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Daniel Lamar

April 23rd, 2020

Ethics and Engineering

An ethical code allows engineers, businessmen, accountants, doctors, and nearly every other
professional, to work in a manner that will most benefit the world around them. By establishing a code,
each professional environment can thrive as it strives to improve upon the current state of humanity.
Without an ethical code, there is no punishment for those in the world who disregard the safety, health,
and prosperity of others, and there is no justice for the victims of such ignorance. Ethics give
professions a necessary set of rules to follow as business progresses.

For engineers, the IEEE establishes the ethical code in ten statements. Each statement is used to
address particular cases in which unethical engineering practices can hinders the well-being of not only
those in the surrounding world, but also those in the workplace. They demand honesty, integrity, and
leadership. All of which are capable of practicing regardless of intelligence, position in a company, or
engineering experience. As a student these ethics still apply. Most of the ethical situations that I face as
a student involve avoiding academic dishonesty. Since engineering is an especially technical and
challenging field, there are several resources available for those students who want to simply get a
good grade rather than practice proper academic conduct and work hard to learn their field. I too feel
this temptation, yet I strongly desire to maintain integrity in all areas of my life. I continue to work
through school honestly because I never want to compromise my integrity for laziness. As a student,
this is my responsibility. If I fail in my current responsibility, it mostly effects myself. However, in the
professional world, a lack of responsibility will also affect those I work with making it especially
important to make responsibility a habit as a student. Doing so will set myself, and my future company
up for success, while promoting an ethical workplace.

Ethics play a critical role in the professional world as they promote honesty, integrity, and
responsibility for all professionals. As engineers it is crucial to remain true to the ethical code written
for our field, and to ensure those around us do the same. If all engineers follow IEEE ethical code, the
world will maximize the benefits produced by honest, innovative technology developed by the
engineering industry.

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