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 Description: Training Domain

 Enabled: Check this box

b. Click Add.
4. In the Datastore accordion, navigate to ManageIQ → Infrastructure → VM → Provisioning →
StateMachines → ProvisionRequestApproval and select Default.
5. On the top bar, select Configuration → Copy this Instance and do the following:
a. In the Copy Automate Instance screen, make sure Copy to same path is checked.
b. Click Copy.
6. In the Datastore accordion, navigate to TrainingDomain → Infrastructure → VM → Provisioning →
StateMachines → ProvisionRequestApproval and select Default.
7. On the top bar, select Configuration → Edit this Instance and do the following:
a. Set max_memory to 1024 .
b. Click Save.

7.2. Test Approval

1. From Compute → Infrastructure → Virtual Machines, click , then click .
2. Select the dsl template from the list and click Continue.
3. Make sure the Request tab is selected and set the following:
a. Set E-Mail to .
b. Enter your First and Last names.
4. Select Catalog to edit the customization template you selected.
a. Set the Provision Type to Native Clone.
b. Under Naming, set VM Name to training-dsl .
5. Select the Environment tab and do the following:
a. Ensure that Choose Automatically is checked.
6. Select the Hardware tab and set Memory (MB) to 2048 .
7. Click Submit.

8. On the resulting screen, click (Reload) in the CloudForms UI, not the browser’s refresh,
until Last Message reads "Request was not auto-approved for the following reasons: (Requested
Memory 2048MB limit is 1024MB)."

7.3. Approve Provisioning Request

1. Go to Services → Requests.
2. For Approval State, uncheck Approved and Denied.

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