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Siegel's Theorem in the Compact Case

Author(s): Paul Vojta

Source: Annals of Mathematics , May, 1991, Second Series, Vol. 133, No. 3 (May, 1991),
pp. 509-548
Published by: Mathematics Department, Princeton University

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Annals of Mathematics, 133 (1991), 509-548

Siegel's theorem in the compact case


This paper gives a proof of Mordell's conjecture (as proved by Faltings

[F1]), motivated by the proof [V3] in the function field case. This in turn
is motivated by the proof [D] of the Thue-Siegel-Dyson-Gel'fond theorem (see
also [G1], [G2]), which we recall as follows.

THEOREM 0.1 (Dyson, Gel'fond). Given e > 0 and an algebraic number a

of degree m over Q, there are onlyfinitely many rational numbers p/q (p, q E Z,
q > 0) such that

p 1
-a < <s +

Of course, the best possible estimate of this form is due to Roth: the
right-hand side can be sharpened to 1/q2 + . But the weaker estimate above
suffices to prove Siegel's theorem for finiteness of integral points on certain
affine curves. We show in this paper how similar methods imply finiteness of
rational points on certain projective curves, namely those of genus g > 1. Thus,
this paper provides another proof of the following theorem:

THEOREM 0.2 (Faltings, 1983). Let C be a curve of genus g > 1 defined

over a number field k. Then C(k ) is finite.

As is the case with Faltings' proof, this proof does not provide an effectively
computable upper bound for the heights of rational points, only for the number
of rational points. Also, this proof does not contain Dyson's theorem. Subsequent
work will address the possibility of incorporating the non-compact case into this
We introduce the following notation.

0.3. Throughout this paper, let R be the ring of integers of a number field,
and let B be the arithmetic curve corresponding to Spec R (defined in (0.5),
below). Let K(B) denote the field of rational functions on B. Let w: X -> B be

* Supported by the Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science.

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regular semi-stable family of curves over B with smooth generic fibre C of genus
g. Again, X will be regarded as an arithmetic variety. We also assume that all
nodes occurring on the (non-archimedean) geometric fibres of X are rational over
the residue field, and that at each node, the tangents for both branches of the
fibre (in the completed local ring) are also rational over the residue field.

The semi-stability and rationality assumptions will hold after a finite base
change. Since a base change does not weaken the conclusion of Theorem 0.2, no
generality is lost.
Our proof of Theorem 0.2 starts with the assumption that there are
infinitely many rational points on C and eventually derives a contradiction. The
proof uses the notion of the index of a section of an invertible sheaf: the
contradiction follows from incompatible upper and lower bounds for the index.

Definition 0.4. Let ( be a point on C X C, and let P1, P2 be the projection

morphisms from C X C to each factor. For i = 1, 2, let xi be a local coordinate
on C near pi(f) with xi(pi(5)) = 0. By abuse of notation, think of xl x2 as local
coordinates on C X C at t. Let s be a section of an invertible sheaf -t defined
in a neighborhood of 6 by a formal power series

P(x1, X2) = E a'1i2X1X2

il. i2?O

Let d1, d2 be positive integers. Then the index of s at ( rel

largest real number t = t(s, a) = t(s, a, d1, d2) such that

ai 12 =0
for all pairs (il. i2) of natural numbers satisfying,

i Ii ~2
- +-< t.
d1 d2

If Y is an effective divisor on C X C, then let its index be d

global section s of -/:= 6(Y) for which Y = (s).
This definition is independent of the choice of local parameters.
The proof breaks down into the same five steps as were used in the function
field case.

(1) For certain values of a parameter r, find a divisor Yr on C X C, and

show that it is ample if r is sufficiently large.
(2) Show that there exists a thickening of Yr to a divisor on X XB X such
that, for sufficiently high d, the divisor dYr is linearly equivalent to an effective
divisor Z satisfying certain conditions at the infinite places, and such that the
thickening occurs in a "bounded" manner, to be described later.

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(3) Choose rational points P1, P2 on C. These are chosen such that (a) the
height h(PF) is sufficiently large, (b) the ratio h(P2)/h(P1) is sufficiently large,
and (c) a certain sphere-packing condition holds.
(4) Prove a lower bound for the index of the divisor Z of step 2, at the
point f = (P1, P2), where r is close to h(P2)/h(P1).
(5) This lower bound contradicts the upper bound (Dyson's lemma) proved
in [V2].

Note that steps 1 and 5 take place on the generic fibre, and that the
intermediate steps are where the arithmetic takes place.
The above steps will be described in Sections 1-5, respectively. Sections 6
and 7 describe complementary results regarding bounds on the number of
rational points, and regarding algebraic points of bounded degree, respectively.

I would like to thank the referee for suggesting a simplified method in

step 4.

0.5 Notation. Throughout this paper we will be dealing with arithmetic

objects, that is to say, objects defined in the context of algebraic geometry over
Spec Z (called the finite part), together with certain analytic data on the generic
fibre (called the archimedean part). Each object will be denoted with a simple
symbol, and the corresponding finite part will be written with a subscript "fin."
The notation for the archimedean part will vary. Note than an object and its
finite part will be regarded as distinct objects. In some cases, however, we will
place a "hat" on the notation to emphasize the fact that the object is an
arithmetic object, because the definition is not what one might expect.

Definition 0.5.1. An arithmetic variety " consists of (a) a reduced scheme

Xfin which is projective and flat over Spec Z and whose generic fibre is smooth;
and (b) a Kihler metric on the manifold t9 = hfin XSpec Z Spec C, compatible
with the action of complex conjugation. A morphism f of arithmetic varieties is a
morphism ffin of the underlying finite parts.
This is not the most general definition, but it suffices for the task at hand.
We also have the obvious definitions of arithmetic curve, arithmetic surface,
arithmetic three-fold, etc. In the case of arithmetic curves, we can speak of the
arithmetic curve B corresponding to Spec R, since a manifold of dimension zero
has a unique KUhler metric.

Definition 0.5.2. An arithmetic variety X over an arithmetic curve B is a

morphism wr: XY> B.

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For o-: K(B) - C, let 2-J = 0

as (non-archimedean) fibres of rn. More generally, one should regard an arith-
metic scheme as a scheme with an additional fibre over the archimedean
absolute value of Q. Therefore we inherit the notions of local rings and
(non-archimedean and generic) fibres from fin
We now define arithmetic divisors. This is basically the codimension-one
case of the arithmetic cycles of [G-S1]. Arithmetic divisors and metrized invert-
ible sheaves play a role in arithmetic varieties analogous to the role of divisors
and invertible sheaves over finite schemes.

Definition 0.5.3. Let 9 be an arithmetic variety.

(a). An arithmetic divisor D on - consists of a divisor Dfin on 'iK
together with a smooth function gD: GOi \ ID. I R, such that if D. :=
is locally defined by a function f on U c O then there exists a smooth
function a on U such that

( gD = -logifI2 + ?a on U\ IDOI.

(Here I I denotes the support of a divisor.) Such a functio

called a Green's form for Dfin. (Since D has a codimension 1, g
and therefore a function; more generally, if Z is a cycle of higher codimension,
then gz will be a higher degree form. See [G-S1] for details.)
(b). Let Z'1G) denote the group of arithmetic divisors on A'. The group
law will be defined in the obvious manner:

(D + E)fin = Dfin + Efin and gD+E = gD + g9E

(c). If j: A S? is a morphism of arithmetic varieties, and if D E VW

is an arithmetic divisor on W3 whose support does not contain any component of
the image of A, then the pull-back j*D E Z1'(C ) is defined using pull-back
of divisors and compositions of functions.
(d). An arithmetic Q-divisor is an element Of (1Y)Q Z'QY) ?z Q.
Strictly speaking, the hat on Z' is unnecessary: since 9 is an arithmetic
variety, Z'(2) is distinct from the usual group Z'QGiKfij) of cycles on 'fK
However, we keep the hat as a reminder. The same comments will apply to the
notation for the Chow groups.

Definition 0.5.4. An invertible sheaf z/? on 2 is an invertible sheaf finn

on fin provided with a metric on WO I= -fin IOON compatible with the action
of complex conjugation. We will also refer to -/ as a metrized invertible sheaf.
A section s of -/ is a section Sfin of -fin, together with the metric Ils II on 2OO.
If ; is an arithmetic scheme over B and 0-: K(B) -+ C, then we let
?4 = 4CX*l(J and D, = D. I Ad-

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If s is a section of -/ which is not identically zero, then we let (s) denote

the arithmetic divisor D for which Dfin = (sfin) and gD = -log Is112. Con-
versely, given an arithmetic divisor D, it is possible to attach a metric to &( Dfi
in such a way that the canonical section Sfin E (Dfin) has metric equal to g
and thus extends to a section s of -/ for which D = (s). Thus we have
a natural isomorphism between the group of metrized invertible sheaves on
; and the group of arithmetic divisors on A, modulo an obvious notion of
linear equivalence.
More generally, Gillet and Soule have defined the groups ZP() of
arithmetic cycles of codimension p on A, as well as the arithmetic Chow groups
CHPP(G). The latter group is defined as ZP( ) modulo rational equivalence.
Motivated by work of Deligne, they have defined a bilinear intersection pairing
giving a graded ring structure on

U~~_ P

CH(X)Q $= ( CH (I9) ?z Q.

If g is purely of dimension n, then there is a degree morphism


deg: CH ) - R.

Thus, we have a multilinear intersection product

( A(,_)) On R

defined actually on linear equivalence classes.

If now g is an arithmetic surface over B, then its Kihler form gives a
measure /Ut, on J for all o: K(B) - C. If this measure satisfies ,U(9;2X) = 1
for each o, then there exists a unique Green's function go for each o-, and
; becomes an arithmetic surface over B in the sense of Arakelov theory (in the
strict sense of the term, using admissible metrics, etc.). Likewise, the sets of
Arakelov divisors and admissibly metrized invertible sheaves are subsets of the
sets of arithmetic divisors and metrized invertible sheaves on A, respectively,
and the definitions of (s) and &(D) (above) correspond with those of Arakelov
theory. Moreover, from [G-S1, (2.1.3)] it follows that the intersection numbers
agree in both cases.
We now specialize the situation and define the objects to be used through-
out the paper.

For each complex embedding 0a: K(B) - C let AYt, be the (Arakelov)
canonical volume form on CQ':= C X, C for which the adjunction formula holds
(see [L2, Ch. II, ?2]). Let w0X/B denote the relative dualizing sheaf, in the sense
of Arakelov theory. Points P on C rational over K(B) correspond to sections

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sp: B -- X of wr: X -* B; th
Ep on X. Let the height of

(Ep (OXI/B)/(2 g -
We note that the singula
points lying over double points of the fibres on each factor. Thus (by the
rationality assumptions of (0.3)), they are of the form x1y1 = x2y2, where xi an
yi locally define branches of the fibre at the origin. These singularities can
removed by introducing new variables tl = x1/x2 (= Y2/Y1) and t2 = x2/x
This replaces the singular point with a projective line; in particular, the
desingularization has fibre dimension one. If the double points are the same on
each factor (i.e., if the singular point lies on the diagonal), then we also require
that x1 = x2 and Yi = Y2 (as functions on Xfin); hence the strict transform of th
diagonal is a smooth section of the projection onto each factor. (More generally,
one obtains a different desingularization by interchanging xl and yl; these tw
desingularizations are "flops" of each other, in the sense of Mori.)

Let q: W -) B be the arithmetic three-fold over B defined by letting Wfin be

the desingularization of Xfin XSpec R Xfin described in the above paragraph, and
by letting the Kihler form on WO,, be the form obtained by adding the pull-backs
of the Kihler forms on each factor. For i = 1,2 let pi: W -> X denote the
projection morphisms. Let pi also denote the restrictions to the generic fibres:
pi: C X C -- C. We will sometimes place indices 1 or 2 on C, X, or 7r: X -* B
in order to make it clear which "copy" is being used. Constants ci occurring in
the proof will depend only on X (and therefore also on B).

0.6. We conclude this introduction with a brief historical note. The main
method of this paper dates back to 1909, when Thue [Th] proved a result similar
to Theorem 0.1, with the exponent 2m + e replaced by m/2 + 1 + e. This
was proved using the index as above, with the general outline roughly similar to
steps 1-5 above. Instead of sections of line bundles, however, his proof used
polynomials in two variables of bidegree (1, r) for sufficiently large r E Z. He
used this estimate to prove finiteness of pairs (x, y) E Z2 satisfying the Thue

f(x, y) = a,
where f is an irreducible homogeneous polynomial of degree at least 3. Siegel
[Siel] generalized Thue's method to polynomials of bidegree (s, r), 1 < s < m,
sharpening the exponent to
min + s + e.
1<s<m S + 1

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Later [Sie2], he used this to show that an affine curve of genus g ? 1, or an

affine curve of genus zero with at least three asymptotes, has only finitely many
integral points. Also in [Siel], he obtained a result for algebraic points of
bounded degree which can be regarded as a non-compact analogue of Theorem
7.1, below.
Later Dyson [D] and A. 0. Gel'fond [Gl], [G2] (independently) sharpened
Siegel's bound to V2H + e. The end results are the same, but the proofs differ
somewhat in the upper bound for the index. Dyson's proof, as well as the proofs
of Thue and Siegel, used a bound for the index which holds for polynomials with
arbitrary (complex) coefficients, whereas Gel'fond's proof used information on
the heights of the coefficients instead of other properties from the construction
of the polynomial. Thus we speak of the (Thue-Siegel-)Dyson-Gel'fond theorem,
but only the (Thue-Siegel-)Dyson lemma.
Soon after that Roth [R] improved the exponent to 2 + e, by extending the
method to polynomials in many variables, using an upper bound on the index
similar to Gel'fond's.
Finally, after renewed interest in Dyson's approach motivated by work of
Bombieri and Viola, Esnault and Viehweg [E-V] found a more geometrical
bound for the index, obtaining a proof of Roth's theorem by methods closer to
those of Dyson. The methods of this paper follow this branch of ideas, motivated
primarily by Viola's proof of Dyson's lemma [Vi], and by work of Gillet and
Soule, especially [G-S4].
Of course, there is also a rich history of ideas associated with the Mordell
conjecture itself-work of Manin, Grauert, Parshin, and Arakelov in the function
field case, leading to Faltings' proof in the number field case. For a more
complete description of this aspect of the history, see [F2]. Likewise, Siegel's
theorem has been proved effectively for curves of genus 0 and 1; attempts to
extend effectivity to the compact case are still taking place.

1. Constructing the divisor Y

Since everything in this section takes place on the generic fibre of

wro P1 = wr o P2' it is identical to step 1 in the function field case. Instead
repeating the whole section vertabim, however, we will only repeat the defini-
tions and refer to [V3] for the proof of the main result.
For notational convenience, we will often work over Div(C X C) 0 Q.
Such a divisor will be called ample if some positive integral multiple of it is an
ample divisor in the usual sense.
Let y, 8 be positive numbers such that 8 is rational and

(1.1) Vg+8 +y+8<g.

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For simplicity we will also take 8 < 1. Let r > 1 be any rational number such

that V(g + 8)r is also rational. Let Kc denote a canonical divisor on C. Th

on C X C we have at least three divisors which are linearly independent in

Num(C x C) 0 Q. For i = 1,2 let Fj = pi*(Kc)/(2g - 2); also let A d

the diagonal. Then let
A' = A - F1 - F2,

so that (Al. F1) = (At. F2) =O. Also, F2 = F2 = O. A,2 = 2g, and (F1.F2) = 1.
Then let

(1.2) Yr = A + aiFj + a2F2 E Div(C X C) ? Q,


(1.3) a= al(r)= (g+)r and a2= (g + )/r


( 1 .4) yr = 28 > 0.

(1.5.1) r (g+ ,(g-1)

then Yr is ample.

Proof. See [V3, 1.5]. El

2. Finding an effective thickening

We return to the arithmetic variety q: W -> B defined in (0.5).

2.1. We start by thickening the divisors A, F1, and F2 of Section 1 to

obtain arithmetic divisors on W. Up to linear equivalence, this can be done in a
canonical manner, as follows.
Fix a complex embedding o: K(B) - C. Let g0. and GC, be the Green's
functions corresponding to the volume form /Uty on CJ (0.5). These functions will
be normalized as in [L2]; in particular, if f is a meromorphic function on C,.
with a simple zero at P, then there exists a positive smooth function a
(depending on P and f ) such that

(2.1.1) G0.(P, Q) = a(Q)If(Q)l2

for Q in a neighborhood of P. Also, let

(2.1.2) g0.(P, Q) = -log G..(P, Q).

For i = 1, 2, let Fj be an arithmetic Q-divisor on W suc
corresponds to the metrized invertible sheaf P>l)Xw/B Then Fi
the Q-divisor of the same name from Section 1.

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To thicken A, we first note that A can be thickened to W

closure in the Zariski topology. For its Green's form g\, we use the Green's
function g on C X C; it satisfies ( by definition of a Green's function.
These thickenings lead to thickenings of A' and Yr as well. Also, let V be
the arithmetic divisor on W for which Vfi, is the divisor zero, and gv is the
constant function 1.
The goal of this section is to prove the following theorem.

THEOREM 2.2. There exists a constant cl depending only on X, such thatfor

all r as in (1.5.1), all rational b > crx4/8, and all integers d sufficiently divisible
(depending on b and r), the divisor d(A' + aF1 + a2F2 + bV) is linearly
equivalent to an effective arithmetic divisor Z on W such that for all co
embeddings of of K(B),

(2.2.1) IIZIL =2, e u ? 1,

where 1iff = p*4y.

Alternately, in the language of metrized invertible sheaves, this theorem

asserts that the sheaf id r, b := 6(d(Yr + bV)) has a global section y (not
identically zero) for which the inequality

(2.2.2) IIYII22, f = | YIyII1, a A2, ?< 1,

holds for all o: K(B) + C.

The proof is motivated by the function field case [V3], and therefore uses
the arithmetic analogue of the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem. This theo-
rem was recently announced by Gillet and Soule [G-S5].

2.3. Describing this theorem requires more notation.

Definition 2.3.1. Let g be an arithmetic variety. Then a locally free sheaf

E on g is a locally free sheaf Efi, on ;fi, provided with a hermitian metric on
Eox compatible with the action of complex conjugation. We will also refer to E as
a hermitian vector bundle.

In [G-S2], Gillet and Soule formulate a theory of characteristic classes for

hermitian vector bundles similar to the "usual" theory of characteristic classes.
In particular, for hermitian vector bundles E on as above, they define a
Chern character ch(E) e CH( 10)Q.

Remark 2.3.2. Note, however, that if

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is an exact sequence of hermitian vector bundles on A, then one does not in

general have ch(E) = ch(S) + ch(Q): one needs an additional term arising from
the theory of Bott and Chern.
As an example of a locally free sheaf, if wT: Ad B is an arithmetic variety
for which wTfin is smooth, then we can define a relative tangent bundle T/B as
the bundle T for which Tfi, is the relative tangent bundle of $2Kfi; over Spec R,
and the hermitian metric on T corresponds to the Kihler metric on A. More
generally, if rrfin is not smooth, but is a projective locally complete intersection
morphism, then ch(T,/B) can be defined as in the beginning of [F-L, Ch. V, ?7],
via Remark 2.3.2. Also, the Todd class Td(T/,B) is defined in [G-S3] (where it is
denoted TdA). Note again that the definition is different from the usual one.

Definition 2.3.3. Let B be an arithmetic curve. Then a coherent sheafL

on B is a coherent sheaf Finn on Bfin, together with a hermitian metric on the
locally free sheaf -4, compatible with the action of complex conjugation.

Definition 2.3.4. Let -/ be a coherent sheaf on B. Then Finn is a finite

generated module over R. Choose elements x1, .I. ., Xm E M which are linearly
independent over R and such that M/ERxi is a torsion module. Then for each
o, the elements x1, ..., Xm determine a basis for the complex vector space F4.
Let the hermitian metric on -z, be given by a matrix H0, with respect to this
basis. It follows fairly easily that the determinant of H.' is a positive real
number. Then define the L2-degree of -/ by the formula

( degL2 -:= log(M: E Rxi)- 2Elogdet H0.

One can see that this number is independent of the choice of x1,..., Xm.

2.4. Let 7r: Ad B be an arithmetic variety of pure relative dimension n,

and let E be a hermitian vector bundle on 9. We would now like to define
Rq7r* E as a coherent sheaf on B. This is done using Hodge theory, as follows.
The hermitian metric on E0., together with the Kihler metric on Adz,
define a (pointwise) hermitian scalar product (, ) on A' q(E0.). Let w0. denote
the Kihler form on (J, and let VPJ = wn/n!. Then the vector space AO, q( E) of
smooth sections of A' q(E0.) has a scalar product given by the formula

(2.4.1) ('q, q') f <(x, 'q'(x))V0.

Relative to this product, the Dolbeault operator 0: AO

an adjoint a*: AO?q(E0) -> AO-'(E0.). It then follows

(2.4.2) A, q(EE) = Im d @ Im d* @ H0(, q E0.).

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If we choose H0 C.4<0, Eff) to be the orthogonal complem

terms, it then follows that the above direct sum respects the scalar product. It
also induces a scalar product, and hence a hermitian metric, on H0 q(";K, E).

Definition 2.4.3. The coherent sheaf Rqcr *E on B is the coherent sheaf for

(Rq7W*E)fil = Rq(7rrfi)*Efil

and which has hermitian metric obtained from H0 q(g,; E,) via the Dolbeault

Thus degL2 Rqwr*E is defined. This degree contains a contribution coming

from the torsion part of (Rqcr*E)fi,. Similarly, at the archimedean places, we
have the "analytic torsion," which is defined as follows.
Consider the component Im a @ Im d* of (2.4.2). The operator

Aq :=ad* + d*D
has eigenvalues 0 < A1 < A2 < ... and an associated "zeta function"

vqor(s) EAi-S

which converges absolutely for Re s > n. (This zeta function also depends on E,
its metric, and the KUhler metric.) It is known [Se] that this extends meromor-
phically to the complex plane and is holomorphic at s = 0. Then, motivated by
the definition of the Ray-Singer "analytic torsion" [R-S], let

r(E,) = E (-1)qq q(O).


The arithmetic Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem is then

THEOREM 2.5 (Gillet-Soule, [G-S5]). Let w: 5 > B be an arithmetic vari-

ety of pure relative dimension n. Let E be a hermitian vector bundle on A;(. Then

E ( _ l~i degL2 Ridw*E + 2 Er(E,) = deg(ch(E) * Td(T-/B))

i=O cr

where on the right-hand side, the degree of the component in CH + (v) is


This was conjectured in [G-S3], proved asymptotically in [G-S4], and

announced as a theorem in [G-S5]. (Actually, the asymptotic result, which treats
the case of tensor products of E with arbitrarily high powers of a metrized
invertible sheaf A, is sufficient for our purposes.)

2.6. We will apply this equality to multiples of M(Y) on W, in order to

obtain an asymptotic lower bound for degL2q*6(Y). First, we note that by

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step 1, 6(Yfi,) is ample on

cohomology [H, III 5.2.6]
i > 0 and d sufficiently large
(for i > 0 and d >> 0) that (Ri
large; hence

(2.6.1) degL2 R0q.*d= deg(R *d)fi, 2 O

Thus we can ignore the R1 term, but to handle the R2 term requires an upper
bound. By (2.6.1) this reduces to a question on finite schemes, and is proved by
a duality argument, as follows.

LEMMA 2.6.2. For i = 1,2, let ri: Xi -> Spec R be the finite part of an
arithmetic surface with generic fibre Ci. Let q: W -> Spec R be a regular
three-fold over Spec R, such that there exists a birational morphism onto
Xi XSpec R X2. Let Y be a divisor on W. for which:
(a). The restriction of Y to the generic fibre C1 X C2 of q is ample;
(b). The desingularization W -> X1 X X2 has fibre dimension at most one;
(c). For all closed points X E X2 and all components Z of the geometric
fibre of P2 at x, M(Y) I Z has nonnegative degree.
Also let 0 be a fixed invertible sheaf on W. Then
deg R2q * (-Y0 @ (dY)) = 0(d2)

as d -> oo.

Remark. For the application to Theorem 2.2, one could instead use [V3,
Lemma 2.3].

Proof Replacing Y with a multiple of itself and making finitely many

choices of 0, we may assume that Y is very ample on the generic fibre of q
and that for all integers d > 0, R2q*(-Y%0 6 &(dY)) is a torsion sheaf on
Spec R. For d > 0 let -4 = Y% 0 6?(dY). We will show that

( deg R 2q~ - deg R 2q*d-1 < 0(d).

Since R2q * d is torsion, it is not affected by tensoring
invertible sheaf coming from Spec R. Therefore we may assume th

Y = L + EDi,

where L is an irreducible divisor on W and Di are components o

of q (not necessarily distinct). The exact sequence of sheaves

0 > -d-1 & e Di ? d' -dIL -O 0

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gives an exact sequence of higher direct images:

*d R2q* 0d E Di)) R2q* 4d-> R2q* 4dlL - 0.

The last term also vanishes because L is a family of curves [H, III 8.1 and 2.10].

deg R2q*-Z < deg R q* E i

Similarly, for all 1 < j <m

deg R 2q* (id ? ? ( Di < deg R 2q* {<d-l?&& Di

+ deg R2q* (Yd- 1 D( E iD) Djj)

The second term on the right is equal to

= ho Dj, ( v?o & KD - E - (d - I)Y)) Dj.

To prove (, it will suffice to show that this grows at most linearly in d.
By more exact-sequence-in-cohomology arguments, it is possible to show

ho(Dj, (-Zov i(KD- Di -(d - I)Y)) Dj

= ho(Dj, (1(- d)Y)IDj) + 0(d).

Now, if the first term on the right is not 0(d), then <(-Y)IDj mu
equivalent to an ample divisor plus an effective divisor [VI, 1.2.7]. But we kn
from (b) that Dj is birational to the product E1 X E2, where Ei is a com
of a singular fibre on Xi, for i = 1,2. Also, by (c), &(-Y) intersects E1
non-positively for almost all P e E2. Therefore &(-Y)IDj cannot be
above form. This implies (, and the lemma follows. n

2.7. The analytic torsion q~q(O) can be regarded as an appr

logue at an infinite place of the degree of the torsion part of Rqc
finite place. The purpose of this subsection is to prove suitable analogues of
(2.6.1) and Lemma 2.6.2 above.

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The proofs in this subsection closely follow the methods of Bismut and
Vasserot ([Bi-Vi], [Bi-V2]).

Let M be a Kihler manifold of dimension n. Let -/ be a metrized

complex line bundle and let E be a metrized complex vector bundle on M. All
constants in this subsection will depend on M, a, E, and the various metrics.
Let Aq, d denote the Laplacian on AO' q( E ? _yd) and let A'q d be the restriction
of Aq d to Ima @ Im d*. Let q, d be the zeta function of Aq, d. Then, via the
Mellin transform, one can write

ts Tr[exp( tAqd)]

for Re s > n. Also let

d-n + 0O0 t dt
(2.7.1) tqd(s) = r f tS Tr exp dqd)

Then clearly

d -q AdS() = d sqdd(s)

and therefore

(2.7.2) d Ad(O) = -(log d) qd(O) + eqd(O)

PROPOSITION 2.7.3. (a). For any d E N, 0 < q < n, k E N, there is th

asymptotic expansion

d- [ Tr ( -xdp - )] ak +
j= -n

as t -O 0, with o(tk) uniform with respect t

(b). For anyj ? -n, 0 <q <n,

aqdj = aq j + 0 ) Fed as d -> oo.

Proof: Part (a) follows from [Bi-V2, (14)] and the remark immediately
following (19). Part (b) follows from op. cit. (19). Note that these parts of [Bi-V2]
do not depend on the assumption that the curvature of y/ is positive. M

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Also, by (b), one can replace the o(tk) in (a) by O(tk+1) and still have the
uniformity statement. It then follows from (2.7.1) that

;d(5) = f | ts d Tr[exP (A)] -- -a' a t

s + 0O0 t dt
+ FF(s
-+1 +
tsdn' Tr exp(
1)11P d -q,
d t
+ q~dS EadJ+ aq,d,o

F(s+ 1)j=n s+j F(s+ 1)

converges in a neighborhood of s = 0. Hence

(2.7.4) , d (?) = aqdO.


t 0 dt~~
(2.75) '() d- "Tr expf - -~ ) Af- a i
(2.7.5) gq~ ~~~~~~pdd(O)
+j d-nrTr exP( - -A d)]-

+ E q, da j _qa d OF(1)
i =-n Xi

We can now prove an analogue of (2.6.1).

PROPOSITION 2.7.6. There exists, a constant C such that, as d o

( f~~? _+d-Cdn

- q, dlog
j=- j=J
Proof. By Proposition 2.7.3, there exists a const
t E= (0,1],

( d-n Tr expt--Asd T )]- raXdJ <C

Henche first integral in (2.7.5) is

term is nonnegative, and the rem
Proposition 2.7.3(b). Likewise by (
d ( o; therefore ( follows by (2.7.2). )
The remainder of this subsection will prove a corresponding upper bound
on 2 d(A) in the case n = 2. This will again use (2.7.5), and will proceed as

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before except that an upper bound on the second term is needed. For this, it
suffices to find a lower bound on the first eigenvalue, as the following lemma

LEMMA 2.7.7. Let M, n, q, d, and A'qd be as above, and assume that the
first eigenvalue Aq d of A'q d satisfies the inequality
( Aq d db- bo

for some constants b1 > 0 and bo 2

for all t 2 1 and all d E N,

( d nTr[exp( - A'qd)] ? C'exp( - b 0jt)

Proof: We have

d nTr[exp(-jAfqd)] ?dn Tr[exp ( ,d )Iexp(-(t- 1)(b -

By Proposition 2.7.3, the first factor on the right is bounded; let C' equal this
bound times ebi. The lemma is then immediate. M

PROPOSITION 2.7.8. Let M be the product C1 X C2 of two compact con-

nected Riemann surfaces. For i = 1,2, let ,ui be a normalized measure on Ci,
and let pi: M -* Ci denote the projection onto the ith factor. Assume that the
Kihler form on M is the (1, 1) form pi /L + P2A2. Finally, assume that for each
fibre F of P2' /1F is a positive metrized line bundle whose metric is admissible
with respect to pt1.
Then there exists a constant C such that as d -o,

( ;2,d(O) < Cd2 log d.

Let KM denote the canonical line bundle on M, metrized via the Kihler
metric. For an arbitrary metrized complex vector bundle E on M and 0 < q < 2,
let Vq(E; s) denote the zeta function of the Laplacian on AO, q(E). Then for all
s E C, by duality ([G-H, p. 101]),

vq(E; s) = ;2-q(KM ? Ev;s).

Thus, replacing E with KM ? E v and -Z with -Z v, it suffices to prove an
analogue of ( with 2 d(A) replaced by ;4 d(A) under the assumption that
-/IF is a negative admissibly metrized line bundle, for all fibres F of P2*
We begin the proof with a few lemmas. Note also the similarity between
this proof and the proof of Lemma 2.6.2 (or, better yet, [V3, Lemma 2.3]).

LEMMA Let C1 be a compact connected Riemann surface with

positive (1, 1) form pul, defining a Kihler structure on C1. Let E (resp. aZ) b

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complex vector bundle with hermitian metric (resp. metrized complex line
bundle) on C1. Let N0 be the curvature VE2 of the holomorphic hermitian
connection VE on E and assume that the curvature of -/ is -donut for some
fixed do > 0. Fix d E N. let f be a non-zero section of AO' 0(E ? _/d), and let
AOd denote the Laplacian on AO '(E ? _Zd). Choose a basis w for the tangent
bundle TC1, such that ,uj = -1dw A diT. Let
A - - Ki is


( (AO, df, f ) ? (2rddo - {{ [NO, A]11)(f),

where [ , ] denotes the Lie bracket.

Proof. Let Nd E A "l (T * C) 0 End(E 0 _Zd) be the curvature of the

holomorphic hermitian connection on E 0 jd; we have

-lNd= -1No Id d-2w ddoI l 0 IdE

By the Bochner-Kodaira-Nakano formula (due in this form to Calabi and
Vesentini, [C-V, (2.17)],

AOd =AOd + [Nd, A]

= AOd+ [NO, A] - 2wdd0[/t1, A]

where A0 d is a nonnegative elliptic second order operator,

[t1, A] = -1.
The lemma then follows by the definition of I[No, A] I. U

Also note that, since C1 is a curve, [No, A] = -ANo is equal t

function f(x) such that NOWx) = f(x)l),u1.
We now resume using the notation of Proposition 2.7.8, and also for
x E C2, let Fx denote the fibre of P2 over x. Let Ad X be the Laplacian
on AO '((E x /d)IFX), using ,ut for the KUhler form on F,. Also let
do = -deg(A Fj)
COROLLARY Let f be a section of AO ?(E 0 _Zd ), Then there exists a
constant C, independent of d and f, such that

(Ad xff) 2 (2 7Tddo - C)Kff).

Proof: Let A be as defined in Lemma and let No x be the curvature
of EIFx. Then II[No,, A ]II is a continuous function of x; taking 2 'nC to be its
maximum then gives the result, by ( D

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LEMMA There exists a

of A0 d on AO, 0(E ? _Zd) satisf

Aod ? 2wdd0 - C.

Proof. Let fd be an eigenfunction of AO d with eigenvalue AO d. We

also assume that Kfd, fd) = 1. Then

AOd = (K*Dfdfd)

Kfdx afd).

Let z1, Z2 be local coordinates on M arising from the product structure, so

Zi= pZi for some coordinate Fi on Ci, i = 1, 2. Then, writing

di =dii A d-

we have

a = di + d2'
Now, by the choice of the KUhler metric, we have dz1 orthogonal to dz2
(pointwise, in fact) and therefore

( AOd = (dfd, dlfd) + (d2fdd2fd)

Now, note that (by the choice of KUhler metric on M) the hermitian
pairings on AO q(E ? _Z d) (on M) and AO q((E ? _Zfd)IFx) are related (respec-
tively) by the formula

( 7 71 >= f K'77IFx, 77'IFx )2


Thus, by ( and the definition of AdXx

( Aod ? f (d, x(fdIFx),fdIFx)A2.


Also, by the assumption that (Kfdd) = 1,

( f fd IFxXIdIFX) y2 = 1. 2

The proof then concludes by (, (, and Corollary

Proof of Proposition 2.7.8. We use again the expression (2.7.5). By (,

the first term in (2.7.5) is bounded from above by C0. Lemmas and 2.7.7
give an upper bound for the second term, and the remaining terms are bounded

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as before by Proposition 2.7.3 (b). Thus ;4 d(?) is bounded from above; the result
then follows by (2.7.2) and (2.7.4). El

LEMMA 2.8. There exists a constant

(Yr + bV)3 > 0

ifb > cjx4r/5 and r> 1.

Proof. We note that V2 = 0. Also F 2 is supported on fibres of Pi; therefore
F1A' -= F3 = 0. Likewise F 2A' = F23= 0. Finally,

V(A' + a1F1 + a2F2)2 = [K(B):Q]Yr2

= 2[K(B):Q]5.

(Here Yr2 is an intersection pairing on C x C.) Therefore,

(A' + a1Fi + a2F2 + bV)3 = A'3 + 3a1FjA'2 + 3a2F2A'2 + 6

+ 3a a2Fa F2 + 3aja 2FjF 2 + 6[K(B)
Since aia2 = g + 8, a, = al(r) = 0G(C), and a2 = a2(r) is bo
(A' + a1Fj + a2F2 + bV)3 ? 6[K(B): Q](5b - cj\ )
This proves the lemma. O1

PROPOSITION 2.9. For i = 1

generic fibre Ci and let q:
exists a birational morphism
on W is derived from norm
pi: W -) Xi (i = 1, 2) be def
Assume also that:
(a). The intersection number (Y3) > 0;
(b). The restriction of Y to the generic fibre C1 X C2 of q is ample;
(c). The desingularization W -* Xi X X2 has fibre dimension at most one;
(d). For all closed points x e X2 fin and all components Z of the geometric
fibre of P2 at x, M(Y) IZ has nonnegative degree; and
(e). For all u: K(B) -- C and all x E C2 c, the restriction of Y to thefibre
over x is pkl-admissibly metrized.
Then for all sufficiently large integers d (depending on Y, ,u , and p2), the
divisor dY is linearly equivalent to an effective arithmetic divisor Z on W such
thatfor all complex embeddings o- of K(B),

(2.9.1) IIZII12 ,r ? 1.
Before giving the proof, we note that this result implies Theorem 2.2.
Indeed, let do be an integer cancelling the denominators in Yr and b; then

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apply the above result to

Y = do(Yr + by).
By Lemma 2.8, condition (a) holds, and the other conditions hold by construc-
We also note that the semi-stability assumption on X is used to show that
condition (d) holds. Moreover, note that condition (e) is an archimedean
analogue of (d).

Proof of Proposition 2.9. For d > 0 let Zd = &W(dY). Then application of

Theorem 2.5 with A= W and E = efw gives
2 1d3
(2.9.2) E (-1)t degL2 Riq 4 Ad+ -2 Tr ,(Zd ) _ (Y3) + 0(d 2).
i=O 2 'r 6
This is an analogue [V3, 2.1.1]. As in that case, the strategy will be to prove an
asymptotic lower bound for degL 2 q This will be done using conditions
(a)-(e), in order.
First of all, by (a), the right-hand side of (2.9.2) grows at least as fast as a
positive multiple of d3.
Next, as in the function field case, we check that the higher direct image
terms do not affect (2.9.2) adversely. Indeed, as noted in (2.6), condition (b)
implies that (R'q*? =4)fi is a torsion sheaf on Spec R for i > 0 and d suffi-
ciently large. Hence (2.6.1) applies; furthermore, by conditions (b)-(d), so does
Lemma 2.6.2. Analogously, at the infinite places, Proposition 2.7.6 holds; more-
over, by (e), so does Proposition 2.7.8. Thus (2.9.2) becomes

degL2 q*,Zd ? -(Y3)6 + 0(d2 log d).

degL 2 q* -d,r, b
- +00

rank q +r0
as d becomes large. By a generalization of Minkowski's second theorem (e.g.,
[Bo-V, Th. 3] or [VI, 6.1.10]), there exists a section of qua dr b (and thus a
section of y4,r b) satisfying (2.9.1).

3. Choosing rational points on C

Except for a few minor changes in normalization, the first half of this
section is identical to the function field case, but we will repeat it for the
convenience of the reader.

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PROPOSITION 3.1. The set of K(B)-rational points of C can be partitioned

into finitely many subsets (depending on y and 8) such that if P1, P2 are two
rational points lying in the same such subset, then the corresponding divisors on
X satisfy

(Ep1.Ep )
(3.1.1) [K(B): Q] 1 2

-2( Vg-+8 + y + )(h-c2)(h2-c2) + C3

where h1, h2 denote the heights of P1, P2, respectively, and c2, C3 ar
depending only on X.

Proof. From the known structure of Num(X), it follows that for

point P on X, the corresponding divisor EP satisfies

(3.1.2) E 2 /B + [K(B):Q]h (w/B) F+F'+D,

2g-2 (2g -2) 2
where h E R, F' is composed of comp
and D is an element of Jac(C)(K(B)), Jac(C) denoting the jacobian of the curve
C. We choose D orthogonal to all fibre components and fix the constant h
by choosing F' and D perpendicular to &oX/B. Thus

h = (E..X/B)/(2 g - 2) [ K(B): Q]

is the height. If P1 and P2 are two rational points, then we also write F
D1, D2, h1, and h2 for the quantities associated to E1 = EP, and E2
(respectively) via (3.1.2).
By (3.1.2), it follows that

(3.1.3) (E1. E2) = [K(B):Q]hi + [K(B):Q]h2

_2 (4B) + (F;.F2) + (D1.D2).

(2 g - 2)2 (1 )
We also have the adjunction formula for Ei:

(3.1.4) (Er2) + (Ei.wx/B) = ?

for i = 1, 2. Substituting in (3.1.2) gives

(3.1.5) (D2) - (XI/B) -2g[K(B):Q]hi- (Fi'2).

(2 g -2)2

Now let us consider the divisors Fi'. Since the intersection numb
lies in the range [0, 1] for all components Cj of singular (non-archimedea

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of X, it follows that Fj' lies in

is bounded from below, say,

(3.1.6) (F '2) ? -[K(B):Qlcf;


(3.1.7) (Ff.F2f) < [K(B):Q] c.

Now let

(3.1.8) 2 gc2 = c + (t2/B)/(2g -

(3.1.9) C3 = C3- (X/B)/(2g-2) [K(B):Q].
Then (3.1.3) and (3.1.5) become, respectively,

(3.1.10) (E1.E2) <h+h+ (D1. D2) + c;

[K(B):Q] 1 2 [K(B): Q] 3;
(D 2)
(3.1.11) [ K(B):Q] ? 2Qg(h -c2).
LEMMA 3.1.12. Let 0 be an angle with 0 < 0 < wr/2. Then the set of
K(B)-rational points of C can be partitioned into finitely many subsets (depend-
ing on 0) such that if P1, P2 are two rational points lying in the same subset, then
the following inequality holds:

( (Di. D) < -(o02 2)(D 2).

Proof. It is known (see [C, Theorem 5.1(ii)] or [LI, Ch. 5]) that (D1.D2)
equals minus twice the canonical height pairing of the corresponding points in
Jac(C)(K(B)) relative to the theta divisor. In particular, this gives a cartesian dot
product on the finite-dimensional vector space Jac(C)(K(B)) ? R. Now, follow-
ing Mumford ([M] or [LI, ?5.8]), we can partition the set of K(B)-rational points
of C into finitely many subsets such that if two points P1, P2 lie in the same
subset, then the angle between D1 and D2 is at most 0. Then ( holds.
See also [V3, 6.3].

Returning to the proof of Proposition 3.1, let

0 = arccos(( g + 8 + -y + Ig
(cf. (1.1)). Then (3.1.1) follows immediately from (3.1.10), (3.1.11), and (

COROLLARY 3.2. If, moreover,

(3.2.1) h2 ? h1> 2( + y +8)


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(and therefore hi > 0), then (3.1.1) can be replaced by

[K(B): Q] h1+ h2-2( g+ + hth2 +c3.

The proof is an exercise in algebra.

COROLLARY 3.3 (Mumford). Let

2[K(B):Q] c~xc
If P1 * P2 and

h2 2 hi > 2 Vg + 8 + y + a)C2 + co + C3
2h1 2 2(gg+8 + y+8-)I
then the ratio h2/hl is boundedfrom below by a constant > 1 dep
X, 'y, 8, and hi.

Proof. Indeed, the intersection number in (3.1.1) must be greater or equal

to -c0. 0

Remark 3.4. Mumford's result has a counterpart in the Thue-Siegel-Roth

arena known as the "gap principle."
Now, assume that P1 and P2 are distinct, and let E denote the irreducible
curve on W given by

E = pp*El.p2*E2

On the generic fibre C X C, E corresponds to the point (P1, P2). Also, let s:
B -* W be the section of q whose image is E.

Remark 3.5. Note that neither divisor Ej passes through a double point of a
fibre of XT; therefore W is isomorphic to X XB X in a neighborhood of E.

We want to intersect E with the divisor Yr from Theorem 2.2. Instead of

using higher dimensional arithmetic intersection theory, however, we find it is
simpler merely to work with the numbers deg S*-Idrb. Also let si: B
denote the section of wr corresponding to Ei, and note that by properties o
Arakelov intersection theory, (Ei.t) = deg st*-f for all admissibly metrized
invertible sheaves -z6 on X.
At times it will be more convenient to use arithmetic divisors instead of
metrized invertible sheaves; therefore we define the degree of an arithmetic

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divisor D on B: let

degD= E ord D log#k(v) + 2gd(o)

vEBfin 01

(Cf. ( In pa
in the support of some D E Z(W), then deg j * D is defined. If moreover 1 is
the canonical section of &( D), then also j * D = (j * 1) and the degrees of both
coincide with deg j * ( D). We define the corresponding notions for arithmetic
Q-divisors by linearity.
From this discussion and from Proposition 3.1, it follows that

degs*A (E1.E2)

[K(B):Q]= [K(B):Q]

< hi + h2 -2( g+ 8 +) Chh2 + C3;

deg s *F1 (EPCwX/B)
= = ~~~~h
[K(B):Q] (2g-2)[K(B):Q]
deg s*F2

deg s*V


deg s *A' -
[K(B):Q] ? 2 (+ + h)h2 + C3.
Let -r 1 be any positive number, and let r be a number satisfying the
rationality assumptions of Section 1 as well as the condition

h2 h2
(3.6) <_<
h1 h (1 -


(3.7) h2 < rh1;

h 1h2 ? Vrhl(l - q
Let 72 be any positive number
role of the numbers mqj is not cr
will be taking the limit as j -*

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From Theorem 2.2, it then follows that the divisor d(Yr + bV) is linearly
equivalent to an effective arithmetic divisor whose Green's form satisfies (2.2.1).
But also

(3.8) deg s*e&(d(Yr + bV))

[K(B): Q]

< dVr(2hVg + 8 - 2( g + 8 + y)(1 - 71lh

+c1/8 + (C3 + 2)l4)

< -dVr(2(y - 771g)h, - cJ/8 - (C3 + 2)l4)

If 77m is small and if h1 and h2/h1 are sufficiently large, then this is negative.
One would like to conclude from this that the global section y corresponding to
the above arithmetic divisor vanishes along the irreducible curve E. To do this,
however, we need an upper bound on II y(P1, P2) 1II instead of a bound on the L2
norm. For the purposes of the rest of this paper, we will therefore work with the
sup norm,

IyVIK 11 sup =*y( )Il.

(E C1XC2

We have, trivially,

IIYIIL2,cr < IIyIIsup,u.

Unfortunately, what is needed is an inequality in the opposite direction. This

will be proved as the following purely analytic statement. A similar result was
obtained independently by Gromov [G-S4].

PROPOSITION 3.9. Let C be a smooth complex curve of genus g, with

normalized volume form ,t. Given do > 0, there exists a constant c4 = c4(C, d0)
with the following property. Writing C1 = C2 C, assume ?t is a metrized
invertible sheaf on C1 X C2 such that, for each point P E C1 (resp. P E C2
AYp71(P) (resp. -zfIp2j1(P)) is an invertible sheaf of degree d2 ? do (resp
d 2 do) with admissible metric. Then for every global section 1 of ,

11111SUP < C4||dld21lIL2.

Before proving this, we will prove a lemma on just one copy of C.

For each point P e C we can find a real number p > 0 and a holomorphic
isomorphism j = jp: Dp -> C of the disk of radius p with a neighborhood of P

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on C such that

j*i1= (Z) 2 dzAdi,


1 ?(z) < 2.
In the sequel, we will write such statements as

(3.9.1) dz A d- < ? < Tdz A dz.

By a continuity argument, p can be taken inde

(3.9.1) that p < 1.
The following lemma will also be used in Section 4.

LEMMA 3.9.2. Letf be a real function on DP, which can be written in the
form f(z) = If(z) 12f2(z), where f1 is holomorphic and f2 is positive, real, and
smooth. Also assume that for some integer m there exist integers il,... im and
real constants b ,..., b., such that
( ddc log f < (b1IzI2i,-2 + +b mIZi2im-2)

x dz A di.

Then for all s < p',

( f f(se >) s >s2nexP( _bm52I

X hlm f(z)
Z-*O IZI2n

where n = ordzo(fl).

Proof: Let fo(z) = f(Z)/ I Z 12n; by assumption this can be extended contin-
uously to z = 0. Let

h(s) = -f| log fo(se'6)2

Standard estimates show that h(s) is well-defined and continuous also at th

values of s for which f has a zero on the circle Ss of radius s.
Recall that the formula for dc in polar coordinates is
4 a r a
dc = r- o do- - - o dr.
4,rr dr r do

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Let nf(s) be defined as the number of zeros (counted with multiplicity) of the
holomorphic function f1 in DS, and let n0(s) = nf(s) - n. Then, for all but
finitely many values of s,

h'(s) = - dc log fo

2 ddc log f - no(s))

by Stokes' theorem. Thus

h (s) = -( ddc log f-no(s)

2 IZ2i- +1i T2
< -f (b1IzI2i'2 + ... +bmIZI2im 2) 2 dz A dz

2wTb s2i?-1 2WTbm S2im-1

il t~~~~m

and therefore

,Trb S2i, 7T b s2im

h(s) < h(O) + 1?.2
+ b *i* m
t1 m

Now let

S 27r T. dO
g(s) = fo(se26) 2
By concavity of the logarithm,

log g(s) 2 -h(s);


g (s) 2 exp ib2 i- Wb i)

After application of some definitions, ( follows.

COROLLARY 3.9.3. Let C be a complex curve and let 1 be a section of an

invertible sheaf - of degree n > 0 on C with admissible metric I II. Then for

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all P E C,

11111L2 > 1 2n
- exp(-2wn IIl(P)II.

Proof: We may assume l(P) is nonzero. Let j = jr: DP C b

coordinate patch described earlier, and let

f(z) = IIl(j(Z))112.
By assumption,

-ddc log f = nf */L

< 2n dz A dz.

Since ordZ=_ f = 0, the lemma implies that

g(s) ?f(0)e -221rns2

where as before

2W T. dO
g(s) = ff(se26) 2

f =2wfsg(s) ds

2wTf(O)f se-27ns2(ds
2 Jo

2 f() 22e-2rrnp2

But also

I|lIIL2 ? fj*/2|f
Dp Dp

Combining these two inequalities then gives the corollary.

Proof of Proposition 3.9. This now follows directly from two applications of
Lemma 3.9.2, once on each factor Ci. The value of c4 is given by

4 1 - exp(- 2wTdOP2)

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Returning now to the section y, assume that y does not vanish along E.
Then s * y is a nonzero section of s *fj(d(Y, + bV)) with nonnegative multi
ities at all the finite places. At the infinite places, (2.2.2) and Proposition 3.9
imply that

(3.10) - logls * y l -log c4d

(where c4 is the maximum of cf,,/g + 8 over

deg s*y

(3 .11 ) ~~[ K ( B):Q 4]

If the right-hand side of (3.8) is negative, then for sufficiently la
smaller than the right-hand side of (3.11), a contradiction. Thus, for d suffi-
ciently large, y must vanish along E.
Ultimately, the constant C4 will disappear in a limit.

4. A lower bound for the index

In this section, we will use similar techniques to produce a lower bound for
the index. Instead of using a covering construction as in [V3], however, it is
easier to work directly with certain coefficients. I thank the referee for suggest-
ing this approach.

PROPOSITION 4.1. Let y be a global section of y = 0(d(Yr + bV)) with

IIYIIL2,cr < 1

for all u: K(B) - C. Let t = t(y, (P1, P2), dal(r), da2(r)). Then there exis
constants c5, C6, and p > 0, depending only on C; integers al, a2 satisfying
a1 a2
+ = t.
(4.1.1) dal(r) da2(r)

and a global section a(a) = aal, a2 of t

(4.1.2) :=a) := x p*&(-a1P1) C p2*/(-a2P2) E

such that for all u: K(B) > C, the metric IIa(a)IcT satisfies the inequality

(4.1.3) logIIa(a)IIca < c5da1(r)t + wrdP2(a1(r) + a2(r) + C6)

- da1(r)t log p + log c4d.

Proof: Let x1 and x2 be local parameters on C1 X C2 at (P1, P2), as in

Definition 0.4. Then the completed local ring &W E of W at the generic point f
of E is isomorphic to k[[x1, x2]]. Let yo be a local section of -Z which is regular

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and nonzero at A. Then y/yo

(4.1.4) y = Yo E bi1 2x 1x12.

By the definition of the index, there exists (a) = (a,, a2

such that b(a) * O.
For all closed points x E Efin for which the functio
nates for pi(x) on Xi, we have dw x -OB q(x)[[X1, X2]]. I ' A A

nonzero at x, then expression (4.1.4) specializes to dew x; therefore b(s) C

By the assumptions on E c W, for every x E Efin there exist choices of x1,
x2, and yo satisfying the above conditions; checking the behavior of b(a) as
these choices change shows that the b(a) patch together to form a section
a(a)(= b()Z1aZa2 yO) of the sheaf _Z(a)
The hard part consists of proving (4.1.3). This will be accomplished using
Lemma 3.9.2. Therefore, fix some oa: K(B) - C.

For the rest of this proof, we assume that all objects C, At, y, etc. are
implicitly complexified via v.

Since there are only finitely many a, the constants c5, c6, and p resulting
from the following argument can be made independent of ar.
From the proof of Proposition 3.9, recall the holomorphic coordinate
patches Jp: DP -* C (P E C); also let j1 = jpl and j2 = jP2 Let yo be a fixe
holomorphic local section of -Z in a neighborhood of A, with llyo(f) I = 1. Then
in such a neighborhood,

Y(jl(Zl), j2(Z2)) = Yo(jl(Zl)) j2(Z2))b(Zl, Z2)


O(Z1,z2) = E bizt12

for some b(E) e C. Let el, e be positive even integers with e2/e1 = r. Then, for
-y E C, let

4Y (z) = p(Zel, (yZ)e2).

Letting n = dal(r)elt, we then have

1 An

n ! , y ?^(O) = f3nYn + I3nly'n-l + . +. .

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Jb(n-i)/ejii/e2 if el I n - i and
O otherwise.

In particular,

P e2a2 (a)'

Hence we may easily show, using contour integration, that there ex

with IyV1I = 1 such that

1 an 2
(4.1.5) 11b(,l < n!)2 f0n*(O) |
There exists a constant c5 such that for all P E C,

lim (g(pj,(z)) + logIzI2) < 2c5.

For i = 1, 2, one can regard zi via ji as a local section of e( - Pd), having norm

IIzi(P.)J1 = lim IZ12

? e2c.

I1a(a) ?12 < e2c5dal(r)t Iba 1 2

e 2c5dal(r)t an 2
(n!)2 -Z n ?Y(0)
by (4.1.5). Letting

fy(Z) | yl(Zel), J2((YZ)e)) 2

we then have

fy(z) 1 an 2
(4.1.6) lim Iz 2n = (!)2

2 11a(X) 112 exp(- 2C5da l(r) t

We still need an inequality of type (

(4.1.7) - ddc log f(z) = (all(z) + a12(z) + a21(z) + a22(Z))

X dz A dz

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aii(z) = d d - log Y(Z1 )2(Z2 ) e)1

J Zl=Z2=Z

By (3.9.1),

(4.1.8) a1l(z) < 2wrdal(r) e IzI2e,1;

a22(z) < 2rda2(r) e2IzI2e2-2

Decreasing p if necessary, we may assume that there exists a constant c6,

depending only on C, such that for all P1, P2 E C and all z1, z2 E Dp)

dzld2 2 g (jP1(zJ) iP?(z2)) < 7Fc6.

(Using the known expression for ddcg [L2, II, Th. 3.3], one can take c6 = 4g,
but we will still use c6 to preserve generality.) Then

Ial2(Z)I < wrdc6 . ele21Izel+e2-2

and likewise for a21(z). Therefore

(4.1.9) - ddC log f(z) < 2 d(al(r)e2Iz12e-2 + c6ele2 zjel+e2-2

+a2(r)eI2 e22 dz A dz.


Recall that, by assumption, e1 and e2 are even; also, since e1 < e2 and VI = 1,
f, is defined (and the above bounds hold) for Iz I < p' = pl/ei. By Lemma 3.9.2
and (4.1.6), it follows that

1Y112U 2 ? sup f(z)

zE=-DP, dO
? lim sup ff(se?6)

,2n ( 1 ( ~~~~4c e e2 ofel+e2 (,e'

? p exp -2wad al(r )pf~e + + a2\rjpf
(el + e2)2 2

*Ila(a)112 exp(-2c5dal(r)t)

2 p '2n exp( -2rdp2(al(r) + a

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Therefore applying (3.10) and taking logarithms give

logIja(a) 112 < 2c5dal(r)t + 2wrdp2(a1(r) + a2(r) + c6)

- 2nlogp' + logc2d2. E

PROPOSITION 4.2. Let y be a glob

IIYIIL2,u ? 1

for all C: K(B) - C. Then there exist constants c5, C6, and p > 0,
only on C, such that the index

t = t(y, (P1, P2), da1(r), da2(r))

satisfies the inequality

(4.2.1) Vrg + 8 ((2g - 2)h1 + c5 - log p)t

? 2(y - rq1g)hl - c1/8 -(C3 + 2
+ wrp2(ai(r) + a2(r) + C6)

+ (log c4d)/d)/1 .
In order to make this expression a little more palatable, we note th
r, h1, and d become large and - 1 becomes small, the bound for t appro

(g - 1)Vg + 8
In Step 5 it will follow from Dyson's lemma that one must have

/g+8 lrj

If 8 is sufficiently small relative to ry then this yields a

be discussed in more detail shortly.

Proof By (3.8), the adjunction formula, and (3.6),

deg (a) < -dVr(2(y - 1lg)hl - c/ (C3 +

[K(B):Q] / C 2)V
+(2g - 2)(a1h1 + a2h2)

< -d\/;(2( y - 7lg - t(g - ()c3g + S h

-Cl/ - (C3 + q2)l4)

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But also, by Proposition 4.1,

deg _Z?<)_ deg a(a)

[K(B): Q] [K(B): Q]

2 -c5da,(r)t - wrdp2(a,(r) + a2(r) + c6)

+ da1(r)t log p - log c4d

2 -d(tv/(g + 8)r (c5 - log p) + wrp2(a1(r) + a2(r) + c6

+ (log c4d)/d).
Combining these inequalities and solving for t give (4.2.1). E

5. Application of Dyson's lemma

We continue with the notation of the preceding section; also, for simplicity,
we now assume that 8 < g/8.

PROPOSITION 5.1. The index t = t(s, (PF, P2), da1, da2) satisfies the

2 25 2g - I
(5.1.1) 8g + 2r
Proof It follows from the m

(dYr)2 a2
(5.1.2) f(t) f~<2d
2 + 2 2ala2
where f(t) is defined by

f(t) f dzdz2
Z1 +Z2< t

By (1.3) and (1.4), the right-hand side of (5.1.2) simplifies to

8/(g + 8) + (2g - 1)/2r;

therefore f(t) < 1/2 and so t < 1, f(t) = t2/2. This then gives (5.1.1). E

COROLLARY 5.2. If the right-hand side of (4.2.1) is nonnegative, then

2(^y - 1g)hl - c1/8 - (C3 + 2 + wp2(al(r) + a2(r) + C6))/'

(g g + 8((2g - 2)h1 + c5 - log p)
28 2g- 1
< +
g+8 r

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Notice that the term (log c4d)/d has dropped out of this expression:
nothing else depends on d, and we may take d arbitrarily large. Moreover,
nothing depends on 77l or -2 except r, which tends to h2/h1 as -* 0.
Therefore, taking limits of both sides as i -* 0 gives

( 2yh1 - c1/8 - (C3 + wrp2(a1(r) + a2(r) +

(5.3) ()+ 6)4
Vg + 8 ((2g - 2)hl + C5 - log p
28 h
< + + (2g- I)-

Assume that, in addition to (3.2.1), h1 also satisfies

(5.4) h1 ? max( 2 /-(c1/8 + C3 + wp2(2

(g - 1) 28

C-5log P( 4y2
2g - 2 (g _ 1)25 }

Then, provided the quantity inside the square is positive, (5.3) becomes
y-(g-_1)28/2y Y 285
(5.5) <(g-1 g+8 g+ + 2

2 + (2gl 7h
(g-_1)2(g +8) <g +85+(2g h2

(5.6) 8 = (2g -2 )2

Then (5.5) is justified, and it becomes

h21 <2g -1)(2g -2 ( 2 + (g 22

In summary, we proceed as follows for the proof of Mordell's con

Choose a rational ry > 0 and choose 8 by (5.6). If this choice is sufficiently
then (1.1) holds. There are finitely many rational points P on C whose he
fail to satisfy (3.2.1) and (5.4). Partition the remaining points into sub
Proposition 3.1. If one of these subsets is nonempty, then let P1 be a

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that subset; let h1 denote its height. Then any other point P2 in that subset has
height h2 satisfying

(5.7) h2 < h1 max((2g-1)( ( g 2 + I __( _____

Indeed, for all -rj1 > 0 there exists a value of r satisfying (3.6) as well as the
rationality restrictions of Section 1. If (5.7) does not hold, then (1.5.1) holds,
and one then finds a global section y of &)(d(Yr + bV)) for some d > 0 and
b = c1Vr/8 + r,2, deriving a contradiction in steps 4-5 if mi are suffici
small. Thus the points in each subset have bounded heights; since there are
finitely many such subsets, the same is true of C(K(B)). Theorem 0.2 then
follows since a curve has only finitely many rational points of bounded height.
This proof is ineffective because, for any given subset, we are unable to
determine whether or not it is empty.

6. A little more effectivity

In Sections 6 and 7 of [V3], some generalizations of the function field

analogue of Mordell's conjecture are stated and proved. These results are valid
as well in the number field case. We will state them here without proof, as the
proofs are analogous to those presented in [V3].
This section gives a bound on the number of rational points of height larger
than a certain value, and discusses how one might compute that value.

THEOREM 6.1. Let r denote the rank of the Mordell-Weil group of the
Jacobian Jac(C) of C. Also let

+ 8 + y + ) 2y(C1/8
(g - + C3+
1)28wp2(2Vg + + C6))

15(c5 - log p
2g-2 8)'

max 2max (2 g -1

rmin(g8 gg+8 ? '+Y) -(+ ))

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Then the number of rational points on C whose height excee

2r log rmax
sinri 0 cos 0 log rmin

The values of rmax and rmin can be given explicitly; for exam
one can set

g - Vg

and 8 is known by (5.6).

Of the constants in hmin, it is possible to compute a value for p, but the
constants c1, C2, C3, C5, and c6 require that the Green's function g be known.
As is noted in [Sz, ?2], however, in practice the Green's function may be difficult
to compute. On the other hand, note that we only need g for C itself, instead of
for all curves obtained from C via certain Kodaira-Parshin constructions. We
also do not need the Arakelov constant from loc. cit.
An easier way, however, might be to drop the assumption that pt is the
canonical volume form, and the curvature assumptions on g. Instead, embed C
into projective space via some multiple of its canonical divisor Kc. Then pulling
back the Fubini-Study metric to C gives a metric on Kc whose curvature form
is positive. We take this as the definition of (2 g - 2)pt. Now, in place of the
Green's function, take any smooth function g: (C X C \ A) -* R satisfying the
growth conditions along the diagonal.
Now we check that the admissibility assumption is not essential to the proof
presented in Sections 1-5.
1. In the application of Lemma, we let E equal the restriction of
MM(dd0'/ A (g + )r ) to F. Then the constant C in Corollary will also
be multiplied by ddo/ V(g + 8)r. Then C will be independent of r, and in
Lemma we will have Aod ? 27wddo(1 -C/ (g + 8)r). In Lemma, we can then take b1 = 2wrdO(1 - C/ (g + 8)r ) and b0 = 0, provided
r > C2/(g + 8). Thus, we need to ensure that rmin > C2/(g + 8).
2. In Section 3, let M(E) be metrized via g. Then the adjunction formula
holds up to a constant.
3. Also in Section 3 we need to compute the canonical height pairing on
Jac(C) relative to the theta divisor. This can be done by choosing a metric
relative to the theta divisor, and bounding the difference between the height
associated with that metric and the Neron-Tate canonical height by standard
methods, e.g., [Sil, VIII, Prop. 9.1].

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4. In Corollary 3.9.3, and again in (4.1.7), we use upper bounds on

-ddC log f, which need to be determined independently of admissibility condi-
tions. For example, when finding an upper bound for (4.1.7), the constants 2 in
(4.1.8) are replaced by other constants, which then appear in the expression
(4.1.9) and other expressions derived from it.
With these changes, the proof will still work.

7. Algebraic points

This section gives a result for algebraic points on C of bounded degree.

Let P be an algebraic point on C and let Hp denote the corresponding
horizontal divisor on X. Let s = sp be the degree of the field of definition of P
over K(B). In other words, s = (Hp.F), where F is a fibre of wr. Then let

Hp. (Hp + (OX/B)

[ K(P): Q]

In the function field case, this is related to the arithmetic genus of Hp; si
in the number field case, it is related to the discriminant of K(P) plus
contributions coming from the singularities of Hp. For points on P', it e
(2sp - 2)h(P) + 0(1).

THEOREM 7.1. Fix E > 0 and s E N. Then, as P varies over all algebraic
points of C of degree sp < s,

(7.1.1) (2g - 2 + 2s - 2sVfg)h(P) < (1 + 8)da(P) + 0(1).

Proof See [V3, Theorem 7.2]. E

Remark 7.1.2. Condition (7.1.1) is vacuous unless s < + 1.

Remark 7.1.3. We have

( da(P) ? d(P),

where d(P) is defined in [VI] as

d(P) = log DK(P)/Q


Thus (7.1.1) is a weaker case of Conjecture of [VI]. Unfortunately,

because of the discrepancy (, this would be insufficient to produce weak
forms of the abc conjecture and its consequences.

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Remark 7.1.4. For rational points P, da(P) = 0 by the adjunction formula;

therefore Theorem 7.1 generalizes Theorem 0.2.



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(Received July 10, 1989)

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