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Making Predictions:

PRE- Means “before”

DICT- Means “Say or Speak”

TION- Means “Act of”

 THINK ALOUD!!!! This will help you.

 Look for clues while you are reading about what will likely happen next.

 By looking at the cover. “I am guessing or predicting the story will be about

_____________. When we use what we know to make a guess before we read it is
called 'predicting.'

 Think aloud while reading a book… "Hmmm… my prediction that the story would be
about ____ was right, but I did not think that ____ would happen. I'll make a new
prediction that _____ will happen based on what we read."

 "My first prediction was _____. After reading part of the story I predicted _____. Now
that I am finished reading I think my predictions were close/not close to what really
happened because_____."

 Stop at points throughout the book….Make predictions at these points. You can even
use “sticky notes” or draw pictures in your journals to help write predictions . \

 Revise (change) any incorrect predictions or verify their predictions. Make changes to
the journals or chart as needed.

 At the end of the story, think about predictions in relation to the entire story and draw a
final sketch or write a journal response about your predictions. Think about why your
prediction was correct or incorrect and what information you used to make that

Prediction Clues Was prediction correct? Why?

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