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9:00 PM Sun Apr & NAME: Ethan Nea\ 15.3. Using Example 15.5 in the text as your model, spell and resolve the following sec- ondary dominant seventh chords. Use key signatures. As with Example 15.5, label the tendency tones involved (as applied to the key being tonicized). 68 4 G ad Abs VsWVi vi D: V3/iti it © ob VIVE VE Eb: Vali ii® 6. 7 8 9, 10. 46 is VW iv 6 4 6 - 4 e Vs V Db: V3/i ii A: Vs/IV IV c#& VIVIE VIL G: V3hi vi WL LR. 2B. 4, 15 4 6 4 6 oe 4 1 eb: Vo mi = Bs V3/V VOB: VSM vi V3fi ie 7 16, 17 18, 19. 20. 4 7 6 4 6 7: it v2NV VS d: Vs V Eb: Vai vi of | VSM VIB: V7~V IV 96 | PART 2: Form and Chromatic Harmony 1 F790

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