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15. Explain the components of CRM.

Ans) Contact and Account Management

CRM software helps sales, marketing, and service professionals capture and track relevant
data about every past and planned contact with customers, as well as other
business and life cycle events of customers. Information is captured from all customer
touchpoints, such as telephone, fax, e-mail, etc..

A CRM system provides sales reps with the software tools and company data sources
they need to support and manage their sales activities.
Examples include sales prospect and product information, product configuration, and
sales quote generation capabilities. CRM also gives them real time access to single common view
of the customer, enabling them to check on all aspects of a customer’s account status and history
before scheduling their sales calls

Marketing and Fulfillment

CRM systems help marketing professionals accomplish direct marketing campaigns by
automating such tasks for targeted marketing, and scheduling and tracking
direct marketing mailings. Then the CRM software helps marketing professionals capture and
manages prospect and customer response data in the CRM database, and analyze the customer
and business value of a company’s direct marketing campaigns.

Customer Service and Support

A CRM system provides service reps with software tools and real-time access to the
common customer database shared by sales and marketing professionals. CRM helps customer
service managers create, assign, and manage requests for service by customers. Call center
software routes calls to customer support agents based on their skills and authority to handle
specific kinds of service requests.

Retention and Loyalty Programs

It costs six times more to sell to a new customer than to sell to an existing one.
A company can boost its profits increasing its annual customer retention.
Seventy percent of complaining customers will do business with the company again
if it quickly takes care of a service. CRM systems try to help a company identify, reward, and
market to their most loyal and profitable customers and direct and evaluate a company’s targeted
marketing and relationship marketing programs toward them.

. 16. Discuss in detail about the Facilities Management companies

.Ans) A facilities management company manages facilities such as manufacturing and
industrial buildings, office buildings, retail centres and parks, sporting facilities, hospitals,
hotels, arenas and many more. All these facilities can either be private or publicly run

The Different Types of Facilities Management are-

 Cleaning.
 Hardware Inspection & Maintenance.
 EHS: Environment, Health, and Safety.
 Space Management and Migration.
 Transportation.
 Security Services.
 Fire Safety.
 Operational

Roles of a Facilities Management Company

 The facilities management company supports the education of a workforce

regarding the procedures from how to act in the event of an emergency to
the management.

 It ensures facility compliance with relevant regulations

 The company tracks and responds to environmental, security, health and

safety issues.

 A facilities management company anticipates the future facility needs.

Particularly in areas such as energy efficiency.

 It is the responsibility of the facilities management company to ensure that

the business receives the most it can for its facilities related expenditures.
 It is their responsibility to monitor an organisation efficiency.

Outsourcing to a facilities management company has several benefits that ensure a

company achieves its long-term goals, they include:
 Cost saving
 Enhanced flexibility
 More time to focus on key business process
 Improved service quality
 Consistency in service

17. Case Study.
Ans) It may be productive if the company uses an Executive Support System which is designed to
help senior management make strategic decisions. It gathers, analyses and summarizes the key
internal and external information used in the business to help with their planning. An ESS is
designed to cater to the information needs of a chief executive keeping in
view not only his requirements but also taking into account his personality and style of
functioning, etc.
Another one is a management information system that is mainly concerned with internal sources
of information. MIS usually take data from the transaction processing systems and summarise it
into a series of management reports

b) I will just contemplate with the system because it can organize integration of hardware and
software technologies and human elements designed to produce timely, integrated, accurate and
useful information for decision making purposes so in my own opinion it may be enough for the
company. It will lessen the time of executives . instead they will focus in planning and control
and strategic thinking which is needed in a very competitive environment.

c) Involvement of Chief information officer is a better idea because its for the development of the
CBIS of the company thus it‘ll become more useful and accurate when CIO understands the
current status of various unit and controls the units overall performance. CIO will be responsible
for setting the broad strategy for units and managing the relationship with the business.

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