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Name : Syena Tania Valentina

Class : 3i
NIM : 191030100300

Surgical Wards = Ruang Perawatan Bedah

Medical Ward = Ruang Perawatan Umum

Orthopaedic Ward = Ruang perawatan untuk penderita jantung

Genecological Ward = Ruang perawatan bagi wanita setelah bersalin atau operasi

Paediatric Ward = Ruang Penyakit anak

E.N.T ward = Ruang/Klinik penyakit telinga, hidung, tenggorokan

Long-Stay Ward = Ruangan Bangsal

X-Ray Department = Ruang Radiologi

Operating Theatre = Ruang Bersalin

Casualty and Emergency (or Unit) (or Accident Emergency Department) = Unit Gawat Darurat

Central Sterile Supply Department = Departemen Pasokan Steril Pusat

Dispensary = Apotek

Laboratory = Laboratorium

Out-Patient Clinic = Klinik Rawat Jalan

Maternity Unit = Unit Bersalin

Occupational Therapy Department = Departemen Terapi Okupasi (Layanan kesehatan pasien gangguan

Antenatal Clinic = Antenatal Klinik (pemeriksaan sepanjang kehamilan)

Post-Natal = Nifas

Psychiatric Unit = Unit Psikiatri

Admission Department = Departemen Penerimaan/Masuk

Infectious Disease Unit = Unit Penyakit Menular

Anaesthetic Room = Ruang Anastesi (bius)


radiologist radiology radiological
psychologist psychology psychological
dermatologist dermatology dermatological
genaecologist genaecology genaecological
pathologist pathology pathological
venerologist venerology venerological
histologist histology histological
cytologist histology histological
haematologist haemotology haematological
bacteriologist bacterilogy bacteriological
obstetrician obstetrics obstetric
pediatrician pediatrics pediatric
geriatrician geriatrics geriatric
psychiatrist psychiatry psychiatric
anaesthetist anaesthetics anaesthetic
surgeon surgery surgical
physician medicine medical
orthopaedic surgeon orthopedics orthopedic


Someone who studies and practices dermatology is a dermatologist

Someone who studies and practices radiology is radiologist

Someone who studies and practices color colour

1. Geneacology is a science that studies genealogy or divinity

2. Bacteriology is a

3. Histology is a

4. Venereology is a

5. Psychology is a

6. Pathology is a


1. A dermatologist ? in a ……………………………………………………………………………ward

. A radiologist? In a …………………………………………………………………….department

3. An obstetrician? In an ………………………………………………………………………..…..unit

4. A physician? In a ………………………………………………………………………………….ward

5. A surgeon? In a ……………………………………………………………………………….theatre

6. A paeditrician in a …………………………………………………………………………….…..ward


1. ………………………………………………………………………………….is an orthopaedic ward

2. Blood is a …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. The body’s cell is a ………………………………………………………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………………………………………….is a geneacologist

5. Anaesthetic is an ………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… a surgeon


Write the number of each description next to the correct word
Sheet ( ) 1. This covers the bed to keep off the dust
Matress( )
2. To rest their head on
Crutch ( )
3. A patient confined to bed will have to use this to urinate and
Trolley ( )
Vase ( )
4. Patients use this when they need to call a nurse
Curtain ( )
5. For identification, this is worn by patients around their wrist
Drip stand ( )
Bedpan ( ) 6. A narrow bed for transporting patients

Tray ( ) 7. Wash your hand here

Bedspread ( ) 8. A mechanical device for lifting and moving patients
Observation chart ( ) 9. Drawn around a patient’s bed to provide some privacy
Oxygen point ( )
10. Two of these on the bed are straightened regularly and washed
Urine bottle ( 3 )
Hoist ( )
11. Meals are brought to the bed on this.
Wheelchair ( )
Pillow ( ) 12. These keep the patient warm.
Cal button ( ) 13. Male patients confined to use this to urinate.
Blanket ( )
14. Suspended above the bed, this can be used by patients to pull
Basin ( )
herself up.
Name band ( )
15. Patients lie on this, it’s sometimes hard, sometimes soft.
Monkey pole ( )
16. Intravenous fluid bag are suspended on this
17. Patients who can sit up comfortably can be transported or one
of these.

18. A patient with a broken leg will need two of these to get

19. For flower.

20. A mask and tube from this will supply oxygen to patient.
21. The patient’s condition is recorded here.

Lembar ()

Matress ()

Kruk ()

Kereta dorong ( )

Vas ()

Tirai ()

Drip berdiri ()

Bedpan ()

Baki ()
Seprai ()

Bagan observasi ()

Titik oksigen ()

Botol urin ()

Kerekan ()

Kursi roda ( )

1. Ini menutupi tempat tidur untuk mencegah debu

2. Untuk mengistirahatkan kepala mereka

3. Seorang pasien yang terbaring di tempat tidur harus menggunakan ini untuk buang air kecil dan besar.

4. Pasien menggunakan ini saat mereka perlu memanggil perawat

5. Untuk identifikasi, ini dikenakan oleh pasien di sekitar pergelangan tangan mereka

6. Tempat tidur sempit untuk mengangkut pasien

7. Cuci tangan Anda di sini

8. Alat mekanis untuk mengangkat dan memindahkan pasien

9. Ditarik di sekitar tempat tidur pasien untuk memberikan privasi

10. Dua di antaranya di tempat tidur diluruskan secara teratur dan dicuci setiap hari

11. Makanan dibawa ke tempat tidur dengan ini.

Bantal ()

Tombol Cal ()

Selimut ()

Cekungan ()

Pita nama ()

Tiang monyet ()

12. Ini membuat pasien tetap hangat.

13. Pasien pria dibatasi menggunakan ini untuk buang air kecil.

14. Ditangguhkan di atas tempat tidur, ini dapat digunakan oleh pasien untuk menarik dirinya sendiri.

15. Pasien berbohong pada hal ini, terkadang keras, terkadang lembut.

16. Kantung cairan intravena tergantung di atasnya

17. Pasien yang dapat duduk dengan nyaman dapat diangkut atau salah satunya.
18. Seorang pasien dengan patah kaki membutuhkan dua alat ini untuk berkeliling.

19. Untuk bunga.

20. Masker dan selang dari ini akan memasok oksigen ke pasien.

21. Kondisi pasien dicatat di sini.

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