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Questions Answers

1-Where ……………………………….? 1-……………………….. Black Lane.

A) is the Willow Riding School D) The school it is in

B) the Willow Riding School E) The Willow Riding School is in
C) the Willow Riding School is F) The Willow Riding School in
2-…………………………expensive? 2 The lessons …………..

A) The lessons are D) cost 22 pounds an hour

B) Are the lessons E) an hour is 22 pounds
C) The lessons they are F) 22 pounds
3-What………………………. wear? 3 -Everyone ………………………. riding hat.

A) do you have to D) must wear a

B) you E) can wear a
C) you have to F) must to wear a
4-…………………………Fridays? 4- ………………………………

A) There are lesson on D) There are lessons every …………….

B) Are there lessons on E) The lessons they are…………..
C) There is lessons on F) The lessons is every……………….
5-……………………………….. friendly? 5- All our horses ……………………. .

A) Are the horses D) are very friendly

B) The horses is E) they are friendly
C) The horses are F) is friendly
Questions Answers
Open afternoons? 1 - ………………………………..from 10am till 6pm.
1- …………………………in the afternoons?
A) The Castle does it open D) It open every day
B) The Castle is open E) It is open every day
C) Is The Castle open F) It is opens every day
Price students? 2 -The price ………………………….. £3 .
2- ……………………………..students?
A) What is the price for D) student is
B) What price are E) of students is
C) What price for F) for students is
Car park? 3- …………………………. parking.
3- …………………… park?
A) Is a car park D) Yes, there is free
B) Is there a car E) Yes is free
C) There is a car F) Yes, car is free
Buy souvenirs? 4- ………………………………….. the Castle shop.
4-…………………… souvenirs?
A) You can buy D) You must to buy souvenirs in
B) Where you can buy E) You can buy souvenirs in
C) Where can you buy F) You buy always souvenirs in
Telephone number? 5 - ……………………………………721439 .
5- ………………………….. number?
A) What is there telephone D) Their telephone number
B) What is their telephone E) There telephone number is
C) What telephone F) Their telephone number is
Questions Answers
Name? 1 - …………………………………music shop.
1- ……………………….the shop?
A) What the name of D) The name it is Freddy's
B) The name of E) The shop name is Freddy's
C) What is the name of F) The name of the shop is Freddy's
CDs £? 2 -………………………………….. £5.
2- ………………….. CDs?
A) How much the D) The CDs are all
B) How much are the E) The CDs they are
C) What price the F) They are cost
Address? 3-………………………………. street.
3-………………………………….. address?
A) What is their D) The address it is 16 Dover
B) What is there E) Their address it is 16 Dover
C) What it is their F) Their address is 16 Dover
Open? 4-……………………………….. 9am - 9pm.
4 -…………………………. open?
A) When are they D) They open Monday to Saturday
B) When they are E) They are open Monday to Saturday
C) When is F) It is open Monday to Saturday
Sell magazines? 5 -…………………………. magazines.
5-……………………….. magazines?
A) They sell D) Yes, they sell books and
B) They do sell E) Yes, they are selling
C) Do they sell F) Yes, they sell the
Questions Answers
Name? 1-……………………………… animal hospital.
1-……………………………… the hospital?
A) What is the name of D) Its name is Mary's
B) What name is E) The name Mary's
C) What the name of F) The name its Mary's

Birds? 2- ………………………………….
2- ……………………………. birds?
A) Do it treat D) It treats all animals.
B) Does it treat E) Every animal they are treated.
C) Does it make OK the F) All animal is treated.
Parking? 3-…………………………………. of the clinic.
3- …………………………………… parking?
A) There is D) There is parking at the rear
B) Their is E) The parking it is at the rear
C) Do they have F) It is there at the rear
Address? 4- ………………………………………. street.
4-…………………………… address?
A) Where is the hospital's D) The address 72 High
B) What the hospital's E) Its address is 72 High
C) What is the hospital's F) They are address 72 High
Open Sundays? 5-……………………………. week.
5-………………………………….. Sundays?
A) They are open D) Yes, they open seven days a
B) They open on E) Yes, it opens all
C) Are they open on F) Yes, is open all

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