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Corruption, it is not a disease of society but rather a fundamental part of it.

It is the corner of
every government in the whole world. It is the driving force behind all political parties. You would be
quite ignorant if you dreamt of a society without corruption.

Let’s face it, corruption is an integral part of our country. Now, the real problem is its effects,
now that’s quite a pain in the a**. If you take a look at other first world countries you would see a
façade made out of economic growth and low poverty rate, but once you peel off the skin, you would
experience a world of massive corruptions and fraud. The main difference between them and us is that
they know how to cover up.

The most important thing to remember once you cheat is that, you should never be CAUGHT.
That’s the code every politician live by and it’s a code rarely followed by Filipinos. As the famous poet
Thomas Gray would put it, “ignorance is bliss”. A country is better off without knowing what’s
happening behind the lines.

As with the current situation of the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines), most generals were
exposed to massive graft and corruption charges by some politicians because of a petty grudge. And
because of this a formal senate hearing would turn into a petty grudge match.

I believe that what makes this country fails is not the corruption but the stupid democratic
minds of our leaders and the people….and also the church…. and also the media in fact I blame every
person in this country . Let me explain to you why, our leaders will always be corrupt and are stupid not
to cover up their doings, now once the media gets dirt on them they spread it like wild fire, now the
people are the fuel of this fire, people buy their stories they demand for more and more information
about the government and thus the blaming begins. Now as the word of widespread corruption reaches
the ears of foreign investors, they would get paranoid and the economy would become stagnant. But as
always the persons involved would be too stupid to think of the consequences.

Now the solutions……… well it’s quite simple, help just cover up the incidents or censor the
media either way works. As for honest and love, these are just two words to inspire false hope in
society. If something as simple as love and honesty can solve the world’s problems then this would have
ended ages ago but the facts remains, it is still here and we just have to accept that. Not much else to do
actually, we are imperfect because we are humans, we live as humans and we die as humans.

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