
have come and how much more progress is necessary to reach your
desired goal. A period of slow but steady growth. A positive result is
certain if you are patient and learn to persevere.

46- Eight of Diamonds: Time Period: 8th week of fall You are learning new
skills or changing direction in the financial or work arena. You may be an
apprentice of some sort or going back to school. A period of starting over
on a new level, building upon past experience. Perfecting and crafting
something to make it better. Achieving a better position, status, or a raise.

47- Nine of Diamonds: Time Period: 9th week of fall You are experiencing a
state of self-reliance and self-actualization. Your efforts have paid off and
you have grown something marvelous. A large purchase or money coming
in due to your past hard work. A sense of inner richness. Contentment and
satisfaction with your life and position in it. Attaining a significant
milestone; a pinnacle in your career or ambitions.

48- Ten of Diamonds: Time Period: 10th week of fall You are experiencing a
phase of abundance, security and wealth on many levels. Feeling secure in
a community or family. Family values or tradition. Taking a conservative
approach. Group concerns regarding money and possessions. A business
enterprise or the work environment itself.

49- Jack of Diamonds: Time Period: 11th week of fall As a person, this card
reflects someone who is money-oriented and has a strong desire for
acquisition of possessions or status, however, they may be lacking the
perseverance needed to succeed. This card may also reflect a negotiator or
someone who tends to negotiate everything they do. This card suggests a
personality that is strong, reliable, and hardworking, but stubborn. This
card reflects someone who is beginning a new career or stage of
employment. As a situation, it shows a concern for security and being in a
state of financial fluctuation. It may also show a fluctuation in emotional
security as well.

50- Queen of Diamonds: Time Period: 12th week of fall As a person, this card
represents a caretaker, possibly a mother or assistant. This is a woman
connected to your sense of security in some way. This card may represent
a person who is well-grounded and more concerned with emotional rather
than financial security. As a situation, this card suggests issues concerning
the home and family and providing support and nurturing.

51- King of Diamonds: Time Period: 13th week of fall As a person, this card
represents a patriarch, someone connected to your financial security or in
the role of provider. This is a person who is serious and down-to-earth;
they are consumed with maintaining what they have financially. As a
situation, this card represents wealth and accumulation of financial
security. It can also relate to conservative values and family traditions.

52- Joker: This is truly a wild card. When the Joker appears in a reading, it
means that something unexpected and uncontrolled can occur. New
beginnings, new adventures, new opportunities, unlimited possibilities,
pleasure, passion, thoughtlessness, rashness. A space of time before a
decision or choice is made. A new cycle is about to begin that the seeker
will enter inexperienced. New and endless posibilitéis.

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