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Rhina P.



My top five picks

Telephones made communication so
Telephone much easier. We can connect with
people from a distance with minimal
effort and misunderstanding.
Automobiles transport people and
Automobiles goods to other places. With this
invention, people won’t need to walk
for miles to reach their destinarion.

Light bulb has been called the most

Light Bulb important invention. Without it, there
will be no nightlife.

Electricity powered almost all of our

Electricity modern conveniences. It is a form of
energy we need for just about

Computers are very useful today. As

Computer most of the tasks in almost every
industry have been automated, more
tasks and products can be
accomplished in less time.
Inventors and their Inventions

Inventor Invention
H- Karl Benz A. Mechanical Printing
I- Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen B. Bacteria
E- Thomas Edison C. Powered Airplane
A- Johenn Gutenburg D. Dynamite
C- Orville and Wilbur Wright E. Commercially practical light bulb
B- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek F. Telephone
J- Auguste and Louis Lumiere G. Bifocal Glasses
G- Benjamin Franklin H. Petrol Powered automobile
D- Alfred Nobel I. X-ray machine
F- Alexander Graham Bell J. Cinematograph

F- Igor Sikorsky A. AK-47

G- Blaise Pascal B. Hot Air balloon
D- George William Manby C. Cornflake breakfast
E- Richard J. Gatling D. Fire extinguisher
I- Samuel Morse E. First successful machine gun
J- Dmitri Mendeleves F. Helicopter
B- Montgolfier Brothers G. Barometer
A- Mikhail Kalashnikor H. Atomic Bomb
C- John Harvey Kellogg I. Telegraph
H- J. Robert Oppenheimer J. Periodic Table

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