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Learning Image-based Representations for Heart Sound Classification

Conference Paper · April 2018

DOI: 10.1145/3194658.3194671

15 480

6 authors, including:

Zhao Ren Nicholas Cummins

Universität Augsburg Universität Augsburg


Vedhas Pandit Jing Han

Universität Augsburg Universität Augsburg


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Learning Image-based Representations for Heart Sound 59
3 Classification 61
4 62
5 Zhao Ren Nicholas Cummins Vedhas Pandit 63
6 64
ZD.B Chair of Embedded Intelligence ZD.B Chair of Embedded Intelligence ZD.B Chair of Embedded Intelligence
7 65
for Health Care and Wellbeing, for Health Care and Wellbeing, for Health Care and Wellbeing,
8 66
University of Augsburg, Germany University of Augsburg, Germany University of Augsburg, Germany
9 67
10 vedhas.pandit@informatik. 68
de 69
12 70
Jing Han Kun Qian Björn Schuller 71
14 ZD.B Chair of Embedded Intelligence Machine Intelligence and Signal GLAM – Group on Language, Audio 72
15 for Health Care and Wellbeing, Processing Group, Technische & Music, Imperial College London, 73

16 University of Augsburg, Germany Universität München, Germany UK 74

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17 jing.han@informatik.uni-augsburg. 75
18 de 76

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19 77

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21 Machine learning based heart sound classification represents an Heart Sound Classification, Phonocardiogram, Convolutional Neu- 79

22 efficient technology that can help reduce the burden of manual ral Networks, Scalogram, Transfer Learning. 80
23 auscultation through the automatic detection of abnormal heart
str rk ACM Reference Format: 81
24 sounds. In this regard, we investigate the efficacy of using the pre- Zhao Ren, Nicholas Cummins, Vedhas Pandit, Jing Han, Kun Qian, and Björn 82
25 trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) from large-scale Schuller. 2018. Learning Image-based Representations for Heart Sound Clas- 83
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26 image data for the classification of Phonocardiogram (PCG) signals sification. In Proceedings of Digital Health (DH’18). ACM, April 23-26, 2018, 84
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27 by learning deep PCG representations. First, the PCG files are seg- Lyon, France, 5 pages. 85
28 mented into chunks of equal length. Then, we extract a scalogram 86
29 image from each chunk using a wavelet transformation. Next, the 1 INTRODUCTION 87
30 scalogram images are fed into either a pre-trained CNN, or the same Heart disease continues to be a leading worldwide health bur- 88
t f he

31 network fine-tuned on heart sound data. Deep representations are den [16]. Phonocardiograph is a method of recording the sounds 89
32 then extracted from a fully connected layer of each network and and murmurs made by heart beats, as well as the associated tur- 90
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33 classification is achieved by a static classifier. Alternatively, the bulent blood flow with a stethoscope, over various locations in 91
34 scalogram images are fed into an end-to-end CNN formed by adapt- the chest cavity [11]. Phonocardiogram (PCG), as the product of 92
35 ing a pre-trained network via transfer learning. Key results indicate phonocardiograph, is widely employed in the diagnosis of heart 93
that our deep PCG representations extracted from a fine-tuned

36 disease. Enhancing conventional heart diseases diagnostic methods 94

37 CNN perform the strongest, 56.2 % mean accuracy, on our heart using the state-of-the-art automated classification techniques based 95
38 sound classification task. When compared to a baseline accuracy of on PCG recordings, is a rapidly growing field of machine learning 96

39 46.9 %, gained using conventional audio processing features and a research [13]. In this regard, the recent PhysioNet/ Computing in 97
40 support vector machine, this is a significant relative improvement Cardiology (CinC) Challenge in 2016 [3], has encouraged the de- 98
41 of 19.8 % (p < .001 by one-tailed z-test). velopment of heart sound classification algorithms, by collecting 99
42 multiple PCG datasets from different groups to construct a large, 100
43 CCS CONCEPTS more than 20 hours of recordings, heart sound database. The two- 101
44 102
• Computing methodologies → Supervised learning by clas- class classification of normal/ abnormal heart sound was the core
45 103
sification; • Applied computing → Health care information task of the PhysioNet/ CinC Challenge 2016.
systems; Health informatics; In recent years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have 104
47 proven to be effective for a range of different signals and image 105
48 classification tasks [7, 9]. In particular, large-scale CNNs have rev- 106
Björn Schuller is also with the ZD.B Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care
49 and Wellbeing, University of Augsburg, Germany. olutionised visual recognition tasks as evidenced by their perfor- 107
50 mances in the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competi- 108
51 Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or tion (ILSVRC) [23]. On the back of the challenge, a large number 109
Unpublished working
classroom use is granted without feedraft.
providedNot for distribution
that copies are not made or distributed 110
of pre-trained CNNs have been made publicly available, such as
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
53 AlexNet [10] and VGG [30]. Similarly, CNNs have also been suc- 111
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.
54 For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). cessfully used for the detection of abnormal heart sounds [14]. 112
55 DH’18, April 23-26, 2018, Lyon, France Herein, we utilise the Image Classification CNN (ImageNet) to 113
© 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 123-4567-24-567/08/06. . . $15.00 process scalogram images of PCG recordings for abnormal heart 114
57 sound detection. Scalogram images are constructed using wavelet 115
58 2018-01-29 18:51 page 1 (pp. 1-5) Submission ID: 123-A12-B3 116
DH’18, April 23-26, 2018, Lyon, France Zhao Ren, Nicholas Cummins, Vedhas Pandit, Jing Han, Kun Qian, and Björn Schuller

117 transformations [22]. Wavelets are arguably the predominate fea- 175
118 ture representation used for heart sound classification [8], and have 176
119 successfully been applied in other acoustic classification tasks [19– 177
120 21]. Moreover, instead of training CNNs from scratch, which can 178
121 be a time-consuming task due in part to the large hyperparameter 179
122 space associated with CNNs, we explore the benefits of using the 180
123 aforementioned pre-trained ImageNet to construct robust heart 181
124 sound classification models. Such an approach has been employed 182
125 in other acoustic classification paradigms [1, 4], but to the best of (a) Normal (a0007.wav) (b) Abnormal (a0001.wav) 183
126 the authors’ knowledge it has not been verified for PCG based heart 184
127 sound classification. Further, we also explore if transfer-learning Figure 1: The scalogram images are extracted from the first 185
128 based adaptation and updating of the ImageNet parameters can 4 s segments of normal/ abnormal heart sounds using the 186
129 further improve the accuracy of classification. viridis colour map. The samples from which these scalo- 187
130 The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: first, we gram images have been extracted are described in parenthe- 188
131 describe our proposed approach in Section 2; the database descrip- ses. 189

132 tion, experimental set up, evaluation method and results are then 190

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133 presented in Section 3; finally, our conclusions and future work
134 plans are given in Section 4. 2.3 Convolutional Neural Networks 192

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135 193
We use ImageNet to process the scalogram images for heart sound
136 194
2 METHODOLOGY classification. The VGG16 ImageNet is chosen due to its successful

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137 195
In this section, we describe the classification paradigms we test for application in the ILSVRC Challenge1 . VGG16 is constructed from

138 196
abnormal heartbeat detection. This consists of: (i) a conventional 13 ([2, 2, 3, 3, 3]) convolutional layers, five maxpooling layers, three
139 197
audio-based baseline system; (ii) two deep PCG representation fully connected layers {fc6, fc7, fc} and a soft-max layer for 1000
str rk 198
systems combined with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier; labels according to the image classification task in the ImageNet
141 199
(iii) two end-to-end CNN based systems. Challenge. The receptive field size of 3 × 3 is used in all of the
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142 200
convolutional layers. The full details of VGG16 are described in [30].
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143 201
The structure and parameters of VGG16 are obtained from Pytorch2 .
144 2.1 Baseline Classification System Further, we use VGG16 for either feature extraction or classification
145 203
As a baseline, we use a system based on the INTERSPEECH COM- by transfer learning, both of which are described in the following
146 204
putational PARalinguitic challengE (ComParE) audio feature
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147 205
set [29], and SVM classification. The combination of ComParE
148 206
features and SVM have been used in a range of similar acoustic 2.4 Deep PCG Feature Representations
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classification tasks such as snore sound classification [28]. The
150 ImagNet has gathered considerable research interest as a feature 208
ComParE feature set is a 6373 dimensional representation of an
151 extractor for a task of interest, e. g., [1]. In this regard, this sub- 209
audio instance and is extracted using the openSMILE toolkit [5]; full
section presents two methodologies for unsupervised PCG feature 210

details of the audio features presented in ComParE can be found
153 extraction using VGG16. 211
in [5].
154 212
2.4.1 PCG Feature Extraction from ImageNet. The activations

155 213
2.2 Scalogram Representation of the first fully connected layer fc6 of VGG16 are employed as our
156 214
feature representations. These features have previously proven to
157 In this study, to transform the PCG samples into images which can 215
be effective in the task of acoustic scene classification [21]. Essen-
158 be processed by an ImageNet, the scalogram images are generated 216
tially, we feed the scalogram images into VGG16 and then the deep
159 using the morse wavelet transformation [17] with 2 kHz sampling 217
PCG feature representations of 4096 attributes are extracted as the
160 frequency. We have previously successfully used these scalogram 218
activations of all neurons in the first fully connected layer fc6.
161 images for acoustic scene classification [21]. When creating the 219
162 images, we represent frequency, in kHz, on the vertical axis, and 2.4.2 PCG Feature Extraction from adapted ImageNet. As VGG16 220
163 time, in s, on the horizontal axis. We use the viridis colour map, is normally employed for image classification tasks on a very dif- 221
164 which varies from blue (low range) to green (mid range) to red ferent data from that required for heart sound classification, the 222
165 (upper range), to colour the wavelet coefficient values. Further, the feature extraction method described in the previous sub-section 223
166 axes and margins marking are removed to ensure only the neces- may yields a sub-optimal feature representation. We therefore also 224
167 sary information is fed into the ImageNet. Finally, the scalogram employ a transfer learning methodology (see Section 2.5.2) to adapt 225
168 images are scaled to 224 × 224 for compatibility with the VGG16 the parameters of VGG16 to better suit the task of abnormal heart 226
169 ImageNet [30], which will be introduced in Section 2.3. sound detection. After the adaptation according to Section 2.5.2, the 227
170 The scalogram images of a normal and an abnormal heartbeat scalogram images are fed into the updated CNN model and a new 228
171 are given in Figure 1. It can even be observed by human eyes that, 229
172 there are some clear distinctions between the two classes in these 1 230
173 (exemplar) images. 2 231
174 2018-01-29 18:51 page 2 (pp. 1-5) Submission ID: 123-A12-B3 232
Learning Image-based Representations for Heart Sound Classification DH’18, April 23-26, 2018, Lyon, France

233 set of deep representations (also with 4096 attributes) are extracted (1) MIT heart sounds database: The Massachusetts Institute of 291
234 from the first fully connected layer fc6. Technology heart sounds database (MIT) [31, 32] comprises 292
235 409 PCG and ECG recordings sampled at 44.1 kHz with 16 293
2.4.3 Classification Methodology. We perform classification of 294
bit quantisation from 121 subjects, in which there are 117
the heart sound samples into one of two classes: normal and abnor- 295
recordings from 38 healthy adults and 134 recordings from
mal. The process is achieved for the deep PCG feature representa- 296
37 patients. The recording duration varies from 9 s to 37 s
tions via a linear SVM; the robustness of SVM for such a classifica- 297
with a 32 s average length.
tion task is well-known in the literature [6]. Herein, our two deep
240 (2) AAD heart sounds database: Aalborg University heart sounds 298
feature representations are denoted as pre-trained VGG+SVM for
241 database (AAD) [25–27] is recorded at a 4 kHz sample rate 299
the set-up described in Section 2.4.1 and learnt VGG+SVM for the 300
and 16 bit quantisation. It contains 544 recordings from 121
set-up described in Section 2.4.2. 301
healthy adults and 151 recordings from 30 patients. The
244 recording length varies from 5 s to 8 s with an 8 s average 302
245 2.5 End-to-end ImageNet based Classification length. 303
246 With the aim of constructing a robust end-to-end heart sound CNN (3) AUTH heart sounds database: The Aristotle University of 304
247 classifier, we adapt the parameters of VGG16 on the heart sound Thessaloniki heart sounds database (AUTH) [18] includes 45 305

248 data by transfer learning. To achieve this, we use two different recordings in total from 11 healthy adults and 34 patients. 306
approaches, both of which are described below. 307

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249 Each healthy adult/ patient gives one recording and the
250 recording length varies from 10 s to 122 s with a 49 s average 308
2.5.1 Learning Classifier of ImageNet. Noting that there are

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251 length. The sampling rate is 4 kHz with 16 bit quantisation. 309
three fully connected layers in VGG16, we create our ImageNet
252 (4) UHA heart sounds database: The University of Haute Al- 310
classifier, herein denoted as learning Classifier of VGG16, by freezing

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253 sace heart sounds database (UHA) [15] is sampled at 8 kHz 311
the parameters of the convolutional layers and fc6, and updating

254 with a 16 bit quantisation. It contains 39 recordings from 312
(using scalogram images of heart sound data) the parameters of
255 25 healthy adults and 40 recordings from 30 patients. The 313
the final two fully connected layers and the soft-max layer for
str rk recording length varies from 6 s to 49 s with a 15 s average 314
257 length. 315
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258 2.5.2 Learning ImageNet. In this method, herein denoted as (5) DLUT heart sounds database: The Dalian University of 316

learning VGG, we replace the last fully connected layer with a Technology heart sounds database (DLUT) [33] includes 338
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259 317
260 new one which has 2 neurons and a soft-max layer in order to recordings from 174 healthy adults and 335 recordings from 318
261 achieve the 2-class classification task. We then update the entire 335 patients. The recording length varies from 8 s to 101 s 319
262 network (again, using scalogram images of heart sound data) so with a 23 s average length. The sampling rate is 8 kHz with 320
t f he

263 that all VGG16 parameters are adapted to the heart sound data. a 16 bit quantisation. 321
264 This method represents a faster way to achieve a full CNN based (6) SUA heart sounds database: The Shiraz University adult 322
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265 classification than training an entire CNN from scratch with random heart sounds database (SUA) [24] is constructed from 81 323
266 initialisation of parameters. recordings from 79 healthy adults and 33 recordings from 324
267 33 patients. Except for three recordings sampled at 44.1 kHz 325

2.6 Late-fusion Strategy 326


268 and one at 384 kHz, the sampling rate is 8 kHz with 16 bit
269 quantisation. The recording duration varies from 30 s to 60 s 327
As the PCG recordings in the PhysioNet/ CinC Challenge are of
270 with a 33 s average length. 328
varying lengths (cf. Section 3.1), we segment the recordings into

271 329
non-overlapping chunks of 4 seconds. We therefore employ a late- A detailed overview of database is described in Table 1. In this
272 330
fusion strategy to produce a single label (normal/ abnormal) per work, we split the dataset into a training set (including MIT, AUTH,
273 331
recoding. Our strategy is based on the probabilities of predictions, UHA, and DLUT) and a test set (including AAD and SUA). Further,
pi , i = 1, ...n of each i-th segment of a PCG sample, as outputted
we carry out a three-fold cross validation by excluding the database
275 333
by the SVM or the soft-max layer; we choose the label of a PCG MIT, AUTH, or UHA for fold 1, fold 2, or fold 3 (c. f., Table 2)
276 334
sample according to the highest probability max {pi } gained from correspondingly for validation, noting that due to its large size,
277 335
each chunk. DLUT is always for system training.
278 336
3 EXPERIMENTS 3.2 Setup 337
280 338
281 3.1 Database We generate scalogram images using the Matlab-2017 wavelet tool-
box3 . During training/ adaptation of VGG16, both for last two layers
282 Our proposed approaches are evaluated on the database of Phys- 340
of VGG16 (cf. Section 2.5.1), and the entire network (cf. Section 2.5.2),
283 ioNet/ CinC Challenge 2016 [12]. This dataset is focused on classifi- 341
the learning rate is 0.001, the batch size is 64, and the epoch is set as
284 cation of normal and abnormal heart sound recordings. As the test 342
50. The cross entropy is applied as the loss function and stochastic
285 set labels for this data are not publicly available, we use the training 343
gradient descent is used as the optimiser. The deep representations
286 set of the database and split it into a new training/ development/ 344
(cf. Section 2.4), with a dimensionality of 4096, are extracted from
287 test set. There are totally 3240 heart sound recordings collected 345
fc6 of VGG16.
288 from 947 pathological patients and healthy individuals. The dataset 346
289 consists of six sub-databases from different research groups: 3 347
290 2018-01-29 18:51 page 3 (pp. 1-5) Submission ID: 123-A12-B3 348
DH’18, April 23-26, 2018, Lyon, France Zhao Ren, Nicholas Cummins, Vedhas Pandit, Jing Han, Kun Qian, and Björn Schuller

349 Table 1: An overview of the training and test partitions used in this work. The training set is structured by four sub-sets from 407
350 four different databases of the PhysioNet/ CinC dataset, and the test set is by two. The PCG recordings in this dataset are 408
351 annotated by the two-class labels (normal/ abnormal). 409
352 410
353 411
Durations (s)
354 Dataset Database Recordings Normal Abnormal 412
355 413
Total Min Max Average
356 414
Training MIT 409 117 292 13328.08 9.27 36.50 32.59
357 415
AUTH 31 7 24 1532.49 9.65 122.00 49.44
358 416
UHA 55 27 28 833.14 6.61 48.54 15.15
359 417
DLUT 2141 1958 183 49397.15 8.06 101.67 23.07
360 418
Total 2636 2109 527 65090.86
361 419
Test AAD 490 386 104 3910.20 5.31 8.00 7.98
362 420
SUA 114 80 34 3775.45 29.38 59.62 33.12
363 421
Total 604 466 138 7685.65

364 422

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Table 2: Performances comparison of the proposed approaches with baseline. The methods are evaluated on the 3-fold devel- 424
opment set and the test set. The experimental results are evaluated by Sensitivity (Se), Specificity (Sp), and the Mean Accuracy

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367 425
(MAcc). 426

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369 427

370 Development set Test set 428
371 429
fold 1 fold 2 fold 3 mean
str rk 430
performance [%] Se Sp MAcc Se Sp MAcc Se Sp MAcc Se Sp MAcc Se Sp MAcc
373 431
di o
374 ComParE+SVM (baseline) 23.6 93.2 58.4 58.3 100.0 79.2 00.0 100.0 50.0 27.3 97.7 76.8 17.0 46.9 432
pre-trained VGG+SVM 57.2 70.9 64.1 41.7 85.7 63.7 17.9 81.5 49.7 38.9 79.4 59.1 24.6 87.1 55.9
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375 433
376 learnt VGG+SVM 58.6 57.3 57.9 83.3 57.1 70.2 32.1 70.4 51.3 58.0 61.6 59.8 24.6 87.8 56.2 434
377 learning Classifier of VGG 68.2 51.3 59.7 79.2 14.3 46.7 35.7 40.7 38.2 61.0 35.4 48.2 33.3 63.7 48.5 435
378 learning VGG 83.6 40.2 61.9 95.8 28.6 62.2 53.6 44.4 49.0 77.7 37.7 57.7 12.3 95.7 54.0 436
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379 437
380 438
When classifying by SVM, we use the LIBSVM library [2] with 3.4 Results
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381 439
a linear kernel and optimise the SVM complexity parameter C ∈ The experimental results of the baseline and proposed methods are 440
[10−5 ; 10+1 ] on the development partition. We present the best
383 shown in Table 2. All CNN-based approaches achieve improvements 441
results from this optimisation as the final result. in MAcc over the baseline on test set. Although this consistency is 442

385 not seen on the development set, the MAccs achieved on the test set 443
386 3.3 Evaluation Method indicate that the deep representation features extracted from scalo- 444

387 According to the official scoring mechanism of the PhysioNet/ gram images perform stronger and more robust than conventional 445
388 CinC Challenge 2016 [12], our predictions are evaluated by both audio features when performing heart sound classification. 446
389 Sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp). For two-class classification, Se When comparing the methods ‘learning Classifier of VGG’ and 447
390 and Sp are defined as: ‘learning VGG’, it is clear from the results that adapting the entire 448
391 CNNs is definitely more effective than only updating the last two 449
TP fully connected layers. Moreover, an in-general trend of the SVM 450
Se = , (1)
393 TP + FN classification of features extracted from either the pre-trained or the 451
394 learnt VGG topologies performing stronger than the CNN classifiers 452
395 can be observed. This could be due in part to the SVM classifiers 453
396 Sp = , (2) being better to suit to the relatively smaller amounts of training 454
T N + FP data available in the PhysioNet/ CinC dataset than the soft-max 455
398 where T P denotes the number of true positive abnormal sam- classifiers. 456
399 ples, F N denotes the number of false negative abnormal samples, Finally, the strongest performance, 56.2 % MAcc, is obtained on 457
400 T N denotes the number of true negative normal samples, and F P the test set using the method ‘learnt VGG+SVM’. This MAcc offers 458
401 denotes the number of false positive normal samples. a significant relative improvement of 19.8 % on our baseline classi- 459
402 Finally, the Mean Accuracy (MAcc) is given as the overall score fier (p < .001 by one-tailed z-test), ComParE features and a SVM. 460
403 of the predictions, which is defined as: Therefore, our learnt CNN model is shown to extract more salient 461
404 deep representation features for abnormal heart sound detection 462
405 MAcc = (Se + Sp)/2. (3) 463
406 2018-01-29 18:51 page 4 (pp. 1-5) Submission ID: 123-A12-B3 464
Learning Image-based Representations for Heart Sound Classification DH’18, April 23-26, 2018, Lyon, France

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