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Semester VI-2009

1. Forensic serology connects criminal with crime from study of biologic material. Which one of the following
biologic material it studies?
a) plasma
b) serum
c) blood stain
d) DNA
e) trace materials
2. In the spectroscopic examination of carboxyhemoglobin, how many absorption bands will you get?
a) Two dark absorption bands between D and E
b) Two dark absorption bands between E and F
c) One dark absorption band between E and F
d) One dark absorption band between D and E
e) Two dark absorption bands between C and D
3. What is often nicknamed as OLD SPARKY?
a) The criminal who goes to the electric chair
b) The policeman who straps the criminal to the electric chair
c) The judge who pronounces the death sentence
d) The electric chair
e) Spark current which is produced when switch is turned on
4. A residential building caught fire, there were many fatalities, most of the people died due to:
a) Burns
b) Hydrocyanide poisoning
c) Injuries on head caused by falling structures
d) Carbon monoxide poisoning
e) Injuries due to jumping from height
5. A 50% burnt lady died in the ward after a week of being burnt. What may be the main cause of her death?
a) Vasovagal shock
b) Acute tubular necrosis
c) Hypovolemic shock
d) Curling ulcer
e) Suppurative necrosis
6. A boy is found lying at the side of a road. His clothes are torn and he shows number of injuries in his body.
Which one of the following helps to differentiate whether the injury was from lightening or by criminal
a) Split skin
b) Fractured bones
c) Subperiosteal hematoma
d) Skin markings
e) Magnetization of belt
7. A body with pugilistic attitude has been recovered. How do you differentiate whether it was antemortem or
postmortem burn?
a) Cyanosed lip mucosa
b) Soot in upper respiratory mucosa
c) Unburnt area on the waist
d) Congested viscera
e) Smell of fire accelerant
8. SLEDGE HAMMER is seen in
a) Road traffic accident
b) Hemorrhage
c) Lightening
d) Renal failure
e) Head injury
9. Punch drunkenness is seen in
a) Head injury
b) Chronic alcohol intoxication
c) Acute alcohol intoxication
d) Dementia
e) Dhatura poisoning
10. Sudden loss of consciousness is seen in
a) Cerebral edema
b) Cerebral compression
c) Cerebral concussion
d) Cerebral laceration
e) Cerebral contusion
11. Term “ring fracture” is used to denote
a) Fracture of left ring finger
b) Fracture of right ring finger
c) Fracture of obturator foramen
d) Fracture of base of skull
e) Other name of signature skull
12. Fracture of middle cranial fossa of base of skull leads to accumulation of blood behind ears at mastoid
process, known as
a) Battle’s sign
b) Racoon’s sign
c) Spaulding’s sign
d) McEvan’s sign
e) Moritz’s sign
13. When head strikes something, where the force of strike exceeds the elasticity of the head; what do you
expect to find?
a) Radial lines of fractures from common centre of origin
b) Fracture of outer table only
c) Fracture of inner table only
d) Fracture of both tables as diploe between them is very brittle
e) Pond fracture
14. Unequally constricted pupil and raised temperature is characteristic feature of
a) Dhatura poisoning
b) Sun stroke
c) Pontine hemorrhage
d) Pond fracture
e) Extradural hemorrhage
15. A boy lies curled up in bed, with his face buried beneath the clothes; he is not unconscious but pays no
regard to his surroundings and complains of headache and insomnia. This condition is called
a) Cerebral concussion
b) Cerebral irritation
c) Postconcussional syndrome
d) Retrograde amnesia
e) Post-traumatic automatism
16. While dating intracranial hemorrhage; if the xanthochromia has faded away the hemorrhage is
a) 1-2 weeks
b) 2-3 weeks
c) 3-4 weeks
d) 4-5 weeks
e) 5-6 weeks
17. Seat belt syndrome in vehicular accidents is a type of
a) Accelerating injury
b) Coup and contrecoup injury
c) Decelerating injury
d) Shear strain injury
e) Rotational strain injury
18. In the modern age of three points attachment belt, some cars still have two points attachment belts; what
type of injury does the driver sustain in the latter case when the car comes into sudden halt?
a) Whiplash injury
b) Claspknife injury
c) Jackknife injury
d) Accelerating injury
e) Decelerating injury
19. According to “Motor Vehicle Ordinance, 1965” of Pakistan, what should be the minimum age of a person to
drive heavy vehicles?
a) 18 years
b) 19-20 years
c) 21-22 years
d) 23-24 years
e) 25 years
20. In the local metropolitan city Karachi, the main cause of road traffic accidents is
a) Poor audiovisual system
b) Poor visibility due to environmental condition
c) Driving in overspeed versus heavy traffic
d) Driving under influence of addictive drugs
e) Leakage of CO from defective engine
21. A male of 30 years met a road traffic accident and lost consciousness transiently, he then regained
consciousness and then after some time again went into coma, the most probable diagnosis is
a) Extradural hemorrhage
b) Subdural hemorrhage
c) Subarachnoid hemorrhage
d) Intracranial hemorrhage
e) Intraventricular hemorrhage
22. If both parents have blood groups O, the possible blood group of children is/are
a) A, AB
b) A, O
c) B, O
d) O
e) A
23. The main cause of death in CRUSH SYNDROME is
a) Cardiac arrhythmia
b) Liver injury
c) Traumatic asphyxia
d) Hemorrhage
e) Renal failure
24. Which of the following organ is most liable to get injured?
a) Spleen
b) Liver
c) Pancreas
d) Kidney
e) Intestine
25. The main type of head injury sustained in motor vehicle injury and falling of move head is
a) Coup
b) Contrecoup
c) Accelerating
d) Diffuse decelerating
e) Decelarating
26. “Ladder tears” in car occupants are often seen in cases of accident. These tears are seen in
a) Periosteum of tibia
b) Pericardium
c) Intima of descending aorta
d) Liver
e) Large intestine
27. If at the time of impact, the vehicle was breaking violently, the bumper fracture will be
a) At the same height as that of the bumper
b) At the height higher than that of the bumper
c) At the height lower than that of the bumper
d) Fracture will involve fibula only
e) No fracture as the person will be swept off the ground
28. Hanging is mainly of ………. Type
a) Suicidal
b) Homicidal
c) Lynching
d) Accidental
e) Juicidial
29. The most common type of hanging in females is
a) Suicidal
b) Homicidal
c) Accidental
d) Lynching
e) Judicial
30. Most common cause of violent asphyxia is
a) Histotoxic
b) Mechanical
c) Anoxic
d) Stagnant
e) Anemic
31. Which of the following is most consistent with typical drowning?
a) Weeds in the tightly clenched hand
b) Froth in the nose and mouth
c) Presence of diatoms
d) Hands and feet of a washer woman
e) Cutis anserine
32. What should be the least gram% of reduced hemoglobin to produce cyanosis?
a) 5 gram%
b) 10-15 gram%
c) 20-30 gram%
d) 50 gram%
e) 60-70 gram%
33. A circular ligature below thyroid cartilage, no swelling of face, no petechiae of head, the main cause of
death is
a) Cerebral ischemia
b) Cerebral congestion
c) Asphyxia
d) Vasovagal inhibition
e) Injury to spinal cord
34. Strangulated body of one female was brought for autopsy, after taking consent:
a) Giving T-shaped incision to neck
b) Giving I-shaped incision to neck
c) Opening thorax and abdomen before neck
d) Eviscerating cranial, abdominal and thoracic viscera preceding neck
e) Eviscerating cranial viscera before neck
35. The following events do not happen in a case of frost bite
a) Ice crystallization between the cells
b) Denaturation of cellular protein
c) Loss of cytoarchitecture
d) Decreased viscosity of blood
e) Vasoconstriction
36. Abortion is legalized in many countries in one or other pretext. For example “Medical Termination of
Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971” of India. Thereby the so called term unsafe pregnancy has arisen which
refers to
a) Legal abortion
b) Illegal abortion
c) Spontaneous abortion
d) Natural
e) Accidental
37. The accidents during or after birth cause death of the child. Which of the following is not the cause of
accidental death of the child?
a) Prolapse of the cord
b) Premature separation of the placenta
c) Pithing
d) Death of mother during delivery
e) Prolonged labour
38. The formula to calculate expected date of delivery (EDD) by adding 7 days in the first day of last menstrual
period (LMP) and then counting 9 months forward is given by
a) McDonald
b) Ten teachers
c) Jeff coat
d) Novak
e) Naegle
39. Blue bird tattoo commonly seen in homosexuals is situated over
a) External genitalia
b) Thighs
c) Forehead
d) Dorsum of hand
e) Forearm
40. In death resulting from criminal abortion due to septicemia, the most common causative organism is
a) E. Coli
b) Clostridium perfringens
c) Streptococcus pyogenes
d) Clostridium welchii
e) Staphylococcus aureus
41. Dead body of a young unmarried lady was brought to mortuary with history of attempted criminal abortion,
the most probable cause of death is
a) Shock
b) Hemorrhage
c) Fat embolism
d) Sepsis
e) Tetanus
42. Which of the following is the best way to determine foetal age?
a) Hess’ law
b) Weight
c) Ossification centre
d) Condition of papillary membrane
e) Lanugo
43. A young boy was found peeping at couple’s bedroom at night. This type of sexual perversion is called
a) Sadism
b) Masochism
c) Fetichism
d) Uranism
e) Voyeurism
44. A male servant was caught red-handed wearing his mistress’s red panty. Then, he confessed of doing this
several times in the past but never stole them. He was suffering from
a) Sadism
b) Eonism
c) Uranism
d) Frotteurism
e) Urolagnia
45. Many employs in the multistoried business complex were complaining that liftman has habit of rubbing his
genitalia against other’s body. Which of the following condition is the liftman suffering from?
a) Sadism
b) Uranism
c) Frotteurism
d) Urolagnia
e) Transvestism
46. The name of the instrument used to examine hymenal tear and rupture is
a) Glaister Kline rod
b) Rod
c) Volsellum
d) Sea tangle
e) Laminaria
47. Foetal parts can be palpated on
a) 6th week
b) 2nd month
c) 4th month
d) 5th month
e) 6th month
48. Goodell’s sign refers to
a) Quickening
b) Softening of the os
c) Softening of the lower uterine segment
d) Changes in vagina
e) Ballottement
49. Which of the following is the sign of recent delivery in living?
a) Lax, soft and pendulous breasts
b) Lochia rubra
c) Enlarged external os
d) Not well defined internal os
e) Linea nigra
50. Which of the following is the main cause of impotence in males?
a) Age
b) Malformation
c) Local and systemic diseases
d) Psychic
e) Operations
51. Miscarrying a child whose organ is not formed and which is not for good faith, such as for purpose of saving
the life of woman or to provide necessary treatment to
a) Isqat-e-janin
b) Isqat-e-hamal
c) Shajjah-e-hashimah
d) Shajjah-e-ammah
e) Shajjah-e-damighah
52. In crib deaths, about 60% of the cases, babies have history of the following symptoms in the week prior to
a) Mild seasonal upper respiratory tract infection
b) Cardiac arrhythmias
c) Atelectasis
d) Alveolar duct disease
e) Milk allergy
53. “Doctrine of diminished responsibility” refers to
a) Person is legally insane
b) Person is not liable to criminal responsibility
c) Person is of sound mental health from medical point of view
d) Person is partially responsible for his criminal act
e) Person is wandering lunatic
54. Which one of the following helps to differentiate true insanity from feigned insanity?
a) No peculiar facial expression
b) Onset is usually gradual or rarely sudden
c) Onset is sudden without predisposing factor
d) Objects about repeated examination
e) Gets tired after violent exertion
55. Delusion of prosecution or paranoid delusion means
a) The patient believes that attempts are made to kill or poison him
b) The patient believes that he has untold wealth
c) The patient imagines that there is no world, he does not exist
d) The patient states that he is ruined financially
e) The patient suspects the fidelity of his wife
56. Which of the following factor best determines the length of survival of a neonate?
a) Changes in the skin color
b) Caput succedaneum
c) Umbilical cord
d) Changes in circulation
e) Foetal hemoglobin
57. What is the fatal period of methanol poisoning?
a) 12 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 24 days
d) 36 days
e) 7 days
58. Which one of the following agents is not the constituent of Sui gas?
a) Methane
b) Ethane
c) Propane
d) Carbon dioxide
e) Beryllium
59. Regarding phosphorus poisoning:
a) Is a protoplasmic poison
b) Increases glycogen deposition in the liver
c) Phossy jaw in acute poisoning
d) Pulmonary infection
e) Anemia in acute poisoning
60. A person was brought by railway police for examination in the casualty department with presenting features
of confusion, difficulty in speaking, staggering gait, flushing face, drowsiness, dilated pupils and
increased body temperature. The MLO diagnosed it as a case of
a) Acute alcohol intoxication
b) Cannabis indica
c) Dhatura poisoning
d) Cocaine
e) Diacetylmorphine
61. Which of the following causes visual perceptual hallucination without the presence of actual stimulus?
a) Dhatura
b) Arsenic
c) Lead
d) Phosphorus
e) Mercury
62. What is the fatal dose of arsenic poisoning?
a) 15 mg
b) 30-60 mg
c) 100-200 mg
d) 1-2 gm
e) 3-4 gm
63. Regarding arsenic poisoning
a) Poisoning mainly occurs by underground soil water
b) The stools contain blood in the first
c) Vomiting and diarrhea start at the same time
d) Poisoning mainly occurs by consuming rain water
e) It acts as corrosive
64. The majority of drug related suicide attempts involve
a) Central nervous system stimulants
b) Central nervous system depressants
c) Amphetamine
d) Over-the-counter analgesics
e) Digoxin
65. Poisoning by which of the following substances causes metallic taste with the feeling of constriction in the
throat; later salivation and re-excretion of the substance in the large intestine?
a) Arsenic
b) Mercury
c) Lead
d) Phosphorus
e) Copper
66. Corrosive sublimate is same as
a) Arsenic trioxide
b) Mercury chloride
c) Red lead
d) Verdigris
e) Zinc phosphide
67. The stomachs wash with 250 ml of a 5 percent solution of sodium formaldehyde is done in the case of
a) Acute arsenic poisoning
b) Acute mercury poisoning
c) Lead poisoning
d) Chronic mercury poisoning
e) Phosphorus poisoning
68. Chronic lead poisoning causes
a) Deafness
b) Infertility
c) Impotence
d) Insanity
e) Blindness
69. Death in acute copper poisoning is attributed to
a) Circulatory collapse and coma
b) Tubular necrosis
c) Syncope
d) Liver necrobiosis
e) Yellow atrophy of liver
70. The major site of toxicity of DDT is
a) Liver
b) Brain
c) Kidney
d) Heart
e) Spleen
71. After being inhibited by organophosphorous compounds, cholinesterase regenerates within
a) Minutes
b) Hours
c) Days
d) Weeks
e) Months
72. A person intoxicated by ethyl alcohol presents with clinical picture of ataxia, slurred speech, diplopia and
altered equilibrium. The blood alcohol concentration is in the order of
a) 0.01-0.05 mg%
b) 0.03-0.05 mg%
c) 0.05-0.10 mg%
d) 0.15-0.30 mg%
e) 0.30-0.50 mg%
73. Chronic lead poisoning occurs mainly by
a) Inhalation of petroleum gasoline
b) Ingestion
c) Thru skin contact
d) The after effects of an acute attack
e) Eating cribs painting
74. Black foot disease is seen in poisoning by
a) Phosphorous
b) Arsenic
c) Mercury
d) Lead
e) Copper
75. A young man has taken 20 tablets of paracetamol. He reported to ER after 6 hours. What is the best
recommended dose schedule of N-acetyl-cysteine?
a) 1 gm oral, then 500 mg 6 hourly
b) 5 gm
c) 4 gm
d) 140 mg per kg for a total of 10 doses
e) 140 mg per kg followed by 70 mg per kg every four hours for a total of 17 doses
76. Vomitus and stool are luminous in dark in poisoning by
a) Phosphorous
b) Arsenic
c) Copper
d) Mercury
e) Lead
77. The different preparations of Cannabis indica include all of the following EXCEPT
a) Majon
b) Ganja
c) Jamal gota
d) Charas
e) Bhang
78. A boy of ten years old reaches to ER accompanied by his mother. History suggests that the child has taken
some unknown substance. Examination reveals coma grade 3, profuse sweating, pinpoint pupil and
vomiting. Which of the following antidote will you prefer to give?
a) N-acetyl cysteine
b) Nalorphine
c) Copper sulfate
d) Flumazenil
e) Cold sponging
79. The deficiency of following vitamin is seen in chronic alcoholics
a) Tocopherol
b) Riboflavin
c) Thiamine
d) Pyrimidine
e) Vitamin A
80. Minimum amount of blood needed to accumulate rapidly in the pericardium to cause cardiac tamponade is
a) 50-100 ml
b) 100-200 ml
c) 200-300 ml
d) 300-400 ml
e) 400-500 ml
81. What is the most common complication of methyl alcohol poisoning?
a) Delirium tremens
b) Optic neuritis
c) Psychosis
d) Peripheral neuritis
e) Pain in the abdomen
82. When electricity is used for criminal abortion
a) Positive pole is over posterior vaginal wall and negative pole is over sacrum
b) Positive pole is over posterior wall of uterus and negative pole over coccyx
c) Negative pole over posterior vaginal wall and positive pole over sacrum
d) Negative pole over cervix and positive pole over coccyx
e) 220 volts of AC currents are passed for one minute
83. A 25 years old male was removed from a burning house with symptoms of severe headache, dizziness,
collapse on exertion, breathlessness, muscular weakness, incoordination, mental confusion, staggering
gait, loss of memory and drunken look. It was diagnosed as carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carboxyhemoglobin level is most probably
a) 10-20%
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 60-70%
e) >70%
84. Abrus precatorius poisoning resembles the bite of
a) Cobra
b) Viper
c) Sea snake
d) Coral snake
e) Krait
85. Admission in hospital’s poison unit and on instant chemical examination, a young boy showed presence of
ricin in submitted specimen. Possibly he has
a) Ingested castor oil
b) Ingested cooked castor seeds
c) Swallowed whole seeds
d) Chewed seeds
e) Inhaled dust of crushed seeds
86. For how long, sperms remain motile in the vagina
a) 4-6 hours
b) 6-8 hours
c) 12 hours
d) 72 hours
e) 1 week
87. Which of the following indicates that the foetus remained dead in the uterus for atleast four days?
a) Rigor mortis
b) Maceration
c) Mummification
d) Putrefaction
e) Adipocere
88. Which of the following is the sign and symptom of “Shaken Baby Syndrome”?
a) Dislocation of the lens and retinal detachment
b) Subdural hematoma
c) Cerebral oedema
d) Nobbing fractures
e) Bruise
89. Chronic phosphorous poisoning causes
a) Liver necrobiosis
b) Acute yellow atrophy of liver
c) Phossy jaw
d) Hatter’s shake
e) Encephalopathy
90. Main medicolegal use of marking nut’s juice is
a) Induce criminal abortion
b) Cattle poisoning
c) Repellent by snake charmers
d) Washerman’s ink which helps in identification
e) Produce artificial bruise
91. Fetal dose of Dhatura in
a) 100-125 seeds
b) 500 seeds
c) 200 seeds
d) 50 mg
e) 50 gm
92. False but firm belief about something which does not exist is
a) Delirium
b) Delusion
c) Hallucination
d) Illusion
e) Fugue
93. Which of the following is the earliest to close after birth?
a) Umbilical artery
b) Umbilical vein
c) Ductus venosus
d) Ductus arteriosus
e) Foramen ovale
94. Methyl alcohol is mainly excreted through
a) Urine
b) Faeces
c) Sweat
d) Saliva
e) Breath
95. The most reliable method for determination of blood alcohol concentration is
a) Cavett method
b) Breath alcohol analyzer
c) Gas liquid chromatography
d) Bichromate test
e) Acid aldehyde test
96. Primary impact injury to pedestrian in a vehicular accident causing fracture of tibia and fibula is termed as
a) Fender fracture
b) Bumper fracture
c) Radiator fracture
d) Run over fracture
e) Rim fracture
97. Superfecundation is
a) Fertilization of ova by artificial insemination
b) Fertilization of two ova by a single act of sexual intercourse
c) Fertilization of two ova by separate acts of sexual intercourse in same ovulatory period
d) Fertilization of two ova by two separate acts of sexual intercourse in two separate ovulatory periods
e) Conception occurring in a woman who is already pregnant
98. Condition named SLUG HAPPY is seen in
a) Acute head injury
b) Alcohol intoxication
c) Boxers
d) Firearm injuries
e) Cocaine snuffers
99. A young lady is referred to MLO for treatment of burns with corrosive. Which one is the most favorable
point for strong alkali burn?
a) Redness
b) Soggy appearance
c) Vesication
d) Stain on cloths
e) Inflammation
100. Term “alpha alcoholism” refers to
a) Only psychological dependence on alcohol
b) Only physical dependence on alcohol
c) Both psychological and physical dependence on alcohol
d) Profound craving for alcohol
e) Alcoholism resulting in diseases such as cirrhosis of liver
Semester VI-2008

1. According to “Motor Vehicle Ordinance 1965” of Pakistan, what should be the minimum age of a person to
drive motorcycle, car, etc. ?
a) 18 years
b) 19-20 years
c) 21-22 years
d) 23-24 years
e) 25 years
2. Which of the following disease disqualify a person from getting driving license in Pakistan?
a) Diabetes mellitus
b) Hypertension
c) Visual acuity less than 6/6
d) Epilepsy
e) Cancer
3. Which of the following is incorrect regarding arsenic poisoning?
a) It acts as irritant
b) Its salt is poisonous
c) Metal is toxic
d) Symptoms of acute poisoning manifest within 15 to 30 minutes but may be delayed if taken with
e) Acts by inhibiting sulphydryl enzyme
4. Milk is contraindicated in poisoning due to
a) Sulphuric acid
b) Phosphorous
c) Nitric acid
d) Copper sulfate
e) Mercury
5. The specific antidote for the treatment of benzodiazepine poisoning is
a) Antabuse
b) Naloxone
c) Carbamezapine
d) Flumazenil
e) Naltrexone
6. Fully developed rigor mortis indicates the time since death in the range of
a) 6-12 hours
b) 8-16 hours
c) 12-24 hours
d) 16-24 hours
e) 24-36 hours
7. Regarding sex (incorrect)
a) Barr bodies are present in 40% female
b) In Turner syndrome, person has short stature
c) In Klinefilter syndrome, gynecomastia is present
d) Turner syndrome – 45 chromosomes
e) Klinefilter syndrome – 46 chromosomes
8. In case of autopsy of sulphuric acid poisoning, the viscera are preserved for chemical analysis in
a) Distilled water
b) Rectified spirit
c) Formalin
d) Saturated solution of common salt
e) Normal saline
9. In case of suicidal cut throat, the incised wound made by a right handed person will show
a) Tailing towards the left side
b) Tentative cuts at the commencement
c) Situated below the level of thyroid cartilage
d) Sloped obliquely upwards
e) External hemorrhage is minor
10. A young man while crossing the road was hit by a vehicle from the side, as a result of which he fell on the
road and was dragged for some distance, the type of abrasions commonly seen over surface of contact
with road are
a) Scratches
b) Grazes
c) Imprint
d) Contact
e) Pressure
11. Factors affecting the symptoms after snake bite
a) Bite by cobra in day time causes more severe symptoms
b) Bite over extremities is more dangerous
c) Size of snake does not matter
d) Bite over adipose tissue causes more rapid symptoms
e) Bite by viper over clothes is more toxic than cobra bite over clothes
12. To decontaminate the eyes of a person contaminated with organophosphate compound, the best solution is
a) Methylpolyseprox
b) Water and soap solution
c) Rectified spirit
d) Water and saline
e) Solution of potassium permanganate
13. The most common animal used for bestiality in Sindh is
a) Goat
b) Dog
c) Female donkey
d) Cow
e) Sheep
14. Asphyxial deaths
a) Caffey’s syndrome is accidental type of choking
b) Burking is a mixed form of smothering and crush asphyxia
c) Sometimes one pupil is constricted due to pressure effect of knot on that side which is known as La-
d) Broken ends of hyoid bone are directed outwards in throttling
e) Mugging is a form of smothering
15. Red tears are seen in
a) Chronic lead poisoning
b) DDT poisoning
c) Organophosphate poisoning
d) Bromo benzyl cyanide poisoning
e) Ethyl iodo acetate poisoning
16. The test in which subject’s performance is matched against normal performance age for that age is called
a) McNaughton’s rule
b) Curran’s test
c) Binot Simon test
d) Durham’s test
e) Intelligence quotient
17. Singed hair
a) Singed hair are grossly shrunken
b) Carbon particles deposited on inner surface
c) Microscopically singed hair are wider than normal with multiple vacuolization within
d) Smell is due to burning of carbon
e) Singed hair are seen upto 12 inches in rifled firearms
18. Hydrocution means
a) Electrocution while playing in the rain
b) Electrocution while taking shower in the bathroom
c) A form of judicial electrocution in which the person’s feet and legs are in water at the time of
passing the current through the body
d) Other name of immersion syndrome
e) Struck by lightening during rain and thunderstorm
19. Many workers of plastic factory workers died due to outbreak of fire in the factory. On analysis of the blood
of the dead bodies, besides carbon monoxide, the other gas detected was
a) Arsine
b) Cyan arsine
c) Hydrogen cyanide
d) Phosgene
e) Chlorpicrin
20. The Mental Health Ordinance of Pakistan came into force with effect from 20th day of February
a) 1948
b) 1979
c) 2001
d) 2005
e) 2008
21. If scar is avascular, soft and slightly tender, age of the scar is
a) 2 weeks
b) 1 month
c) 2 months
d) 4 months
e) 6 months
22. Main type of autopsy done in our mortuary is
a) Pathological autopsy
b) Medical autopsy
c) Medicolegal autopsy
d) Negative autopsy
e) Psychological autopsy
23. Postmortem interval can be estimated from EXCEPT
a) Postmortem lividity
b) Postmortem caloricity
c) Rigor mortis
d) Putrefaction
e) Cooling of the body
24. Tardieu spots are NOT seen in
a) Strangulation
b) Drowning
c) Traumatic asphyxia
d) Lynching
e) Overlying
25. Factors which modify the action of poisons include
a) Dose, habit and form of poison
b) Form of poison, physical state, chemical constituent
c) Mechanical combination, enzymatic effect, dose
d) Sex, native, age
e) All of the above
26. Regarding mercuria lentis, it is
a) Discoloration of capsule of the lens
b) Tremors
c) Disturbance of personality
d) Loosening of teeth
e) Excessive salivation
27. Earliest sign and symptom in chronic arsenic poisoning include
a) Common cold
b) Rain drop appearance
c) Neuritis
d) Gradual emaciation
e) Conjunctivitis
28. Alopecia is seen in
a) Chronic arsenic poisoning
b) Thallium
c) Beryllium
d) Methoquinolone
e) Mercury
29. When water is used for gastric lavage, it should be
a) Warm
b) Boiling
c) Lukewarm
d) Ice cold
e) Sterilized
30. The immediate and specific antidote of organophosphate is
a) Pralidoxime
b) Atropine
c) N-acetyl-cysteine
d) PAM
e) Physostigmine
31. Which one of the following is not feature of scalds?
a) Vesication
b) Sodden and bleached skin
c) Erythema
d) Ulceration
e) Thin scar
32. Vagal inhibition is an important cause of death in following EXCEPT
a) Blow to the epigastrium
b) Sudden immersion of the body in cold water
c) Accidental hanging
d) Sudden immersion of body in hot water
e) Throttling
33. “Magnan’s symptom” is a type of ………… hallucination seen in case of chronic cocaine poisoning
a) Visual
b) Tactile
c) Auditory
d) Gustatory
e) Olfactory
34. In some states of US, judicial execution is carried out by intravenous injection of one of the following
a) Sodium pentothal
b) Potassium pentothal
c) Thiopentone sodium
d) Methohexobarbitone
e) Insulin
35. Which of the following substances does not have any effect on the brain in small amounts?
a) Opium
b) Dhatura
c) Alcohol
d) Barbiturates
e) Arsenic
36. Which one of the following is consistent with homicidal cut throat?
a) Usually above the thyroid cartilage
b) Sloped down, if at all
c) Presence of hesitation cuts
d) Suicidal note
e) Cut carotid artery and jugular veins
37. In extradural hemorrhage, blood vessel usually involved is
a) Anterior meningeal artery
b) Middle meningeal artery
c) Posterior meningeal artery
d) Diploic vein
e) Dural venous sinuses
38. Regarding impotence
a) Impotency after consummation of marriage constitutes a ground for divorce
b) The opinion should be given in positive form in cases of psychological impotence
c) Vaginismus is the permanent impotency due to painful contractions of vaginal muscles at the time of
d) When a case is brought for nullity of marriage on the ground that one party is impotent, a
medical examination of both the parties must be done
e) Hypospadias and epispadias result in impotency
39. The substance commonly found around the home that can cause toxicity in children if ingested in large
quantity is
a) Milk of magnesia
b) Castor oil
c) Matches
d) Panadol syrup
e) Paraffin wax
40. Which one of the following is the accidental cause of death of a child?
a) Pithing
b) Drowning
c) Poisoning
d) Twisting of the cord
e) Fracture of the skull
41. Which is not correct about maceration?
a) Membranes are ruptured
b) Spaulding’s sign is positive
c) It is aseptic autolysis of a foetus
d) Occurs when dead foetus remains in the uterus for 3-4 days
e) The cellular tissues and organs are edematous and body cavities full of reddish serum
42. Which one of the following is positive sign for pregnancy?
a) Roomy vagina
b) Intact hymen
c) Presence of foetal cells in the mother’s serum
d) Lax abdomen
e) Lochia
43. Thermometer can read the temperature in range of
a) 92-106oF
b) 93-107oF
c) 93-108oF
d) 94-108oF
e) 94-109oF
44. Regarding poisonous parts of different plants
a) Dhatura – seeds only
b) Croton – seeds and oil
c) Castor – press cake
d) Madar/calotropis – roots only
e) Abrus/rati – seeds only
45. To differentiate whether the semen is human or animal in origin, which one of the following tests is done?
a) Takayama’s haemochromogen crystal test
b) Precipitin test
c) Benzidine test
d) Spectroscopic examination
e) TLC
46. Which one of the following is confirmatory test for blood?
a) Takayama’s haemochromogen test
b) Haemin crystal test
c) Benzidine test
d) Phenolphthalein test
e) Kastle-Meyer test
47. Barbiturate poisoning is characterized by
a) Vomiting, profuse perspiration and slow respiration
b) Salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain, tremors
c) Tonic, clonic convulsions
d) Burning in the mouth, throat, stomach
e) Ataxia, stupor, slow respiration
48. What do you understand by the term “vagitus vaginalis”?
a) The rest of the part of the baby is inside the uterus but head is outside
b) The child uttering cry inside the uterus
c) The hymen of the vagina is intact
d) Infection of the vagina
e) Roomy vagina
49. Which one of the following is common in Spain?
a) Burking
b) Mugging
c) Garrotting
d) Bansdola
e) Glue sniffing
50. What type of anoxia does the cyanide poisoning cause?
a) Anemic
b) Histotoxic
c) Stagnant
d) Mechanical
e) Obstructive
51. Hair samples are required for various purposes such as species origin, grouping, identification. In these
cases, control samples of the hair are obtained by
a) Cutting
b) Combing
c) Plucking
d) Trimming
e) Pulling
52. In road traffic accidents, primary impact injuries to pedestrian are seen over
a) Head
b) Face
c) Chest
d) Lower limbs
e) Grazes over trunk
53. Poisoning by strychnine causes strong contraction of back muscles that the body attains a particular posture
with arched back which is termed as
a) Pleurothotonus
b) Emprothotonus
c) Opisthotonus
d) Both a and b
e) None of the above
54. Contact flattening
a) It is postmortem lividity on the areas of contact
b) It is due to weight of the body
c) It blanches on pressure within 6 hours after death
d) It is pink in hydrocyanic acid poisoning
e) It is also seen in maceration
55. Regarding stab wounds all are correct EXCEPT
a) The length is slightly smaller than breadth of the weapon
b) The margins of entry may be everted if weapon is rusty
c) It is difficult to measure depth of stab wound of abdomen due to clots and internal viscera
d) If tip is blunt, the margins are ragged
e) Pithing is done between 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae
56. A male about 25 years of age was produced before medicolegal officer with multiple superficial incised
wounds over abdomen and extremities, these wounds were long with tail and clothes showed no
corresponding cut marks. These wounds are
a) Homicidal
b) Accidental
c) Fabricated
d) Defence
e) Suicidal
57. A child born to a lady after her husband’s death is called
a) Illegitimate child
b) Suppositious child
c) Humous child
d) Child of mother
e) Maternal child
58. All of the following are signs and symptoms of ethyl alcohol poisoning EXCEPT
a) Flushed face
b) Nausea/vomiting
c) Convulsion
d) Staggering gait
e) Clouding of intellect
59. Snake venom contains all of the following toxins EXCEPT
a) Leukotoxins
b) Neurotoxins
c) Hemolysins
d) Cardiotoxins
e) Coagulase
60. Whiplash injury is caused due to
a) A fall from height
b) Acute hyperextension of spine
c) A blow on top of the head
d) Acute hyperflexion of the spine
e) Traction of spinal nerves
61. Negative autopsy may be due to
a) Lack of toxicological analysis
b) Lack of proper training to perform an autopsy
c) Lapses in external examination as in cases of snakebite
d) In cases of death due to vagal inhibition
e) Improper identification of the body
62. Blood stains more than a week old is less soluble in water due to formation of
a) Sulphmethaemoglobin
b) Carboxyhemoglobin
c) Methaemoglobin and haematin
d) Phosphorated hemoglobin
e) Cyanhemoglobin
63. Christison’s saying is related to
a) Nitric acid
b) Carbolic acid
c) Sulphuric acid
d) Oxalic acid
e) Muriatic acid
64. Characteristic pleural finding in a case of drowning if the victim was conscious at the time of drowning is
a) Hydrostatic lungs
b) Paltauf’s hemorrhage
c) Dilation of pulmonary arteries
d) Congestion of lung parenchyma
e) Tardieu’s spots
65. Regarding medicolegal reports (MLR)
a) They are prepared on the request of police or magistrate in civil as well as in criminal cases
b) The MLR is not considered as evidence unless doctor attends the court and testifies the facts under
c) While writing MLR, if condition becomes very critical, MLO should at once arrange for dying
d) MLR is prepared in duplicate
e) The MLO should note two marks of identification before examining the injured
66. “Boiled lobster syndrome” is seen in poisoning by
a) Sulphuric acid
b) Hydrochloric acid
c) Boric acid
d) Chromic acid
e) Tartaric acid
67. Pyrocatechol and hydroquinone are metabolic products of
a) Acetic acid
b) Creosotes
c) Carbolic acid
d) Muriatic acid
e) Isoquinolone group of opium alkaloids
68. What would be first choice if any body will be brought in the emergency within an hour of taking poison?
a) Forced diuresis
b) Emesis
c) Haemodialysis
d) Administering universal antidote
e) Gastric lavage
69. Rigor mortis is shortening and stiffening of muscle after death. Out of following the best defined term is
a) Shortening of muscles
b) Shortening of voluntary muscles
c) Stiffening of muscle proteins
d) Stiffening of involuntary muscles
e) Shortening due to actin and myosin coagulation
70. Hutchinson’s teeth are found in
a) Syphilis
b) Negroes
c) Child who has teeth by birth
d) Rickets
e) Scurvy
71. During putrefaction, the skin from hand or foot may peel off like a glove/stocking in
a) 12-24 hours
b) 36-72 hours
c) 48-72 hours
d) 5 days
e) 1 week
72. Filigree burn is seen in
a) Electrocution
b) Fireburn
c) Scalds
d) Lightening
e) None of the above
73. The best possible immediate treatment of paraquat poisoning is
a) Gastric lavage + activated charcoal
b) Injection of atropine
c) Artifical respiration
d) Mannitol infusion
e) Forced diuresis
74. Cocaine is excreted from the body in the form of
a) Cocaine
b) Benzoylecgonine
c) Methylcocaine
d) Hydrococaine
e) Oxycocaine
75. The combination of cocaine and heroin is called
a) Crack
b) Crystal
c) Speedball
d) Angel
e) Dope
76. Aqua fortis is another name of
a) Hydrochloric acid
b) Nitric acid
c) Sulphuric acid
d) Acetic acid
e) Oxalic acid
Midterm paper
Semester VI-2009

1. Following poisons contain phytotoxin

a) Croton
b) Dhatura
c) Cannabis indica
d) Strychnine
e) Opium
2. Fellatio and cunninglingus come under heading of
a) Frotteruism
b) Fetichism
c) Voyeurism
d) Uranism
e) Eonism
3. Which one is least important finding in favor of hanging in young person?
a) Swollen face
b) Fracture of hyoid bone
c) Blood stained froth from mouth
d) Cyanosis
e) Fibers of the platysma are torn
4. Poisoning resembling fading measles
a) Copper
b) Lead
c) Nickel
d) Mercury
e) Arsenic
5. Atavism means
a) The child is born mentally retarded
b) Other name of Turner’s syndrome
c) The child does not resemble the father but resembles the grandfather
d) The child is born without legal wedlock
e) The child is short statured
6. Height of the fundus of uterus is at the level of xiphisternum at
a) Just after delivery
b) 9th month of pregnancy
c) 7th month of pregnancy
d) 6th month of pregnancy
e) 8th month of pregnancy
7. Fictitious child is
a) Narration in the court about a child who never had a real existence
b) Produced by the lady in the court as her child although does not belong to her
c) Child whose mother was impotent
d) Lady’s plea to the court for avoiding hard labour due to pregnancy
e) Born without lawful wedlock
8. Air embolism can precipitate immediate death, the volume of air required to cause death is
a) 10-20 ml
b) 20-30 ml
c) 30-40 ml
d) 40-50 ml
e) 50-60 ml
9. A person enters the house of his friend when electricity has failed, his friend’s wife imagines that her
husband has arrived and consents to sexual intercourse. Will this act be rape?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Yes, but only partial rape
d) Depends if her husband forgives
e) Adultery
10. Impotency and sterility
a) Halsbury’s law is related to impotency and sterility
b) Halsbury’s law is related to consummation of marriage
c) Artificial insemination homologous causes consummation of marriage in legal sense
d) Sterility at the time of marriage can be a plea for divorce
e) Substitute of artifical insemination in cases where wife is impotent is surrogate birth
11. Active principle of Abrus precatorius acts mainly on
a) Gastrointestinal tract
b) Kidneys
c) Lymphatic system
d) Red blood cells
e) Liver
12. Type of intracranial hemorrhage, which seldom plays a part in fatal issues but is contributory factor to other
causes is
a) Intracerebral
b) Subdural
c) Pontine
d) Subarachnoid
e) Extradural
13. The most common theory about metal fume fever seen in metallic poisons such as copper is
a) Release of endotoxins from bacteria killed in lower respiratory tract
b) Production of antigenic metal proteinates
c) Direct toxic effect on alveoli
d) Delayed hypersensitivity pneumonitis
e) Irritation due to metal deposition in the respiratory tract
14. Sexual sterilization
a) To render a person sterile, with or without causing impotent
b) Informed consent should be taken before therapeutic sterilization
c) In Pakistan, it can be done on eugenic grounds
d) Voluntary sterilization of a minor is legal
e) Other name of skilled abortion
15. A male sexual pervert enjoyed seeing his wife having sex with some other male; he was suffering from
perversion called
a) Eonism
b) Troilism
c) Uranism
d) Frotteurism
e) Voyeurism
16. Which of the following is the surest sign of pregnancy?
a) Foetal parts on palpation
b) Braxton-Hick’s sign
c) Amenorrhea
d) Linea nigra
e) Linea albicantis
17. Sex related homicides may be of following categories excluding
a) Killing following an illicit sexual act, either in panic or in order to destroy a witness to the crime
b) Sadistic sexual killing as a result of torture
c) Killing by a sexual psychopath
d) Killing in order to procure a dead body for necrophilic practices
e) Killing after sex to avoid pregnancy
18. Pink disease is seen in poisoning by
a) Copper
b) Lead
c) Antimony
d) Mercury
e) Arsenic
19. In acute arsenic poisoning, maximum concentration of arsenic is found in
a) Kidney
b) Blood
c) Spleen
d) Liver
e) Brain
20. Surrogate birth is resorted to when
a) Wife is impotent
b) Wife is sterile
c) Wife is suffering from vaginismus
d) Husband is sterile
e) Husband is impotent
21. When an explosion occurs due to sudden relase of tremendous amount of energy, pressure built is about
a) 200 tonnes per sq inch
b) 400 tonnes per sq inch
c) 600 tonnes per sq inch
d) 800 tonnes per sq inch
e) 1000 tonnes per sq inch
22. Basophilic stippling of RBCs in chronic lead poisoning is due to
a) Pyrimidine 5’ nucleotidase
b) Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
c) Cytochrome C
d) Sulphydryl
e) Deribonucleotidase
23. Pregnancy can be diagnosed by ultrasonography as early as
a) 12th week
b) 8th week
c) 10th week
d) 6th week
e) 14th week
24. X-ray skull of an unconscious man in casualty reveals Ring fracture. The possible causes include all of the
following EXCEPT
a) Fall on buttocks
b) Fall in supine position
c) Fall in prone position
d) Sudden twisting of head over spin
e) Blow on temporal regions
25. Self inflating automotive air bags used in cars can cause accidental burns by
a) Potassium hydroxide
b) Ammonium carbonate
c) Calcium hydroxide
d) Sodium hydroxide
e) Ammonia
26. Acrodyna is seen in poisoning by
a) Copper
b) Arsenic
c) Phosphorous
d) Mercury
e) Lead
27. A child of 5 years was brought to the casualty with multiple bruises of different ages, the child is a case of
a) Sudden infant death syndrome
b) Battered baby syndrome
c) Accidental injuries
d) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder
e) Act of omission by parents
28. Sterilization done in order to prevent danger to the life of the woman due to future pregnancy is known as
a) Preventive sterilization
b) Therapeutic sterilization
c) Contraceptive sterilization
d) Eugenic sterilization
e) Compulsory sterilization
29. Related to vault of skull, signature fracture is an alternative term used for
a) Depressed fracture
b) Comminuted fracture
c) Gutter fracture
d) Fissured fracture
e) Indented fracture
30. Duret hemorrhages are seen in
a) Conjunctiva
b) Brainstem
c) Lungs
d) Endocardium
e) Retina
31. The active principle of Abrus precatorius is
a) Abrussic acid
b) A poisonous protein
c) A resin
d) An alkaloid
e) A toxin
32. Caput succedaneum is seen in
a) Abortion
b) Caesarean section
c) Normal vaginal delivery
d) Precipitate labour
e) Head injury immediately after delivery
33. The height of child is double the birth height at the age of
a) 1 year
b) 2 years
c) 4 years
d) 6 years
e) 8 years
34. The ratio of group specific substances i.e. agglutinogens of ABO system are present in lipoidal form and
appear in water soluble form, these people are known as secretors. The ratio of secretors to non-secretors
a) 50:50
b) 60:40
c) 70:30
d) 80:20
e) 90:10
35. Increase in volume of blood or CSF results in increased intracranial pressure, unless there is a proportionate
decrease in the volume of one or the other components, this is known as
a) Glaister’s doctrine
b) McDonald’s doctrine
c) Monroe-Kallie doctrine
d) Glasgow doctrine
e) Hutchinson’s doctrine
Semester VI-2009


1. Which one of the following is not a violent asphyxia?

a) Drowning
b) Anesthesia
c) Hanging
d) Smothering
e) Burking
2. Which one of the following does not cause asphyxia?
a) Hyperventilation
b) Hypoventilation
c) Circulatory failure
d) Obstruction of respiratory passage
e) Anemia
3. Burking is a type of ……… asphyxia
a) Choking
b) Smothering
c) Smothering and traumatic
d) Strangulation
e) None of the above
4. What type of incision is given in autopsy where the death results from asphyxia?
a) I-shaped
b) Y-shaped
c) T-shaped
d) Wedge-shaped
e) None of the above
5. Autopsy findings not seen in neck region in case of throttling is
a) Cutaneous abrasion
b) Cutaneous bruising
c) Damage to internal coat of carotid artery
d) Hemorrhage/bruising into deep structure of the neck
e) Injuries to hyoid bone and larynx


1. Regarding rape
a) Mere penetration by the penis is sufficient
b) Emission of semen should take place
c) Hymen is usually torn in children
d) Signs of struggle should be present even in children to prove rape
e) Sperms are usually motile for 4 days in vagina
2. Under the age of …… years, it is considered rape even if the girl has given consent for sexual intercourse?
a) 13
b) 15
c) 16
d) 18
e) 14
3. Rape is punished under which section?
a) 90 PPC
b) 385 PPC
c) 375 PPC
d) 354 PPC
e) 376 PPC
4. The cloth of the rape victim is packed under
a) Polythene bag
b) Plastic sheet
c) Paper bag
d) Glass jar
e) Cloth bag
5. To examine the victim of rape, following type of consent should be taken
a) Informed written
b) Informed oral
c) Oral
d) Written
e) Blank


1. The main cause of abortion in our society is

a) Pregnancy after illegal sexual relation
b) To prevent the child from inherited disease
c) Poor socioeconomic condition
d) Pregnancy due to contraceptive failure
e) Pregnancy after rape
2. Most of the criminal abortion takes place at about
a) First or second month
b) Second or third month
c) Third or fourth month
d) Fourth or fifth month
e) Fifth or sixth month
3. 2nd trimester abortion is done with
a) Dilatation and evacuation
b) Prostaglandins F2D
c) Amniotic fluid replacement
d) Electricity
e) Abortion stick
4. Abortion of a foetus whose organ is fully formed and which is not for the good faith for mother or child is
termed as
a) Isqat-e-janin
b) Isqat-e-hamal
c) Shajjah-e-hashimah
d) Shajjah-e-ammah
e) Shajjah-e-damighah
5. If a lady informs to the hospital after procuring criminal abortion, you will record the case as
a) Septic abortion
b) Inevitable abortion
c) Missed abortion
d) Threatened abortion
e) None of the above


1. Aseptic autolysis of the foetus inside the uterus is

a) Maceration
b) Putrefaction
c) Adipocere
d) Rigor mortis
e) Mummification
2. Which of the following conditions show/shows, the foetus was dead in the uterus
a) Maceration
b) Putrefaction
c) Rigor mortis
d) Adipocere
e) All of the above
3. By which one of the following way postmortem of infants differs from that of adult
a) Head
b) Abdomen
c) Chest
d) Neck
e) None of the above
4. Infanticide is punished under section
a) 302 PPC
b) 100 PPC
c) 300 PPC
d) 101 PPC
e) 400 PPC
5. Definition, “newly born child” applies for the child
a) Up to one year
b) Up to 28 days
c) For first few days
d) For one week
e) Up to two years


1. Many addictive drugs are known to cause psychosis. The most notorious among these is
a) Cocaine
b) Opium
c) Alcohol
d) Dhatura
e) Cannabis
2. Lucid interval is
a) Outward manifestation of a person’s feelings
b) An acute confusional state or clouding of consciousness
c) A period in the course of mental diseases during which there is complete cessation of symptoms
of insanity
d) Condition where patient suffers from emotional or intellectual disorder
e) A personality disorder
3. Delirium is
a) Outward manifestation of a person’s feelings
b) An acute confusional state or clouding of consciousness
c) A period in the course of mental diseases during which there is complete cessation of symptoms of
d) Condition where patient suffers from emotional or intellectual disorders
e) A personality disorder
4. What do you understand by testamentary capacity?
a) Outward manifestation of a person’s feelings
b) An acute confusional state or clouding of consciousness
c) A period in the course of mental diseases during which there is complete cessation of symptoms of
d) Condition where person suffers from emotional or intellectual disorders
e) The capacity of a person to make a valid will
5. Which one of the following is the feature of feigned insanity?
a) Onset is usually gradual, rarely sudden
b) Onset is always sudden with some motive
c) There is usually a peculiar facial expression
d) Signs and symptoms usually point to a particular type of mental illness
e) Not worried about being repeated examination


Q1). What is drug addiction?

Drug addiction can be defined as compulsive (wanting without liking), relapsing drug use despite
negative consequences usually in increasing amounts, on account of tolerance.

Q2). What are the four drugs of addiction? Which one is the most dangerous?
Four drugs of addiction are opium, cocaine, Dhatura and cannabis. Opium group is the most dangerous
and out of that also heroin is the most dangerous on account of its high opium concentration.

Q3). What is habituation?

The condition arrived at from repeated consumption of a drug. Usually, it involves a desire (not a
compulsion) to continue taking the drug, but with little or no need to increase the dosage.

Q4). What are the two main drugs of habituation?

Tea/coffee (methylxanthine) and cigarette (nicotine)

Q5). What is popping? What are main lines?

Skin popping is to inject (a drug) beneath the skin rather into a vein. Veins are the main lines.


Q1). What injuries do you see in the neck of throttled person?

The bruises caused by the pressure of finger pads and curved impressions, or cresenteric abrasions,
caused by finger nails.
Q2). What are the external and internal postmortem findings?
External postmortem findings depend upon the pace and course of asphyxial process. If considerable
constricting force has been used bruised tongue, bitten by teeth and protruding, cyanosed face, multiple
petechial hemorrhages and injuries in face, chest etc. indicating signs of struggle may be present.
Internal postmortem findings: where considerable force has been used, extravasations of blood in
subcutaneous tissue beneath the injuried areas are seen, soft tissue of the neck are compressed and
forced upwards and backwards against cervical vertebrae.

Q3). In which condition, the hyoid bone is fractured? Which membrane is involved in this and in which
direction the movement is possible?
Hyoid bone is fractured in persons above the age of 40 years old (as it is relatively brittle in them) in the
region of greater cornuae and as the force is inward compression type, the broken fragment is displaced
inwards. The periosteum is torn only on the outer side of the bone, therefore, the broken fragment can be
easily moved inwards, but, outward movement is limited to the normal position only. Thyrohyoid
membrane is involved in this case.

Q4). What is the cause of death in throttling?

Usually the cause of death in throttling is asphyxia. Besides that death may result from vagal inhibition
as well.

Q5). What is popping? What are main lines?

Besides other signs of asphyxia, there are the following features: (a) deep cyanosis of face; (b) numerous
petechiae; and (c) a demarcation line.


Q1). In the case where child is raped and killed by strangulation by assailant by using her own shirt, what
may be the motive of killing her?
The motive of her killing by assailant who raped her is to silence her permanently so that his crime will
be hidden.

Q2). What is the name of type of strangulation in the above case?

Ligature strangulation

Q3). Which part will you focus on autopsy? What are the external postmortem findings? Do you expect the
hymen to be torn in above case?
One of the part to be focused on autopsy is neck as she was strangulated and other organ to be focused is
genitals as she was raped. External postmortem findings can be that of asphyxia along with circular
ligature below thyroid cartilage in the neck and bruises and redness around the genitals. There may be
no signs or very few signs of general violence, since the child has no idea of the act and is also unable to
offer resistance. Hymen is usually intact in child as this is deeply situated and penis cannot penetrate it.

Q4). For the investigation in above case, from where would you like to take the sample?
From vagina to see the presence of any constituent of semen and blood to see the presence of any drug

Q5). If the father has sexual intercourse with her daughter, this is called what?

Semester V-2009
Midterm paper
1. Which one of the following factor makes the substance to be poison?
a) Animal in origin
b) Plant in origin
c) Severity of diseases
d) Small lethal dose
e) Intention with which it is given
2. Which type of poison causes person to fall asleep?
a) Somniferous
b) Inebriants
c) Deliriants
d) Cardiac
e) Asphyxiants
3. Which one of the following is physiological antidote?
a) Magnesium oxide for acids
b) Potassium permanganate for organic substances
c) Diazepam for strychnine
d) Charcoal for strychnine
e) Sulphates for lead
4. Y-shaped incision made during autopsy is
a) Alternative to I-shaped incision
b) Given to open thoracic and abdominal cavity in Western countries
c) Primary type of incision
d) Secondary type of incision
e) Tertiary type of incision
5. Regarding postmortem artifacts
a) Wound made by ants and insects is called anthropophagy
b) Wound made by animals is called arthrophagy
c) Embaling refers to damage of the body because of improper handling
d) Formation of laminated thrombi occurs
e) Migration of embolus takes place
6. Wedge-shaped incision in the petrous part of the temporal bone is made in the case of
a) Head injury
b) Antemortem drowning
c) To maintain facial features
d) Is practiced in Eastern countries
e) Heart failure
7. Which one of the following is the most important characteristics of suicidal poisons?
a) Can be taken orally
b) Should not cause pain
c) Should be cheap
d) Symptoms should resemble that of the common disease
e) Should be easily available
8. Which of the following chelating agent can be administered through mouth?
b) BAL
c) Pencillamine
d) Oximes
e) Charcoal
9. The most important part of presence of witness in the court is
a) Cross-questioning
b) Re-examination
c) Examination-in-chief
d) Deposition
e) Questioning
10. The fact presented by witness in the court is called
a) Testimony
b) Deposition
c) Evidence
d) Proclamation
e) Verdict
11. Which one of the following is most reliable?
a) Hearsay
b) Circumstantial
c) Direct
d) Oral
e) Documentary
12. After listening both sides, judge gives decision which is termed as
a) Judgment
b) Verdict
c) Proclamation
d) Ruling
e) Testimony
13. During gastric wash by plain water, first 50 ml of fluid collected
a) Therapeutic
b) Diagnostic
c) Clinical
d) Toxic
e) Official
14. Major hazard in autopsy lab is
a) Chemical
b) Mechanical
c) Biological
d) Radiation
e) Physical
15. If a person dies in person or police custody and his family members claim that the person died because of
torture of police. In this condition, who will do investigation to find out the fact?
a) Police
b) Magistrate
c) Judge
d) Coroner
e) Medical officer
16. The time until when the exhumation can be carried out in Pakistan is
a) 1 year
b) 1 month
c) 3 year
d) 3 month
e) Unlimited
17. Exhumation is done under the order of
a) Police
b) Coroner
c) Family member
d) Magistrate
e) Medicolegal officer
18. A doctor was called in session’s court as a witness, during cross examination he uttered an indecent remark
on defense council, which was brought to the knowledge of the judge who gave minimum punishment to
the doctor, which was
a) Fine of Rs. 10 /- only
b) Fine of Rs. 50 /- only
c) Fine of Rs. 100 /- only
d) Warning in writing with copy to the employer
e) Detaining him in the court till rising of the court for that day
19. Milk is
a) Physiological antidote
b) Mechanical antidote
c) Pharmacological antidote
d) Chemical antidote
e) Universal antidote
20. The court of third level is
a) Session court
b) High court
c) Supreme court
d) District court
e) Swariat court
21. The process by which police finds out any fact or evidence is called
a) Judgment
b) Inquest
c) Verdict
d) Evidence
e) Investigation
22. Which one of the following is mechanical antidote?
a) Sulphates
b) Potassium permanganates
c) Tannin
d) Charcoal
e) Caffeine
23. A doctor appearing in the court must be well versed with the legal procedures of the country as court
expects. What do the term legal procedures mean?
a) Questions asked by the court
b) Cross examination of witness
c) The proceedings done in the court of LAW, concerning cases before the court
d) Examination of chief
e) Re-examination of witness
24. For an exhumation ordered by magistrate, the responsibility to identify the grave lies on
a) Friends of the deceased
b) Relatives
c) Warden of the graveyard
d) Police
e) Magistrate
25. The quickest possible route of administration of a poison is
a) Intraperitoneal
b) Intradermal
c) Intramuscular
d) Inhalation
e) Intravenous
Professional M.B.B.S. Annual Examination 2007

1. Following poisons are excreted out in the urine?

a) Dhatura
b) Oxalic acid
c) Carbolic acid
d) Opium
e) All of the above
2. Among the oral emetics, the one that is highly recommended is
a) Tincture iodine
b) Mustard powder
c) Common salt
d) Tartar emetics
e) Syrup ipecac
3. A 46 year old man was found guilty of adultery with a 35 years old lady. According to Hadood act, he can
be given one of the following punishments:
a) Can be punished under section 497 PPC
b) If he or she is not a muhsan, can be given 100 lashes
c) Imprisonment for 14 years
d) If or she is muhsan, can be stoned to death at public place
e) Can be punished under section 376 PPC
4. In suspected case of poisoning, specimen collected during autopsy
a) Urine, blood, CSF
b) Stomach, intestine, liver, kidney, blood and urine
c) Liver 500 gm, intestine half and brain
d) 25 cc of blood, urine and stool
e) Stomach and 30 cm of intestine
5. In toxic doses, the effects of digitalis on heart include all but least applicable is
a) Fibrillation
b) Bradycardia
c) Heart block
d) Extrasystole
e) Cardiac tamponade
6. Following things happen after death
a) Proliferation of fixed tissue
b) Significant degree of propulsion of food along gastrointestinal tract
c) Formation of significant amount of carbon dioxide
d) Exudation of white blood cells
e) Growth of hairs and nails
7. Which of the following intravenous infusions can lead to cyanide toxicity?
a) Dopamine
b) Dobutamine
c) Lidocaine
d) Isoproterenol
e) Nitroprusside
8. The diagnostic feature of perforating wounds is
a) Length is greatest diameter
b) Secondary infections are common sequlae
c) Wounds of entry and exit are present
d) Wound margins are irregular
e) Present only over the cardiac area
9. A dead body of young female sent to autopsy room for PM. History suggested that she was deprived of food
for long time due to domestic violence. Which one of the following is the most helpful finding to justify
the history?
a) Body was dry
b) Bad smell emitted from intestine
c) Smell coming out of the body
d) Intestine were very thin and transparent
e) Skin pigmentation was there
10. During conduction of an exhumation bony remains were found which included skull, pelvis and long bones
only, the accuracy of determining sex from these bones is
a) 100%
b) 98%
c) 95%
d) 90%
e) 85%
11. In summer, a picknicker drowned in a lake was recovered within 1 hour. Weeds were found, strongly
clenched in his hands; their presence can be attributed to:
a) Cadaveric spasm
b) Rigor mortis
c) Hydrocution
d) Bush entanglement
e) Cold stiffening
12. A dead body is brought to mortuary for autopsy. Which one is the most appropriate to calculate time since
death if it is about 1 hour?
a) By rectal temperature
b) By postmortem lividity
c) By blood analysis
d) By stomach content
e) By rigor mortis
13. Mark the correct statement regarding postmortem lividity:
a) Present on the back only due to ruptured vessels
b) Confined to epidermis with clearly defined margins and uniform colors
c) Epidermal with clearly defined margins and swelling
d) Uniform color, no swellings, abrasion present
e) No abrasion, swelling present, margins clearly defined
14. Hostile witness means evidence given by
a) Pathologist
b) Police surgeon
c) Police officer
d) A witness who willfully tells a lie
e) Fingerprint expert
15. Regarding ossification of bone, which one is the most appropriate?
a) Elbow in boys 15-16, shoulder in girls 19-20
b) Elbow in boys 13-14, in girls 15-16 years
c) Elbow in girls 13-14, shoulder in boys 19-20 years
d) Wrist in boys 16-17 years, in girls 18-19
e) Wrist in girls 16-17, shoulder 19-20 years
16. Medicolegal importance of oxalic acid
a) Homicidal
b) Suicidal
c) Ink remover
d) Accidental
e) Spinach, rhubarb intake
17. Blood stains can help to establish
a) Cause of death
b) Race
c) Sex
d) Age
e) None of the above
18. The most appropriate statement regarding race
a) Nasal index in Mongols is 55
b) Cephalic index in Mongols is 80 and above
c) Height index in Negroes is 75
d) Nasal index in Negroes is 70-74.9
e) Cephalic index in European is 80 and above
19. The fabricated wounds are often caused by
a) Penetrating objects
b) Blunt objects
c) Sharp objects
d) Chemicals
e) None of the above
20. The factors affecting the appearance of wounds include
a) Architectural design of tissue
b) Weight and velocity of weapon
c) Execution of mechanical force
d) Resistance offered by tissue
e) All of the above
21. A dead body of suspected of strangulation was referred to postmortem examination. Which is the most
important and favorable finding to decide about strangulation?
a) Petechial hemorrhages
b) No signs of struggle
c) Fracture of laryngeal and tracheal cartilages
d) Ligature mark above thyroid cartilage
e) Fracture of hyoid bone
22. The age group most vulnerable for poisoning in domestic setup is
a) 15-20 years
b) 1-5 years
c) 5-10 years
d) 10-15 years
e) 20-25 years
23. A bomb blast explosion occurred in a cinema hall, more than 100 persons died. What is the most important
duty of MLO at autopsy?
a) To find out the time of death
b) To find out the pieces of explosion device
c) To find out the identity of corpse
d) To find out the manner of death
e) To find out the cause of death
24. A male aged 50 years committed murder of his wife and children all of a sudden and then committed
suicide, most probably he was:
a) Heroin addict
b) Chronic alcoholic
c) Hashish addict
d) Insane
e) Sadist
25. The proportion of medicolegal autopsies carried out on the total deaths in any community is known as
a) Autopsy parameter
b) Autopsy incidence
c) Autopsy rate
d) Autopsy index
e) Autopsy indicator
26. Late signs and symptoms of ingestion of carbolic acid include
a) Tingling sensation
b) Vomiting
c) Intense burning sensation
d) Laryngeal spasm
e) Carboluria
27. A decapitated dead body of a male was brought for autopsy. The most important part of autopsy in this case
for further identification will be
a) Taking fingerprints of the body
b) Taking photographs
c) Preserving first vertebra of the body distal to the cut
d) Taking footprints
e) Taking bone marrow for DNA fingerprinting
28. A doctor went to the court as an expert witness in a criminal case. During court proceedings, he felt
miscarriage of justice is likely, so he can
a) Modify his statement already given
b) Ask for a more qualified criminal lawyer
c) Volunteer a statement
d) Tell secrets of his patient
e) Record his protest to the court
29. Corpus deliciti denotes
a) Presence of dead body away from the scene
b) Bullet found at the scene of crime
c) Elements of the predefined criminal offence
d) Trace evidence/clue about killer is found
e) A written message found near the body
30. Regarding snakes:
a) Fangs of sea snake are short canalized and fixed in upper jaw
b) Fangs are the only teeth in maxillary bone in cobra
c) Fangs are 3-5 mm in vipers
d) Venom given by mouth acts more rapidly as compared to venom injected by sea snake
e) In bite by sea snake serum transaminase becomes elevated
31. A person took some unknown poison and reported to emergency room with salivation, nausea, vomiting,
dilated pupil, cough, pulmonary edema and tonic convulsions. The most appropriate diagnosis is
a) Acute insecticide poisoning
b) Acute arsenic poisoning
c) Acute strychnine poisoning
d) Acute dhatura poisoning
e) Acute DDT poisoning
32. The best characteristic feature of homicidal cut throat is
a) Present on left side of the neck in right handed person
b) Slopped down cut marks
c) Marked by hesitation or hesitation cuts
d) Commonly below thyroid cartilage
e) Often accompanied with wrist and vital parts injuries
33. For an exhumation ordered by magistrate, the responsibility to identify the grave lies on
a) Friends of the deceased
b) Relatives
c) Warden of the graveyard
d) Police
e) Magistrate
34. Rifling marks on the recovered bullet helps to
a) Determine the manner of death
b) Determine the spinning direction of the projectile
c) Determine the muzzle-target distance
d) Identify the crime gun
e) Identify the offender
35. Pregnancy
a) Colostrum consists of large fat globules and few phagocytic cells
b) Vernix caseosa is the intestinal secretion of the foetus
c) After six month silvery lines are seen on breast
d) Lanugo is the soft and pigmented hair of newborn
e) Jackquemier’s sign is due to the presence of foetus floating in liquor amonii
36. The most common cause of death by poisoning in Southeast Asia is
a) Kerosene oil
b) Over the counter drug
c) Methanol
d) Organophosphorous compounds
e) Snake bite
37. Characteristic feature of a true bruise is
a) Present only on accessible parts of the body
b) Caused by application of force
c) Contains acrid serum all around
d) Caused by application of chemical
e) Blisters and itching are noticeable features
38. Surest sign of rape in virgin
a) Marks of struggle over the body
b) Presence of semen in vagina
c) Fresh tearing of hymen
d) Blood and seminal stains over the under clothing
e) Pregnancy after the act
39. Objective of international certification of the cause of death is to determine
a) Cause of death
b) Fatal period
c) Course of disease
d) Mortality statistics
e) All of the above
40. Negative autopsy findings are present in
a) Postmortem immersion
b) Near drowning
c) Cardiac arrest
d) Submersion of the unconsciousness
e) None of these
41. A dead body of a 40 year old male was found hanging by ceiling fan, he was seen alive 8 hours earlier. The
expected site of postmortem staining would be
a) Below the ligature mark
b) At the scapular region
c) Around the upper arms
d) Around the waist
e) Forearm and lower limbs
42. A patient comes to casualty, he has taken some drugs from hakeem to increase sexual desire; examination
reveals priapism, burning in urine. The most probable diagnosis is
a) Strychnine
b) Nux vomica
c) Camphor
d) Cantharides
e) Arsenic
43. A putrefied dead body of infant was sent to MLO for autopsy. Which one is the most important finding/test
that can confirm live born status?
a) Hydrostatic test
b) Milk in stomach
c) Floating of lungs in water
d) Umbilical cord microscopy
e) None of these
44. Psychological autopsy is conducted in
a) Alleged cases of suicide
b) Sexual perverts
c) In drug addicts
d) Deaths in mental hospital
e) Mentally retarded persons
45. The most reliable procedure to detect suicidal poisoning is
a) Medicolegal autopsy
b) Observing reaction of relatives regarding haste with which they want to dispose dead body
c) Chemical analysis of viscera
d) Visit to scene before it is disturbed
e) Blood analysis
46. Atropine is antidote for
a) Mushroom poisoning
b) Mustard gas poisoning
c) Acute ammonia poisoning
d) DDT poisoning
e) Acute arsenic poisoning
47. In case of autopsies of chronic poisoning by heavy metals, the most important specimen for chemical
analysis is
a) Hair
b) Blood
c) Bone
d) Nail
e) Kidney
48. The most common cause of death in bomb explosion in a public gathering is
a) Asphyxia
b) Blast effect
c) Hot gases
d) Flame
e) Flying missiles
49. Causes of permanent impotency are
a) Vaginismus
b) Vagitus vaginalis
c) Castration
d) Chronic alcoholism
e) Vasectomy
50. Habeous corpus
a) Dead body seen at the scene of crime
b) Is presence of evidence of murder
c) Is body of offence
d) Written order issued by high court regarding illegal detention
e) It is a decomposed body
51. A doctor during treatment of acute poisoning failed to preserve first stomach washing and vomitus in his
presence, he can be charged with offence of causing disappearance of evidence of crime under Pakistan
Penal Code section
a) 199
b) 201
c) 205
d) 209
e) 305
52. Euthenasia
a) Means letting the patient die
b) Doctor assisted suicide
c) Culpable homicide or murder even if done in good faith by the doctor
d) Switching off the ventilator with consent of immediate / next family member
e) Euthenasia is very common in Asia
53. A patient comes to casualty department with a history of taking some liquid for suicide purpose. On
examination, his pulse rate is 92/min, BP 120/70 mm Hg. There was ulceration around the mouth and
tongue. His chest was full of crepitations and severely disturbed breathing. The most appropriate
treatment of the patient was
a) Airway maintainence
b) BP maintainence
c) Mouth wash and antacids
d) Injection morphine
e) Airway, breathing and circulation establishment
54. A tattoo mark described by relatives which is absent at autopsy can be confirmed by
a) Infrared photography
b) Ultraviolet lamp
c) Use of high constrast photography
d) Examining lymph nodes in the neighbourhood of tattoo mark
e) Computer image enhancement
55. Which one is the incorrect statement regarding putrefaction?
a) In 36-48 hours the face becomes swollen and altered in color
b) Greenish discoloration appear over the face within 12 hours
c) Hydrogen sulphide and ammonia are gases of putrefaction
d) The worst offender is Clostridium welchii
e) Lecithinase hydrolyses the cell membrane
56. The essential quality for substance to be accepted as war gas is that
a) It should be stable
b) It should be cheap, preferably a by-product pf some industry
c) Its action persists for many days
d) It must be heavier than air
e) Is definitely toxic
57. Acetic acid, opium, alcohol, camphor, chloral hydrate and endrin as a group of poisons has a unique
combined property, that is
a) All act on CNS
b) All are cardiac poisons
c) All are excreted by the kidney
d) They produce fits
e) They have a smell
58. Putrefaction is most favored at atmospheric temperature between
a) 50-70oF
b) 60-70oF
c) 70-100oF
d) 100-120oF
e) 120-150oF
59. The most reliable biochemical change for estimation of time since death is
a) Progressive increase in lactic acid in blood
b) Increase in blood urea
c) Uniform increase of ammonia content in blood
d) Steady rise in potassium in vitreous humor
e) Increase in non-protein nitrogen in CSF
60. Aromatic odor to the breath is seen in poisoning by
a) Oxalic acid
b) Tartaric acid
c) Muriatic acid
d) Acetic acid
e) Carbolic acid
61. Mummification
a) Is a yellowish white, greasy, wax-like substance with a rancid smell
b) Is a heat coagulation
c) Is a cold stiffening of the body
d) Desiccation of the body after losing its moisture from evaporation
e) Spontaneous contraction of muscles of the body
62. Which one of the following is thrown on the face to cause disfigurement due to enmity which is called
a) Blue vitriol
b) Green vitriol
c) Oil of vitriol
d) White vitriol
e) Vitriol of mars
63. In case of carbolic acid poisoning, the pupil
a) Dilates
b) Constricts
c) Remains unchanged
d) Contracts equally
e) Contracts and dilates alternately
64. Methyl alcohol is also known as
a) Sukhi sharab
b) Katchi sharab
c) Zehreeli sharab
d) Arrack
e) Kuppi
65. The most rapid absorbing salicylate producing toxicity is
a) Salicylic acid
b) Sodium salicylate
c) Acetyl salicylic acid
d) Potassium salicylate
e) Methyl salicylate
66. Immediate treatment of corrosives include
a) Gastric lavage
b) Emesis
c) Administration of weak acid or alkalis as the case may be
d) Wash the part with strong antiseptic solution
e) Plenty of protein rich fluid and electrolyte by mouth after 2-3 hours
67. Head injury is the leading cause of death in
a) Homicidal attack with blunt weapon
b) Accidental fall from height
c) Road traffic accidents
d) Firearm injuries
e) Object falling on head
68. The best treatment of snakebite is
a) Allay, anxiety and fear
b) Prevention of further spread of venom
c) Incision and suction
d) Administration of antivenom
e) Administration of steroids
69. Nobbing fractures are seen in
a) Café coronary
c) Starvation
d) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
e) Battered baby
70. Odour of organophosphorous compounds is
a) Musty (fishy)
b) Rotten eggs
c) Garlicky
d) Bitter almonds like
e) Moth balls like
71. Metabolism of ethyl alcohol follows
a) Zero order kinetics
b) First order kinetics
c) Second order kinetics
d) Third order kinetics
e) Fourth order kinetics
72. Sola pith is used in
a) Pithing
b) Criminal abortion
c) Foeticide
d) Cattle poisoning
e) Prostitution, to make the vagina roomy
73. The enzyme biochemistry shows that the first enzyme to be raised after criminal abortion is
a) Alkaline phosphatase
b) Acid phosphatase
c) ATPase
d) Esterases
e) Aminopeptides
74. Death in fresh water takes
a) 4-5 minutes
b) 8-12 minutes
c) 12-15 minutes
d) 15-20 minutes
e) Immediately
75. Lines of Zahn are seen in
a) Antemortem clots
b) Chronic arsenic poisoning
c) Chronic lead poisoning
d) Copper sulfate poisoning
e) Organophosphorous compounds poisoning
Semester V-2009

1. If a dead body is warm, supple and flexible, with transparent cornea and no postmortem lividity, the time
since death is
a) 0-1 hours
b) 10-12 hours
c) 1-2 hours
d) 2-3 hours
e) 3-6 hours
2. Regarding rigor mortis
a) It is tested by electrical stimulation
b) It first appears in voluntary muscles
c) It is also called as livor mortis
d) It first appears as rule in muscles of hand
e) ATP is resynthesized for a short period of time
3. A doctor examined and submitted the certificate of child sexual abuse. Few weeks later doctor was
summoned for evidence recording by court. His position recognized by court is as
a) Common and hostile witness
b) Common and expert witness
c) Hostile witness only
d) Expert witness only
e) Common witness only
4. The main objective is to make fake gunshot wound on own body
a) For getting compensation
b) To impress the employer
c) Murderer to show self-defence
d) To implicate any enemy falsely
e) To make an injury cognizable
5. Systemic action of oxalic acid is
a) Hepatic failure
b) Hypoglycemia
c) Hypercalcemia
d) Renal failure
e) Cardiomyopathy
6. The following poisons have a characteristic odor EXCEPT
a) Acetic acid
b) HCN
c) Ammonia
d) Heroin
e) Chloral hydrate
7. The fact about cadaveric spasm
a) It is an instantaneous phenomenon
b) Also known as death stiffening
c) Seen in case when body is exposed to heat
d) After cadaveric spasm passes off, secondary relaxation sets in
e) Appears in a single group of involuntary muscles
8. Presumption of death is considered by the court in cases of
a) Inheritance of property
b) Death during delivery
c) Dead body recovered from very cold environment
d) Hanging
e) Drowning
9. Regarding eruption of teeth
a) First permanent molar at 8 years
b) Temporary 1st premolars erupt at 18th month
c) Temporary canine erupt at 12th month
d) Temporary dentition is completed by 20-30 months
e) Last temporary tooth to erupt is canine
10. An example of negligence which is covered by dictum of Res-Ipsa-Loquitor is
a) Medical man does not attend road side accident victim
b) Prolonging treatment
c) Forgetting an instrument in abdomen during operation
d) Wrong diagnosis
e) Wound remain infected for pretty long time
11. While examining an abraded lesion, scab falls off, the approximate age of the abrasion is
a) 1-2 days
b) 2-3 days
c) 3-4 days
d) 4-6 days
e) 8-10 days
12. The classic example of receptor antidote is
a) Milk
b) Deferoxamine
c) Tannic acid
d) Naloxone
e) Charcoal
13. Which of the following acids is also known as acid of sorrel or salt of sorrel?
a) Hydrochloric acid
b) Picric acid
c) Oxalic acid
d) Nitric acid
e) Hydrofluoric acid
14. Leading question is that which
a) Is outside the expertise of the medical witness
b) Is asked during cross examination
c) Confuses the common witness
d) Suggests its desired answer
e) Is about integrity and experience of the medical witness
15. Medical ethics is subject concerned with attitude of doctors towards patients with regard to
a) Latest knowledge
b) Moral principles of doctor
c) Punctuality
d) Dutyfulness of doctor
e) Courtesy
16. In differentiating between antemortem and postmortem abrasions, which is FALSE?
a) The exudate is more antemortem abrasions
b) Postmortem abrasions are more at bony prominences
c) Histopathological examination is more reliable
d) Pseudoabrasions are produced by insects
e) Antemortem abrasions are bright in color
17. Regarding corrosives
a) Stomach wash should done by rubber tube of 2 cm diameter
b) Vitriolage is the accidental throwing of corrosive on the face of other person
c) Vinegar can be given in the treatment of mineral acid poisoning
d) Xanthopoetic reaction occurs in hydrochloric acid poisoning
e) Mineral acid acts by coagulating proteins and cellular dehydration
18. Pink color of postmortem lividity is seen in poisoning by
a) Nitrites
b) Hydrocyanic acid
c) Opium
d) Carbon monoxide
e) Phosphorous
19. The person who initiates a lawsuit in civil court
a) Public prosecution
b) Defendant
c) Pleader
d) Complainant
e) Plaintiff
20. Ghost surgery is
a) Form of professional misconduct
b) Surgery done by unskilled person
c) Common in African tribes
d) Form of psychological treatment
e) Common in villages
21. During exhumation, control samples of mud are taken from
a) Some distance away from the grave
b) Above the coffin
c) Below the body
d) Sides of the grave
e) Above the grave
22. A doctor was called by court to clarify his/her position on allegations of malpractice made against him/her.
While attending the court, doctor shall
a) Stand on box on left side of judge
b) Sit with prosecutor lawyer
c) Stand on box on right side of jugde
d) Sit in front of judge
e) Stand in front of jugde
23. A lady doctor appeared and recorded her evidence in the court before a magistrate after taking oath. Her
recorded evidence is termed as
a) Indirect evidence
b) Direct evidence
c) Oral evidence
d) Documentary evidence
e) Testimony
24. Mrs. Seagrave’s pills contain poisonous salt of one of the following:
a) Arsenic
b) Mercury
c) Lead
d) Copper
e) Thallium
25. The poisonous acid present in cabbage, spinach and tomato:
a) Oxalic acid
b) Hydrocyanic acid
c) Phenol
d) Citric acid
e) Muriatic acid
26. “Cattle trucking”, the earliest sign of death is observed in
a) Cornea
b) Heart
c) Brain
d) Lungs
e) Retina
27. Postmortem artifacts during systemic death
a) Decomposition
b) Fracture of ribs
c) Agonal
d) Situational
e) Handling
28. Naloxone is an example of
a) Mechanical antidote
b) Chemical antidote
c) Receptor antidote
d) Physical antidote
e) Physiological antidote
29. Amongst the variety of medical documents that a medical practitioner writes, the commonest one is
a) Prescription
b) Autopsy report
c) Medicolegal report
d) Death certificate
e) Medical certificate
30. Testimony may be defined as
a) A written statement
b) A statement under oath
c) Recording of evidence
d) A verbal statement
e) Oath administration
31. Estimation of time since death from bones can NOT be done by
a) Nitrogen content
b) Antihuman serum reaction
c) Amino acid content
d) Benedict’s reaction
e) Ultraviolet fluorescence
32. Casper’s dictum is related to
a) Atria mortis
b) Algor mortis
c) Rigor mortis
d) Postmortem lividity
e) Putrefaction
33. Which one is the false statement about adipocere formation?
a) Body may be converted into fatty acids
b) It forms in the body where fatty tissue is present
c) It is a yellowish white greasy wax like substance
d) Fresh adipocere is hard and dry
e) It is modification of process of putrefaction
34. The prime objective of medicolegal autopsy is to
a) Find out the cause and manner of death
b) Find out the mode of death
c) Establish the identity of unknown dead body
d) Rule out suspicion of foul play in death
e) Find out time since death
35. The chromosomal pattern in Klinefilter syndrome is
a) 45/XO
b) 46/XX
c) 47/XXY
d) 64/XY
e) 47/XYY
36. Contributory negligence is a valid defense to a doctor in
a) Res Ipsa Loquitor
b) Novus actus interveniens
c) Therapeutic misadventure
d) Civil negligence
e) Criminal negligence
37. The surest and easiest method of identification is
a) Bertillonage
b) DNA fingerprinting
c) Galtonage
d) Locard’s method
e) Superimposed photography
38. Following expert witness/witnesses are not exempted from oral evidence:
a) Ballistic expert
b) Radiologist
c) Professor of forensic medicine
d) Hand writing expert
e) Fingerprint expert
39. A case of firearm injury came to casualty department with one entry wound and one exit wound. The least
possible chance is
a) Injury due to shotgun
b) Rifle injury
c) Injury due to pistol
d) Injury due to AK
e) Injury due to TT
40. Boyd devised a method of age estimation from incremental lines of teeth, daily increment of growing being
a) 2 microns
b) 1 micron
c) 5 microns
d) 3 microns
e) 4 microns
41. A male aged 16-17 years is sent to confirm his age. Advisable single radiograph would be
a) Pelvis
b) Elbow joint
c) Sternum
d) Skull
e) Wrist joint
42. Mr. A requested Mr. B to produce a superficial injury on muscular and non-vital part of his body to
implicate his opponent in a false case. Such injury is termed as
a) Self-suffered
b) Homicidal
c) Suicidal
d) Accidental
e) Self-inflicted
43. Gunshot wounds
a) If tattooing and smudging both are present, range of firing is near shot
b) Tattooing around wound of entry
c) Tattooing is sign of distant shot
d) Blackening visible around wound of exit
e) Blast effects around wound of exit
44. Ochronosis is seen in poisoning by
a) Copper sulphate
b) Oxalic acid
c) Phenol
d) Mercury
e) Alcohol
45. Medicolegal importance of abrasions
a) May also be developed on a cadaver
b) Can be the external sign of internal injury
c) Can help to assess the motive
d) Confused with bed sores
e) Can help to identify causative weapon
46. To conduct an autopsy, the most important requirement is
a) Adequate illumination
b) Trained mortician
c) Forceps
d) Knives
e) Scissors
47. On postmortem table, the dead body emits bitter smell; there are no pink patches, cyanosis and froth from
mouth. It is a case of
a) Carbon monoxide poisoning
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Asphyxia
d) Cyanide poisoning
e) Incineration
48. A doctor when called by the court of law to give his evidence should:
a) Have private notes of the case with him
b) Be brief and to the point in narration
c) Be well dressed
d) Be prompt to volunteer a statement
e) Be punctual in attending court
49. When doctor is in witness box in the court regarding the patient’s secret, he should
a) Handover information in writing but under protest to judge
b) Tell partially only important facts
c) Refuse to divulge the secrets
d) Tell all the truth to court openly
e) Volunteer the information under protest
50. Corrosive most commonly used for forgery of documents
a) Oxalic acid
b) Oil of vitriol
c) Aqua fortis
d) Muriatic acid
e) Caustic potash
51. Regarding carbolic acid, all are true EXCEPT
a) Carbolism is acute poisoning of carbolic acid
b) It is used as a local anesthetic in toothache
c) Death results from paralysis of the respiratory or cardiac centre
d) Carboluria is due to metabolism of oxidative products of carbolic acid
e) Ochronosis
52. The solution of potassium permanganate when used as a chemical antidote acts by
a) Delaying absorption of poison
b) Neutralizing the effect of the poison
c) Hastening the elimination of poison
d) Oxidation
e) Producing effect opposite to that of poison
53. The most important property of an ideal homicidal poison
a) Symptoms should resemble some disease
b) Cheap
c) Effective in small quantity
d) Tasteless and odorless
e) Easily available
54. Dead body of an infant was brought for autopsy. Centre of ossification seen to demonstrate in full term is
a) Lower end of femur
b) Upper end of tibia
c) Calcaneum
d) Talus
e) Sternum
55. Schedule H contain
a) Drug which can be sold on prescription
b) Poison which can be sold on prescription
c) Drugs and tablets
d) Chemical not harmful
e) Poison fatal to human being
56. The position in which gastric lavage is preferably done is
a) Right lateral position
b) Prone position
c) Trendelenburg’s position
d) Left lateral position
e) Supine position
57. The most common method for excretion of poison is
a) Haemodialysis
b) Diaphoresis
c) Inducing diuresis
d) Purging
e) Peritoneal dialysis
58. Gastric lavage is not contraindicated in
a) Comatose patient
b) Poisoning by volatile substance
c) Patients with hemorrhagic diathesis
d) Carbolic acid poisoning
e) Patient with esophageal varices
59. The essential requirement for conduction of medicolegal autopsy is
a) Carefully read the report of investigating police officer before starting autopsy
b) Preserve all viscera in suspected case of poisoning
c) Detailed external examination of the dead body
d) Detailed internal examination of the dead body
e) Authorization
60. A young man has taken some poison. After 3 hours, he reached emergency room with severe vomiting;
black in color and burning in throat. After sometimes patient develop numbness and tingling, later on he
developed convulsions. Most probably he has taken
a) Terpentine oil
b) Oil of vitriol
c) Carbolic acid
d) Aspirin
e) Arsenic
61. Dating of bruise clinically is attempted from its color. The yellowish color of bruise that appears at one
week is due to
a) Haemosiderin
b) Bilirubin
c) Hemoglobin
d) Haematoidin
e) Melanin
62. The most reliable one of all Gustafon’s criteria for age estimation from teeth is
a) Amount of secondary detine
b) Degree of attrition
c) Cementum around root of tooth
d) Translucency of the root
e) Root resorption
63. Vomiting can be induced in co-operative conscious patient in home by
a) Gargling with soap
b) Tickling of fauces by finger
c) Warm water taken by mouth
d) Ammonia inhalation
e) Tartar emetic
64. Changes seen in putrefaction are all of the following EXCEPT
a) Color changes
b) Colliquative changes
c) Postmortem caloricity
d) Bloating of features
e) Forensic entomology
65. Adipocere formation is due to body fats undergoing
a) Hydrogenation
b) Splitting by enzymes
c) Saponification
d) Aseptic autolysis
e) Hydrolysis and hydrogenation
66. Example of voluntary suspended animation is
a) Yoga
b) None of the above
c) Hypothermia
d) Drowning
e) Electric shock
67. The mode of action of corrosive is
a) Liquefaction necrosis
b) Conversion of proteins into more complex compounds
c) Coagulation of cellular proteins
d) Denaturation of cellular proteins
e) Reduction of cellular proteins
68. Chop wounds
a) Dimensions correspond to the vertical section of the penetration blade
b) Produced by a blow with sharp cutting edge of a fairly heavy weapon
c) Always homicidal
d) Always dangerous
e) Bones are always damaged
69. Activated charcoal is especially useful in poisoning by
a) Acids
b) Alkaloids
c) Metals
d) Animals
e) Alkalis
70. The most common pattern of fingerprints is
a) Loop
b) Composite
c) Arch
d) Accidental
e) Whorl
71. An ambulance carrying a serious patient gets involved in a road traffic accident and the patient dies before
reaching the hospital. Legally, this condition is labeled as
a) Corporate negligence
b) Vicarious responsibility
c) Criminal negligence
d) Novus actus interveniens
e) Civil negligence
72. Postmortem artifact induced during cardiac massage leading to fracture of ribs occurs during
a) Body handling
b) Hospital autopsy
c) Body storage
d) Somatic death
e) Molecular death
73. A young lady after taking some liquid for suicide reaches ER. Examination reveals burns in mouth, burn
sensation in throat, blood stained vomiting, severe dyspnea. What could be the cause?
a) Sulphuric acid poisoning
b) Acetic acid poisoning
c) Oxalic acid poisoning
d) Salicylic acid poisoning
e) Carbolic acid poisoning
[Personally, I think the answer should be (c) oxalic acid poisoning.]
74. Balling or welding of shot in cartridge of shotgun is usually done with the intention of
a) Prevent blackening and tattooing around the wound of entry
b) Make the wound look like rifled firearm
c) Prevent estimating the distance of fire
d) Making the cartridge more lethal
e) Making the cartridge useless
75. Cephalic index between the ranges 80-84.9 belongs to
a) Mesencephalic
b) Super-brachy-cephalic
c) Brachy-cephalic
d) Dolichocephalic
e) Mesaticephalic
Midterm Paper
Semester V-2010

1. Which one of the following factor makes the substance to be poison?

a) Animal in origin
b) Plant in origin
c) Severity of disease
d) Small lethal dose
e) Intention with which it is given
2. Which type of poison causes person to fall asleep?
a) Somniferous
b) Inebriants
c) Deliriants
d) Cardiac
e) Asyphyxiants
3. Which one of the following is the most important characteristic of suicidal poisons?
a) Definite and rapid in action
b) Should not cause pain
c) Should be cheap
d) Symptoms should resemble that of the common disease
e) Should be easily available
4. Which one of the following is the most reliable?
a) Hearsay
b) Circumstantial
c) Direct
d) Oral
e) Documentary
5. After listening both sides, judge gives decision which is termed as
a) Judgment
b) Verdict
c) Proclamation
d) Ruling
e) Testimony
6. A doctor was called in session’s court as a witness, during cross examination he uttered an indecent remark
on defense council, which was brought to the knowledge of the judge who gave minimum punishment to
the doctor, which was
a) Fine of Rs. 10 /- only
b) Fine of Rs. 50 /- only
c) Fine of Rs. 100 /- only
d) Warning in writing with copy to the employer
e) Detaining him in the court till rising of the court for that day
7. Psychological autopsy is conducted in
a) Alleged cases of suicide
b) Sexual perverts
c) In drug addicts
d) Death in mental hospital
e) Mentally retarded persons
8. Habeous corpus
a) Dead body seen at the scene of crime
b) Is presence of evidence of murder
c) Is body of offence
d) Written order issued by high court regarding illegal detention
e) Is a decomposed body
9. Ideal property of homicidal poisons is
a) Should be cheap
b) Rapid in action
c) Tasteless, odorless
d) Easily available
e) Should resemble some natural disease
10. Potassium permanganate neutralizes most of the poisons by
a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Alkalization
d) Hydrolysis
e) Changing concentration
11. An ambulance carrying a serious patient gets involved in road traffic accident and the patient dies before
reaching the hospital. Legally, this condition is labeled as:
a) Corporate negligence
b) Vicarious responsibility
c) Criminal negligence
d) Novus actus interveniens
e) Civil negligence
12. Regarding medicolegal reports (MLR)
a) They are prepared on the request of police or magistrate in civil as well as in criminal cases
b) The MLR is not considered as evidence unless doctor attends the court and testifies the facts under
c) While writing MLR, if condition becomes very critical MLO should at once arrange for dying
d) MLR is prepared in duplicate
e) The MLO should note two marks of identification before examining the injured
13. A person while giving evidence in the court of law was declared hostile witness due to changing his
statement from the statement given in previous hearing. So, he can be
a) Fined by the court
b) Can be imprisoned
c) Cross-examined by lawyer of the accused
d) Cross-examined by the lawyer
e) Examined by the judge
14. A prisoner died in the jail. The relatives of the deceased pleaded that the prisoner died due to torture of the
police. The inquest will be prepared by
a) Governor of the province
b) Judicial magistrate
c) Warden of jail
d) Inspector general prisons
e) Medicolegal officer who after autopsy will testify the charge
15. The time period for exhumation is not limited in
a) Germany
b) United Kingdom
c) Pakistan
d) India
e) France
16. Doctor left a patient who was in progress of labor with aaya and went to attend family party. Baby died
during the delivery. Doctor will be charged with
a) Criminal negligence
b) Civil negligence
c) Contributory negligence
d) Professional misconduct
e) Third party negligence
17. Autopsy should be done on the order of
a) Health department
b) Magistrate
c) Police
d) Governor of the province
e) Secretary of the state
18. If a girl claims to be of 13/14 years old. Which radiograph will you prefer to do to confirm her age?
a) Elbow
b) Wrist
c) Shoulder
d) Crest of ilium
e) Ischial tuberosity
19. One boy claims to be less than 18 years old. Which single radiograph can confirm his age?
a) Elbow
b) Wrist
c) Shoulder
d) Crest of ilium
e) Ischial tuberosity
20. At what age does the greater cornu of the hyoid bone unite with its body?
a) 35 years
b) 55 years
c) 40 years
d) 30 years
e) 60 years
21. A person has reached 40 years of age. What change occurs in this age?
a) Xiphoid process unites with the body of the sternum
b) Manubrium unites with the body of the sternum
c) Atrophic changes in the intervertebral discs
d) The lipping of the lumbar vertebrae
e) Unfused sutures
22. According to Reed’s formula for assessing the level of consciousness, if a person is not responding to
painful stimuli after getting injured in road traffic accident, his grade will be
a) 0
b) 3
c) 4
d) 2
e) 1
23. A child is suspected to be between 2 to 6 years of age. Which one of the following can confirm his/her age?
a) Eruption of permanent teeth
b) Quantum of temporary teeth
c) Wrist radiograph
d) Elbow radiograph
e) Shoulder radiograph
24. Which part of the bone confirms the status of parity of women?
a) Obturator foramen
b) Ischial spine
c) Ischial tuberosity
d) Iliac crest
e) Pubic symphysis
25. Doctor should not take the fee for issuing
a) Death certificate
b) Birth certificate
c) Sickness certificate
d) Certificate for poor person
e) Certificate regarding person’s mental status
26. Professional death sentence for the doctors is passed by
a) Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
b) City magistrate
c) Pakistan Medical Association
d) City governor
e) Governor of Pakistan Medical Assocation
27. Second molar tooth erupts at
a) 10 months
b) 20 months
c) 30 months
d) 18 months
e) 24 months
28. For determination of sex to demonstrate Barr body, the most reliable sample is
a) Plucked hair
b) Cartilage
c) Skin
d) Buccal mucosa
e) Saliva
29. While sending an insect from a putrefied body to an entomologist, it should be preserved in
a) Formalin
b) Ether
c) Alcohol
d) Glycerin
e) Glacial acetic acid
30. Activated charcoal is used as
a) Adsorbent
b) Absorbent
c) Oxidant
d) Reducing agent
e) Neutralizing agent
31. A doctor was found participating in dichotomy, this falls under
a) Civil negligence
b) Criminal negligence
c) Professional misconduct
d) Contributory negligence
e) Civil malpractice
32. Cases of poisoning are mainly seen in age group of
a) 15/16 years
b) Above 20 years
c) 20 years
d) 10/11 years
e) 1-5 years
33. Pharmacological antidote:
a) Antagonizes the effect of poison by producing opposite effect
b) Binds with receptor thus preventing the access of poison to its receptor
c) Binds with the poison
d) Neutralize the poison thru chemical reaction
e) Coats the mucosa of gastrointestinal tract
34. Amongst the variety of medical documents that a medical practitioner writes, the commonest one is
a) Prescription
b) Autopsy report
c) Medicolegal report
d) Death certificate
e) Medical certificate
35. The most common pattern of fingerprints found is
a) Loop
b) Composite
c) Arch
d) Accidental
e) Whorl

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