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contrivance – a clever; scheme Peregrination is 1. a course of travel; journey. 2.

stray – to wander away, especially from from one place to another, especially on foot. 3. a long and
the right or proper path or place wandering journey, especially in foreign countries.
eventuality – a possible event or result, Ramble is 1. a long walk in the countryside. 2. an aimless
especially an unpleasant one walk for pleasure.
outset, - at/from the beginning (of) Excursion is 1. a short journey, usually for pleasure or
haven – place of safely or rest enjoyment (=trip). 2. a trip or visit to an interesting place,
especially one that is arranged or recommended by a
praiseworthy — deserving praise holiday company or tourist organization (=outing).
lamentable — very unsatisfactory
tire — to become tired
unfailing, adj. —always present;
never lost; continuous
frigid— cold in manner; unfriendly
venture— fml to risk going somewhere
or doing something (dangerous

high, late, long, low, near, deep, early, fast,

hard hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly

dismiss— to put away from the mind

glance— quick look
despise — to feel contempt for; consider worthless
pile — number of things lying one on another
fiction— stories, novels and romances
light —primarily for amusement, not for
serious entertainment of study
string,— the first/ the alternative person
or thing relied on for achieving one’s purpose
rotten— (slang) very upleasant or undesirable

to dismiss someone from one’s mind — to stop thinking

to guess at a glance — to form an opinion at once
to be deceived in — to be misled (by)
to be bound to (do something) — to be destined to; to
be certain to…
to break into a laugh — to begin laughing suddenly
to have an intention of — to have in mind as a purpose or
to keep/ lose track of — to follow/ fail to follow the
course or development of
at any rate = in any case

The general activity of moving from place to place is

travel. It means making a journey, especially a long one in
foreign countries, in search of pleasure, adventure, etc.
Journey is travel from one place to another, usually taking
a rather long time.
Trip is a course of travel, either for business or pleasure.
Tour is 1. a long journey including the visiting of a number
of places in sequence. 2. a journey for fulfilling
engagements, as by musicians, politicians or theatre
Voyage is 1. a journey by ship, especially for a long
distance. 2. a long journey through air or space.
Globetrotting is travel widely over the world, usually for
Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit Some books are to be tasted; others to be
of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other swallowed; and some few to be chewed and
activities digested
I love this quote because it says so much about Books to be tasted are books meant to be read for
achieving satisfaction. We find satisfaction not when fun,and delight, because when we read them we do
we try to force it, but when we, simply, live. This is not seek knowledge for example, reading a science
not to say that we can’t make decisions that will help fiction comic book. However, he draws our attention
guide us to a happy and satisfied place. Learning to to certain books which hold knowledge that cannot
be less consumerist is certainly one of those be contended with for example the laws of gravity
decisions. We’ve all seen by now how we’ve been and magnetism, in these kinds of books your belief is
led into a world where happiness is not defined by not important you just have to accept them the way
your activities as much as it is by your possessions. they are. Also, books that should be chewed and
When i wake up each day, i don’t think about digested are books that contain philosophical ideas
“What do I need to do today to be happy.” The that should be fully understood, imbibed and
chances that the answer you’ll come up with will practised. We could rephrase his line like this “ some
really lead you to happiness are pretty slim. Think books are read for pleasure, others for knowledge,
about “What do I need to do today to lead an active, others for an impartation” I replaced swallowed with
fulfilling life.” When you do that, you’ll find yourself knowledge because, books to be swallowed are just
doing things that, at the end of the day, leave you meant to ensure we are not ignorant of certain
satisfied. things that are. I replaced chewed and digested with
Be responsible. It often happens when we’ve impartation to indicate that when we read such
stopped looking and instead started to focus on just books we seek for it to influence our lives, and
being the best person that we can be. ideals.
He through the same line has indicated to us that we
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. should spend more time reading books that impart
Books accompany us as long as life endures: when our lives “chewing and digesting takes time.”
we are small babies our parents read us fairy tales,
when we become elder we swallow exciting books
page after page and finally when we mature we still
read suspense books which entirely absorb our
Books are a veritable treasure: you can never be
lonely in the company of a good book. Actually
reading is such an amazing habit: the deeper you
delve into it, the more you are drawn to it. Reading
is a nice means to relax and de-stress after a hard
day. However, books not only entertain us and
provide valuable knowledge, but they also sharpen
our intellect, encourage imagination and enhance
It is really true that reading is to the mind what
exercise is to the body. It makes the brain think,
enriches imagination and at the same time it
provides pleasure and helps people to relax. Neither
TV, nor Internet can replace good books. That’s why
those who want to be smart and intelligent should
spend on reading at least 30 minutes daily.

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