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Day 17: A place to belong

One of the greatest misconception that people have been believing for so long has always
been about believing but not belonging in the involvement of our commitment to God. We may
believe in God but most people do not let themselves indulge their spirits in belonging to God’s
superiority, but they just tend to believe in Him without committing themselves.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that belonging, like love, is just a word but has
different and broad definition to each and every single living organism in this world. It is,
indeed, easy to believe all the words one would say, but getting yourself involved is more
difficult. Difficult in a way that only those who have the greatest will and courage can make it.

For the seventeenth day of my reflection, I have concluded that our choices have a big
part in imparting our involvement with God. Only we can choose, thus, making the difference
with the paths we are taking in our life. Therefore, let us focus more clearly and think more
deeply before choosing the choices that could change the whole outcome of our life. To be or not
to be involved in committing ourselves to God.

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